Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Season Premiere Sneak Peek

On tonight's season premiere of 19 Kids and Counting, "A Duggar Says Yes," Jessa Duggar goes on a date with Ben Seewald and his parents. "I wouldn't say I was, like, uncomfortable, but definitely it was just a little bit awkward," says Jessa. The show starts at 9PM EST/8PM CST. Sneak peek video below:


  1. I wouldn't want my sons to be stuck having to marry a girl he doesn't know simply because he wants to have lunch with HER, not her whole family. Obviously this situation creates inexperienced children marrying inexperienced children. IMO, the Duggars are unnecessarily severe in all that they do and in all that they don't do. Not being nasty, it's just what seems to be about this family. I really don't think the kids have any real choice at all in their "rules" because they have been so sheltered in how to live that if they chose differently, their parents wouldn't tolerate it and probably ostracize them. The kids are so conditioned to need the family that they couldn't handle that. Ask Michelle & JB how they would treat a child of he/she wanted more freedom in a relationship? This is what we want to know.. and not dance around the answer. Thank you for this point of view being allowed to post.

  2. when will the new season come out on iTunes?

  3. Will you post the whole season tomorrow or something? I Don't have cable but would really like to see it!!!

  4. I'm glad will get to see more of a girls point of view of courting. We got to see a little bit with Anna and Josh's courtship. I'm so excited to see what God has in stored for Jessa and Jill's courtship!! :)

  5. Please somebody post these episodes online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. So impressed by her maturity,and his family seems sweet.I feel like a proud U.S citizen to have her and her family represent the kind of goodness we still have here, much better than others on TV that are an embarrassment for other countries to see .Godblessa Jessa !

  7. I can not see the video but i can hear it

  8. Did anyone else notice that there is no one else in the restaurant?

  9. That's very wise of Jessa to guard her heart and not being presumptuous with guys :)

  10. @HHMom
    Oh yeah, I didn't notice until you pointed it out. :) The staged reality of reality tv. Maybe they just had a room reserved. For filming purposes it makes sense to keep the noise down but I imagine it's logistically difficult to shoot scenes in public. It may depict reality, but there's a lot that is staged for getting those good shots. O

  11. I wish the interviewer had drawn out Jana and Jinger for their opinions and insight!


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