Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Duggar Girls Chat with Cosmopolitan

 In an interview with, Jill and Jessa Duggar discuss their views on pop culture and relationships. The girls share about the time they accidentally tasted alcohol and offer advice to stars like Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber.

Here is the highlighted, censored version of the interview:

How do you deal with temptation? 
Jessa: I think in all relationships, [our] goal is just to maintain purity. Sometimes it’s so easy to say like, “Oh, this guy is cute,” and then go with it instead of sitting back and saying, “Is this someone I really want as a future spouse, like someone who will make a good dad to my kids?”

So at what point would you hook up with a guy? 
Jessa: We’ve set our guidelines really high, and people will not understand that. But that’s where we purpose in this stage of our relationship to focus on building strong communication... [As] time goes on, maybe at engagement, we’ll talk about hand holding, but we want to save our first kiss for marriage, too.

So you’ve never kissed anyone? 
Jessa: Nope — well, I mean my brothers!

Have you ever been curious about what it’s like? 
Jessa: I can’t say I haven’t been, but it’s the anticipation, the suspense! It’s like Christmas morning, you know?

Are you going to ask anyone for advice? 
Jessa: I’m sure I’ll be getting advice from people who are good kissers!

Like who? 
Jessa: My parents are pretty good kissers! They very much like to show their kiss in public places, so they kiss in front of us all the time. [And I’d ask] my oldest brother. He’s been married for five years. And friends and people around me who I look up to. But I don’t think it’s too hard to figure out though.

Have you ever gotten any heat for being virgins?
Jessa: We have a self-respect where we feel confident in who we are...

Self-control seems pretty important to you. What are some methods you use and that guys should use? 
Jill: Self-control comes from within and being willing to just say, “Hey, I’m not going there. I’m not going past this line.At the same time you also have to do what the Bible says. If you have any problem with drinking, don’t go by the tavern.

Have you ever been to a party where a lot of young people are drinking?
Jill: We’ve never like intentionally been to a party where we know there’s going to be a lot of drinking. I’ve been on the fire department for a few years, and there’s people, young people, 18-year-old girls who have died of an OD. You see the effects, and it really makes you stop and think of the consequences for some of these actions.

Have you ever tasted alcohol? You’re over 21. 
Jessa: Not on purpose! [Laughs]
Jill: We’re really heavily involved in politics, and sometimes it’s one of those fancy, ritzy events and they serve you what you think is punch and it’s not. You’re like, “Oops, yeah, that wasn’t punch. That was champagne or something.”

What was it like when you accidentally tried it? 
Jessa: Like, “What was this? It’s disgusting tasting!” [Laughs]

Did you just like spit it out? 
Jill: Yeah! Pretty much! Got to be graceful about it!
Jessa: I think it’s true you’ve got to develop a taste for that stuff because it don’t taste good.

What’s on your playlist these days? What kind of music do you listen to? 
Jessa: We enjoy a variety of types of music. Like a lot my siblings listen to bluegrass music or Southern gospel. Some of us like Celtic music so we have a variety. The types of music we would stay away from would probably be anything that’s kind of promoting things we don’t stand for...

Have you ever heard Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber? 
Jessa: I’m sure we have at one point or another, but it’s not something we have on our personal playlist.

What advice would you give stars like Miley? 
Jill: It’s important for whoever — whether it’s Miley, Justin, anyone in the spotlight — to understand they have a whole host of people looking up to them. They’re not just speaking for themselves. The heart of the matter is having good character and setting an example. Because respect is last in our culture today and in pop stars.


  1. Why do the Duggar women wear makeup and paint their toes and style their hair, since that is not what the Bible teaches at all? Since the Duggar's are so willing to tell other people what to believe (and to make them feel like guilty sinners), publish an excerpt from the Bible on the Duggar's. Here we go. Jeremiah: "that you enlarge your eyes with paint? In vain you beautify yourself." That is just the beginning and start of what I found in the Bible about makeup. And pride. The Duggar's cherry pick the Bible and that should be noted with their devout followers. It is downright devious that you don't. Here is one from 2 Kings: "When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it. And she painted her eyes." There are many more passages out there as to women adorning themselves. Plenty. Plenty.

