
Friday, March 14, 2014

Duggar Girls in the Green Room

Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger Duggar appeared on The 700 Club today to discuss Growing Up Duggar. In the first video, Demetria Stallings catches up with the girls in the green room before the show. The four Duggars then join Terry Meeuwsen for an interview.


  1. first time the girls can speak up for themselves.

  2. That is nice to have daughters speak about their relationship with each other and courtship/betrothal.

    I'd love to have all of you come and visit here in Iowa. I live near postville, Iowa and that has many different culture living in small town with orthodox Jewish, Muslim, Mexican, Catholic and all sorts of different culture. It would be nice to reach each person for Christ in the town as it takes a lot of trust to help people understand and get along for sure!

    I also live near the Mississippi River and come from a large family with some distant relatives that participated in USA political matters in congress....

    We home-educate here too!

  3. The best, most acknowledging of each individual, most respectful, most controlled, most fair, best photography or taping, of all the interviews that have been done about the girls and their book. I like how each girl was featured. Jana and Jinger have poise, self-control, intelligence and can give great answers to questions when they are asked and given the floor.

  4. They are all absolutely BEAUTIFUL but Jessa is simply stunning!!

    It's amazing how much they have blossomed over the years. They are all so unique and a gorgeous reflection of Proverbs 31 women. It amazes me that they aren't all engaged or married by this point, but it's so refreshing to see other young women waiting on God's best for them.

    I wonder if they ever get tired of answering the same questions over & over... (Do you ever get the names confused?) :P Good interviewers though.

    I loved these videos, thanks for posting! LOVE your blog! :) I really hope the newer episodes (especially with Ben!) are posted on here or YouTube!!!!

  5. I am the biggest fan of the faith of the gals and I love them as much as most but y are they on a show that has some things like word of knowlage and speaiking in touges? I know they are not into the charsmatic stuff and wonder y they do stuff to support them. ( I am split on the 700 club. Love the news on there and the fact they get folk saved but not sure on the Spirit baptism and touges

  6. what a blessing to see this.... thank you!!!


    Not related to these videos, but here is an interview of the family from a few days ago!! Keep a close watch at the 6:30 mark. Jordyn is pretty adamant that Jill is courting too, and all the little kids look at Jill when the interviewer asks has courted. Joy and Jill share a "look", after Josh starts speaking about his courtship to Anna, but it is fairly subtle. Everyone just sort of skips by this but Michelle has said that there are many surprises this season.

  8. Why do the girls wear makeup? Didn't God make them beautiful enough?? Don't they feel good about themselves? Do they feel ugly so they wear it to make them pretty? And besides, that kind of beauty doesn't last. True beauty does not come from the outside, but on the inside!

  9. Jordyn totally just spilled the beans! That was so obvious. Well, now we know Jill is courting too!

  10. Jordyn totally just spilled the beans! That was so obvious. Well, now we know Jill is courting too!

  11. Dear Lily and Ellie ,
    l was wondering if the Duggar girls have gotten their ears pierced?

  12. They are all so beautifull! God bless this Family! <3

  13. Great videos! I am so excited for this coming season!!! :D

  14. Watched the video again and you are right. Totally missed that point when I watched it the first time. But you never know, the Duggers have kept their lives pretty private despite being on reality TV.

  15. @Anonymous I didn't see what the person above mentioned but I wanted to say - I love that you(Michelle) included about Corrie Ten Boom and how she thanked God for even the fleas. My Mother has used that reference many a time to help me through tough spots when it was hard to thank God despite whatever I was going though. :D

  16. they did A LOT better than the Kate plus eight girls

  17. It was great to hear from Jinger! She has a sweet spirit and expresses herself charmingly.

  18. The comment questioning how closely aligned the Duggars are with some of the CBN 700 Club beliefs makes me think about Michelle training her children to obey so one day they might recognize and obey God's 'voice'. Plus P. Robertson prospered just like the Duggars have, and grew a ministry. The Duggars are political and so is some CBN stuff. They are all in the same boat, you know the song and we will all get to heaven in a ....

  19. I hate that they refer to themselves as girls. They are all over 18; therefore they are adults and should refer to themselves as young women. "Girls" is such an infantilizing term, in my opinion.

  20. @Anonymous They are allowed to wear make-up. they wear it in a way that brings out their their beauty and hide any blemishes. All sorts of women are naturally beautiful and simply wear make up to enhance certain features like eyes or cheeks or hide blemishes like acne or acne scars.

