
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wedding Countdown...Tonight on TLC

The current season of 19 Kids and Counting is progressing quickly, and TLC plans to air Jill and Derick's wedding by the end of it! On tonight's new, hour-long episode, watch as the Duggars finish the final preparations for their daughter's big day. Tune in next week to see Jill Duggar's bridal shower and meet the babies she has delivered while working as a student midwife. 

Oct 14, 9:00pm ET PT/8pm CT
Wedding Countdown!
With only one week to go, the Duggars are counting down the days until Jill's wedding! From securing a rehearsal getaway car to filling up the couple's new home with furniture purchased at a local auction, this super-size family is in full-on wedding mode.
Oct 21, 9:00pm ET PT/8pm CT
All About Jill
Jill Duggar is about to become Jill Dillard! See her very special bridal shower, where she spends time with the mamas and babies she's met through her work as a midwife. Could the next shower for Jill be a baby shower?


  1. I am sooo disappointed in TLC this season, they really dropped the ball for sure.First of all this wedding stuff should have been wrapped up after the first few hour long specials and then aleast grew closer to real time.There was so few episodes about the other family members and what they did have was just plain silly.Its like they dragged their feet at put in ridiculous things like Ben cleaning toilets .I know that us loyal fans who have been watching sinse day one could give them better show ideas.I just cant believe that this SHORTseason will end with the wedding when its already Jessas turn.So that means next year it will be more of the same, a whole new season with Jessas slow wedding progression and tidbits of the family.Im just frustrated and scared that these poor choices of TLC will be the downfall of it all.So pleease, i implore you fans, contact TLC and ask for changes...that is if u see fit.Sorry for the rant, i just truly love this family so.Godbless all:-)

    1. I agree! It has been dragging on far too long and I am losing interest

    2. I agree with you completely

    3. I agree too. I watch " little people big world" and have already seen Jeramy and Audrey's wedding. The Duggar wedding should have been done long before theis. I love the show and I know why they drag it on ...ratings and people will tin in every week to watch....

  2. Cant wait to see the show!

  3. This. Is. Very. Dragged. Out. I'm really bored of all the wedding prep...TLC made a poor choice here...I should just wait til the actual wedding...and then wait another 6 months or so for Jessa's...can't stomach another season of mundane wedding prep.

    1. I am SO with you on this one. Do it well or don't do it. Who's lame idea at TLC was it to drag this on so interminably???

  4. This is just anti-climactic as this wedding has occurred already long ago and she has warp sped through to a child being expected already. TLC really needs to do a better job with Jessa's situation and air a two hour wedding special DURING November like they did with the Roloff wedding which aired only 10 days after the event itself. Just not interested very much. I hopt we don't have to wait until next fall to see Jill's child she will already be expecting #2 by then!

    1. I know, right? How is it that they showed the Roloff wedding so soon after it was taped and it was on the same network as the Duggars. This snails pace might just backfire and fans will lose interest.

  5. Hi Lily and Ellie!
    Will TLC be including Jessa's engagement in this season, or will that not be until next season?
    Thanks so much! I appreciate y'all! :)

  6. OMG! All the fans have to wait two more weeks until they can watch Jill and Derick's wedding day. Why in the world did TLC have to wait sooo long to air it when fans have been waiting all summer and now the first month fall to watch it. Plus it airs just four days before Jessa and Ben wed. Hopefully TLC won't make fans wait until the end of winter/beginning of spring to watch Jessa and Ben's wedding.

  7. I sure hope Jill and Derick got a new mattress...and didn't have to buy used! Because I think that would be gross.

    1. LOL same exact thing that I thought

  8. The above pic is really kind of embarrassing. I feel bad the girls were asked to pose with such goofy expressions!

  9. I wait for the wedding

  10. I love the faces in the picture - especially joys =) Can't wait to see the wedding.
    Just wondering if you will be posting the episodes that aired last week? Or, do you know where they are posted?
    Thanks for so much for doing this blog =)

  11. Is Jill Duggar still working as a student midwife now that she is married and pregnant herself. Than You.

  12. What will Jessa Duggar be doing after she is married? Thank You.

  13. Are Jana and Jinger Duggar working? Jana as a midwife and Jinger as a photographer? Thank You.

  14. Finally! I feel the the season was longer than their engagement :/. I hope they don't do the same thing with Jessa and Ben. I was beginning to lose interest.

