Saturday, November 15, 2014

Like Our New Header?

What do you think of our new header? We are grateful to our web designer, Rachel, for her beautiful work. Rachel is a friend of the Duggars and is a member of the talented Wissmann Family Gospel Band. (Click here to visit the Wissmanns' website.)


  1. absolutely love the new header! great job rachel! i can't imagine what you'll have to do when the grandduggars start arriving this year. thank you, lily & ellie and rachel, for all your hard work on this blog and updating the pictures.

  2. Love it! Nice to have recent pictures up there, and she did a great job of making it cohesive, which is not easy when you've got that many different pictures to work with! Just not 100% fond of the picture of Jim Bob and Michelle since it's not representative of the way they usually look. But beyond that the new header is great!!

  3. Happy Birthday to Justin! We have the same bday :) so cool i share a birthday with a Duggar

  4. Nice. I like the updated photos, but I like it better by the ages rather than familial groups, although I can also see the point. I just enjoy seeing those beautiful smiles. God Bless them all and all of you who continue to bring them to our lives.

  5. Nice!, but I think there are better pictures of Jim Bob and Michelle, as well as Justin. Very nice though

  6. I really like the new header! It looks fresh and up-to-date. There is just one thing I would want to change, another picture of Josie, one where she smiles and look right into the camera (if possible) :-)
    Thanks for a great site!

  7. Absolutely beautiful. Awesome. Especially Michelle and Josie.

  8. I love it! I really enjoy the candid pictures (the posed shots were nice too, but these show off more of their personalities). :)
    - Leanne

  9. Totally sweet, precious, and awesome! Great header! Love it! Absolutely love it!

  10. Hi from England. The new header looks nice although I think the original blue background you had was better. I like the new photos except Michelle and Jimbob don't actually look like that normally that was done for a special occasion so a more natural shot would be better, Derick looks more handsome in more recent photos than the one you have used and little Josie seriously looks like she's having a bad hair day! Other than that great job.

  11. This looks great! The pictures are beautiful.

  12. I love, love, love it. MIchelle looks so beautiful. Great job.

  13. Love the new header!!! Like the order of Josh and Anna kids after them, rather than after Josie, too!!

  14. I absolutely love the new header! Thanks for all you guys do:)

  15. I love it so much!! Thanks for updating the pictures because the had grown so much since the last headshots!!

  16. I think it's great! Just wondering how you are going to fit in each new grandduggar ( because there will be a lot of them:) ).

  17. Great job Rachel and thank you ladies for updatng the pictures. They were all so much younger in the old pictures. Smart idea to put the grand babies next to their parents.But you can't really see Jill and Derick's faces, but other than that great job. Thank you again for keeping us all updated about this wonderful family. God bless you both. (I would like to know if you have any recent pictures of Jill and the baby bump those pictures were lovely)

  18. It looks very nice! Dawn from TX

  19. I love it. I was just thinking the other day that the old photo was really out of date. Michelle and Jim bobs picture is very nice. Michelle looks younger somehow. Pretty lady.

  20. I love the new look of the header! Great job Rachel!

    I have a couple suggestions:

    A) Changing Mackenzie's picture, because she is squinting and looks like she is tired.
    B) And Josie's, as it looks like she just woke up with bed head
    C) Johanna's picture is a bit blurry
    D) Too much light on Derrick and Jill's faces :(


  21. I liked it how it was better, I do not like the background or the pics or how Josh and Anna's kids are next to them

    1. Soo.... basically you hated every part of it? Because you pretty much critisized every part of it.

  22. You did a great job! I would probably have picked better pictures of Josie, and Derick and Ben. They are sort of bad hair-day pics. Also it seemed better having al the grand-Duggars at the very end. Love the pics and everything else!

  23. It looks very nice. Just wish the pictures were update to this year. Rachel you did an awesome job on it.

  24. Dear Lily and Ellie,
    I love the new header! I think it's one of the best, and has great pictures of the Duggars! Rachel did a wonderful job of design ing it!
    Love in Jesus,

  25. Love it...but I wish you would use updated pics of jill and Derick and Ben and Jessa

  26. The names are a little hard to read and the colors aren't as bright and easy to see...I kind of miss the old banner

  27. Like the new header, with exception of Michelle and Jim Bob's picture. Could have been a better one. Glad to see updated pictures of everyone, though.

  28. It looks nice! The only thing I don't like is the picture of Micelle an Jim Bob. It just doesn't look like them...

  29. I think it looks great. Rachel, you did lovely work! :-)


  30. Love the new header! I love the new pictures of the Duggar children.

    Lilly and Ellie,
    You guys have an amazing blog!

