
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Recap: "Jill's Wedding"

Tonight on TLC...
19 Kids and Counting "Jill's Wedding"
  • It is the day before Jill and Derick's vintage-themed wedding, and more than 200 of their family members and friends have volunteered to help set up at Cross Church in Springdale, Arkansas.
  • "It's hard to believe Jill and Derick are getting married," says Jana. "This relationship has gone really fast."
  • The volunteers start by preparing 3,000 root beer floats, at Jill's request. The floats are stored in the church's walk-in freezer, but wedding planner Sierra returns to check on them and discovers that the door has been left open, and the ice cream has melted! 
  • Six hours before the wedding, Sierra decides to make 3,000 new floats. "That was the one thing my bride asked for, and she will get it," says the wedding planner. (Click here to read our exclusive interview with Sierra.)
  • While preparing for Jill's wedding, Ben tells viewers that he is planning to propose to Jessa soon. (Update: he popped the question on August 14th, and the couple will tie the knot this Saturday, November 1st.)
  • During the rehearsal, instead of Derick kissing the bride, Jim Bob plants a kiss on his daughter's cheek. The Duggars say Jim Bob has been very emotional leading up to the wedding. "He will have tears streaming down his face, but he will be smiling from ear-to-ear," says Anna.
  • When Jim Bob finds out that Jill is going barefoot on her wedding day, he jokes that before long, she will be "barefoot and pregnant."
  • At the rehearsal dinner, before digging into the meal planned by his family, Derick leads the crowd in praying for his mom, who was diagnosed with cancer at Easter. Cathy Byrum is too weak to attend the rehearsal dinner.
  • Guests enjoy brisket prepared using Derick's dad's famous BBQ recipe. The late Rick Dillard passed away while Derick was in college.
  • After toasts from family and friends, the Duggars show a reenactment video of Jill and Derick's engagement, filmed by Jill's younger siblings.
  • On the day of the wedding, Jill and Derick arrive at Cross Church with Joy-Anna as their chaperone. In just a few hours, the couple will be alone for the first time!
  • They head to the chapel for morning devotions and to call Derick's mom, who is feeling much better and is planning to make it to the wedding. "It really was a miracle that she was able to come," says Derick.
  • Jill and Derick defy tradition and help each other get ready on their wedding day. Jill cleans up Derick's beard before the two part ways to get dressed. While they dress, they continue to send notes to each other, employing Jackson as their messenger.
  • The couple meets before pictures for their "first look." With the camera crew and photographers ready to capture the moment, Derick stands outside, and Jill approaches him from behind and taps him on the shoulder. "You look absolutely amazing," Derick tells his wife-to-be. "You look gorgeous. I've never seen you so beautiful." Jill is glowing. "I love you," she responds. "You look so handsome."
  • Finally, the guests begin to arrive. Jill and Derick spend a few minutes with Derick's mom before it's time to head to the sanctuary. "That meant a lot to me that she could make it," says Derick.
  • The Duggars gather in the same spot where Jim Bob and Michelle got married 30 years before. As everyone is lining up, Jordyn is sitting along the wall crying. "I didn't want her to get married," says the second-youngest Duggar. Jim Bob consoles her, and the wedding is back on track. 
  • The rest of the family has left the room, and Jim Bob and Jill have a special father-daughter moment. "Do I have to give you away?" asks Jim Bob.
  • The bridal march begins, and the bride and her father enter the sanctuary. "Showtime," Jim Bob says to Jill as they walk through the double doors.
  • When the pastor asks who gives Jill to Derick, Jim Bob jokingly responds: "I do. No, her mother and I."
  • After a short sermon, Jill and Derick recite the same wedding vows that Jim Bob and Michelle recited 30 years before. Then, the couple exchanges rings: "I pledge here and now this solemn vow. With this ring, I thee wed. With loyal love I thee endow, so long as I shall live." Jill and Derick light a unity candle and pray together, and the pastor pronounces them husband and wife. 
  • The bride and groom share their first kiss before running out of the sanctuary.
  • The rest of the wedding party runs out after them. After walking up the aisle with Derick's friends, Jessa is stopped by Ben on the away out and escorted the rest of the way. Josh does the same with Anna, after giving her a quick kiss on the lips.
  • The family approves of Jill and Derick's first kiss. "Practice makes progress, is what I say," Michelle tells viewers.
  • "Practice makes progress, and progress makes babies," says Anna.
  • Jill and Derick enjoy a few minutes alone before joining the family for more pictures. "When I finally got to say 'I do,' it was still surreal for me," says Jill.
  • Josh shares two phrases with Derick that he says husbands should say often and with sincerity: "yes dear" and "I'm sorry."
  • Anna encourages the couple to "enjoy the little things because time is going to go by so fast."
  • Jason tells his sister and brother-in-law to "be fruitful and multiply."
  • John-David advises Jill to downsize her recipes.
  • The newlyweds spend a short time visiting with family and friends at the reception and then head off to South Carolina for their honeymoon


