Monday, April 14, 2014

Duggars in Love

We just couldn't help but share these photos of the two lovebirds. Derick and Jill are looking forward to tying the knot this summer.


  1. Are the last 2 episodes of 19 kids and counting on youtube yet?

  2. Hehe the tags :) Aww, this lovely couple will wed in just two months! So beautiful when two people who love God come together as one to serve and glorify Him together <3

  3. Has Derek ever kissed a girl before or will his first kiss be on his wedding day?

  4. So exiting. What is the date of the wedding?

  5. I keep saying adorable, buts it's adorable...

  6. Those are the cutest photos! I love the color scheme

  7. They are perfect for each other!!

    Here's the link to watch the latest 2 episodes....

  8. Jill and Derrick these are beautiful pictures. Jill you are literally glowing and you both look so happy! Congratulations on your engagement!

  9. I can tell that the personality of the guys brings out different color in Jill and Jessa. God definitely designed the guys in his unique way ;)

  10. Beautiful images! They look like such a sweet couple! Thank you for sharing your lives. It inspires me to be a better wife and mother... and makes me want more babies hehehe. Trying to find a way to purchase the seasons on DVD for our whole family to watch as I can only watch what is uploaded to Youtube. Sending love from Australia xo

  11. So happy for you guys! Is Jessa engaged? I saw an artical that gave 3 reasons they thought Jessa was engaged, but just was not telling the world. If she is, I don't blame her for wanting to keep it to close friends and family!

  12. Just beautiful!!!!!! Can't wait to see their wedding!
    --Love in Christ, C. H. Duggar fan from Oklahoma

  13. Cute pictures. It seems the engagement period is like a part of the overall marriage relationship. I hope they really have a great time and enjoy them selves as a couple now 'til their summer wedding. It is really not too long to wait when it is considered in the overall view of how things will go. Best wishes to the happy couple, congratulations!

  14. Beautifull couple, they are deeply in love.

  15. I have a feeling that Jim and Michelle will become more lax with every courtship that goes by, the Bates certainly have.I was just wondering if the girls share their clothes?

  16. I love these! They are such an adorable couple! Thanks for sharing! :)

  17. Will you be posting episode 2 PLEASE? I think you should post all of them I have not watched the 2 one But thanks you for posting the 1st one but I would LOVE to 2 one!!! Love the couple they are so cute!!! Hannah

  18. Jill is lost in love:)

  19. I absolutely love this show when is jessa going to get engaged

  20. So adorable and sweet!!!!!!!!! Love it

  21. I am so, so happy that they were kind of "under the radar" because we all were watching Jessa and Ben ! Jill looks so excited.....XXOO to both

  22. Awwww...These two are just soooo in love!!! I'm so happy for Jill and Derick!!

  23. I love your show! love how down to earth everyone is!

    Mekailah Block

  24. They are adorable!

  25. You go, Jill! Congrats, happy for you that you and Derrick found each other. Now, go and live your own life, dear couple. Please don't be an exact copy of your parents, Jill. That isn't being you. There is plenty of time for children, establish your lives together, continue and be certified in midwifery certification. You'll never regret completing your training. God wants us to use the talents He gave us, too. Enjoy some time to yourself after working so hard in your parents' house.

  26. I have left two comments lately. Neither one has been posted. Neither of them said everything neg about the duggars. I love the duggars. Not sure why there not getting posted.

  27. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 38,

    We have received so many comments in the past few days that we got a little behind. Just got caught up. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  28. Being that these are their official engagement pictures, I think they both could have found something nicer to wear. Derrick, tuck your shirt in, no jeans, and Jill wear a newer looking top and match it to your skirt. Although I am happy for them, I think it would be difficult to live overseas in substandard conditions and bring your young children to live there too. Missionary parents need to consider those things. If they want to minister, go before having any children and return when you kids are grown and don't have to go with you. JHMO

  29. Michelle stated that it is a whole different thing to marry a daughter off, than it is a son...Are son't not as loved and valued as daughters? I am the mother of sons and I would be very concerned about the girl that wants to marry them; as she would not only be my son's wife, but my grandchildren's mother and be the one who guides them too and keeps the home environment they will live in... A son is just as much a part of my heart as a daughter is. I guess she sees it differently. If I were Josh, I'd be hurt by my mother saying such a thing.

  30. You two are adorable together, I'm so happy for you guys <3

  31. May God continue to bless your family.


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