Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A Duggar Engaged!

Five-and-a-half years after Josh and Anna tied the knot, another Duggar is making wedding plans. That's right...Jill Duggar is engaged! Derick popped the question a couple weeks ago, and Jill said yes.

Video no longer available


  1. Oh my!! I'm so.... Happy for her and can't wait for the wedding.

  2. OMG I am so happy for Jill and Derick!!!

  3. YAY!!! Congratulations Jill and Derick!!! May the Lord bless your union and your obedience to Him!! Enjoy this time!!!

  4. How lovely!! Congratulations to all on the next chapter x

  5. Oh my goodness! How exciting :)

  6. Congratulations Jill! I know you will be a beautiful bride! Already excited for the TLC specials on your wedding!

  7. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys! :)

  8. AHHHH!!!! YAYY :) This is so exciting!

  9. That is so EXCITING!!! May God bless them richly as they prepare for marriage! Can't wait to hear when the date for the wedding is. :) Congratulations, Jill & Derick!!!

  10. Congrats Jill! This is a very exciting time for you and I wish you all the best!


  12. OHMYGOSH!!!!!! So happy for them! Lily and ellie when will they be getting married?

  13. Oh, how she deserves it, I can't wait until we get to really know Derrick. Pleeeease can we enjoy this news without the meanies? I'm so incredibly happy for them both. Good match up JB! ;)

  14. Video is not showing

  15. If Derick proposed a couple of weeks ago doesn't that mean that when their courtship was announced they were already engaged? Also is it significant that Ben is with Jessa in the large family picture taken outside? I am so happy for Jill and Derick and watching the video, I hope they will be very happy together.

  16. Congratulations to Jill and Derick!!

  17. They look so happy! Congratulations Jill and Derick!

  18. I knew Jill would get married before Jessa!!!
    So happy for Jill and Derick!!!

  19. Oh that's so awesome! I was rooting for them. They seem perfect for each other. Congrats to the future Mr. and Mrs. Dillard! :)))

  20. Congratulations! I am Israeli and I am wondering what Derick was doing in israel (other than buying the ring...). Jill is going to be Jill Dill[ard] :-)

  21. They're adorable!

  22. Congratulations!!!! may you be richly blessed! Do you know if she will finish her midwife course/certification?

  23. They are so cute...They are both absolutely beaming. Wonder when the proposal will be on 19 kids and counting. Does not seem as if Derrick comes from a large family.

  24. Was that a I want to kiss you, but I can't look Jill gave Derrick? LOL

  25. So sweet, you can see how much they love one another!!

  26. I don't see a video, maybe it's just because I'm on a mobile device. Congratulations to the happy couple!!!!!

  27. I cant view the video, its not showing like the others.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Video is not available. Please repost

  30. So elated over this news and wish them only the best blessings as they plan the wedding and venture into married status! Congratulations to Jill and Derick!

  31. I hope they will be very very happy. They look so natural and relaxed together - really sweet to see. :)
    Becky (a UK fan)

  32. I think Jim Bob knew what he was doing when he made a match for Jill.

  33. The wisdom of the Bible is not profane and it is for everyone, not just the little people.

  34. Congrats Jill and Derick!

  35. Congratulations Jill and Derick. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.

  36. They are so wonderful together! Congratulations, Derick and Jill.

  37. Wow, congrats to both of Jill and Derick! They look so great and happy together, so happy for them!

  38. This first interview did not give a positive impression to me. My basic question is why do the Duggars hold hands on engagement? I thought that a woman is betrothed or engaged to be married but then i.e. THEN gives her hand in the marriage and is given away at the marriage ceremony by her parents. The hand holding looks like an attempt to claim and love the betrothed partner already. I think Erin Bates and Chad Paine did not hold hands before they married, Erin likes the most formal approach I think; that is an excellent example and seems preferable. Also it seems that a bride to be should be very quiet when her fiancé speaks and not talk at the same time he is talking and let him finish his sentences. These points change the first impression of the happy news expressed.

  39. Hopefully Jessa does not pattern herself after this example. Jill is not very responsible to the others who may look up to her as an example. Also what is this claiming right away the wedding will be big?

  40. This blog should print more of the comments to give a true depiction of people's comments, not just some comments that make it seem like that is everyone's point of view.

  41. Yey! Mazal tov! so happy for them!!

  42. So, if he asked a few weeks ago, were they actually already engaged by the time they announced they were courting 9 days ago?

  43. I wish the best....

    I know that Jesus Messiah is important part of Marriage even international conditions!

  44. He looks like Ryan from The Office.

  45. Aww, I just love seeing that "new love" joy in both of them! I hope this is a memorable time for them as they get ready to start their lives as husband and wife. Congratulations Jill and Derick!

  46. YAY!!! So so soooo happy for them! Jill will be a beautiful bride!!!

  47. Gen_5:32 And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

    Notice 5 in 500 ....... Divide an apple in half and see a star shape with five points. Now we can remember that Noah was 500 years old exactly (not a year over or under) when he begat Shem, Ham and Japheth....

  48. I so wish I could watch yall we have netflex, and hulu plus but they carry your old episodes and not the new ones.

  49. will their wedding be on this season or even the engagement

  50. It would have been nice to have heard a bit about the actual moment of engagement. They are at the wedding day planning already omygosh! Love, flowers, candy, setting, a proposal, reaction, tears of joy, happiness, what about all that???

