
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Encouragement for Moms

The Duggar family, including Josh and Anna, spent last week at the ATI homeschool conference in Big Sandy, Texas. Anna enjoyed catching up with her sister Priscilla Waller, who has one child and is expecting her second. Here's a YouTube video the women made to encourage other moms:

And here's a video of the grand-Duggars playing in the Big Sandy:


  1. My brothers names are nathan and David that so cool. I love watching them play in the sand box. Anne looks preagnet. I hope they are. Anne really has her hand full with Marcus. I wish all the seasons of duggars was more normal things like playing in the sand box and less travel and going. It not reality if they just show them doing big advents. I would rather watch them wash dishes and do school then them on the go.

  2. Very sweet. Finally some attention for Mckynzie! Seems like she gets left out a lot, and Michael is dad's number 1. Share that love Josh, they are each very special.

  3. Anna definitely has that pregnancy glow :-) although it would be the closest age difference between her children, I hope there's a happy announcement to come :-)

  4. In the first video, those boys want to be put down and yet both moms keep hold of them for the sake of the video (which backfires because it makes it almost impossible to understand what they're saying). I wish these folks would rely less on blind obedience and more on letting their children be free to choose their own path (which includes facing the consequences of ACTUALLY being bad). I fear that these boys will be punished for simply not wanting to do what mommy wants when mommy wants.

    1. They are babies, they don't need to be "left to make their own choices" in this season of life. Their mothers are doing something, and the babies are safer in their arms then left to roam by themselves. Come on.... I've heard every one of the Duggar kids say they made the decision to take the path the are taking. I think you are making huge assumptions.

  5. Anna is pretty obviously 4 or 5 months pregnant here. Sooo exciting!

  6. Anna looks pregnant! :)

  7. The second video in the sand box is what I often did with my little children. The first video about the regular Bible reading I never did this. My children are grown up now and I am just realizing the importance of the Bible. These women are doing the right thing to share what they do. Everyone can see other parents or caregivers in the park playing and it is evident to do this with children. What else is happening everyone does not see this part of others lives. These women are revealing the secrets of their lives, what really is important to them, which a lot of people like myself, won't 'get' without this kind of sharing. Thanks.

  8. Cute video! Love the babies :) I for one am glad that babies are not allowed to chose their own path...could you imagine? It's called discipline when you expect your children to do what you say. It's also a safety issue. If you don't set boundaries and expectations of your children, they grow up to be spoiled brats and irresponsible adults that the rest of us have to deal with. Even if it seems like a small thing, like sitting still when asked, kids need to learn that their parents are in control and that they have their best interests at heart. In the end there is a time a place for exploration and independence, but obedience is an absolute.

  9. I do not think Anna Duggar is pregnant( to Rene

    To Anon at 8:10-The whole purpose of child training is to do what mommy wants when she wants it! The Duggars and many other good parents want to correct the bad and defiant behavior in the baby stage rather than deal with it in the teenage stage. Babies have to learn respect even at 8 months or younger!!!

  10. Praise God Ladies for your obedance to God. I love the way you all obey God. I am thankful for your encouragement. Because of your example I can be a better mother and woman of God.

  11. Why have duggar girls been dressing trendy with showy clothing lately? Anyone else agree?

  12. We try to read alot of bible with our boys..although getting them to sit through it is often a challange..anyway I commented on another post about anna asking for some info on contacting her. I am having trouble with my two toddler boys and every day is a constant battle! I am obviously not a perfect mother :) no one is! but lately things are just not going well so anyway I would love to ask anna a whole list of questions about what she does with her kids, although these videos are very helpful there are many more questions I have to ask but would love tips and advice from readers (and prayers!) thanks so much

  13. "j" -- The Bible doesn't put restrictions on the clothing that people should wear. God calls us first to a heart that loves Him. There is a wide spectrum of personal conviction among the Christian community on how a Christian should dress. A Christian truly seeking to follow God will come to a Biblically-influenced conclusion on how to dress. There is no sin in a desire to wear tasteful clothing that is influenced by the fashion of the day as long as it falls within the realms of acceptability in the Christian's conscience.

  14. So cute!!! Love the second video:) (Anna looks pregnant:) hope she is!!!)

  15. Children are to be raised and not controlled. Being under control isn't the same as having good behavior. Calling a child who fidgets a brat shows your lack of self control. I worry about children with neurological or mental health issues being raised in families requiring self control and instant obedience in babyhood. Diagnosis is usually during later years.

    The duggars have shoulders covered and knees covered. Why are you staring at their hemlines? Shouldn't more modest cuts be trendy with more people chosing that style?

  16. @janonymous 11 , its called maturing and growing into the modern era.Let them dress how ever they seem fit.Cracks me up,either they are too racy or to Little house on the prairie,there is no pleasing everyone.Let's just love them for who they are on the inside and not be so critically judgemental as good Christians should, Amen.Have a blessed day. ;-)

  17. Maybe commenting on Anna's body frame isn't the wisest thing to speculate. She might feel bad if she's not pregnant and people are saying she is. We wouldn't want to seem insensitive or hurt anyones feelings now would we? Coming from a person who has had eight children one after another,our bodies don't have time between pregnancies to fully go back to our origional slim selves. That's not our priority, we can deal with all that after our season of bringing new life into this world is over.Anna is so beautiful no matter how she may look to some.I wish more twenty somethings would take a page from her book, she is truly admirable.