  1. It is my understanding that the whole not seeing each other before the wedding comes from the times when marriages were arranged for financial and political reasons and the families didn't want the couple to see each other out fear that something would go wrong and the wedding would get called off. It's totally not relevant anymore and I am glad that they bucked that tradition.

  2. Do we know when the last episode of the season will be?

  3. Did Jill and Derick walk out to the wedding march as well?

  4. IM SOOOOOO DISSAPOINTED! Boy oh boy did TLC ever drop the ball on this one.I love this family and have been with them from day one and I could have produced a better special.I was all prepared for the tissues.... Where were all the special moments with the sisters celebrating their last night together.There was very little heart to heart, that must have all been in private.The things they focused on were silly and meaningless. For the couple who were concerned about spreading germs to Derricks mom, they sure forgot about the germs and filth that would accumulate on the bottom of her feet...yuck.Ballet slippers would suffice and still be comfortable, I really hope she washed her feet before the honeymoon.

  5. The wedding was really beautiful and meaningful. It was really great to see Jill so happy with her marriage. The only disappointing part was how Ben as usual was being treated not on par with Derrick and the boys, but rather as an annoying employee- he was pulled by the tie by Jim Bob at one point, and had to watch as his girl Jessa was walked onstage with another guy. I sincerely hope that Jessa and Ben have as dignified and independent a wedding and marital home as Derrick and Jill.

  6. Wow, so happy to get a glimpse of Josiah, everyone else in the whole family talked with the crew except Josiah, why is that? He used to be the joker and the most talkative to the camera, what has happened to him, im really getting worried!

  7. Their first kiss was awesome to see. I love the way they threw themselves at each other for the first kiss! I love how they ran down the hallways to have some alone time after the ceremony!

  8. It was so beautiful! My mom and I watched together and we were both crying. I'm so happy Cathy was able to make it to the ceremony. How is she doing now?


  9. I cant believe that my favorite little Jackson acted that way, he was clearly miffed at all the running he had to do.Josh seemed a little jealous of the difference he treated his wedding to Anna.

  10. They did a much better job at kissing than some of the other first timers.:-):-):-)

  11. I am curious......where was their cousin, Amy? She was such a big part of their show and family. I know she moved to Nashville, but I really expected her to be part of the wedding party, or at least attend.

    1. I'm watching it right now (dvr) and they show Amy when Jill comes out to show the other ladies her dress before she shows her hubby. I believe they show Amy again after the wedding ceremony.

  12. I don't know if anyone noticed the flower girls as they sat on the steps. Mackynzie caused a little bit of laughter go through the audience when she laid back, and then Josie decided she'd had enough, and went to sit w/ her parents I guess, cause she went hurrying towards them. It was a long shot, so it was easy to miss if you weren't watching them.

  13. It says, "click here to see our interview with Sierra" yet, there's no link to click on when you hover over here.

  14. Usually I purchase the episode on iTunes or on amazon prime but they aren't up, Do you know where else I can find it?

  15. Do Lily or Elly know when iTunes will post the video? I can't see it yet! :(

  16. Not on iTunes yet! SOoooo disappointed, as I have yet to see it

  17. You know, I was afraid that this episode wouldn't be that special after seeing all the pictures and posts about it on this blog, but that wasn't the case at all. What a beautiful, unique celebration of love, both the love of the couple and the love of their families and friends!

  18. Jill was beautifull, but I still don't understand the bare feet. Why not at least wear flats?
    The first kiss was awkward, and running down the isle seemed rather immature to me, some of the guest looked like they were in shock.

  19. It was a beautiful wedding! So happy for Jill and Derick and excited to see Baby Boy Dilly's arrival in March. Excited for Jessa and Ben for their wedding this Sat/Nov 1st. May they be Blessed with a beautiful wedding day.


