Sunday, August 10, 2014

Duggars in Central America 2014 Part 2

Here is the second batch of photos from the Duggars' two-week mission trip to Central America in early July. (Click here to see the first group of pictures.)

When the trip was first planned, only Jessa, Jinger, and Ben were signed up to go, but closer to the departure date, Jim Bob, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jason, James, Justin, and Jackson decided to tag along.

 Jeremiah Duggar, James Duggar, and Jason Duggar

 Ben Seewald and Jessa Duggar

 Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald

 Jinger Duggar (right)

 Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald

 Ben Seewald, Jessa Duggar, and Jinger Duggar

 James Duggar

 Jim Bob Duggar and Jinger Duggar

James Duggar and Justin Duggar

Ben and Jessa

Jedidiah Duggar and Jim Bob Duggar

Jessa Duggar, Ben Seewald, and Jinger Duggar

Jackson Duggar and Jim Bob Duggar

Jessa and Ben

Jason Duggar (left)

Jason Duggar and Jeremiah Duggar

Jessa and Ben

Jinger Duggar

Ben and Jessa

Jinger Duggar and Jessa Duggar

Jedidiah and Jeremiah Duggar

Jinger Duggar (left)

Jim Bob Duggar

Jessa Duggar, Ben Seewald, and Jinger Duggar

Jinger Duggar, Jessa Duggar, and Ben Seewald

Since Josh and Jim Bob's first trip to Central America several years ago, the Duggars have made mission trips with SOS Ministries an annual, or sometimes biannual, tradition for their family. A few years ago, their trip was covered by a French film crew (video below).


  1. Great the Jess and Ben were on a mission trip together. I like Ben's Roe vs. Wade T-shirt.

  2. Are Jeremiah and Jedidiah Identical or Fraternal? I never really even thought to pay that close of attention but looking at that pic they look Identical.

  3. Yeah I bet Jim Bob decided to come, ha!

  4. Why so many pics of Jessa and Ben? Just wondering, not that it is bad but they are in a lot of pictures!

  5. Congratulations on a good trip.

  6. Many a missions trip have I been on in my life. They were so different than what this one seems to be. We were told, nicely, " we're not going there to be cute and pretty, we are going to do God's work. All that can wait till you get home." We didn't have time for make up and curling our hair. We put it up or in a ponytail. We were there for one purpose. But of course I was in a stricter church at the time. Times have changed!

  7. I love the duggar family bc they have Christian values hey , is Jill and Derrick in Central America ???

  8. Jinger and Jessa are looking so beautiful as usual! I still don't see any hand holding between Ben and Jessa though. They are becoming more of a cute couple every time I see photos of them:)

  9. Is Jill and Derrick there ??? And I love the duggar family

  10. Glad you guys had a great time. But why didn't Joy go too? Was she too busy with the younger ones or did she have unfinished school work that had to be done or something? Please post an answer Lily and Ellie.

  11. Jedidiah is lookin fine<3

  12. Has anyone else seen Ben's Parent's new blog with the post titled marrying young. Yikes that's all I have to say I almost gasped because whether they met it or not it reads like they are attacking the Duggar parents.

  13. Glad to see whole family doing well!! This is way off topic, but do the duggars have something against pinning hair up? For Jill's wedding her hair would have been so pretty up. Just curious.

  14. These trips are actually Duggar vacations and Duggar 'photo op' opportunties in reality. The Duggars can paint and work on houses there; paint nails as Jessa is shown doing; but there is little else they can do because there is the language barrier--the Duggar family does not speak the language there, so they can't share the word of God except through interpreters. I feel their money would be much more well spent if they spent their plane fare on paying local labororers to do the work and also to take classes the learn the language. However, that doesn't make for good TV, does it now?

    1. What would Jesus do, Anonymous 1? Do you think he would slander others like you are? Please keep this blog pleasing to Christ as we all should try to do.

    2. I have seen episodes where the girls are studying Spanish.

  15. I really commend this family for going public and showing their faith. I know that they all knew before starting this that they would be critisized in such a way that would hurt. The world does not accept a faith like this just as they did not accept Jesus here on earth. And they still keep us posted! They still offer a glimpse into their lives because they know there is people out there watching them and getting to know the love of Jesus through them. People getting closer to God because of them. I know this because they have helped me realize so many things myself! I want to say THANK YOU!!!!