    1. If they do, ratings will take a nose-dive! That we'd probably be the end of 19 kids.. will probably do specials or attempt a spin-off to keep the money coming.

  15. Soooooo excited for tonight!!! Cccccan't wait! Bring on the tissues.:-)

  16. I wish i knew the reason why i am so much more excited for Jill than Jessa.I just cant get on bored with Jessa/Ben and i dont really have the answer for that, something just dont add up.I do wish them well though.

    1. Thats is so strange, i was just saying the same exact thing to my friends and they said the same thing also.Maybe things will change once we get to know him better.Sometimes it takes longer for some people.

  17. The face Jinger made cracked me up! And Joys too!:)

  18. What premarital counceling book do they use?

  19. @Anonymous

    Hi Hannah,

    TLC hasn't announced when they will air Jessa's engagement, but stay tuned! :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  20. @Anonymous

    Hi Hannah,

    TLC hasn't announced when they will air Jessa's engagement, but stay tuned! We will let you know when they announce it.

    Thanks for being a loyal reader. :)
    ~Lily and Ellie

  21. I think the picture of the sisters looking at the ring is precious.

  22. If TLC is smart, they will rearrange their TV schedule and air Jessa's stuff during November and conclude with her wedding prior to Thanksgiving...we also don't need such detail as Jill was fluff and fill nonsense!

  23. I hope TLC is a fan of this site so they see all our furstrations, or better yet lets make them aware.Seems like the majority of all us fans are on the same page.

  24. I have always enjoyed watching 19 Kids and Counting, but this season has not been as good as ones in the past. Even my young daughter said she was a bit let down. I hope TLC reads your blog and choses a different approach to Jessa's wedding. I think three episodes would have been enough: one with picking the dress, one with wedding prep, then the wedding.

  25. I love the Duggars, that's why I come to this blog. Because this site cares about them as people and not exploit them as some sort of sideshow because they are Christians and they have a large family and they are modest and they don't believe in kissing and such before marriage. My problem is with TLC and how they exploit the family. With regards to Jill's courtship and wedding, that should have perhaps been a two part special in the summer months shortly after the fact. Something like a Duggar Family Wedding... However, taking it all season, and waiting so long to air the wedding was wrong. This family deserves a better presentation. I'm also unhappy how they presented Jessa and Ben more like sidekicks to Jill and Derrick rather than their relationship being a sweet presentation of itself in it's unique situation. Jill and Derrick's love story is very special, but so is Jessa and Ben and I don't think they are represented in a romantic way. They have Ben looking more like a hired hand living in a room on the estate, rather than a mature young Christian man with goals and his beliefs. I don't even know the kind of man he is, except him being in a courtship with Jessa. Don't they have dreams other than having alot of kids, which there's nothing wrong with that, but there is more to them than just sidehugs and longing looks. People who are not Christian, and surfing the tv come on this show and see this couple, what are they seeing? TLC is not doing a fair job of how they present this family. I know it's "TV" and they are about ratings, but for those of us who actually care about these people, and not just watching to be entertained, or for those who watch and criticize, it's just disheartening on how this family is represented by the network. I only wished that the wedding would have been done in a better manner .

    1. We are all with you on that, why not send this exact statement to TLC, as i wish everyone else would do the same, and just maybe us fans can make a real change....we could all try.

  26. TLC needs to get on the ball and show these weddings as a special so we can see it sooner. A lot of people been waiting since June to see Jill ' s wedding and now Her sister's wedding is a couple weeks away.

  27. Does anyone know what belief system the Duggars adhere to for having children nearly every year of marriage? They clearly want tons of children. They say they want as many as God wants but they have declared they want lots of kids. Jill was even taking pregnancy tests just barely after walking down the aisle. How is that leaving it up to God? It really appears they are pushing for it. I have no doubt Jessa will be pregnant within the first few months of marriage. Jim Bob, in the couples new home, talked about grand kids already. Also, the Duggars provided their first home, were instrumental in getting their furniture, etc. I wonder if Derick would have liked to have been allowed to pick out those things with his wife without the in-law interference. Derick is such a nice guy but it seems he is being railroaded.