    1. Defensive are we? The Duggar girls aren't trying to make others feel like guilty sinners they are merely stating what their beliefs are. As far as makeup goes I Dont think any of their devout followers will care that they wear a little makeup. If you don't like them what are you on the site? Maybe you should look at yourself seeking out chances to attack people.

    2. I have never noticed the Duggar Family trying to make others feel like sinners. Maybe you feel convicted about something,but don't blame others.

    3. Our body is a temple of The Lord we are called to take care I our bodies and look presentable it's not saying don't wear makeup and don't paint your nails. We all have different ideas of how we should dress but the important thing is that we have a relationship with God and that we listening to his voice not the world's. this is what the Duggar's have chosen and we are not to judge that's God job not ours. It's hard not to though. I just want/hope you realize that God loves you no matter what and that he cares for you and it's not about doing "good" in the worlds eyes but doing "good" in God's eyes and most important having a relationship with God 1st and foremost

  2. Enjoyed reading this post. Love how true the girls are and what they stand for. I think it is special to save the first kiss for your wedding day. We dated off and on for a few years and our first kissed was on that special day.

  3. hm....Cosmo is quite a worldly magazine, haven't the Duggars seen how the women are dressed in it? I would not think modest girls would want to grant interviews to such a magazine. but then, they do also wear a fair bit of makeup, which I also don't think of as modest!

    Ann Washburn, ModestPrude

    1. The Duggars have always said that they view these opportunities as a ministry. I think it is so important to remember who would be reading this magazine, and how they might be touched or convicted by it. God could speak into a life that needs to hear something that one of the girls said in this interview and that is probably why they chose to do the interview. Remember, Jesus came for those who were sick and broken. He wasn't afraid to dine with the sinners, because thats who He was ministering to, (All while setting an example to those who were self righteous.) God is so good and has a perfect plan in why He wanted this interview in the magazine. Even if it only touches one life and helps us to see that we need to go out into the world for those who desperately need to hear the Good news and that stronger boundaries are great and not impractical!

    2. We are to be in this world not of it. They are letting their light shine. It is awesome that they are standing up for their godly standards in a generally ungodly platform!

  4. These girls are unreal. What a great head on their shoulders. Way to go mom and dad! It comes down to really understanding the bible and applying it to their lives. No wonder they are constantly blessed. Good on them!

  5. I so agree with all of this!

  6. It's a good thing that the Duggar and Bates family are my number one role models, and then my favorite band is third (they swear, but have a few other things that are positive to look up to). The Duggar and Bates family will always be at the top though because I've heard of them first, and I want to be more like them, than other people in society.

  7. So sad to read all the comments under the article. Don't let it stop you girls. Your doing amazing. I want to grow up to be just like you.

  8. This is a fantastic interview! I love that they can discuss these kinds of topics in a graceful manner.

  9. What awesome young ladies they are! They know what they believe in and won't give in. I am surprised they gave an interview with a publication like Cosmopolitan, though, which is morally offensive on so many levels. Every cover they have is selling sex. Very sad. Good for these girls in having principles and not being bullied into compromising them!

    1. Ever heard the saying church is for sinners? The girls reading this really need to hear it. You don't just minister to the saved.

  10. I love watching yalls show, and yall really are an inspiration for not just my family as a whole but for myself as a mother and things I want to instill in my own daughter. Thank you for being an inspiration, God bless :)

  11. God bless you ladies! My girls (age 6 and 10) look forward to the new season. Your show is one of the few we can watch together. Many blessings to both you and Ben on your future.