  20. this blog is great! does anyone know if this episode is posted online anywhere? i haven't seen it yet. thanks!

    1. You can purchase this episode on google play for $1.99 or the whole season for $22.99 I think.

  21. This was a super lovely wedding! KUDOS to their wedding planners. They did an amazing job! Jill and Derick are blessed!

  22. I loved watching the wedding on tv it was so sweet but one question why haven't you shown more things about Jessa and bens wedding you showed so much about Jill and dericks wedding we have no idea who is going to be in the wedding or what their invitation looks like.

  23. Lily and Ellie-
    Would you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try and find the episode on YouTube??!! It would mean so much to us who don't have cable :)
    I would really appreciate it!!!
    (Btw I'm 14 and my younger sister is 10 and we LOVE the duggars!!!

  24. I agree with the above post that we loved watching Jill's wedding, it was lovely, but we have not heard one thing about Jessas wedding plans and marital home plans as we heard about Jill's for months before her wedding. I hope that Ben is being treated with as much respect and dignity as Derrick, and I hope that they were given as nice a marital home furnished as Jill was, and I hope Derrick and the boys dragged heavy furniture for Ben, as Ben did for Derrick and the boys. And I hope they don't trash Derricks truck on the wedding day, just as they didn't trash Derricks. Please post this, as it is said with true concern for Jessa and Ben who are very very sweet and kind and deserve every happiness and independent married life as Jill and Derrick do.

  25. The float thing is interesting, that must have been a real bit of drama! But how do you make floats ahead? Wouldn't they get to be icky? Did they just put some ice cream balls into glasses and add the drink at the reception? I usually add ice cream to the drink to keep down the fizz. The number is laughable, 3,000 floats! It is almost unbelievable! I haven't seen the show yet, but I want to see that part as much as the rest.

  26. @Anonymous

    Hi Leanne,

    Cathy is still undergoing treatments to prevent the cancer from returning, but she is doing very well. She is looking forward to meeting her grandson in March. :)

    Lily and Ellie

  27. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 11,

    Amy was there. We had a nice chat with her. :) She sang a song during the reception, but it was not shown on TV.

    ~Lily and Ellie

    1. Amy actually sang during the ceremony- it was beautiful!
      -Allison Wilson

  28. I watched the wedding, it was so much fun! I was just wondering, what were the numbers the groomsmen held up after the kiss? One said "8", another "12", and there was another one, I think.

  29. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 13,

    Thanks for pointing that out. We added the link.

    Glad to have you as a reader. :)
    Lily and Ellie

  30. Hi Readers,

    Jill and Derick's wedding episode is available on iTunes and Amazon. Just search "19 Kids and Counting Jill's wedding," and you should be able to find it.

    Lily and Ellie

  31. I watched Jill's wedding and then Jessa's engagement (I recorded them to watch later) and they look so happy and in love! It is so wonderful to see that and I wish both couples the best of luck and life times of love and happiness :) I think it's great how Jessa and Ben let Jill and Derrick have their time in the spotlight for their engagement and wedding, it just shows how caring and respectful Michelle and Jim Bob has raised their children to be. I can't wait Jessa and Ben's journey! Many blessings to the family :)

  32. Hi Lily and Ellie, I noticed that the video links changed to just a recap. What happened?

  33. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 35,

    YouTube/TLC have started to actively remove the newest episodes from YouTube soon after they are posted, and TLC recently asked us not to post the links to those episodes. (We are not the ones who upload the episodes to YouTube; that is done by other viewers.) The episodes are available for purchase for $1.99 each on iTunes and Amazon.

    Thanks for understanding. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  34. I thought the no shoes was ridiculous. There are flats and ballet slippers she could have worn. After all that planning to make everything perfect and then you wear no shoes? Maybe Derrick shouldn't have worn shoes also. I also couldn't understand the running out of church. It was like they were running from a fire.

  35. I enjoyed watching the wedding very much. What a special couple and family! Everything was lovely, although I still prefer having the groom not see the bride until she comes walking down the isle. Seeing her before then is like peeking at your presents before Christmas morning. lol I didn't like seeing them running down the isle after the ceremony, especially to the "Halleluia Chorus". It seemed very undignified for them, and disrespectful to the song. I don't understand why they did that. May God bless them with many happy years together.


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