  28. Hi Lilly & Ellie
    I enjoy reading your blog updates - its nice too that a friendship resulted from your blog
    I too share the same sentiments as your loyal readers in regards to how TLC has decided to run these episodes- Duggar fans want more substance less silly fillers- I for one would be more interested in really knowing about Derrick....did he grow up w/the same values as Jill, what were his friendships in high school/college- was he too waiting for God's best? With Josh viewers got views of Anna's family and surroundings and siblings but w/the newer couples just snippets/brief glimpses- It was mentioned that Derrick was doing humanitarian work in Napal....could we elaborate on that...then it shows his mom coming home w/him during the Airport sceen w/again a mention that his family was doing humanitarian work there? Why humanitarian vs Missionary work? Maybe the vague dialogue is due to the big reveal of their own show! I think Jill and Derrick are God's best for one another- They both are so mature & ready for the next chapter in HIS story. Ready to serve where God calls them-
    I find Jessa and Ben painful to watch- seems very forced -but again maybe more substance and less silly banter- I agree w/#4 its painful to watch the Rolof TLC trainwreck but they did the wedding episode well- I just hope TLC doesn't cause a Duggar derailment- they are a wonderful family w/an awesome out let to witness God's love, grace and mercy- to one and all-

  29. I agree with most on this blog TLC is dragging the wedding details out much too long. The fans are very interested in seeing the Wedding we have been waiting 4 months now to see it. It kind of takes the fun out of watching it when it is shown so long after it really happen. We all would like to see Jessa and Ben ' s Wedding too but we don't want to wait months to see it. It seems like TLC could have the Wedding on a special episode to keep people interested.

  30. Anonymous 30 - you are absolutely right TLC does not promote Christian living, unfortunately. along with duggars there is honey booboo, 5 wives, etc

  31. This season is really disappointing. I am bored out of my mind and fast forwarding through more than half of each episode!! I really hope they show Jessa's wedding in November or December at the latest. I won't be tuning in if it airs in the late winter or early spring!

  32. I love the picture, Joy's expression is very funny =)
    Will you be posting the episodes that aired last week? Or do you know where I could find them?
    Thanks so much for doing this blog =)

  33. I love this family but i feel like there has been a change in values all the magazine articles, all the expense of this wedding i was surprised they did all this extra stuff why not buy a used dress. Starting to lose interest esp if next session is the same only with jessa. I hope tlc airs a two hour wedding special for jessa in nov.

  34. I hope they do a special episode with Jessa and Ben too. TLC has really put them in the back seat compared to Josh/Anna and Derick/Jill. Jessa is going to make a gorgeous bride!

  35. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 17,

    The Duggars recommend the "Getting Ready for Marriage" workbook. More information can be found on our Duggar Store page:

    Lily and Ellie

  36. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 10,

    YouTube/TLC have begun actively removing the newest episodes from YouTube soon after they are posted, and TLC recently asked us not to post the links to those episodes. (We are not the ones who upload the episodes to YouTube; that is done by other viewers.) The episodes are available for purchase for $1.99 each on iTunes and Amazon.

    Thanks for understanding. :)
    ~Lily and Ellie

  37. The best thing for TLC to do on the Duggar Wedding is to do a Special that is close to the actual Date. Same as they did with Jeremy Roloff's Wedding. These Wedding shows are for Ratings. And may I ask if Anna Duggar is expecting again? I think they should have a Duggar Grandchildren Show.

  38. I love the lead up to the wedding. Wished we weren't so far behind bit I wouldn't want to miss any of the shows leading up to the wedding. I do miss not seeing more of Jana. They need to showcase her more. Love this show. My favorite. B

  39. TLC is ruining 19 kids and counting if they keep it up fans will lose interest and the show will be canceled. I sure hope they speed things up a bit, maybe after Jill's wedding they will start speeding up the show.

  40. I agree with most of this blog. This season and wedding was way too drawn out. I would have even been happy with 2 two hour specials one with wedding prep and one the next week with the wedding but not this late in the year. I also agree with #48, I would definitely watch a new show that is all about the married children and their children along with the regular show. I do not agree that Jessa and Ben are not right for each other. I think they seem more real and natural together than Jill and Derrick do but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. They also have done the courtship thing a whole lot longer than than the other two as well. I really like Jessa and Ben together. I just really hope that TLC does not do another whole season of wedding prep, because along with everyone else, I was getting bored as well.

  41. I love this show.... I look forward to it every week. Its nice to sit back and watch how a real family should be. No smut, no fighting. Love it and hope it stays for many more years to come!


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