Thursday, April 17, 2014

Photos from the first Bates Wedding

Tuesday's new episode of 19 Kids and Counting showed the wedding of Erin Bates and Chad Paine.

 The Duggars arrive at the Bates home in the hills of eastern Tennessee

 Jessa Duggar and boyfriend Ben Seewald

 Josie Duggar

 Jackson Duggar, Warden Bates, and Justin Duggar

 Erin Bates and fiance Chad Paine at the rehearsal 

 Jill Duggar will be the first Duggar daughter to walk down the aisle

 Michelle Duggar and Kelly Bates on the day of the wedding

 Admiring Erin's wedding dress

 Justin Duggar and James Duggar getting ready for the wedding

 The Bates-Paine wedding party

 The wedding ceremony

 Mr. and Mrs. Chad Paine take their first steps as a married couple

 Chad and Erin Paine with Jana Duggar and Jill Duggar

 The boys "trash" the couple's getaway car

 The wedding reception

The bride and groom head for their honeymoon!
First stop: a cabin in the Smoky Mountains
Next stop: Ireland


  1. Do you think you guys could post that episode on this blog. I'm not aloud to go searching on the internet for that kind of stuff. I'm so happy for Erin Bates! Thanks for making this blog!

  2. Aw, wow! Erin Bates is just the most gorgeous bride ever. And THAT DRESS! Breathtaking! :) And I love their honeymoon destinations!!!!

  3. From what i saw it was a BEAUTIFUL wedding!!

  4. So beautiful!! Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Paine!

  5. I love the fact that the Duggars went to the wedding and served.

    1. Usually the caterers serve the guests, not other guests.

  6. who is Lily and Ellie? Just curious=)

  7. Erin has to be the most beautiful bride to ever walk the isle!!!! She is absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Anonymous 6:32 - Look back several posts to an interview and video about hair-styling and you can see the blog owners. :)

  9. I can't wait to see Jills wedding! This was so fun to watch. I can't remember but did Erin and Chad dance at their wedding or do thy not dance like the Duggars?

  10. While I am happy for Josh, all the married Bates so far, and upcoming Jill and Jessa with their weddings, I wonder about the message these families instill in their children from birth onward--that we are all created to get married and have children. The Bible clearly speaks to the contrary. Erin already suffered a miscarriage. There will clearly be some children out of these massive families that God chose a different path for. Maybe no marriage. Maybe barren. I wonder how these children will cope if God intends for them to remain single or if God intends for them to be barren. Time will tell. If this is the case, will these children feel "adequate" as human beings? Of course, they are, but when you are drilled from birth to marry and have children, if God has different plans, I fear it will take a lifetime of therapy to "get" that.

    1. I believe they were raised follow God no matter what his plans are for them.

  11. She was looking extraordinary beautiful! I would absolutely love to watch this episode online.
    Lilly & Ellie, do you propably know whether it can be purchased somewhere online or watched by non-American citizens? I tried several 'free movie websites' but they don't really work.

    Ps: have a thoughtful Good Friday and happy Easter!

  12. I just watched it again. It was a beautiful, God-centered wedding!

  13. Why are you referring to them as Mr. and Mrs. Chad Paine? Erin still has her own identity despite being married. She should not be referred to as a mere extension of her husband.

  14. @Elizabeth

    Hi Elizabeth,

    Tuesday's episode isn't on YouTube yet. It can be purchased on Amazon US and iTunes, but since you are an international reader, that probably won't work for you. When/if the episode is uploaded to YouTube, we will post the link. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  15. The episode ran on delishows for me.
    Also, whenever John-David gets married he'll get back all the car trashing he has done so far. It'll be grand and hilarious!

