
Monday, September 22, 2014

Homeschooling with the Duggars

"I've learned that flexibility is a very important character quality for mama," Michelle Duggar tells Alpha Omega Publications, one of the organizations that the Duggars purchase homeschool curricula from. 'When you've got that many children, you've got to be flexible because children don't always go with a schedule, especially those younger ones."

In the following video, Michelle talks about the challenges and joys of homeschooling and shares advice for families considering home education.

Video no longer available


  1. i just love looking at these updates. keep posting!

  2. keep on posting i like what you post and each day i like reading your new updates.

  3. I'm sorry, my comment doesn't have anything to do with the post, but I just have some ideas that the Duggar's, and other people may enjoy. First, when memorizing scripture, put the versus on the "notes" part of your iphone....then you will always have it with you if you have a few minutes to go over it. Second, with Halloween approaching, the youth pastor at the church we attend has a canned food drive for the food bank. The youth do not "trick or treat" but go door to door asking for canned food donations for the food bank. People are opening their doors anyways that night so it's a good way to get donations. Also, is there a way, Lily and Ellie, that you can have a section of your blog for Christians (including Duggars) to post Christian ideas, how-to's, etc on here....just a little suggestion.

  4. I am going on our third year of homeschooling (ages 5 and 7) -the first year with two at one time. It has been a challenge and yet a true calling. All during a move to another state. Whew! God is good!
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. I would love to home school, but we are unable to do so right now for financial reasons. I love you and your family! You all are such an encouragement to me and it challenges me to encourage others. Keep spreading God's good word!

  6. Thank you for posting this. As a new user of the Alpha Omega Publications curriculum, I echo the same comments as you. We have a 4-year old that looks forward everyday for school. We also wanted to guard our little guys heart. We take to heart the scripture "Train up a child in the way they should go and when they grow old they will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6"

  7. I just think you two are the most successful parents I know. I can't even imagine homeschooling 19 children but obviously you are doing a great job. Just watching you all from the very beginning I can see how your children have been raised. If only America could do half as well Michelle.

  8. I would have liked to hear more about the program they use. Michelle talked about the challenges of homeschooling and her day sure looked like a lot was going on but not didn't show the learning, organization, schedule, topics, age groups. I would love to know how she works with each age group and what they study.

  9. I was thinking thinking of homeschooling my 7year old son who is in 2nd grade. I was wondering what online website do you use?

  10. Yes, Michelle, having your children's hearts is very important; BUT a quality education is critical. I'm not at all sure why you and JimBob do not encourage your children to seek higher education (and not just College Plus). Education is power and it is a gift for parents to give their children.

  11. I've always been curious if the Duggars spank their children? Since they follow all of Gods instructions in the bible. Proverbs speaks about spare the rod spoil the child. Just wondering if they follow this instruction or not?

  12. That was a pleasant video. It makes me wish I were a Duggar kid!

  13. This video was extremely well done. Very encouraging too!

  14. For the most part I love your show but I do think you tend to bully Ben just a little too much. Be nice. Don't belittle him on tv. You don't do it to your own children, don't do it to Ben. Please?

  15. Is it true that Michelle employs a home school teacher and that Michelle only home schools herself when her schedule allows? But that the majority of home schooling is done with a hired home school teacher? Please deny or confirm to those of us what wonder who is telling the truth.

  16. The truth is important to the Duggars, so we as fans deserve to know the truth.

  17. It would be great that now that the older girls are getting married, that Michelle can now spend time doing the home schooling with the younger ones. It seems like the Bates put a lot into developing the teens for adulthood, sending them to college, training them in various fields of interest, while the Duggars seem to have put a lot into having babies, but not a lot into developing the adult phase of the children. They seemed to have had a lot of potential but it needed some development.

  18. What kind of laptops are the kids using? Are they from AOP? I want to use SOS for my kids and those looked like the perfect solution.

    1. They looked to me like Mac books or some version of a Mac. They already use the iPhones.

  19. It's really cool that they can use a variety of methods to learn many different subjects.

  20. The truth about what?

  21. Could someone please tell me what the piece that Michelle is wearing under her shirt is.... i.e. is it another shirt worn under her blouse, or just a piece sewn in. I like the extra covering that those provide, and would like to know how they're done. Thanks. :)

  22. I have no problem with homeschooling as a parent I want to instill values and marals that are proper and correct not just anything that public schools put out as education and compromises my beliefs and how i have raised my children. Public schools continue to decay in morality and values;its sad to see minds being fed some of the thing i hear and read about.I came from a very close christian family with strong faith and morals

  23. Please ease up on Ben. He is not a Duggar, he is his own person and that is why Jessa loves him. Perhaps Bens father should spend a few days with JimBob

  24. The comment numbered 1 about the higher education is interesting in that John David is already a private pilot. In my books that is quite a high education. It is sort of futile to encourage some children to get an education that is not in line with THEIR goals in life. A long time back the children were asked what they wanted to be, I think it was even on the Duggar website. Many of the girls said they were hoping to become wives and mothers. If that is what the children want then why should the parents take that goal from them by pushing them down another road where the family pays for an expensive education that is not going to fit with being what they want to be? Another point I want to make here is that the Bible says there is a way that seems right to man but it is not the right way to go. That, at least in part, could be some of the subjects in a program of higher education. Some of those curricula which were just beginning from the 1800's social set of 'thinkers' and the subjects are just empty baseless foundations for some un Biblical lines of thought now taught in schools today as if they are 'facts'. It is a huge production of and promulgation of misleading and waste of good printing processes to produce materials to teach this misinformation. There is not any reason to pay good money to study and get a degree including some of these subjects. Meanwhile the Bible, God's word, sits and collects dust and no one knows what is in there. I think the Duggars are going the right way. Michelle says when their needs for skills become evident they know they have the ability to learn them. Some academic arts courses are becoming less in demand. I read a book called 'Do You Make These Mistakes In English?" - The Story of Sherwin Cody's Famous Language School by Edwin L. Battistella; and the problem Sherwin Cody had was in making his 'classical' education relevant to the 20th century. He eventually made a decent living by selling self correcting correspondence courses in English. The educational system is changing and there is some resistance to that from the system where the teachers are benefit by having old school jobs. IMHO.

  25. I think it would be presumptuous to think that the education that the Duggar children are getting is not "quality" education. From the lessons that my grandchildren bring home from public school, they would probably be challenged to compete with what the Duggars are teaching. The curriculum that they are using is well known and very high quality while instilling the values that the Duggars want their children to learn. I applaud them!!

  26. Me and my 7 year old watches ur show every Tuesday that we spend our one on one together. Thank u duggars for doing ur show ya are inspiational to me and my family thank ya

  27. I think Ben gets an especially hard time too. Just because he's young and wears his heart on his sleever. I think his worst teasing comes from John & Joseph, tho. Ben is trying so hard to please everyone.

  28. Comments like number 12 just bug me because they are generalizations and not noting the specific accomplishments of each of the older Duggar children completed or not. I just do not see how factual and accurate this comment is, I think it is not correct.

  29. @Cammie

    Hi Cammie,

    Check out the homeschooling section of our Tips By Topic page for links to posts about the Duggars' choices in homeschool curriculum.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  30. You can definitely homeschool without having too much money. There are various groups of homeschoolers that would share their books willingly and of course there is the internet and library books but the most important book is the Bible. We are extremely tight with money yet writing for our kids involves verses from the Bible, activities we find online, games, Bible stories and crafts, etc. The possibilities are endless. P.S. Pray to God to open this opportunity for you and He will provide more than you ask or imagine. He did for our family! :)))


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