
Friday, August 15, 2014

Video Message from Jessa and Ben

In the following video, Jessa Duggar and fiancé Ben Seewald share a special message with viewers about their scavenger hunt engagement and upcoming marriage.

Video no longer available


  1. Im SOOO bummed!!!! the audio is so low I cant even hear it even with my computer turned all the way up. ah well.... thanks for posting.

    1. It is also on TLC network site.

  2. Thank you Duggars. This video is too sweet.

  3. awww I am so excited to hear about your engagement...I feel like I have had the honor of watching the Duggar family grow and grow up...May God Bless you and Ben on this new adventure in life...congrats...Cheryl D. Boise Idaho

  4. Michelle looks great! Thanks for showing the video.

  5. Cant wait for the wedding! But I wonder how Ben will adjust to being in the spotlight with the Duggar clan. He is still very young. I also wonder how Jill feels about Jessa taking her spotlight. Its not every day you have another engagement right after you had a wedding.LOL

  6. Time to update cover photo with family growing.

  7. Weather anyone likes it or not, it is a fact, and it's going to happen,so why not wish this young couple well.Remember folks ,we all have vast differencess,that is what makes humans unique.Beauty is colorful, not just black and white. I will pray that they have an easy engagement , I hope the meanies dont ruin their special time.Condradulations Jessa, i hope he will make you happy.

  8. I really feel for Michelle and JimBob, how wonderful and sad at the same time.To lose two daughters in the same year, oh, and the siblings too.That dynamic in the household is really gonna be different.With two girls gone the rest are really gonna have to pick up the slack, as those two contributed so much,cant wait to see all the changes.Godspeed to that lovely family.:-) PS.This even makes me more anxious for the new season to hirry and start.

  9. I hope Ben's Dad can get Jessa beyond what her appearance is, and I Ben's Dad can get Ben beyond who he prayed for as mate as one of the qualifications was beautiful. Ben and Jessa, look at the Bible as to what beautiful and handsome are according to God's word, and it isn't a pretty face.

  10. Our family is so happy for Ben and Jessa. We hope that they continue to look to God for guidance and strength during their engagement and throughout their marriage. We look forward to seeing all the wedding details being worked out as well as the wedding itself. Congratulations!!!!!!!

  11. Well TLC has another season all ready in the bag. two seasons in a row of wedding Planning and weddings that will either be a really good thing as far as pulling in viewers or people will get really bored with it.

  12. Loved Ben's idea of a scavenger hunt to lead Jessa to him ,for him to propose. can't wait till they air the proposal ....I'm guessing/predicting that Jessa's proposal will be the season finale on the upcoming episodes of 19kac.just as they left us hanging with Jill's proposal the end of last season... so we will probably have to wait all the way will February 2015 to see Jessa's wedding ...It's going to be such a long wait..but it's going to be worth it..I hope we hear more courtship news in between that time that the show is on break.

  13. Yahoo!!!!!!! Congratulations. Today is my birthday and this news is like getting sprinkles on top of my cake.

  14. I like to see the ring!!!!

    1. I saw the ring towards the end of the video but will have to wait and see when the actual engagement comes up in an episode.

  15. Thank you so much for posting. My local TLC station only showed the last 20 seconds of the clip. Thank you both for maintaining this blog and keeping the world updated all things Duggar.

  16. I, too, could hardly hear it. How is Ben going to support himself, Jessa and children right away? How can that be wise for them? I think Jim Bob is going to set him up in some business. They really need to address that issue soon because a number of us are asking the same question. That was not evident with Derick as he already had a degree and a good job.

  17. Such a precious family!! I CAN'T WAIT for this season to air!! :-)

  18. How exciting for the Duggers! Can't wait to see this new season on TLC. Thank you for keeping us all updated.

  19. thanks guys. It is happy and sad at the same time how Jill and now Jessa will be or have moved away. Again thanks.


  20. Congrats!!!!! You two are so deserving of Happiness!!!!! Can't' wait to watch it all..... Hugs-Ashley

  21. Wonderful video so excited for them.

  22. Congratulations! Can not wait for the new season, so many new adventures for the Duggar family. P.S. Jessa should post a pic of her ring like Jill.

  23. Congratulations! Can not wait for the new season, so many exciting changes for the Duggar family.

  24. Jessa does NOT look happy in the first part of that video when Ben is talking :/ Why?? Actually Ben looks awkward as well... but then when Jessa starts talking about how she was nervous but excited, she breaks out into an excited happy smile <3 My sisters and I are SO excited :) for them and I ALSO think that it's SO. SWEET. of the Duggars to make these few minute snippets for their viewers like this! I think that says a Lot!

  25. I do not think they are well suited for each other. She says her sisters and mother have to tell her how to respond to Ben's romantic gestures so she doesn't hurt his feelings. What happens when they live alone and no sister is there to tell her what to say?

    Jim Bob taught Josh to start a business and show that he could support a family before courting Anna. I wish Ben had taken a lesson from that and waited till he could support a family.