  31. While I appreciate your efforts, I like the old header better. The new one has too much green and yellow tones, some of the photos are grainy, and Michelle's photo is not as attractive as she is in real life.

  32. I think it looked a little better when (most of) the pictures were all uniform because they were shot at the same time, but it's great to have updated ones! Thanks for all the work you do to keep this blog current, ladies! Also, I think you need to consider keeping the-how do I say this?-internal families together in pictures. In other words, Josh and Anna and their kids should all be in the same picture. It's going to get way too big and confusing with all the grandkids coming down the pike.

  33. okay, just went through like 4 of those anti robot letter things to get my comment through... way too hard to tell what letters they are! Maybe reconsider this?

  34. Yes, I love it.Thank you for the up date.

  35. Two thumbs up for the new layout. Love the beautiful smiling pic of Grandma.

  36. Nice! The Duggar girls are beautiful, and the boys… well, they're cool, too. :) Love this family, so godly and so worth following they're example!

  37. I love the new header, it is so gorgeous. Its so nice that the pictures are updated.

  38. I love the new header ...... I also love how the pictures are instagram pictures ;)

  39. I really like your new header. But new colors do not match to the rest of blue site.

    In contrast to official Duggar family website you are always on time with family uptades. I think it's a shame, that on their website Josh and Anna still have only one child and Jill and Jessa are unmarried. Michelle writes sometimes something on her blog so why header and "family info" section are not updated for years? Just look at Bateses official website - the family photo include Michaella soon-to-be-fiancee, while the Duggars still have only one grandkid, according to their site.

  40. I think I like your old one better:/

  41. I like it could have waited until Jill had her baby boy.
    on the birthday page you could add third column make it like a family tree, which will be like the new header or new icon link family tree

  42. I love it! So neat!

    ~Mary B.

  43. Its a change from the old one but I think I like it. Thanks for updating it!

  44. Soon there won't be enough room for all the Duggars grandbabies.

  45. The header looks great! I personally haven't heard of this family till I clicked on their site. One common denominator that all these mega families have is that they are so beautiful! Every family member from Duggars, Bates etc.....are all super friendly, kind, and good looking! I only have two children and always wonder what it could be like to have a mega size family. And if I would regret when I'm much older not having more children.....God bless them all!

  46. I LOVE IT!!!!!;) Beautiful job!

  47. love the new photos!

  48. so great...i was hoping they would post updated it!

  49. It is absolutely stunning! I was wondering if sooner or later that the header would be up to date with each of the Duggars. I'm quite impressed on how Rachel used some of the amazing pictures we had seen before and used them for the new header.

  50. I love it! It's fabulous! Looks so great!

  51. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUTE PIC OF JORDYN AND MARCUS!!!!!!!!!

  52. Love it! Very clean and fresh!!

  53. I love the updated, candid picks but the not color scheme. It classed with the soft blue background with its camo colors.

  54. It's absolutely lovely. Thank you for all your hard work :)

  55. Great job on the new header:) What an attractive family. Thanks for this blog; I enjoy the thoughtful comments by readers and the updates on Duggar happenings and events. I'm sure a lot of hard work goes into doing a blog like this, and I really appreciated it!

  56. LOVE it! I was hoping they would update it soon, especially since all the little kids have changed so much. Thanks, Lily and Ellie!

  57. Cute I love it!!! Love Josie's hair! When are you going to post a picture of Jill and post it?!?!?!?!?!?!

  58. It's great!! I really like it! And I like that you took into consideration what some people were saying about the header and how it should be set up... Humble sisters in Christ indeed!!!!

  59. I was actually wondering just a couple of days ago when the blog was getting an updated header :-)

  60. It's GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  61. Nicely done. The updated pictures are very nice! I like how Josh's family pictures are all together now.

  62. I love the new header! The pictures are beautiful and the set-up is perfect!

  63. I liked the old one better but the family looks great. And so happy happy for Ben and jessa ♥

  64. I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD JOB!!

  65. I LOVE the new pics!!!!!!!!! I love you guys with all my heart!! "The blessing of the Lord be upon thee, I bless thee in the name of the Lord!!" (Psalms) In Him, Sandra Phillips ps. keep on sending me blogs, pics, anything you can..I am a true fan!!!

  66. It looks great. I only have one comment-although Mary Duggar loves being a grandmother, shouldn't she be identified by her name?

