
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Three Little Duggars

Jordyn, Mackynzie, and Josie Duggar were all born within a 12-month period. "They have a lot of similar interests, but their personalities are very different," says Anna.

Jordyn is smart and observant. Mackynzie is strong-willed and likes to take charge. And Josie is an energetic fireball who loves to sing and play music. Learn more about the three youngest Duggar girls in this TLC webisode:

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That video was so cute! I loved it! Those three girls are so different from each other!

  3. What about sweet little Jennifer, we don't see her much.Out of all the little ones she gonna grow up to look like Jenna or Jessa, she has those beautiful full lips too.

  4. So cute ! I enjoyed the video but unfortunately I couldn't really hear it because of all the music :( thanks for sharing

  5. Dear Michelle

    As my first Mother's Day approaches I just want to let you know that your strength and loving heart have blessed me tremendously during my first year of motherhood. You give me strength and courage everyday! Thank you for sharing you life and love!

  6. That is so sweet! The Lord has blessed the Duggars with such precious children, both inside and out! I loved this!

  7. So sorry for your loss you have a beautiful family <3

  8. Seriously they are the CUTEST GIRLS EVER!!! :) :) :) That is SO neat that they're all 4 years old for part of the year!

  9. Love it!!!!! BEAUTIFUL family!!!! And i have to agree.... Josie is a little fireball=)

  10. there so cute!!!!!!!!!!:)


    1. ? Do the duggars know that you are spilling the beans? They're are probably staying quiet about it (if it's true, for a reason)

  12. I love Duggars, but feel like Jordyn was forgotten due to the dufficulties with baby Josie...

  13. but Jordyn is 5...

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Does anyone know if that is true??? The thing anonymous 12 said about Jinger and Anna. I hope they are true!!!

  16. @Anonymous
    Where did you learn that?

  17. @Anonymous
    Jennifer is a very shy little girl, so she doesn't like being on camera too much.

  18. Jinger courting? Why hasn't it been announced and how did you know anon 12?

  19. @Anonmyous12
    If you are going to say stuff like that, it would be better for you to prove it somehow....where did you find that?????

  20. how did you find out that Jinger is courting???????? and that anna is ecspecting??????????


  22. I've always thought Jordyn is such a sweet, lovely little girl. I feel rather badly for her because it seems like Josie gets so much more attention.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Each of the Duggar children should get their own birthday. That's what you sign up for when you elect to have so many children. It might get a little busy and birthdays are part of it. Please don't "lump together". Each of them are individual. A shared birthday is copping out on them.

  25. TLC needs to do something about the time frame in filming to airing this show. It's is filmed way too much in advance, that the episodes are non climactic and out of date. Maybe they can address that.

  26. I hope Jill will be happy with Derrick after marriage, but I can't help but be concerned, why would this girl ask for a $399.00 blender for a wedding gift? I don't think these girls know the value of a dollar because they have never worked a day in their lives at a real job, nor have they had to handle any money themselves and mange it. They are like children writing their Christmas lists with not real knowledge of what things cost. They are advised about "buy used,,etc" but aren't displaying any of that wisdom with new things, she's asking for a $9.99 serving spoon? They are far less, new at WalMart and just as good.

    Also, does anyone know what JimBob and Michelle are giving Jill as a wedding gift? does he have to give the new husband a dowry when they marry? What's their position on those things? Thanks..

  27. They have their own birthday. They just celebrate extra when all three are the same age. It is very cool.

  28. There's always rumors going on about Anna being pregnant. They'll announce it when they are ready IF Anna is indeed expecting another blessing.

  29. Jordyn, Mackynzie and Josie are only the same age at the same time for about 8 days, before Jordyn has her next birthday.

  30. @Naomi Bennet i'm friends with the wallers and i learned from david when i saw him recently.

  31. So cute! Two of my girls are Jordyn and Josie's ages. Love to watch episodes with them in it as they are very relatable to my little girls!

  32. If that is true about Jinger courting I feel really bad for poor Jana. I know she is waiting for God's timing but it must be hard with all of her younger sisters courting.

  33. I noticed that Anna has begun to homeschool MacKynzie since she is now 4 years old. Has Josie started homeschooling too? If so, who is instructing her? They should begin her education with learning how to eat properly. Table manners is a part of living/learning too. We also don't walk on tables, countertops, etc., so unsanitary. That goes for many of the younger kids.

  34. If that's true then David Waller might be in some hot water for leaking this news. If it is true then , when it rains it poors, just like the Bates.They had two marriages and two more recent courtings after that.That's gonna be hard on those little ones when the older girls leave home.I guess only time will tell all.Patience is a virtue, let's wait for an officional announcements before we get too excited on what might be heresay.

  35. Poor Jennifer, she seems to have gotten the least attention than the other girls- in the shadow of outgoing Johanna, and cute pair Jordyn and Josie.

  36. @Linda Barrie

    Couldn't have said it any better....amen.

  37. Has anyone noticed that Josie's smile is EXACTLY like Michelle's? She is such a cute little munchkin!

  38. i guess it has been confrimed by namoi bennet then anna is going to have another child and Jinger is in a courtship?

  39. Is the Anna thing true?? And jinger??

  40. I mean maybe Anna will announce in July 2 months before bc with marcus they waited b

  41. @Anonymous 40
    Let's not assume that until (if) they release that news. However, it does look like that.

  42. I think the Duggars always do a great job of celebrating each child's birthday individually. It is only because of the unusual nature of the three little ones - particularly Jordyn and Josie - being the same age at the same time that they highlight it.

  43. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this family and EVERYTHING you all stand for. You always lift me up whenever I get down, and I sincerely hope and pray that God continues to bless you all every single day of your lives. I live in Joplin, MO, and I was truly grateful for the help you gave to our town after the tornado of May 22, 2011. You are truly angels on Earth, all of you.

  44. @Anonymousmaybe that's why michelle gives Josie
    more attention.

  45. @AnonymousI think its fine that Jill wants a blended for $399 she will have it for the next 20 plus years. I think its "normal" for a newly married couple to start life off with a few new things. They can buy used for years to come. I also think Jill and Derrick will eat healthy.

  46. Weird tangent - Jill's future blender. With some of the stuff they requested I have wondered if they are planning to open a smoothie/juice shop attached to their house.

  47. Why are all the older girls courting.Whatever happen to going to college.There is more to life then having babies and being a stay at home Mom. What about having a family and a career. Is Jimbob forcing them to marry for the ratings.

  48. The college thing is elusive. I think the Duggars are right to do it the way they do. Better than playing the expensive 'college' game. Paying close attention to Jim Bob and Michelle who have effectively applied the word of God to their lives is something that really challenges me. I love that tight fisted Michelle and that joyful Jim Bob who calmly and non ostentiously goes about doing the most amazing things I have ever seen a man do.

  49. What is wrong with not wasting money on a degree you will never use and getting married. Kids need to be raised by their parents and not day care workers. There is nothing wrong with a woman working, but like it or not kids need their moms. Too many women are trying to have it all because that is what they were taught. To be like a man. Work. Be independent. Send your kids to someone else so the wife can do what she wants.
    Your kids are only there for a short time. They do not deserve to be pushed off on someone else.

    1. So what happens if hubby dies? Bet a college degree would come in handy then. Or he becomes disabled.

  50. Our children are with us for a little while, savor every moment and count your blessings!

  51. I can't believe that the show got cancelled. People are human, and EVERYONE makes some kind of mistake. I think it should be worked into the show just like Michele's eating disorder, wearing bikini cutting grass, being a cheerleader and on the WILD side when she was a teenager. We want the show back, PLEASE


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