  16. @Anonymous

    The boys could have done less serving. That trashing of the car was tacky. I can't understand they focus so much on respect where men are screened and texts are supervised but stunts like this are encouraged? It was not respectful or "fun". Not to mention dangerous when the windows have so much writing on them you can not properly see out of them. The whole thing was meant to delay their marital bliss. They hadn't kissed until that day. Delayed gratification wasn't something they needed to work on for strength of character. If any thing it reinforces the idea that the physical is all important by messing up their night by delaying and making it rather smelly. Their first moments didn't need the aroma of fish as a distraction. Putting something on the car to announce they married is enough.

  17. Interesting how Bill Gothard was conveniently edited out, when he was a major part of the wedding and the center of attention and public hero worship during the reception. Guess that's bad PR now. And yes, I was there. I saw this with my own eyes. A man idolized and given the center of attention instead of THE BRIDE.

    I love the denials of these families being Gothardites, when that flies in the face of the evidence. I think it's time to address the false teaching the Duggars have been the face for during the last few years.

    Are they guilty of the sins of Gothard or Doug Phillips. No. But the sins of these men are the fruits of false teachers, and they are responsible for being the face and advertisement of the bondage of the legalistic teachings of the quiverfull and patriarchy movements. They can deny being followers all they want, but that's hard to believe considering the facts.

  18. this isn't the first Bates wedding is it (as said in title) ? Isnt her older brother married ? Im confused ?

  19. Yes, I agree with "anonymous..11's comment. With 19 people born, these children all have their own soul, their own plan for their lives; different interests and talents. I have asked that same question, but it has not been addressed. When asked on the Today show about their futures, ALL 19 kids said they want exactly what their parents indefinite number of children when married.. the hosts were quite surprised NO ONE wanted any variation of their parents' life. I don't believe that the Duggars truly encourage anything different for their children many of which are and have been adults for a while now. I think that Josh, who is existing in the real world in DC, might feel some pressure on himself and Anna, who is living a real homemaker life in DC also feels it, but isn't allowed to acknowledge it to themselves or certainly to each other as it would seemingly be a sin to think or feel something different; like, maybe they have their quiver of 3. Also, I have asked what safeguards this lifestyle has built in if the unthinkable happens, and one of these women is widowed, abused in any way and should divorce? How can a totally untrained/inexperienced woman in the workplace support herself and multiple children in those cases? Would the parents support this woman emotionally if she were to come to them and tell them of an abusive spouse? Would they blame her for not keeping her husband happy as it is her duty? Sometimes, a guy is just a rotten apple, and your father isn't infallible in his "approval". Thank you, anonymous 11 for bringing up this issue.

  20. Has Erin ever worked outside her home in any capacity? I'm sorry that the college she's going to isn't accredited. What's the purpose of attending a college whose credits don't count in the workplace? What is her major? If she will simply stay home and have babies right away, ( I'm sorry for her loss recently), why is she bothering to take classes she will never use from an unaccredited college?
    The birdcage on top of the cake is quite fitting. I've never seen one, but I guess it symbolizes free to fly the coop of her childhood life and home...I'm not being sarcastic, but you can't help but see it. Thank you.

  21. What happens when the Duggar children marry a person who also home churched?

    1. Many churchs also allow non-members to use their facilities (sometimes for a higher use fee charge, however).

  22. I agree with anonymous 11.. what if life turns out differently for some of these kids? They are drilled that marriage and children is what they must do, it's obvious with the only emphasis being put on this path. They may say differently ,"whatever God wants",, but I'm sure actions speak louder than words here... it's all their kids have seen. I'm sure there is a GREAT DEAL of pressure to marry and conceive asap, otherwise, we wouldn't have heard Anna "hoping and praying" one day after her wedding for a baby. I noticed Josh's look on his face when recollecting that time,,, even he suspected that a 4 month period from marriage to conception "maybe wasn't long enoug' and how silly that might have sounded in retrospect.. I fear these married kids, will feel the pressure and not enjoy their lives as couples, only seek to be parents way too soon in their stage of life. Wanting anything different is surely frowned upon by the all controlling parents, yes, even the Bates family.
    However, I must say that I like the Bates parents more than the Duggar parents. Gil Bates seems to be a more jolly, happy man than JimBob, doesn't grope, and constantly kiss Kelly after each sentence and may actually be a hands on father, even in their world. I am of a Christian faith and am a mother myself. A Happy, and Blessed Easter to all,, and yes, I gave my kids baskets along with church for this joyful holiday; and they aren't athiests because of it.