  26. Oh! I am so happy for them! I also think it is SOOO sweet how Ben put so much time and thinking in to it for Jessa! Are they going to add their engagement to the new upcoming season? Or are they going to have a special? Congratulations Jessa and Ben!! And thank you Ms. Lilly and Ms. Ellie for posting!!

  27. I'm so happy for them,They are so cute together & have a wonderful relationship. Congratulations Ben & Jessa <33

  28. Jessa your choice of make-up was just beautiful. It compliments your whole face!

  29. I was listening to a sermon--by Voddie Bauchman Jr.--that the Pastor was teaching that if a man learns the four P's and is mature enough in those areas than it doesn't matter what age he is at when he hits the maturity and blessing of both sets of parents to marry his Love. The four P's are Provider, Protector, Priest (his key maturity and relationship to him and the Lord Jesus), and Prophet (his key maturity and understanding of leading his family to God's Word by example and by teachings). If a father trained his son in the proper way and his son understood what was in store of being a man than if and when he showed he was ready and those around him supported the young man than it doesn't matter the age. I personally know some 18,19, 22 year old young men who are more than ready to take on the role of husband and father and I personally know some thirty something old who just aren't understanding the role of husband/father. And as for the job, Ben doesn't have to be rich or totally successful to get married and take on the responsibility of providing for a family. He just has to be ready and if that means taking on two jobs or working full time but also taking full time online classes to make ends meet than so be it. But I know that God is faithful to his children and will take care of his children as they honor him. Yes, they are young but they aren't the first young couple to be engaged and get married. And they aren't getting married tomorrow! We should all remember that we don't know all the details and it is alright to NOT know all their details or look inside their hearts to make the judgment call on "who is ready" or "not ready" to marry.

  30. congrats to the couple

  31. I am so excited for Jessa and Ben; congratulations! I love the Duggars; and think they are a wonderful example.

  32. That was so sweet ... Congrats to Ben and Jessa !!! I can't wait for the wedding, im so happy for them :)
    -Brittany :)

  33. We are Soooo thrilled for Jessa and Ben! We just can't wait to see what The Lord has in store for this couple. God Bless you both and Jessa, we know you will be another beautiful bride from the Duggar family.

  34. I am very happy for them.. Ben has seemed always to be completely smitten with Jessa, but now Jessa looks truly in love.. congratulations!

  35. @Anonymous How do you know that by 'beautiful' he didn't mean the deeper version? .. that's a mistake I made for years. I used to resent the compliment, figuring men (and most of them did!) only meant that I was physically attractive without getting to know who I was. But then I had a man tell me very sincerely that I was beautiful. When I replied "yeah yeah but tell me something that actually means something deep!" and he said "No, you don't get it. Who you are, is beautiful. Your heart, your spirit, your love. Everything about you, including your physical appearance, is just beautiful." .. Wow. Ever since then, when I see someone being called beautiful by someone who loves them... it's 'beautiful'. :P

  36. @Anonymous Remember - we only see snippets of their lives, we don't see and hear everything. It's easy to make judgments when things are taken out of context. Ben has been "sized up" by Jessa's brothers and father so we don't think any of us need to worry about whether they are right for each other. My husband is more romantic than I am and we've done just fine for over 30 years. As far as being able to support Jessa, Ben may have saved up money from working, maybe he makes enough to support her now - it's really none of our business.
    Let's just be happy for them and cheer them on for doing things the right way!

  37. Congratulations!!!! Jessa - I have watched your family's show since I was young & I am 23 years old & a newlywed of 2 months!! I wish ya'll the BEST & am so excited to hear this news! Married life is just the best!! God blesses marriage between two believers who love each other dearly! Cherish all of these special moments in the time you are engaged because it will fly by! But there are still so many moments to cherish in married life as well! <3 lots of love, Megan, Charlotte NC

  38. You have instilled such wonderful family values! So excited for you all! Congratulations to the happy couple on their engagement! Look forward to the New season of your show! Brings me happiness to see a loving caring family such as yours! God Bless ash of you!

  39. I dont normally do this but post number 37 you hit the nail on the head. It was my thoughts exactly. Her family has got her back and so does his for that matter. I am so overjoyed at this family's love for God and eachother. I have often said if I could go back and do things over again I would raise my family just like that. What an awesome way to honor God and eachother. This family is very special and reaching a special place in all our hearts in this hour. God bless you and thank God for you. Congrats Ben and Jessa!

  40. I think it is really a blessing to have Jim Bob and Michelle's approval and excitement shown as well as the engaged couple. It looks to me like Jessa's parents have already accepted Ben as a new son into their family and are so happy for and proud of both Jessa and Ben. It is an exciting time for sure!

  41. Cograts Jessa and Ben on your engagement

  42. Congratulations to them!!!! God bless them!

  43. I mean this in a good and positive way, but I think Ben's mother looks just like Anna's sister.

  44. Congratulations from everyone in Sydney Australia. We only see re-runs here. Can you get TLC to give us the up to date series?


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