
Thursday, July 3, 2014

Derick and Jill Dillard Honeymoon Details

The newlyweds have revealed their honeymoon location! After their June 21st wedding, Jill and Derick Dillard headed off to a beach house in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, for a romantic getaway.

"Every morning, we would wake up and go out and sit on the deck and listen to the waves," Jill told PEOPLE Magazine. "It was beautiful. It was very private without a lot of people there yet for the season. It was so relaxing."

While on their honeymoon, the couple enjoyed picnic lunches and walks on the beach and toured the Wright Brothers National Memorial and the Bodie Island Lighthouse.

Now that they are back in Northwest Arkansas, the Dillards are settling into married life...and loving every minute of it.

"I have the most amazing guy," Jill told PEOPLE. "Everything about being married is awesome."

The couple has taken advantage of Derick's short commute to his job as a tax accountant by meeting up for lunch dates.

Jill Dillard (formerly Jill Duggar) did a lot of cooking for the Duggar clan before she was married and has had to make adjustments to her favorite recipes to avoid excessive amounts of leftovers.

"I love to cook and have been able to do a lot of cooking," Jill told PEOPLE. "Cooking for two people is a learning experience in and of itself."

More details on


  1. Cool! I would have never guessed Kill Devil Hills or NC for that matter! ( NC is my state so, that's pretty cool:) )

  2. Thanks for posting!!!! I love the duggars alot!!!!!!!!! Will Jill and Derrick have a website?

  3. what a blessing that they had a peaceful honeymoon without threat of the hurricane..

  4. Awww shes so sweet ! I love the fireworks photo! Beautiful pic!!!! Love this blog thanks for the constant updates . I used to be so into the show in the first few seasons then I didn't have cable now I get updated on youtube so glad when your blog posts youtube episode updates as well!!! Also what's your advice on having a successful blog?? Please share please!

  5. I am happy for Jill. They both look happy and relaxed. Which is what a couple should be after just getting married.

  6. I have 12 children and my older daughters often discuss what they will do with their time when its just their husband and no children yet and they have no clue how to make a meal for 2. :)

  7. AW! the picture of Jill and Derrick Kissing against the fireworks is beautiful :)

  8. I was there the same week, but I didn't run into them. #mildlyinteresting

  9. So happy for them. In love and starting thier life together. What a blessing.

  10. Yes, I LOVE the picture with the fireworks! So sweet and romantic :) Sounds like they had a terrific honeymoon - so happy for them!!

  11. Awww... so sweet! :)Hope they had a great time!! I love the last picture. Its so cute!!!! Can't wait to see more pictures of the New Mr. and Mrs.Dillard!!!!!!! God Bless!

  12. Congratulations awesome couple God bless

  13. They are SO CUTE together!!! Come on Jana! Please be the next one!!!

  14. It's so bizzare to see them kissing! So not used to that! lol! Happy for them though, poor Ben and Jessa they haven't even held hands yet and it's been 10 months!

  15. Praise the Lord that they weren't married last week, else they'd be there with the threat of a hurricane hitting today!

    It's refreshing to see such a sweet couple!

  16. Derrick nathinal Dillard first son yours name it should be
    Or jayden Patrick Dillard

  17. So happy for the happy couple! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time on your honeymoon. Hopefully it won't be long until you hear the pitter-patter of little feet in your own home! :)

  18. Jill looks so different in the first picture. Very happy they had a nice private time.

  19. I wonder when the pregnancy announcements will start rolling around...!!!!! They will have the most beautiful babies!

  20. So, the public kissing has begun. Had hopes they would be more circumspect.

    1. Why? Public affection between committed adults is beautiful and inspiring. It's not like there is anything vulgar about their actions. The world would be less beautiful and a lot more boring if we never saw people in love.

  21. I knew it, I guessed NC:-) They look so relaxed and in total bliss. Im so happy for them and i will never get sic of saying so:-):-):-)

  22. Love this! I can't express how much I appreciate my niece having positive Christian role models!

  23. Ah to be young and in love! The Dillards look so happy it's infectious! :) I love the shot of their kiss against the fireworks!

  24. Can't get enough of this couple. Can't wait to see more of them!

  25. I'm so happy for Jill and Derick! They seem like such a sweet couple. By the way, that is the Bodie Island Light House in Nags Head, NC you have pictured. The Cape Hatteras Light House has diagonal stripes!

  26. Glad to know where they went finally. Their pictures look good. Who took them? Also glad to know that Jill is a great cook thanks to her mom and older sister, Jana. But now she'll have to learn to cook for two instead of 21 people. It kinda funny if she cooks a little too much for herself and Derick to eat and have many leftovers for days. Hey Lily and Ellie, will their honeymoon be featured on next season on their wedding episode?

  27. There is a blog I love called desserts for two. Jill should check it out its wonderful! You can show your creativity and love through food!!

  28. Awww! Love seeing them so happy! This is such a special time in their lives, I hope they enjoy every minute! I hope we get to see a lot more of them in the next season. I'm curious to see how they blend their lives together and what values they hold as their own little family - Jill still seems very modest in her photos since the wedding, but maybe not quite as strict, baring more of her arms, etc? I get the impression Derrick's family has a slightly broader view of what modest, feminine attire includes, and I wonder if Jill will stick with the familiar or branch out more. Both sides of their families seem like such pillars of loving Christian values, though, I don't think she could go wrong either way!

  29. Thank you for sharing your photos. You both look very relaxed and happy . Can't wait to see more pictures of your house. I bet it is nice just cooking for two instead of 20 or more.

