Monday, March 31, 2014

Season 8 Promo Video

Change is in the air for the Duggar usual. But this season of 19 Kids and Counting will be especially exciting as Jill and Jessa begin courtships. (Click here for the details of Jill's courtship.) And with Michelle and Anna still hoping to have more children, the Duggar family could be growing (in more ways than one)!


  1. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JimBob said it is "ok" to side hug......

    1. They should be able to choose their own way to hug give me a break

    2. Defensive are we? Why "should" they choose to go beyond what they, themselves, have already chosen? If you watch the show and read their books you would know that purity and integrity is very important that they don't take lightly. The fact that these guys are willing to respect their limitations on physical affections speaks volumes of their character and willingness to show the utmost respect for two very deserving young ladies. It really annoys me when people criticize others for having standards. This family is an inspiration.

  2. What about jana??? Poor thing. I pray she will find love in the near future as well. It must be difficult for her to watch her younger sisters enjoy this time.

  3. Does anybody know where I can watch the new episodes starting this April 1st somewhere online? We don't have regular television, so I'm hoping someone can tell me where to log on online.

  4. Wow this season looks so good! So excited for jessa and Jill! Who's pregnant? Any ideas from anybody? What is going on?

  5. Thank you so much for posting this, I had heard earlier that it had come out on the network's official website but I couldn't watch it from here in the UK. WOW the new season is gonna be AWESOME!! I think that Anna is pregnant again!! I heard somewhere that it might be twins!! So exiting!! OMG maybe Jill and Jessa can have their wedding on the same day!!! :) :) :)

  6. So excited for this! That last part where Derick goes, "Jill, I can't believe you're here!" is just so sweet. <3

  7. WOW! Exciting! I think there's going to be lots of things happening in the Duggar family! Can someone PLEASE upload the new episodes to youtube?! The sooner the better! :)

  8. Will the show be on in the UK?

  9. Oh my. I can't wait for tomorrow to watch the new season. I'm so excited and happy for this family. They are so wonderful and deserve all the blessings that God gives them.

  10. Very curious that Michelle says she's not pregnant, but they are waiting on blood results? Also "Anna called with surprising news!" Can you help at all?

  11. So sweet I can't wait for the new season!

  12. This season looks AMAZING!!!!!!! Can NOT wait much longer!!

  13. Jill is courting?!

  14. So excited for the new season!!! Can't wait to see more Grandma Duggar!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  15. Such a sweet video! I can't wait! I espicailly liked the ending with Jill!!

  16. What wonderful news to wake up to here in Australia! So happy for Jill, she looks like she's on the right path :-)

  17. Can't get the video to load so I can play...not sure what's wrong..

  18. I pray for Michelle and JimBob; my prayer is that they will purpose to be content with their 19 healthy children, 3 healthy grand children and being able to enjoy them all! Amen.

  19. SOOOOOOOOOO happy for Jill!!!!


  21. I love the promo, Michelle looks so pretty, she looks younger and younger every year.I am so happy for Jill, she is beaming.I have tears of joy.The littles are growing up so fast, i would be happy for Michelle if she got her wish and becomes pregnant again. I just hope everyone plays nice this season with their comments, it would be a welcoming change.Pray that it does :-) Godspeed! Sincerely, Natalie

  22. Will someone post the new episodes on Youtube?

  23. Um, WOW. This looks like by FAR the best season EVER!!! :) Oh my that is so exciting about pregnancies, courtships, marriages, etc.! :) PLEASE somebody post the episodes online, we don't have cable! :(

  24. Hi Lily and Ellie :)
    Just wondering, do you know why Jill's courtship was just now brought out even though it began in November?
    In Christ

  25. I am super excited to see Jill's courtship, she is such a sweet girl and I wish so much happiness on her.

  26. Anonymous 2 said feels sorry for Jana. That kind of bothers me. I would feel worse if she acted in self will out of peer pressure and missed God's best for her life. Maybe Jill has the real deal.

  27. I like the reality shows better than fiction, thanks to the Duggars for sharing.

  28. LOL! I got goosebumps at the end too! So happy for Jill, they seem so perfect for each other <3

  29. This show is right on about some things. It is my choice whether I am a Sister Wife or if I am a Sister Husband. It is my choice whether I have no children or 30 children. What I find strange is that it is mentioned over and over and over again how Jim Bob finds "suitable courting material" for his daughters, yet it is NEVER mentioned that Jim Bob gets into finding "suitable coutring materials" for ihs sons. Why not?

  30. Is it pathetic that this totally just made me cry? I'm so happy for the ladies, especially Jill!!! The end got me, hearing the very last bit. Ahhhh, prayers their way! They sure do need our prayers. :)

  31. Oh my I'm so EXCITED for the new season!! I can't wait! I'm so happy for Jessa and Jill. It must be an exciting time in this chapter of their lives.