  12. I want to say i love your whole family and I'm so glad that there's a family show that i can actually let my children watch my daught said that she wants to be just like yall and believe in jesus just like yall do and that made me proud

  13. I love your family and that God uses you Duggars to reach many. You girls are a godly example for my girls. We love watching your show. So thankful for your faith and that Jesus shines right through you all! God bless your family from us here in Chino, Ca! :)

  14. I love how positive & encouraging the Duggar girls are about leading virtuous, happy lives-without being prudes or implement turning their backs on stylish clothes, make up, etc. Can't wait for the new season to start!!! :))

  15. Great article! Thank you Duggar girls for being such a great example to my girls!

  16. I've read several comments on here about how people don't understand how the Duggar ladies could give an interview to Cosmo. That's the point isn't it to share their faith. What an opportunity to share your faith and values with people/ young ladies who may never have given purity a thought. We live in a time where sex is pushed in everyones face. Where young ladies are taught to use their bodies and sex to manipulate people and situations. I think it was a great opportunity to let young ladies know there is another option. All the remarks about them wearing makeup is just ridiculous. You are really stretching to find a way to point a finger and cut them up with your words. I believe they are not perfect people. I also believe they have committed to live their lifes poured out for God's Kingdom and if they felt that God didn't want them to wear make up they wouldn't. It would be my suggestion for anyone who is seeking Gods will and desire for their life to read a Bible. Start with the Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Work on getting that 2x4 out of your eye and when you get that squared away help your neighbor with their speak of saw dust in his. I really enjoy this blog. I plan on keeping up with the Duggars through this blog. I think this blog is very positive and true Duggar fans can come here and catch up on the latest news. If perhaps you aren't a Duggar fan may be you should find another hobby or blog to view. All the negative comments aren't necessary.

  17. I love the Duggars they are awesome they are not perfect though in many ways but they are my role models (espically Joy) I love joy so much not like love like marry like love look up to. I am 12 years old girl.

  18. In order to reach the unreached, you have to go to them. Non-Christians aren't exactly going to pick up a copy of Christianity Today to hear what the Duggars have to say! So obviously if the girls feel called to reach all women, they are going to do interviews that allow their message to be in view of anyone.

  19. If you gave me a questionnaire right now and asked me to pick who is falsely promoting themselves to make major money right now, the Duggar family would be my first pick. Kardashian's would be number two. God will be the judge. The only difference I see between the two families is.....nothing.

  20. So glad they did an interview with the most secular women's magazine ever. LOTS of people who aren't in their circle will read this.

  21. Here's a question for all u haters,"have you once heard the family put anyone down or talk bad about them?Umm no. The Duggars don't preach on how they think we all should live, they just express to us how they believe and what is right for their own family.The have soooo many diverse friends that are totally different to them and what they believe.They are the least judge mental folks who don't judge others.If you all truly watched every show and read their books then I think you all just might get it.I know plenty of people who changed their negative attitude about the family when they were educated about them.Oh, how I wish the haters would soften their souls a bit and be nicer to us fans who love and respect them.Godbless you all ;) Sincerely,Natalie from Nebraska

  22. I thought the article was well done! And props to the girls for doing it, because it IS such a worldly magazine, but maybe they will reach a young girl who needs Jesus. For those of you criticizing them for wearing makeup, the Bible does NOT clearly forbid it. Makeup is a matter of personal conviction, not a clear law (one way or the other) given by God. You point to Jezebel as a reason to not wear makeup, but what about Esther? She spent one full year beautifying herself (which included makeup, as noted in the text). Anyways, way to go Jana, Jill, Jessa and Jinger!

  23. Several people objected to the girls submitting to an interview with Cosmopolitan. Personally, I don't read Cosmo, but I did when I was in my 20's, and in general it was not a good influence. Perhaps a young woman today might read about these girls and be inspired in a more positive direction because of her exposure to a voice encouraging her toward virtue. Did not our Savior reach out to the sinner, because he understood the pain they were feeling and that very often it was the person living in sin who was the most open to His message. It was the Pharisees and the Sadducees who closed their minds to Christ because they were so certain they knew better. I don't know how wise or unwise the choice was, it wasn't my choice to make, but I wish I had been exposed to more stories about young women making godly choices and I think some good could come out of it. I also think it's great that Cosmo is willing to give some time to "the other side"!