  51. So happy for Jill. She is so sweet! They look great together!

  52. OMG, they are so cute!
    And they are gonna have gorgeous babies.

  53. Super nice to see Jill really happy and excited! She deserves every bit :)

  54. They are so cute together! May God Bless those two...

  55. They look so happy and comfortable with each other. And Jill is going to be a beyond gorgeous bride! Congrats to them!

  56. So excited I love watching this family!!

  57. Oh how BEAUTIFUL Congratulations to Kill and Derrick. they seem so lovely and natural together from the little i have seen so far...THANKS heaps Lillie and Ellie for this blog we are a bit behind still here in Australia..xx Tanya G

  58. So very happy for them. I wish them nothing but the best. :-)

  59. So happy for both of them!! what a wonderful coup;le who loves the Lord!! Congrats to the future Mrs and Mr Dillard!!!!

  60. @Anonymous

    what did Jill do wrong? and of course the wedding is going to be big. There are more than 20 people in Jill's immediate family alone.

  61. Anon 14... Jill is so bubbly, she talks over people all of the time. I think she is just so used to being interviewed and speaking out that she just hasn't developed the art of allowing others to finish their sentences. She's young and no doubt she will have plenty of opportunity to learn this lesson. I wouldn't hold it against her, she's a delightful, warm, caring person and has such a gentle loving heart I wouldn't begrudge her this lapse. She will learn, we are all works in progress. I thought it was interesting what you said about holding hands and your rational. I find the courtship process so interesting, and have marveled at the numerous ways of practicing courtship. Shalom

  62. Jill won't have to change her monogram :)

  63. I'm so excited for Jill and Derick and both of their families! Good for them for keeping the news private for awhile. I think fans can sometimes forget that they are actual people and can still hold on to some of their privacy, even for just a couple of weeks! Also in my opinion holding hands during the engagement seems perfectly acceptable. Erin and Chad Paine did hold hands while engaged and are such a wonderful example to many. I can't wait to see their wedding next week!!! Congrats to Jill and Derick!

  64. Congratulations, I wish you a lifetime of happiness!

  65. Like Anonymous 14 and Anonymous 15 I also am questioning the front to side hugs and the hand holding. The paraphrased words of Jill have come back to my mind today, "We do not want to stir up in guys feelings that can not be righteously fulfilled". The wedding is awhile off and the feelings stirred up can't become righteous until then. How is this physical contact so different from kissing? This is going beyond the spirit of the law to the letter of the law. They have already lost the spirit of their law by and it will be gone by the end of the next few months until the actual wedding gets here. The kind of hand holding and hugging they are doing looks like two have become one already. Sorry it is not all just 'likes' and 'thumbs ups'.

  66. I loved the video but the commercial that played before the video was an ad for Plan B birth control pill, which I am sure your family is totally against! I am against it too and just wanted you to know. My family loves watching your show each week. I have two girls, 11 & 13, and I am wanting them to use the courting system also, so they are learning a lot. Thanks for your program!!

  67. Anonymous 34 you err a bit and it fits when applying to how other people who try to speak up get treated.

  68. The posts move around so the comments don't fit any more the comment previous to this one fits 41 now.

  69. @Grace

    Hi Christina Parker and Grace,

    Have you updated your Adobe Flash Player recently? That might help. Here's the direct link to article and video:,,20804527,00.html

    ~Lily and Ellie

  70. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 14,

    Their wedding is planned for the summer:)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  71. I'm so happy for them! Great to see a couple who really wants to honor God with their relationship.

  72. I love the Duggars! But this is the second time I noticed Jill finished the other person's sentences. The first video I saw her doing it was when Jana was asked and she completed her sentences. I do the same thing sometimes, but watching Jill made me cringe a little. Still, I'm excited for her and look forward to a Duggar wedding, yay!

  73. They look so happy and in love. Congratulations to Jill and Derik & the rest of the Duggar clan from Australia. May God Bless continue to you in your new season of life.

  74. I wonder what would happen if they duggar girls kissed before marriage or held hands or full hugs or whatever.what would michelle and jim bob do?

  75. I also noticed that Ben is in both of the family shots, the one outside and one inside with the instruments. Could they possibly be engaged too or just including him more?

  76. When I saw this I thought it was Jessa and then I saw it was Jill I almost died. So HAPPY FOR THEM I hope Ben still well still ask Jessa soon♥:-) :-)

  77. I think Jill will have Jana as her Maid of Honor and Jessa will have Jinger. It makes sense.

  78. I thank God for the Duggar family. What a Christian example they are. I appreciate the dating standards and wish I had taught these standards to my two daughters. However, I don't even know of many "Christian" families that would adopt these godly principles. Praise God for a family who wants to please God and stands up for the Lord Jesus Christ.

  79. I love the Duggar family and how they live their life. God's love shines through in each Duggar's face. I hope their show, 19 Kids & Counting continues to bless people.

  80. Obviously to hold on to her purity 'til after the alter Jill needs a halter and the chaperones for her should not turn their backs on this very happy couple. What a display of affection!

  81. Ahhhhhhhh!!!! I can'tttttttt <3 She has always been my favorite Duggar and I'm just soooo happy that she's found a great man to spend the rest of her life with <3 Cngratssssss

  82. awww so cute!! God's put your life together for a reason so your blessing can continue and the blessing that you all already receive to never forget :) May the Lord keep you guys under the purity and the blessing of his love.

  83. Sooooo cute! Did you catch, at the end, how they both secretly mouthed a little kiss together, since they're saving the "real deal" for their wedding ceremony? They are obviously so in love!
    Now, Lily and Ellie will have another anniversary date to add to the list under the "Birthdays" tab!

  84. do you have the wedding episode


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