  67. I dont think Jim Bob and Michelle liked their makeovers too much so I would not have used that photo! And Justin looks a tad sweaty!

  68. @Angela

    I agree with Angela... I preferred the grouping by age rather than family group. Love the new photos though and the colour way. Congrats to Miss Rachel on her good work.
    Lake Lili

  69. Great job, Rachel!!!

  70. Liked the blue color in the old blog best brighter and more cheerful


  72. Looks great!

    Thank you for all your efforts

  73. Grandma looks fantastic in this picture! Perhaps you could find a different shot of Michelle and Josie. Josie's picture, especially, looks too washed out.

  74. I love it! Rachel did a great job. And its also nice to finally have updated photos:) - Sarah

  75. I miss the old one. Although this one is nice too many neutral tones and its harder to see. I also don't like how it doesn't go by age anymore.

  76. I think the grandkids should be in one pic with their parents. It is going to get out of hand'll be one long page of just the pics to scroll thru lol. It would keep the "original" family members in order that way too.

    Ultimately though I'm just thankful for the blog and whatever you choose to do is up to you. I'll be here no matter what the header looks like. ;-)

  77. I love it!!!!!!!! Best one yet by far!!!!!!!!

  78. Surely Mackenzie and Josie are more attractive than your pictures. Please update.

  79. I really like the the new banner (Rachel did a great job), but I'd make a few minor alterations to complete the new look. I would change the main background color (the outer "frame") to the darker green of the banner and the text background (center portion) to the lighter green. The light/darker blue clashes with the green. The main headings for the posts could be done in the darker green or even the brown of the header. Jill & Derrick need a new photo--the current one is overexposed and blurs their sweet faces. I also agree with some of the other posters that Michelle and JimBob's photo isn't really representative of their present look and would like to see something recent of them. Thanks for asking for the readers' opinions!

  80. Only since you ask...I'm fond of the new header. I like that the pictures are updated, but I preferred the uniform pictures that were all taken at the same time. Some of these candid shots are excellent, some are not. The pic of Jim Bob and Michelle does not represent who they are at all. The color scheme doesn't really match the rest of the blog. And I'm not sure how to do the grandchildren, but I do not like them being immediately after the parents. Family just a family pic for the individual families or maybe as the family continues to grow you could have some sort of family tree to show the grandchildren. This is all just my opinion. I LOVE this blog, and think you do an excellent job! Just sharing my thoughts on the header since you asked. It's just not as pleasing to my eyes. ThankS!

  81. Can't u find a more recent picture of Josiah? but other than that I love it.

  82. So happy you changed Derick and Jill to Jill and Derick. It just seems like a family blog should have the biological children listed first. I love that you used random pictures for the header but Johannah's is a little blurry. It's funny cause it looks like Jinger's hair is going over into Joseph's picture.

  83. just curious why people are so FOCUSED on the families LOOKS! GOD doesnt care what we look like as long as we BELIEVE! Majority of comments are that way, why?Love 1 another as I have loves you! know matter how you look. Esther Graber mennonite mom of 13 huntsburg ohio God is GOOD

  84. I just knew it! I was sure that some folks would find fault in the header. Can't y'all just be thankful that we even have this site?How about making your own header when you have your own site dedicated to the Duggars and see if you can do better.I apologize for those people...I however appreciate all you do.Sincerely,Linda

  85. GREAT JOB LADIES!!!! Nevermind the nitpickers.

  86. I wouldn't expect to see them in this picture but what about Michelles family. I didn't see any reference to them at either wedding and the special moment with grandma Duggar and Michelle I thought we might see one with Michelles mom. maybe she and her kids aren't that close with them. Were they at the weddings?

  87. Its ok, but the green does not really go with he rest of the blog and i would change the pic of Josie. the One of Mr. and Mrs. Duggar. the one of jill and derrick and the one of justin! but besides that i think its fine

  88. The heading looks nice and you do a great job with the blog. The picture order is odd though. Either group the families together (Josh & Anna WITH kids) or do birth order (like you had it previously - this would be best). Maybe just put the parents' name under the grandchild's name for clarification. If you keep it the way you have it now, and Josh & Anna have 19 of their own kids, you will never even get to Jana or the rest of the original family...

  89. Its so crazy how much Jana...Joy Anna...and Johanna look Alike and there names are all so close too....Beautiful girls...actually all there children are so nice looking what a wonderful family and Enjoy them so much

  90. please post a better picture of Josie
    Thank You

  91. McKynzie looks just like her mom and Anna's mom in this pic. Love the pic of Jana! I have been wondering what they are going to do with the monogramed girl's beds. Are they leaving the original girl's name like Jill and Jessa on them and adding below the name of the next girl getting the bed? Are they going to put the name of the next girl getting the bed on them alone?