  24. Undeniably the Duggars are operating on Godly principles, but are they communicting the whole message and meaning of Jesus? When Jesus came and walked among mankind with the message of the kingdom of God he came to DELIVER the people from the power of satan. "In the New Testament, Jesus cleansed her (Mary Magdalene) of "seven demons",[Lk. 8:2] [Mk. 16:9]." (Wikapedia) I think some people watching the Duggar girls talking about their purity which goes so far as not holding hands with a romantic interest before an engagement is declared might think this is the message of Jesus. What did Jesus say about holding hands? I know he said he came to seek and to save that which was lost,
    "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." King James Bible Luke 19:10. Jesus is hope for ALL people, Jesus is for people who are defiled and impure, Jesus has compassion and mercy on mankind and forgives sin and redeems. Jesus knows the people he arrives to will not be perfect or pure or righteous but he came for them and he loves them and his is a work of redemption if we accept him as our saviour. I remember an old minister saying to me once, "People want to hear the gospel". I admire the Duggars because they are Christian, good, pure and righteous, but that is not the whole of the gospel message. To be a ministry and to be true to the Christian gospel the Duggars should not only up their high standards but also express the mercy, love and redemption of the gospel.

  25. For those commenting about the ladies doing an interview with Cosmo, I would encourage you to think about their family mission to reach the lost. Jesus came to heal the sick. Look at how many people they can reach through Cosmo that would never watch their show. We don't have to pay money to buy the magazine so that we do not support what we do not believe in, but we should not discourage them from granting the interview. The bickering & rudeness toward fellow Christians needs to end or we're allowing satan a foothold. Letting him whisper in the ears of non-believers, "those Christians are just hypocrites." Please don't fall for his lies. Wear make-up or don't wear make-up. The Duggars have never tried to impose their views on others...they always refer to them as "personal convictions." So go out & live yours, win souls for Christ, & show a united front in spite of our occasional differences. May God be blessed!

  26. I think Jessa Is Gorgeous and so is Jill Love ALL u duggars ur all amzing!!

  27. @Anonymous
    Maybe they wanted something decent in Cosmopolitan for all of the girls that do read it. That way, there will be some kind of good example, not just a bunch of trash. It might even make some of those girls think.

  28. Being a christian has nothing to do with wearing makeup or not, will you people give it a rest puleeeese, Sooooo sick of hearing about it.Why even visit this site if your so bothered, that is unless you secretly really love this family and are afraid to admit it.Bless your hearts

  29. @Anonymous

    The Bible isn't explicit as to whether or not make-up and fixing hair and doing nails is right or wrong. And the Duggars have never said any of these things are wrong; in fact, they believe that part of modesty is drawing others' attention to one's countenance, the face, and away from other parts of the body. Granted, make-up should be tasteful and not fake-looking, but as a fellow Christian I don't think they're doing anything wrong or misrepresenting the Bible in this way. Just my two cents. :)

  30. They probably did the interview as a way to reach out to women who might not otherwise come in contact with such good examples of godly character. :) The Duggars' entire lives (as all Christians' should be) are about being witnesses for Christ and sharing the gospel with others who have never heard it, in an effort to bring more people to salvation in Jesus! I'm sure this was just a tool they chose to use to witness and obviously didn't compromise themselves in order to do an interview - talking isn't a crime and they were very tasteful in their answers... at least in this edited version, haha. I'm curious why you didn't post the entire thing, Lily and Ellie? Was there actually something inappropriate that they said? I can't find the original article...