  16. love the pics:-) Has Michelle ever had the opportunity to go wit JB and the kids.I know she went to speak with the diplomats about adoption, but other than that did she ever get the full experience like the rest of the family does.I hope we get to hear about the trip from Jacksons perspective.I cant wait till Jill takes Derick and shows him what her mission trips are like, she can practice her Spanish and introduce him to her pal Anyia.:-)

  17. those duggar girls and their sandals in the middle of the jungle.... ha ha..... priceless. What a beautiful family. may the hand of God continue to rest upon this family and the annointing of the Holy Spirit flow thru them in great power...... and my own personal wish..... may Michelle Duggar be blessed with twins that come to full term with no health defects. :-) blessings

  18. Wow, Jessa and Jinger are so tan and gorgeous! They look like they could be twins in some of these pictures. It's so refreshing to see them looking real . . . Ben w/ glasses and Jinger with really curly hair, etc. That's the way it really is on a missions trip, so I'm glad they're displayed that way.

  19. I love seeing all these pictures, but I felt like a majority were of Ben and Jessa.... Not bad, but strange to me :-)

  20. It is a joy to see the Duggars and Ben ministering to others. Thank you for all of the wonderful photos from Central America and the video! :)

  21. Is Jill Dillard and Derrick there ???

  22. It's cute how many pictures Ben & Jessa take together! Even in the grocery store! Haha :)

  23. Good for you all.

  24. So ... Do people feel that Michelle will be blessed with another baby ? I hope she does ...💚💚💗

  25. I just re watched an episode were Jill was in command of the Duggar crew learning Spanish. Surely with as many trips as they have been on they have started learning some of the local language. Also actions speak louder than words, the point is they go and help with what they can. Go Duggars

  26. maybe if they learned to speak the lanuage they could help out more. why don't they learn? seems like this mission work is for show? they need to be doing more of this kind of work.

  27. Like the photos!! It's wonderful to see then put their faith in action.
    I LOVED all the Roe vs. Wade t-shirts!!!!! Wish I had one myself.
    --Love in Christ, Christian
    Duggar fan from Oklahoma

  28. Really enjoyed this series of pictures. What a sweet family. Jessa and Ben look good together. It's great that JB leads his family to pursue this kind of sacrifice and service. He is reaching out to others and teaching his children the same. Also good opportunity for Jessa and Ben to spend time in service together. I was reading the comments and someone asked about whether or not Michelle had been able to go too. I recall that she and Jim Bob went together a few years ago and left Josie at home with the older girls and Josie had a health scare. It would not surprise me if Michelle were to hold off on foreign mission trips until her little ones are ready to go too. But I have no idea and no business speculating for that matter LOL

  29. The Duggars are such a good looking family. I think Jinger is especially cute!

  30. I have to say, I have never been on a mission trip. I find it very strange that when these guys go on mission trips, there is enough for a film crew to spend soo much money to go along and lots of pics of eating places, photo's of themselves with scenery and just with lots of natives, ect. Hiking and site seeing seems to be the mission trip norm. They are usually dressed too nicely to be doing much for labor and all made up for being in such a poor lower class country. I guess I had a vision that mission trips were for doing continuous work and labor to help out the local natives as well as preach the word. I may be way off, but I have yet to get that impression by having seen what was filmed on tv of them and what I have seen in pics. It really is turning me off to mission trips that I hear about from church's. I am getting the impression that it is just a vacation under the disguise of mission work. Hmmm.

  31. Wow Jessa and Ben look so cute together! Love all their pics!

  32. @Becca D.

    Hi Becca,

    Jill and Derick didn't go on the July mission trip, but they plan to go at Christmastime.

    Lily and Ellie

  33. Looks like they had a great time in Central America :)
    - Brittany

  34. In the comment by 24, about hiking, I thought that the film clip said that the village was remote and that people could eventually go all the way into it only by foot. It seems to me that when a mission trip happens part of it should be like a vacation, after all the area is different. Is there something wrong with having some fun too? And there is nothing wrong with patronizing hotels, stores, etc if one is paying for their purchases. It is extra business for the people. From another angle people could complain that missions trip persons come into the community and do projects and never get to know anyone. It seems the Duggars have spent time getting to know the people.

  35. @Anonymous
    Dear anonymous if you come back and read this...I believe I've seen the Duggar girls wear tank tops or camisoles under low-cut blouses. I know I've done that myself. Also, if the tank/camisole is low-cut, you might be able to turn it around if it's not too obvious that it's the back. Know what I mean? Just a tip. :)

  36. @Anonymous Hello! You can find modest t-shirts at LL Bean. Their crewneck ones come up to the collarbone. And they ship internationally.

  37. JenT, thank you so much for answering my questions :) What a good idea to turn the tank top around, I have to try that today!
    Jane, thank you so much for answering my questions as well :) I'm going to check out LL Beans website right now.
    Kind regards,
    Sara from Sweden


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