  21. @Anonymous
    A lot of girls wear makeup and since the interview was on TV, the makeup people did their makeup anyway. I think they feel great about themselves, but wear makeup to add to what God has already gave them. They explained it in, "Growing Up Duggar", that they accentuating the beauty God already gave them.

  22. I grew up in the seventies and the biggest media influence on your average teenage girl and guy was rock music. I do not remember a strong case being made for a chaste lifestyle by celebrity personalities adult or teen (outside of the R.C. church, which was not at all an influence over me then). Billy Graham had his meetings televised but the predominant influence over the youth was blasting from radios all the time. My point is that the hard work the Duggars, parents and now children, are doing is a good thing for the people and I hope the influence spreads right down to every individual and creates a concept of Godliness in young peoples minds that is enough to show them the life that is set before them as opposed to death that is also set before them and youth know they have a choice. I remember having a fear filled spirit with the question on my mind if or not I had contracted AIDS - that is not a future I would wish on any young person, but it is the consequence of unchastely living which is encouraged in many songs and shows. Keep up the good work Duggars

  23. @Anonymous I really don't see the look you claimed to see. Jill was pointing at Jessa... Apart from her courtship I doubt anything is going on. But I guess we will just have to wait and see. :}

  24. @AnonymousSeriously,what's it too you if they wear makeup or not! Always Always someone has to judge.They are just like millions of other young ladies who care for there outwordly appearance as well as their insides which we all know are also beautiful.

  25. @AnonymousI find that the homely women are jealous and the beautiful girls are in competition.let's just all be pretty and support one another instead of bashing each other.After all God said treat our bodies like a temple, so why not enhance what we have.Godspeed,Bless your heart, and soul.Sincerely,NN

  26. The Duggars obviously have much strength in values. Do they believe how they live is the only way God expects his children to live, such as many children, the girls not knowing how to support themselves should they need to, et.?

  27. I do not understand how they can say how important it is to accept and love yourself the way God made you and then feel a need to sit there and put make up on let alone tons of it like they do. To me that is not being loving and content with the way God made you. Then the last comment was to accept the things that are unchangeable. Seems kindof hypocritical. I will change what I can despite the fact that God made me a different way and that is ok cause you can change it. So how about a male/female change operation. That is changeable. HMMM. So I guess it is a simple pick and choose what you want to love and accept about the way God made you. Wearing make up to beautify or enhance is like saying God didn't make me good enough so there is something I need to do to make it better and accept and love myself more. Seems a twisted justification to being vain.

  28. The makeup artist did their makeup, which was definitely more than what they usually more than they wear. Usually you not even tell that they are wearing makeup.

  29. Let's hear a cheer" Can I hear a D.....Can I hear a U....Can I hear G...Can I hear a G......Can I hear a A...Can I hear a R.....Can I hear a S.......WHAT DOES THAT SPELL? GOOOO TEAM DUGGARS!!! GODSPEED TO Y'ALL! Sincerely, Nat from Nebr.

  30. I would wanted to meet Duggars and Bates families someday. God blessed them and even all of us. I really loves God the Father so much give me blessing gift I ever have.. Pray and patient hope they come Tucson Arizona barnes book store on broadway. God blessed you all.

  31. The boy standing behind Jordyn (maybe Jackson) gave her a little kick to make her stop saying "And Jill"

  32. Righteous, Godly, purity, goodness, true, acceptable, teachers, etc. but their ministry not the full gospel.

  33. Re:Anonymous 34: Yes, I think they don't follow the gospel according to Jesus, they seem to follow the gospel according to Gothard. Where are the Duggar beliefs and practices (ie severe sheltering, etc) in the Bible? Not meaning to be sarcastic, but these issues come to mind. They don't address these things.

  34. @Anonymous
    I agree with you!! That is what I was thinking but couldn't think of how to say it! ;)

  35. @Anonymous
    I normally can see it, especially Jinger. She normally wears lots of eye shadow and that makes her eyes look funny. :(

  36. I absolutely love and look up to the Duggar family, but I found it ironic how they were talking about how to accept yourself the way God made you while sitting in a room where their hair is being fixed just so, and their make-up is being done to a point where their faces look perfect. Neither of which were ways God made them.This confuses me.

  37. To Anonymous No. 8: Are you serious??? Their true beauty shines out, and eclipses even the make-up! Also, please show me one person on TV who is not made-up by the staff of whatever show it is!


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