  32. Their house looks great and a little different, maybe its the landscaping . Oh how i wish i could spend the day with them. Now that the cats out of the bag and the new season is starting, will u give us some more tidbits on your visit with them.Im havin anxiety just waiting for tomorrow.Bless you all!

  33. Hi other Duggarfans in europe!

    I found a website where you can watch tlc usa online!
    The link at least works in Holland, you have to check yourself if it works in your country yourselfs..
    This is the link:


  34. Sorry, don't mean to burst the euphoric bubble, but don't the Duggar parents know the difference between real mature love and teenage girl infatuation? That is what this group and the like base marriage on. Girls have no experience with teen crushes, teen idols, and high school group dates, dances, etc., to develop those feelings and how to handle them. That's why they have to have a warden with them when they spend time with the opposite sex. Sorry, but they are infatuated with these boys, that's al it is. No basis for a marriage. Don't the adults here recognize that?

  35. Hi everyone,
    This link is even better:
    Oh, and dont forget that you will have to stay up or wake up around 3 or 4 oclock in the morning to be able to watch it here in europe!

    Love and blessings,

  36. SOOOO Happy for Jill!!! Can't wait for the new season!!!!!!!!!!!!


  37. I'm so excited about this season. When will the episodes be on YouTube?

  38. All seems soooooooo exciting! Can't wait!

  39. I Love the Duggars!April 1, 2014 at 11:15 AM

    So much exciting news to come - and I can't wait until tonight! I hope they will answer all the cliffhangers from the promo video tonight!

  40. Love the show but help me what is theside hug all about thanks


  42. I want to cry every time Jill says "I think I'm in love with someone I've never met." So happy for her!!

  43. I so admire you all. May God continue to bless. Thanks for sharing your lives with us.

  44. Side hugs are the most ridiculuous thing I have ever heard of; even between family members? Something's wrong with that.


    About 10 minutes ago, I went on You Tube to see if the new episode of The Duggars that aired tonight- April 1st- was uploaded on there, and there were about 6 videos that said New, so I clicked on the one that said 46 minutes or so because I thought it was the new episode in full, and I couldn't watch it. It directed me to the link at the bottom and I clicked on that. I wasn't able to watch it, so I clicked on another video that was about 6 minutes long or so, and it also directed me to the link at the bottom, so I clicked on it and it took me to a PORNOGRAPHIC SITE in which I couldn't log out from. I kept clicking back, back, back on my phone about 15 times, and each time it was a pornographic site until it was gone. I'm very thankful that it wasn't on my laptop with my 5 year old daughter right next to me, so I'm letting Duggar fans know because this was really disturbing to me- that someone would take advantage and put a link to a bad site under a Duggar video, knowing that the people most likely eager to view the new Duggar episode are probably Christian or at least family oriented.

    Hope this helps.

    Mrs. Murphy

  46. Thank you so much for the warning!

  47. I would like to address how it is that these girls can be ready for marriage when they were so uncomfortable at that coffee shop merely taking a coffee order from two young men? They need to justify going from absolutely no conversation/contact with males outside of their family to marring one in a few short months. Don't they realize that these "love feelings" are most likely teen crushes and not the real thing? They can ask all those godly, character questions they want, but they are still human and are fighting those hormonal natural things all the while. They haven't experienced those normal teenage crush things and are on that level in development and maturity..They need to answer those issues, not talk about the same old things again and again. Maybe they don't know about teen crushes as they weren't allowed to leave the house alone nor have they ever taken a college class in a classroom. They will be "preparing" for "careers" their whole single lives and never achieve certification in anything. Sadly, that goes for the boys too. Why doesn't the "pilot" complete his training and actually fly for a real outfit? He can do well financially and meet people and live... oh, those last two things aren't what the Duggars encourage. I'm not being rude,please understand that, but I would guide mychildren so differently and I do .Thank you

    1. You don't need "experience" having teen crushes to be ready to marry someone. I was a shy teenage girl myself but when I went to college and met my future husband I knew that he was the one God had for me because I had been praying about it my whole life. God gave me & my husband (and our parents) a peace. I am so thankful that my parents didn't let me date around and be silly around boys. I wanted to date only the one that God had for me. I have been happily married to my best friend for 10 years & we are serving the Lord together.

  48. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 3,

    Most of the episodes are available on iTunes and Amazon. Some are uploaded to YouTube (we will link to them if/when they are).

    ~Lily and Ellie

  49. Lily and Ellie, Whenever you upload the episodes, is there some way that they can come directly from TLC footage and not from a person videoing from their home on the TV screen. Reason asking is that I have noticed that when someone does it from a TV screen the sound quality and clarity is very poor. Thank you for posting them. I don't have a TV myself but enjoy keeping up the family through your site.

  50. @AnonymousHey, that makes a ton of sense,shouldnt the girls who are interested in the Duggar boys have to go through daddy or mommy too.Why would it be any different? Its not like men automatically have better judgement.

  51. I have watched this video about 10 times and every time I say "what happened to Anna?" It is driving me crazy!


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