
Monday, October 6, 2014

Demolition Derby Duggars

The Duggar family spent Saturday night at the Springdale Demolition Derby, followed by a trip to Braum's, Michelle Duggar's favorite ice cream parlor.

The Demolition Derby is a Duggar family tradition. Take a look at these throwback pictures of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and the kids at the event:

Photo Credit: Duggar family


  1. Looks like a really great time, to share with the whole family. My family loves to go to the one at our 4-H fair in July every year. This year they didn't have one, due to schedule conflicts or something. Jill looks wonderful.

  2. Ok - the weekly pregnancy update on Jill was totally skipped this past week- I missed it- those are my favorite posts ! I guess she is about 16 weeks now- my ob office does gender ultrasounds at 16 weeks - so hopefully we will find out boy or girl pretty soon!!

  3. Their is so much excitement in the air with the Duggar family it rubs off on the fans. With Jessa's wedding getting close the excitement just keeps on going. Derick and Jill sure look happy. The throw back pictures is that about 10 years ago?

  4. is there any other way to be able to watch the episodes? I was lift hanging. :(
    Hannah grace

    1. You go on you tube and every week an account called 19 kids posts it!

  5. Look's like they had a GREAT time! And what a great thing to end the day with ICE CREAM!!!! :-D Yum! Yum!

    Mary :-)

  6. Jana seems so sweet and maternal. She will make a fine man a good wife. Let's be praying for a Godly man to come along for her.

    1. I know. I really hope she finds her future man soon. She would be great wife and mother!

  7. Great Post! Please please upload the last few episodes, i am missing the duggars

    1. Why don't people read the blog? They've posted they cannot and have been asked not to post links to the episodes. It's illegal. Lily and Ellie, you've got the patience of saints!

  8. As usual, in the throw back picture, Michelle is sitting with the older kids while her daughters' slave over the younger ones.

    1. As usual someome manages to find a negative about an innocent sad really. Be happy like the Duggars are:-)

    2. What about the pic of her and Jim bob eating ice cream? They are sitting with four of the smallest kids! And there are no older children in the pic.

    3. Whoops, you must be confusing them with another family! ;)

  9. Did Jenny get ice cream ...only pic of her is hanging from the rail in the ice cream shop ....I feel for that overlooked child.

  10. Galatians 5:15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. And that goes for life and relationships in general. Most harmless fun is watching cars destroy each other. Even some of the posted comments on this blog can learn a lesson.

  11. @Anonymous

    Hi Hannah Grace,

    You can purchase the episodes individually on Amazon and iTunes. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  12. Why buy the when they can be posted free? Not everybody is a millionare like the Duggars they havemore money than us.

    1. Whos us? I can afford them. Scout around ,their out there for free somewhere i the universe.

    2. It has been posted many times that it is illegal to post on YouTube and a violation of copyright that belongs to tlc. It has nothing to do with how much the Duggars make or do not make!

  13. You can purchase them for viewing 1 time, but I would like them in DVD form so I can watch them over and over. My daughter loves the show, too and is very much disappointed Netflix no longer has them for watching. TLC needs to get on the ball and release at least seasons 6 and 7!

  14. I love Jana's casual outfit!!!

  15. All the Duggar girls are GORGEOUS... I only wish I could look that good! :)

  16. And who is still missing in these pics????? JOSIAH :-( I suppose we will see him in the wedding episodes, I hope. But where is he in real time?

  17. Are they still just shopping at thrift shops?!

  18. #7 - I am the youngest of 7, when I went somewhere fun I wanted to sit with my brothers and sisters, not my parents (and I love my parents). In the picture from this year, they younger ones are sitting with the parents!

  19. @Anonymous

    Why wouldn't she get ice cream? There is no reason to assume that she didn't. I did, however, notice that she never turned her face full to the camera in any of the pictures. I get the impression she is a shy introvert, which can't be easy when you live in a huge, load family with lots of extroverts that is constantly in the media! And I bet she really misses Jill, her buddy/main caregiver from infancy. Hope she's doing well. Hugs to Jenny!

  20. Looking back, their 25th anniversary "vow renewal" re-aired today on TV. I know it was done with some shorter notice, but they knew a 25th anniv was approaching. Why didn't they just plan it like any couple would and give proper notice to the guests? What especially stood out to me, was that other than Jim Bob's parents and sister and Amy, NO OTHER FAMILY were present. Where were Michelle's family members? I would certainly think if you have a good, close relationship with your own siblings, nieces and nephews, etc, one would schedule on a weekend so your family could and would want to attend. Where were the Ruarks? I don't think she is very close to them at all. The recent visit to Ohio mentioning them was in response to criticism of this issue. Plain and simple. A real 25th anniv is planned in advance and the family attends.

  21. @Anonymous

    Jill never posted a weekly photo this week. That's her choice whether to post weekly photos or not.

  22. TLC is on the ball in that they air the program on cable TV. It is "stealing" to watch the shows for free. Why do I pay for cable to watch TLC, when I can be a thief and watch it for free somewhere else?

  23. Grace #15: Is who's dad a pastor? As far as I know, Jim Bob attended NO seminary or divinity school as far as I know and is a self appointed preacher and interpreter of the Bible.

  24. I find it kind of a joke that people really think the Duggars would buy and ice cream cone for all but one of their children. To think that the Duggars are this mean or distracted from their duties seems ridiculous to me. In reality they strike me as people who are used to doing everything fairly and including all of the children in the distribution of what ever they have to distribute amongst themselves. (Also now there is a brand new uncle and uncle to be who would probably help if they were a bit short and no one would go without a treat.)

  25. ??? Why would someone dare to say something evil of Michelle when the evidence is clearly to the contrary. In the current picture Michelle is sitting with Jim Bob in a booth with four of the younger children and all look fine. In the dated picture Michelle was sitting in the perfect position to mind All of her lively young children by being just up and behind them. Also Jill and Jana are definitely not pictured 'slaving'; that was just a little photo op friendly hug three of the kids were having, behind them Michelle is totally on board leaning in and enthusiastic, it all just looks like good old fashioned fun to me. What is wrong with people that they lie and exaggerate to try to make comment like anonymous #7?

  26. It would be so great if you could update your section about the Bates family. I know you get lots of comments and are very busy but I'm sure lots of your readers would enjoy hearing more about their family under their little section. Thanks!

    1. I would! I LOVE the Bateses!!!

  27. They say that the show is their ministry, yet the secular tv station they work for seems to slowly "narrowing the gap" as to what happens and when. And what they allow to be said on the tv show. Im concerned that firstly their faith is being edited out more and more. Secondly they are restricting acess to the shows. Many people can only view it thru you tube. Not everyone can afford cable. And many countries are years behind with the show. Tlc has not continued with releasing dvds of the show and as far as im concerned that limits the impact of their ministry. TLC will only continue to restrict them more and more as time goes on. Maybe they should look into ministring thru another outlet. I think it would be great if the partnered with living waters ministry instead of TLC. :-)

  28. Comment 7 is extremely judgemental, in the look back in time photo Michelle is clearly there and she is on the job for all her children, then in the now photo Jim Bob and Michelle are the ones sitting with the younger children. So this comment is not even correct in putting such a negative spin on things what the comment said is just not really there.

  29. i agree with thejoyfilledmother, especially about restricting access to the shows. sad that so many people wont get to watch anything now.


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