
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Visiting Jill Dillard

Derick and Jill Dillard have been married for almost one month and are settling into their home in Northwest Arkansas. Today, Grandma Duggar and Aunt Deanna Duggar (Jim Bob's sister) paid a visit to Jill.


  1. Wow grandma Duggar looks great!
    I'm loving all the picture frames in the background!

  2. It is always a blessing to get an update on the Dillard newly weds but please blog something about some other Duggar children too.

  3. Nice to see Jim Bob's sister. Sometimes I forget about her LOL. She's very pretty. You can tell Amy really takes after her.

  4. That's sweet it is great to have family time!!

  5. I LOVE the frames!! Is it possible to see more of their house and how Jill has it set up?!

  6. I am glad Grandma and Deanna are around for Jill. I can't even begin to imagine the transition in life going from 21 people in a house at its peak to just 2 people in a house. It must sound strangely silent to Jill. And transitioning from 9 girls in one huge bedroom. And cooking for that many people, then cooking for just 2. Grandma and Deanna can help Jill tremendously with this transition in life.

  7. How many siblings does Jim Bob have?

  8. We have been married two years now although I was quite a bit older (32) when we were wed. It has been a all honesty sometimes challenging experience. But trust in God & be blessed!

  9. Wow!! One month already??? Amazing!!
    Thank you for posting! I don't know what I would do without
    this blog with the show only airing again until the fall.
    Thank you sooooo much!!! God bless

  10. How nice of Grandma and Aunt Deanna to stop by. Can't wait for this season to see the wedding, honeymoon, and Jill and Derick's house.

  11. They are newlyweds how about giving them some time alone. Its only been a month.

  12. Love the new header but can we get updated pics of the kids? Marcus looks older than Michael! Thanks for all of your hard work!!

  13. How nice!!!!!!!What a sweet moment!!!!!!

  14. When is Jill back to her studies ? She is very clever lady. Iam sure she can have a brilliant career.beautiful family pic, thanks for posting

  15. I love the picture frames in the background. :)

  16. How nice three generations in one picture...what a special time to remember

    All the best to Jill & her family

  17. Wow God bless this beutifull couple, I am a big fan of the duggars! God bless!!!!!!! Sara

  18. Aww, how fun! Have we any news of Cathy's health? Been praying for her too.

  19. I want to see pictures of their house!

  20. I don't agree that Jill looks older then Anna but either way it's not like there is a big age difference there. Anna is only a little under 3 years older then Jill.

  21. Jill looks very happy. Glad she has Grandma and Auntie to help her with anything she needs. Can't wait to see their show in the fall. They are such a positive and loving family and people can see that this is how people should treat one another. Jill and the rest of the Duggars thank you for sharing your life with the world.

  22. This family rocks. I'm taking my Christianity more seriously because of them. They came to our church and I can tell you, the $10 I paid for the ticket was worth every nickel. Jinger blessed us with her amazing piano playing and little Josie was a ball of energy. Jim Bob finally went up on the platform and gently carried her away in his arms. Everyone loved it. I pray for their safety as they travel to share Christ. May the Lord bless them and keep them. Congrats to Derick and Jill. I love their beaming faces. Can't wait to hear about God's choice for all the Duggar kids.

  23. Three generations...not the me generation.

  24. @ anonymous we must have been in the same place lol but I wont say it on here I dont want to give the location we will just say southeast Missouri. It was amazing to see them in person.

  25. Lily & Ellie,
    Any news on Derick's mom, Cathy? Also, please add Derick's birthday to the list.

  26. Re the senior generation life experiences, I stopped dying my hair at age 55.5. I was resorting to using cheap imported dye and I had to leave it on for over 30 minutes and I could taste it by the time I was done. It was all so un natural and frightened me to think I was poisoning myself every other week when the tale tale roots showed up again. Grey is beautiful! (hint, hint)


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