  31. Gall, I Can't Believe some of the comments People Put on here! The Girls are in the cosmopolitan magazine to help inspire those who aren't doing well right now. it's a good place for the interview so They could reach people who need to hear it. and those of you Who Are talking about how they picK And Choose From the bible, well how much better off do they look to you then the rest Of The Kids In The world right now?! hello they`re doing A great job. Their not perfect

  32. @Becca

    Hi Becca,

    The original article isn't inappropriate, but we cut out a few sentences about mature topics that might not be suitable for younger readers.

    Glad to have you as a reader,
    Lily and Ellie

  33. At first I was confused as to why the girls chose to do an interview for such a publication. But then when I stopped and really thought about it, they stood up for what they believe in, talked about it and maybe some young girl who buys this magazine will read this article and change her convictions! It was tastefully done :) I love these young women!

    Stephanie Swift

  34. @AnonymousSorry, but there are many differences between these two families. True, they both are profiting from media exposure but the avenues taken are diverse. I find it refreshing that young women like the Duggars, can maturely present themselves without use of profanity, without illicit behavior and naughty beaus, and while fully clothed. Amazing!

  35. @AnonymousThat's the old testament. We are in the age of grace.

  36. Although I read Cosmo in my '20s also ( I'm in my '50s now), some comments here indicate that only sinners read it. The girls state that they have NEVER seen a copy of it. I believe that they have been and are unnecessarily severely sheltered from life. Just my opinion.

    1. I bought my first (and only) Cosmo when I was in my 30s. I found it trashy and degrading to women. These children will be very sheltered, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Despite their lack of worldly experience, I find these girls to be sweet and empathetic, much less judgmental than one might expect. Good for them.

  37. @Anonymous
    I don't think you should be bashing them about makeup.
    Everyone wears it, it's not wrong.

  38. Why does this website post comments in which accolades are give to the Duggars? There are some comments/issues that also need be posted to provide a balanced reader point of view. The Duggars need to be made aware of these questions/issues that are out there that need a response from them publically. Thank you for posting this one.

  39. These verses exist that is true. However a lot of these verses are talking about culture and how what they did represented the type of people they were in character. Today the type of makeup they wear is not associated with a particular group or characteristic and is done in a tactful way. If we look at every law that existed then and do not take into account culture of the time then we would still be offering sacrifices among other things. It seems to me that the views you have are something that God has spoken to you about on a personal level and are therefore right for you. However, for others God speaks differently, the Duggars have a God sent message to give to their viewers and they are very successfully doing that.

  40. @Anonymous
    I've been wondering about the same...

  41. The Dugger family is such an inspiration! I grew up, the oldest girl of 13 kids, and I can relate on so many levels. I am thankful for this show and the lessons it has taught me. I hope to meet you guys someday. God's Riches Blessing!!

  42. glad the duggars are doing this interview with this magazine. but they keep saying the same thing over and over again. and if they want to help those who do not know christ they need to be out in the real world not kept home under mom and daddy wing. why do these girls not hold jobs. or even attend a real school?

  43. @pretty girl

    @pretty girls-I agree with you. Most of us who follow the Duggars have head the same questions repeatedly with the same canned answers. I, too, wish they would allow any questions to be asked and reply to them honestly. The Duggars are purpose not to live in the main stream world and that is their choice; however, any advice from them is limited to their limited experiences and education.

  44. They've evolved into caring about fashion n looks! Michelle had her teeth whitened! Really? Isn't vanity a sin? I enjoy the show regaurdless!!

  45. I know it's their lifestyle but waiting til you're engaged to hold hands and married to kiss? That's just too much. Little kids hold hands on the playground and kiss their friends on the cheek. And do the girls still live at home with their parents? I'm just saying being 20 & above and living at home? These girls are way too sheltered and haven't even lived life. They try to act like everything is perfect if you do things like this. Everyone sins. God knows we are not perfect so why pretend like you are.

  46. I am so inspired by them. They know how to live a godly life.

  47. Nothing but a bunch of baby machines.


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.