  23. To anonymous at 5:46, Erin was the first Bates child to get married, she got married in November. Zach got married in December

  24. Personally I see the Bates and Duggers as families that have rebelled against the standard system. They have been able to live debt free and create the life that they have chosen to live. Even though many of us may not consider their lifestyle to be ideal, It is their choice. Also the Duggars and Bates have accomplish quite a bit even without any formal degrees. Jim and Michele Duggar live debt free, have written books, traveled the world and used the show as their ministry. All while raising 19 children. Anyone watching the show has seen them face death(the loss of Jim Bobs father) a miscarriage and a premature child. Through out all this they have not shied away from proclaiming their faith. Even their children have shown how capable they are in difficult situations. Jana, Jill and John David when Josie was sick and their parents were away. John David also works and owns a home. Josh Duggar is now working as a Director in Washington DC without a degree. Zach Bates has worked as a county commissioner and now is running for Mayor of his town also without a degree. Erin Bates is pursuing a music degree, Alyssa Bates worked in a floral shop and Lawson Bates is currently pursuing a music career.
    My point is that yes college is usually that path that is encouraged for many american, but it can lead to a great amount of debt. And many who graduate from college may not have the required skills to obtain a job in their degree field. It is important to consider that their are other paths besides the ones that are currently being promoted to a successful life.

  25. That is so amazing that she got that beautiful wedding dress on the clearance rack!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Sorry to say that Erin's wedding dress, yes, was beautiful, as it originally was sewn and would have been nice if it were sewn with sleeves and a higher neckline from the get go. The "add on" fabric and quality of alterations looked just like that... added on. It wasn't a good job and it showed.

  27. Erin & Chad's wedding was beautiful and a fairytale wedding.

  28. Although I do wish these two a happy and successful marriage, in their own opinions, I don't think that a wedding reception in a cement block wall church basement, with mints, and bologna, pickles and cheese on toothpicks is a fairy tale wedding. I hope they turn out to be what each other was looking for in a spouse. Only time will tell..

  29. Some wives gladly take on their husbands name and are still equal partners.

  30. @Anonymous

    If they are doing it out of their own free will, then we all have to live with it. God does not force anyone to worship him and these families have chosen to worship him in this way. Personally, haven't seen anything offensive, extreme, or even wrong by this family so far. They do things differently, but so do I and every single family I have known. If they have things they want to keep private because it will give the impression they do not want to give, hey, we all do a little bit of that everyday. It might be that there is a bit of envy to the "picture" they portray to the public because it seems too perfect. Again, we all do that as well in some shape or form. Im sure they have their bad moments and do some swearing every now and then. Just because we dont see it doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

  31. Anonymous 32 said
    "Some wives gladly take on their husband's name and are still equal partners"

    I heartily agree!! I find it odd that anyone watching these families would think Erin would keep her maiden name. Marriage is not the end of one's identity or individualism, but it is the beginning of a whole new adventure in becoming "we" not just "me".

  32. Cutest couple I have EVER seen. Congratulations!!!!

  33. some of these comments are such a hoot!!!
    congrats to the happy couple :)

  34. I was hoping a Bates and a Duggar would get married some day

  35. These families r amazing! Smart..beautiful and should make people want to live a better life! They r ginuien and u jus don't see that type very of tern. The parents of both the duggars and bates have done amazing jobs of raising their families in such hard times! Love them ALL!!!!♥♥♥

  36. After 10 years I still love watching the Bates family!!


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