
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

More Wedding Pictures Coming Soon

We know you are all looking forward to seeing more photos of Jill and Derick's wedding, which took place on June 21st. While most guests were not permitted to take pictures, we were granted special permission and are looking forward to sharing those photos with you later this week. Stay tuned!


  1. Yay! Can't wait!! Thank y'all SO much! :) <3

  2. Thank-you for so graciously sharing these photos with us!

  3. Can't wait to see pics of the bridesmaids!
    The flower girls look so cute!

  4. Can't wait:-) I hope they are ones we havent seen already.

  5. Do you guys know when's Derick's birthday?

  6. Just found your web site and videos. Lovely to hear about a Christian family with the right values so different from the norm.
    Denise from downunder in New Zealand

  7. I'm so excited! THANK YOU for all the updates! Can't wait.

  8. Can't wait to see some other pictures other than the ones People Magazine took. Did you two take lots more than People did? Can't wait to see them.

  9. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

  10. Where do you guys live now?

  11. Four darling little bridesmaids! I am looking forward to seeing the wedding on television.

  12. Loooooooooove that family!!! Can't wait to see more pictures!!!😄😃😀

  13. Awesome! Looks like it was a beautiful ceremony...I'm excited about seeing more pictures!

  14. this should be a good weekend then, between Jill's pictures and Alyssa Bate's wedding on tv!!

  15. You Ladies do an awesome job running the blog!!!! Iam lovin it!!!!!:O)))) Thank you so very much!!!
    Can't wait to see them:O) Blessings to you!!

  16. Why were the guests not allowed to take photos?

  17. I cant wait to see more pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im so glad you guys could take pics!!

  18. I'm so happy for Jill! Derrick seems to respect her so much and they seem to share a mutual strong love for one another and God. Good luck and congratulations!

  19. Can't wait! I took a quick peek in a People while waiting to check out. I loved the vintage theme!

  20. Can't wait I calculated July 12 is the date to post pictures.

  21. Oh my goodness! I am so excited about the pictures y'all are going to share! I hope Jill and Derick are happy together!!!! Love y'all

  22. Why did Jill and Derick get married this summer and not wait a few years to get economically on their feet? Why didn't they want to save money for a bigger and more formal wedding?

    1. Because they're in love and money is not important. Besides their wedding was beautiful!

  23. when the doctor gave the duggars the reports of a pregnancy in latter years he may as well come out and said "your too old" by the way hearty congrats go to the newlyweds.

  24. I'm sooo excited 2 c them!! :) I've been looking forward 2 it ever since I knew that u guys were allowed 2 take pics!! :)

  25. Awe! How cute!❤️❤️❤️

  26. Patience is a virtue, and we all have had to wait patiently to see more pix....It's been fun watching this love story unfold....

  27. one day we love to meet the family.god bless u

  28. Congrats Jill! SO happy for you and Derick!

  29. cute pictures!

  30. Can't wait to see more pictures. Love the Duggars. Much happiness to Jill and Derick.

  31. @Anonymous
    Anonymous at July 9, 3:12pm

    The wedding was huge with over 1000 guests and how was it not formal? How do you know their financial situation? Jill is 23 and has been on television with her family for many years, she has written a book with her sisters and the wedding was hers and Derick's, obviously, so the royalties from TLC and Peoples Magazine will most likely be their own to bank. Derick is 25 and has completed a university education and is an accountant. Plenty of people get married earlier in life with less of a plan for how they will cope financially. I know people who have spent a ridiculous sum of money on a wedding and have been in debt for several years because of it. Also, remember that when you do not serve a sit down meal and wine (or other alcohol) the cost is WAY less.

  32. Hi Lily and Ellie - I'm just wondering if there was any reason given for why pictures on social media cannot go up for 3 weeks? Is there something about this weekend that's special, or did they think the People magazine pictures would only be coming out now? It seems silly to have a rule like that without reason.

  33. Love it! Plus the flowergirls are so cute! By the way Lily and Ellie- how are you guys related to the Duggars? Are you like second cousins because your dad and jim bob are cousins to each other?Thnx

  34. Love these pictures. To the anonymous writer who thought they should have waited a few years to marry so they could get on their feet economically and spend more on the wedding, Surely you jest!! :)


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