
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Video: Jill Loves Babies

Tonight on TLC, Jill reunites with some of the mamas and babies she has helped while studying midwifery. "She just loves...people, babies, relationships," Michelle Duggar says of  her daughter. "It's just Jill." Tune in at 9pm ET PT/8pm CT.


  1. is that the kind of commerical the wed sight wants to show. I think you need to re think that one that does not go along with the duggars valuve system.

  2. Jah love. Give thanks and praises for sharing this wonderful video of Jill and her sisters at the birth center with some of the babies that she helped to deliver as a midwife. I really love midwifery. And I am so grateful for all of the ones who have helped me with my pregnancies and deliveries. Congratulations to Jill and I hope and pray that she gets her license soon and that she is blessed with a bunch of her own babies too. Blessed love

  3. I am going to speak for many of my friends and family when I say we love the show but we are very very annoyed up to the limit at how TLC is dragging out the shows with very little new content and so much old footage. There is barely a few minutes of the show when they cut to previews of the next segment which are so unnecessary and annoying, then commercials, then another few minutes of the show with loads of talk about the past and clips from the past, when we have seen all the old episodes numerous times. We don't need to see Anna delivering nor Michelle delivering their babies in the new shows. We need to see Jessa and Ben's engagement! We need to see Jill's Wedding rehearsal dinner and Jill's Wedding! We need to see Jessa and Ben's wedding preparations and their marital home preparations! Where are Jessa and Ben going to live??
    It is all becoming too annoying to be so far behind on the shows with barely any content. Please please tell the family to do something about this.

  4. Dont you think the TLC folks are dragging this out a little too much?

  5. So sweet! It's all about Jill and Derrick but what about Jessa and Ben? They are suppose to be getting married next month aren't they?

  6. @Melanie

    Hi Melanie,

    Thanks for your comment. We have forwarded TLC the feedback we have received from readers regarding the slow progression of the show. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  7. @pretty girlI agree! I turned my head away, and I'm a lady! Not honoring to the Lord at all.

  8. She'll be a great mom!

  9. I also think the show is often too far behind the actual events. I would love to see Christmas episodes in the wintertime! Maybe they could add another season or some specials each year to keep up a bit. However, I think it is okay if they do not air many episodes of a courtship or engagement until later. One young man's wedding preparations were posted on a well-read blog, only to have the young woman change her mind shortly before the wedding. He did get married later on, but posted their story after the wedding day. It seems like it would be a lot of pressure to have a very public courtship/engagement and awkward if it didn't work out. I think Jill has been very gracious to share this special time with the viewers. While I also enjoy seeing the rest of the family's day to day life, the other kids may enjoy some time to just be kids or for the older ones to consider their futures while the spotlight is on Jill for awhile. Thanks for the blog posts!

  10. Cute, not too often we would see a scene like this! Co-operative good natured mom's!

  11. The video is not playing. love watching the duggars. In the uk and waiting for this week's episode to be released on YouTube. thank u for your hard work keeping us up to date.

  12. I do not know why people say this is getting dragged out too much. I say those are just negative Nancy comments. People who like home reno shows watch a the same version of the same thing show after show after show, same for many kinds of shows like cooking, sports, interviews with various people, etc. So watching the Duggars is no way getting dull and the same thing. Here we see a progression and the next exciting stages in the children's lives. It is wonderful and very interesting. There is never a dull moment. I for one am extremely thankful that there is this show on television amongst all the shows that are really not very interesting or nice to watch... This is of great interest to me and it is my favorite television program.


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