  18. Judging by how slim Anna looked in this past episode I would say seeing her in this video she's clearly pregnant! Yippee so happy for them:-)

  19. Y'all are SUCH great parents. It's one of my life's regrets, -that I was not better equipped as a parent. I've made huge mistakes and it's too late to work on some of those now. Time is no longer on our side. Priscilla, I love that you just simply allowed Paul to explore and enjoy the puddle. I would have been stressing about it when mine were that age. :( Keep up the Godly example and good work, all. THANK YOU for sharing your lives with others. ~T

  20. @Anonymous I sooo agree on the day to day. TLC, please show more "activities of daily life" and less "Today we're going to [insert far away place]."

  21. j said11: I think TLC has that influence. They want to have this family appear to be more mainstream. Had they continued with their "Little House on the Prairie" clothing, they wouldn't be more likeable and have people think that they are "just another normal family" who happens to be religious...but we know differently.

  22. Thanks for sharing a wonderful video of two expectant sisters talking about how they impart God's word to children. It was a bit hard to hear them, but it was partly due to the echo of the room in which they were standing. I am sure those babies are given plenty of time to explore, but there are times when babies must stay in the arms of their mothers and know that wiggling and expressing that they want down does not always get what they want.

    Please tell us when Anna is due. In the most recent episodes on TLC, Anna is not showing but it's obvious now. I'm guessing a September due date.

  23. I thought anna looked pregnant also....hopefully they announce it soon.....maybe a little sis for mackynzie this time?!?!

  24. You isn't nice to assume someone is pregnant. Because what if she isn't? No woman likes being thought of as pregnant when she isn't.

  25. person in the sand box is not anna but her sister who is pregnant with her second child.

  26. Give the girls a break! Kids are naturally wriggly. They are only asking them to stay in their arms for a video less than 3 minutes long. Maybe they didnt let them down because they didnt want the kids getting into trouble while they were trying to shoot the video. That is NOT child abuse.

    And I fully agree with Jamie. I can see why people think she is pregnant. But it can be hurtful when people say you look pregnant and you are not. Especially if you want to be pregnant and you aren't.

  27. I think it's completely normal to expect Anna to be pregnant again and to discuss if it looks like she is. They waited until just the right time to announce with Marcus even though there were plenty of pictures floating around that obviously showed she was expecting. I've had seven children and I never minded being asked if I was expecting-it was usually true:). My daughter and I just watched the recent TLC show where Anna and Josh had his family to visit DC, and she was not showing like she is now. I think they are keeping it under secrecy for now.


  29. @nicole@Nicloe, you don't need advice from Anna. Love your kids, pay attention to them, keep them healthy and safe. I bet you're doing all those things right now!

  30. I admire Anna so much, everything from what a great wife and mommy she is to her sense of fashion. Would you pass this along to her? I'd like her to know what a positive role model she if for us wives and mothers. Also, Could you please tell me where she shops and what brands of skirts are her favorite? Her skirts are always SO cute!! Thanks!

  31. I don't know about Priscilla, but I certainly hope that Anna will receive proper pre-natal care this time around and see a real ob/gyn in their office. She isn't a brood mare delivering on the farm.

  32. @Lucy she is due around that time

  33. @Anonymous
    Midwives provide proper pre-natal care. Please educate yourself before posting something like this.

  34. If midwives provide proper prenatal care, (and I'm not saying that they are totally unqualified), why is it that ob/gyns require extensive training? Why don't we stop at midwife for proper care? I am of the opinion that a midwife, practicing out of their home (?) won't have proper equipment and detailed training in this field in all matters. Jill is training in this area, and hasn't been to a real school or in a hospital setting. Anna has already suffered a miscarriage and should be careful.

  35. I could be wrong but for her first pregnancy she used an OBGYN. I believe the same doctor was helping Michelle Duggar during a pregnancy as well.

  36. One miscarriage is not a big deal. Sad yes, but it does not indicate a problem. Multiple miscarriages show problems.

  37. KMS-I am not sure you were directing your comment about being brats to my previous comment, but if you are I am responding to that. I was not saying that a child who fidgets is a brat. What I was saying was if you never expect good behaviour from your kids, they will turn into brats. There is nothing wrong with holding a fidgety baby so you can do something, or get something accomplished. If you have ever been a parent, you know that it is necessary to do so from time to time. There is nothing wrong with starting the process of expecting good behaviour from your kids at a young age. I was commenting on a prior comment in which it was stated that kids should be free to make their own choices. I was refuting that stating that babies SHOULD NOT be free to make their own choices. and kids need to know what their parents expect of them, and starting this at a young age is a good idea. In no way would I ever call a baby or toddler a brat. They are learning and exploring their environment. They also need parents there to protect them and teach them...that's what good parenting is all about.


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