  30. Jill shirt in the first picture is different. It has very bright words and almost looks sleeveless. NOT judging at all!! I like that picture and they are as cute as ever!! Thank you for posting!!

  31. What a great start to a great marriage! They were smart to honeymoon there before the busy season started.

  32. Really I do think it is the Duggars right and that they are just behaving wisely to be private about their family life; and the public does not have the right to demand constant updates and truth telling about their lives. When the Bible says speak the truth one to another in love - I do not think this gives all people the right to information on demand from others about their lives. That just doesn't seem entirely correct. I am happy Jill and Derick had a good honeymoon, just the way they planned it. I think they were modest in their honeymoon plans and I am equally impressed that they are already settling into their new home and are back to work. What good examples they are. Jim Bob and Michelle must be glad to have such wise children.

  33. The more pictures I see of the love and physical side of love in the Duggar stories the more I appreciate the complete freedom I have as a single person. I appreciate this real delineation of what to do when, when you are single it is hands off and when you are married all the physical stuff and a is such a beautiful word, it is simply no until after the yes, in life. Now that is a real lesson and real freedom for singles.

  34. Glutenfreesince2003!July 4, 2014 at 1:26 AM

    My family has vacationed in Kill Devil Hills for more than 50 years now! I am one of eight children and we meet there in July every year, with our spouses and our children, to carry on the tradition my parents started so long ago. The Outer Banks is a perfect vacation spot for us because there is a wide variety of activities for the more adventurous family members (hang-gliding is one favourite), yet the beautiful beach is activity enough for others. Municipal Code restricts the building height and lot sizes, so these communities have not developed like Ocean City and Myrtle Beach have. And there are no casinos, as in Atlantic City, and few nightclubs. But the teens and young adults in our family have always enjoyed their time there. As you can see in the Dillards' photos, the beach is nearly deserted before and after high season. Even during the height of the summer, the beach never gets crowded. Jill and Derick chose a wonderful spot for their honeymoon, and it's affordable enough that they should be able to revisit often in the years to come - even with children! I highly recommend that anyone reading who has not visited the Outer Banks do so. You will certainly not regret it!

  35. Excited to see more of them as a couple on the show. They seem like a great match. I imagine that must be a lot to take on your WHOLE physical relationship all at once.

  36. I am from NC ...I kinda thought they were on the Outer Banks.Its 8 hrs from the middle of NC..if they drove it must have taken several days...must have flown maybe to Raleigh but still a long ways from there..I am curious on their mode of travel..the OB is really way out there...and for them to have a few days to themselves.Well they got in and out just before the hurricane..its hitting the OB right now.Love u guys...thanks for all the pics and up dates.Elizabeth J...God bless!

  37. sono così felice di vedere due ragazzi che si amano quando spesso intorno a noi c'è tanta cattiveria. Auguro a loro una lunga felice vita insieme

  38. Thank goodness they are back home now. I'm watching the news at that very location talking about the hurricane. And I HAVE THAT TOP THE SHE HAS ON and it has see thru lace on the back and is sleeveless! I pray she (or the other girls) doesn't change the way they dress after marriage. Its too late for my daughter as she's 20 now but I love the positive role models that they are to our youth. So happy for you both. Now its Jessa and Bens turn to get married.

  39. @Anonymous

    Hi Maggie,

    Our advice for having a successful blog is to do a lot of research. There is great information on the web about how to build a blog.

    Hope this helps!
    Lily and Ellie

  40. They are at the beach. Most likely keeping to themselves. If its hot you wear what is comfortable. If you think you will be alone you can wear as you please. I wear a tank top in public once a year when we go to the water slides. I wear it over my takini. She looks layered. May have fixed the sleeves to avoid a farmers tan. Again, who cares. She has her own n convictions. If she chooses to wear a tank top in public, that's her right as a grown married person.

  41. I super happy for you guy!!!! God bless you

  42. Love you both and wishing you both years of love and happiness

  43. It is a wonderful time for Derick and Jill. I feel happy for them. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  44. I am very happy for you both. Genuine love. This is your time to make your legacy and to build your family. God is with you. Enjoy the ride.

  45. @Anonymous
    nothing wrong with a tank top if its showing just the arms, she was alone with her husband (no need to be ultra modest there) and it looks to have been very warm...also i think she has a tank top under it

  46. Congratulations to Jill and Derrick. I am so happy for them! It's like watching a fairytale. Jill is such a sweet girl, and Derrick seems like a wonderful guy. God Bless,

  47. Yay! I had guessed Outer Banks! I loved it there!

  48. Good thing they got BACK when they did, otherwise they'd've had to deal with "ARTHUR"!!

    ~~ Lee W. Malden, MA ~~

  49. I am so happy for Jill. What a great example to follow. She waited on the Lord, remained pure, and married for the right reasons! I love how she said she felt she can serve God better with Derrick at her side than alone. (Paraphrasing) That is the kind of man I want to marry! One that will encourage me and help me serve my God. I am so happy that that happened for Jill.

  50. Congratulations Derick & Jill on your recent marriage. I am so happy for you both! I posted a big long comment on your facebook page that I hope you'll read as a family (It's all positive I promise). I thank you all for sharing your lives with us the good, the bad & the everything in between! God Bless you all!

  51. Congratulations to the happy couple!!! I know The Lord has blessed their union greatly!! I know with The Lord in their lives, they become a three way cord that cannot be broken..... Will we get to see any more episodes that lead up to and include the actual wedding? I would love to see more episodes...I miss watching when they aren't on...I feel like they are part of my family as well......Much love to you all.......


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