Picture this. You turn into the Duggars' driveway, enter through the gate, and drive down the long, gravel driveway to the house. You grab a spot between the bus and one of the family's many Suburbans. You enter through the side door and are greeted by 10-year-old Jackson, who smiles and says, "Do you know which Duggar I am?"
To the right is the elliptical Michelle uses every morning before her kiddos wake up, while texting with Cindy, her exercise accountability partner and best friend since first grade.
To the left is a 28-foot timeline plastered on the wall leading down the hall to the Duggar-sized dining room table. The timeline is produced by Answers in Genesis and features detailed, full-color drawings of various stages of Earth's history. Sticking with their modesty standards, the Duggars used a permanent marker to draw full sets of clothes on the timeline figures. A description and preview of the Adam's Chart of History Timeline is available on the Christian Book website.

To the left is a 28-foot timeline plastered on the wall leading down the hall to the Duggar-sized dining room table. The timeline is produced by Answers in Genesis and features detailed, full-color drawings of various stages of Earth's history. Sticking with their modesty standards, the Duggars used a permanent marker to draw full sets of clothes on the timeline figures. A description and preview of the Adam's Chart of History Timeline is available on the Christian Book website.
I really wish I could be that person, who would drive down their driveway and walk into their house and be able to spend time with them and learn from this amazing family. Is there any possible way this could happen? I'll do anything to make it possible.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with you! If there is i would love to know. I would be there in a heart beat!
DeleteI wish I could meat the duggars
ReplyDeleteMeat?!? Like as in ground beef?
DeleteI would love to do that too Anonymous 1!!!!! Maybe one day all our wishes will come true! Haha!! I have a question for Lilly and Ellie...I know that the Duggars have started shopping on the sale racks at some stores instead of thrift stores. I was wondering what stores they get most of the girls' shirts at. I am so thrilled that they have left behind their 1960's or before dresses and have started dressing with the times, while still being modest!!!! Love them and this blog!! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could meet the duggars I've been catching up on episodes I got the one where there 20 child dies I'm soaking with tears god bless the little baby I pray
DeleteTo Anonymous 1...
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you!
Lily and Ellie,
ReplyDeleteI've always admired your hard work on this blog, but please realize that there are a lot of pre-teens also reading this. Can you honestly see the Duggars letting all these people into their house? Certain ages are still in Fantasyland and will believe this is going to happen.
Same anonymous 1, I would do anything to do that
I wish I could do that... I love the Duggar family :)
Thank you for the updates and info on Jill & Derricks wedding.
ReplyDeleteI know its been said before in posts, but would love updates on the rest if the family including Amy's music.
If you watch the episode where Jill goes to Nepal, they say goodbye in the hallway and you can see this timeline in the background.
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that Michelle uses the elliptical daily and has such a close relationship with her first grade friend after all of these years.
ReplyDeleteAre there any smaller timelines? I want one but don't have a long enough hallway! 😊
ReplyDeleteRose Publishing has a circular one.
DeleteI've seen that chart on the wall before and I wondered who made it!!! Thank you for sharing that!!!
Mrs U
We have one like that at our house and it's great! But I don't see much point in covering up the characters, what if they go minister in a culture where the women don't wear tops? Are they going to spend the whole time looking down at their feet? Or avoid that country all together? Modesty is great, but only to a point. When it comes to missionary work and the culture of another country.
ReplyDeleteCould you guys post a picture of what Adam and Eve look like in their "clothes" that they made for them, please?
ReplyDeleteI had an usborne book I markered over and put 'clothes' on. We used the book for a few years and around 8 it bothered my daughter. So I covered them. I didn't really care either way. I said that it is a cultural thing, but she just got distracted. So I covered them. No big either way.
DeleteI would love to meet the Duggars! They are the best Christians examples I know!!!😀😀😀
ReplyDeleteI love this family beyond words even though they don't know I exist and I've never met them!
ReplyDeletejust curious, why are JimBob, Josh and Derrick's names before Michelle, Anna and Jill's names on the pictures above, should not the Women's names show first....just wondering
ReplyDeleteNot sure what the right answer is to your question, however, I see it as correct the man's name listed first and the lady's to follow.
DeleteI was always told while your dating and engaged the women's name is first after you're married the mans name goes first??
DeleteCute! I've often wondered where those charts were from - thanks for confirming!
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice post - you two are very sweet ladies. What a good idea to have an exercise partner.
ReplyDeleteHi lily and Ellie my name is Delanie and I was wondering if the duggars would have time in a year or two to come to dallas Texas and visit even Josh's family and Jill's family. I am 11 and I love how loving and caring the duggars are to set examples for young and even old people. I would love to meet all the older girls and have a picture taken with them. And even meet mrs duggar. We'll thanks for updating the blog and taking your time to do so!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove Delanie
Exercise accountability partner!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's what we need if we want to keep our exercise regimen!!
Smart girl Michelle Duggar!!!