  92. It's a great header, very good quality!
    But since you asked, I would probably make some pics differently - Joy's face is very big, for the pic, way bigger than faces of others on other pics. Maybe it could be resized to be the same size as others. Compare her head with Jana's or John-David's, they are not the same size. Also John--David is not a clear pic. I probably would also suggest to make a slightly different background for children and for grandchildren. We obviously know who is who, but it would be nice to see those "tree branches" in different color. At least, my opinion.
    Anyway, great work!

  93. I love the designing background but I think you should fix jessa and bens picture and the grand kids picture

  94. love the new header

  95. Liked the previous one better. This one does not match the webpage design

  96. I like that Josh and Anna's kids are next to them, instead of way down at the bottom. It makes more sense to me to keep the families together.

  97. I love the new photo layout and that the couples names start with the Duggar member (ex Jill and Derick). And I love the grandkids right next to the parents. I like the more recent photos too, except for Jim Bob and Michelle. There are better ones to choose. But overall, very nice and I was ready for an update. Thank you!!!!

  98. I was wondering if there has been any pictures with Michelle's family and the kids. Were they at the weddings?

  99. Love the new header. But their is just one thing. The picture of Jordyn doesn't not look like here at all it looks like someone else. Jordyn has a duggar face this picture doesn't.

  100. Love it Rachel, just one tiny thing, is there a better picture of Josie?

  101. Are there 19 kids or 22? I am a fairly new Duggar fan and am confused!

  102. Like the new header - looks great! Especially nice photos of Mrs. Mary Duggar and Jana, who I think takes after her grandmother in a lot of ways, lovely, kind, gentle, but firm when she needs to be, but always in a loving way. Sweet family!

  103. I like this header, similar to the last one.
    Suggestion for the next time you change it, probably after the next grandkids come, have the Duggar kids with families all in one picture. This will help in the future with having so many grandkids and not enough room for them. Also with this idea, you don't have to have the professional photos just a nice family one and then it can be updated as the kids age easier.

  104. I like that you have got the photos all updated! It is great! The only problem that I have is that the cover is a lot more MODERN looking. I also like it when the photos are all taken at the same time and at the same place but I know that that is difficult! Great job on this blog by the way, Lily & Ellie!

  105. Everything but the pic of JB & Michelle, def. not the best pic, esp. since that was taken when they "dressed up" for fun for their anniversary. Please put in a better pic, there has to be lots to choose from.

    There could be a better one of Josie too, and one of Jer WITHOUT a hat (kind of tired seeing Duggar boys in ballcaps & newsboys), not to mention I think Jer has the BEST hair out of all.

  106. I agree with previous posts regarding colour, more uniform pictures and birth order. please update!!

  107. I like little chanes like Jill's name before Derek, and updated pics but I do miss the uniform pics. Personally with the growing family I do think grandkids need their own section or have them in the order of age but underneath each name put the name of the parent. That way it is known who is a sibling and who is a grandkid as well as showing birth order of the grandkids.

  108. I love this header! It shows each person's individuality which I think is great. I'm not a fan of posed portraits with matching outfits; I like real smiles and expressions that actually reflect each person's personality. I also like that you grouped Anna and Josh's children with them. The old way was confusing, with the children mixed in with their aunts and uncles. Rachel did a fantastic job!

  109. Hi Readers,

    Thanks for your comments. :) The Duggars have not taken individual family portraits since spring of 2012. We wanted to update the header for you all, so we had to find other pictures. We are grateful to Rachel for her beautiful work.

    Lily and Ellie

  110. As this family grows, and it will grow rapidly, it will become impossible for this family to all get together at the same time. I don't think all jobs will be working for Jim Bob (Ben) and most will be off the Duggar compound (Josh in Washington and Derick at WalMart) and private companies/corporations don't allow for as much time off and for as much travel as the core Duggar family does. The majority of families plan their travel around one to two week vacations. This will surely be a Duggar adjustment, but one they can make. They will have to adjust that the world does not accept Duggar time either. Duggar time may be a cute catch-phrase to the Duggar family. To me, Duggar time is total disrespect for others.