Thank-you Lily and Ellie especially for this blog post! I noticed this large poster on the wall in the episode about Ben asking Jim Bob/Michelle if he could ask Jessa to court him, etc.. It is so good of you to do a blog on just this poster that is found there in the Duggar side entry way. I am excited to go to the link you provided and take a closer look at this poster. The Duggars are so wise to educate their children with the truths of the Bible. It really is not that old of a world and God has given us the same standards of Holiness from the beginning. In that time people have strayed especially in the last 2,000 years into complete deception and unbelief. It is so good that the Duggars are keeping the truth central to their home and not letting the lies of the world take over their minds. They are such a good example to follow.
ReplyDeleteAnon 2 will you eat them if you get that chance?
ReplyDeleteHaha lol. I noticed too!!!
DeleteThat's preety cool!!!! And anonymous1... I TOTALLY agree with you there! That's would be awesome if I could just set one tiny tiny step in their driveway. Lol! Wishful thinking.. I know:)
ReplyDeleteThat is interesting. I love how the Duggars are such a strong beliving Family.
ReplyDeleteWe have had one of these timelines in our home for many years now and refer to it often. It was one of the best thing we ever invested in when we were still homeschooling (all done now and miss it!). Seeing what would be considered traditional history (not to me) and biblical history intertwined is wonderful! It gives you what I would consider true history!
ReplyDeleteI just read what Ben wrote on his Facebook and I'm very glad he stuck up for the truth. He will get persecuted for that. But STAND UP FOR JESUS !! The world will say what they may. The only thing I think is he shouldn't have deleted it. God bless.
ReplyDeleteAll christians stand up for Jesus, its his lack of knoledge about Catholicism that was just plain wrong.Its a good idea to educate oneself before you speak about a subject that millions of people see.
Deletewow this is incorrect
ReplyDeleteThat's funny how they actually draw sharpie on the timeline! At the same time it makes sense though...
ReplyDeleteIt seriously concerns me the way the Duggars publicize their family. I think of all the crazies in today's world. Ones who are pedophiles, stalkers, & get easily obsessed mentally or sexually with even just a photograph! I have worked for many many years with people like this and I have heard many horror stories of how they got to know their prey. Showing kids on tv, Internet, telling what town you live in, showing your home on tv and all those personal things are not a good idea. I really think this family is a wonderful testimony to God and a fine example of a Christian family but I'm concerned that they put themselves out there too much.
ReplyDeleteThanks Lily and Ellie for keeping up the blog. I had a chance to meet some of the Duggars this past weekend of July 25th at our annual THSC homeschool conference in The Woodlands, TX. What a wonderful family. I was wondering if I would be seeing both of you there Lily and Ellie! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteOh I was going to add that this timeline was at the conference in another booth that was not the Duggars booth, but wow... it is very long! I wish I had wall space for it!
ReplyDeleteI find it strange that they drew on it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with anonymous 1! I have this of dream that one day I'll take my family to America and go to Arkansas and meet the Duggar family! I'm sure that the Duggars are open to meeting other large homeschooling families?!! Maybe one day...
ReplyDeleteI would live to spend the day with them and get to know them.they are a wonderful family and they have great values.
ReplyDeleteHi Duggarlover0715,
One of the stores that the girls recommend is Cato Fashions (http://www.catofashions.com/). Ellie shops there, too!
Glad to have you as a reader:)
Lily and Ellie
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous 10,
Here are links to smaller timelines sold by Answers in Genesis and Christan Book:
Hope this helps! :)
Lily and Ellie
@delanie brown
ReplyDeleteHi Delanie,
If we hear of any upcoming Duggar appearances in Dallas, we will post the details to our Appearances page.
We are glad to have you as a reader. :)
Lily and Ellie
This time line is also available in a book format!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, although Ben is an upstanding young man, what he stated is Catholic teaching is NOT, in fact, Catholic teaching. He has the full right to publish his beliefs, and disagree with those of other faiths. But he errs when he publicly misinforms his readers about what Catholics believe. And when Catholics clarified for him what their beliefs actually are, he deleted those comments - so it appeared to some that he was not open to correction.
ReplyDeleteJust this morning I walked into a cafe for breakfast in Seattle and saw this chart on the wall there. It looked familiar to me because of your blog and the show.
ReplyDeleteLily and Ellie,
ReplyDeleteDo you know of any upcoming Duggar appearances or any in Pittsburgh, PA?
Thank You!
While some people might not have been bothered by Ben's remarks because they weren't negative about them and they actually believe them, please realize they were offensive to some. We are allowed to be offended, but it's how we choose to respond that matter. God Bless!
ReplyDeleteI believe it is proper etiquette to list the man's name first.
ReplyDeleteAre there any other stores that the Duggar girls recommend besides Cato? Or Ellie can recommend? Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous 42,
It doesn't look like the Duggars have any upcoming appearances in Pittsburgh, but if one comes up, we will post the details. :)
~Lily and Ellie
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous 46,
Kohl's is a great place to find discount clothing. I (Ellie) have found many cute blouses on their clearance racks for $3-$10. As with any store, you have to dig through the racks to find modest tops, but it is usually worth the time.
~Lily and Ellie
Jesus said in
ReplyDeleteJohn 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
(King James Bible)