    1. To all complainant about runnjng "Duggar Time" Itvis not meant disrespect of any sort, the whole Duggar Time thingbis just simply the impossibility of timing far enough ahead to get their large family out the door on time. Notice they have grown better at being on time? this is because there are less and less people living at home and most importantly less rambunctious little ones. Being late for family events, etc. I figure is just a part of having a large family (I am the oldest of 4 kids, all into their teens now and a single mom and even we sometimes are late or barely make it out the door on time, and my sister and I both have special needs)

  111. I see you changed Jill and Derick's pic. I didn't care for the one you had up originally as the headband in Jill's hair made her look alittle childish. But this one definitely doesn't do Jill justice. My favorite pic of these two is their engagement picture where they are standing next to a fence or something of that sort. I like Jana's picture too as we rarely see her with that type of hairdo. She looks classy as ever. Joy Anna now looks her age and it brings out her beauty as well. I must agree however on Mckynzie's pic that it doesn't really look like her. She is an adorable, beautiful girl, there has to be another photo available. Other than these, Great Job!!

  112. I am so glad you made the banner more up to date. I love Josh and Anna followed by their kids then the couples then the other fam members. More accurate in my opinion. Great job guys! God bless you Jill and Derrick on your wedding and upcoming birth. Congrats Jessa and Ben, and my God bless you both as well. Enjoy your new chapters together!

  113. great job updating. KInda wonder if you should make the size of the grandkid's pics a little shorter to indicate that they belong to the preceding parents. When looking at it with the grandkids on the top line it all looks too uniform. Shortening the grandkid's pics could help show the generations.

  114. I'm not sure that Jordyn's photo is actually her. What do other people think?

  115. ya I do but I think you should get Jason's picture updated he doesn't look like that anymore.

  116. Are there any pics with Michelles family and the kids?

  117. I think we all understand that but there have been better ones taken than the ones that were used. For example the WEDDING pics!! Why not a big wedding picture?

  118. @LizaG

    Hi LizaG,

    Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have 19 kids. Their oldest son, Josh, has three kids, and their second oldest daughter, Jill, is expecting a boy in March.

    Lily and Ellie

  119. I'd love an update on how the buddy teams are doing without Jill and Jessa. Is Joy-Anna enjoying her new role? Who heads Jessa's former team?

  120. LOVE the new header/banner! Pretty soon we'll be adding Baby Boy Dilly's precious little mug! Thank you for the wonderful blog. I LOVE THE DUGGARS!!! Tara, Chandler, Arizona

  121. love it the header just change and jessa and bens picture

  122. Anonymous 139

    I agree with you I don't dont think thats Jordyn picture either. I think it was some kid that was at Jills wedding say she was a duggar just to get it to the picture.

    Please changes Jordyn picture.

  123. Can you put Grandma Duggar's first name in there? It seems weird that everyone is called by their proper name and she's 'grandma' - She's an individual!

  124. I really love seeing the updated pictures of everyone. However, it seems like some of the kid's pictures are too close up. In my opinion, the header would look nicer and not as "busy" if the pictures were cropped more like Jana, John-David, and Johanna's pictures. Their faces would be smaller, but they would stand out more with their faces framed by the background and the header would be nicer.

  125. I think it looks great.

  126. Hi! I loved the color scheme and the updated pics. I preferred the birth order because you can see the overlapping of families. Maybe a monogram in cursive script could indicate the grandchildren and the family they belong to like J&A for Josh and Anna. Also, Josiah's picture is goofy as he is making a funny face and Jeremiah wearing a hat looks odd in the banner since you can't see the face. I think some of the people who like the uniform look may be placated if you use a similar mask on the photos so that the lighting/tone of the picture is the same. That is something you can control as opposed to official family portraits. While I do like Jill's new pic, the background color in the pic clashes with the color of the header.

  127. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 121,

    Michelle's family attended the weddings. We had a nice chat with her oldest sister at Jessa's wedding.

    Lily and Ellie

  128. Thank you for changing some of the picture! The one of Jim Bob, Michelle, Derrick and Kill and Johanna are MUCH nicer! Thanks!

    Just a quick question though, was it stretched? It looks like everyone's faces are slightly distorted now.

  129. Your hard work is greatly appreciated. I liked the old banner with the professional pics and same background. These pics are nice for a collage. The old pics all had the same "tone".

  130. Miley 148
    Did you mean to say anonymous 140 not 139.

  131. Mackenzie is so cute. Could you get a better picture of her please.

  132. Oui , Une belle prėsentation de votre belle famille !
    Bravo !
    With love from Québec, Canada
    Brigitte Estelle Gaudreault ♡♡


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.