
Monday, December 16, 2013

Long Hair or Short Hair?

Here's a fun discussion question to kick off your week. Michelle Duggar and her girls all wear their hair long. What about you? Do you prefer long hair or short hair?


  1. I generally prefer to wear my hair shorter (in between a bob and shoulder length) because I have really fine hair. When it's long it looks really flat and stingy. But I'm currently growing it out because my husband likes it that way and I've had it short for a while now. Perhaps I'll donate it again when it gets too long. The Duggar girls have lovely thick looking hair. Also it seems to always have a soft natural curl. Do they curl it that way or is it natural?

  2. Long hair.i wish I have long hair.

  3. I think both can be nice if kept healthy and styled. I've seen long hair that looked ratty....and short hair that looked like the person rolled out of bed...and not in a good way:) I think boy short is not feminine on women though. Top of shoulder and longer is nice

  4. Great topic. 1 Corinthians 11 is pretty clear~God gave women hair as a covering, and long hair is a woman's glory. Paul said even nature teaches us that women should have long hair. :)

    That said, even if the word of God wasn't clear on this issue I would still wear my hair long, because my husband prefers it that way!

    1. Amen! My first pastors wife has never cut her hair and its only shoulder length. Some people may have hair below their hips, but cut it every little bit. In God's eyes, the one who cuts their hair has the shortest.

  5. I like long hair and I try to get my hair long, but it is so thin. I would like to have long and thick hair. I don't like when women cut their hair short like men.

  6. I do like long hair. But for the right reasons, if the girl/ woman likes it! And not just have long hair for the sake of long hair. It has to suit you. And some women have thin hair. They might be better off with a good and shorter haircut.
    My own is just over my shoulders. Long enough for a pony tail and still feminine. But also manageble.
    Any one noticed Joy Anna had her hair cut a while ago? Still long, I think it looks good on her.

  7. I wear short hair I do not have time for long hair. Michelle wears her hair long because her husband wants her too .

  8. I prefer long, but unfortunately, I have thin hair and so I can't wear long.

  9. I love long hair. I think it is one of God's gifts, that we can do something so natural to our hair by letting it grow and yet look so nice. Not that I have anything against short hair but definitely prefer long hair.




  11. Some women can't grow their hair long. It is too thin and breaks off. Women with thick hair look great with long hair but I think to teach that all women must have long hair is very discouraging for those who simply can't grow it long. I have had friends who tried and failed at it.

  12. I like my hair short, less to mess with

  13. I think like the Bible says, (and I"m sure this is part of their reasoning for having long hair) that long hair on a woman really is a glory to her. However, mine is gray now, and I don't have any interest in coloring it. And I don't like long gray hair, so mine is short. :D


  15. Long hair! And their hair is so gorgeous. Jinger's is my favorite. <3

  16. Long! My hair is longer than the girls hair in the picture. It's a personal preference and my husband likes my hair being long too.

  17. I love long hair! A woman's hair is a glory to her! Long hair is what God wanted women to have.

  18. The girls have really nice and healthy looking long hair. How do they do it? I had short hair fot some years, now I am waiting for it to grow... It takes long....

  19. They have beautiful long hair! I want it long also, then I look prettier in the pictures next June when my daughter is getting married

  20. The girls have really nice and healthy looking long hair. How do they do it? I had short hair fot some years, now I am waiting for it to grow... It takes long....

  21. Personally, I like long hair. There are some really cute, short hairstyles out there, too. But the Duggars look oh so beautiful with there long hair.

  22. I have always preferred long hair on myself but have nothing against girls with shorter hair as long as it still looks ladylike. But too each there own not for me to say.

  23. I personally like long. I feel like there is more i can do with it, i am really attached to it to and i dont think there is any way i could get my self to cut it, and then the bonus is my fiance like it too. :)

  24. Definitely LONG hair! If you realize it, most models in magazines and pictures on the internet and everywhere have long hair even though the world would say that short hair is the "fashion" right now. God created our long hair to be our covering. (1 Cor. 11:15) Thus, it is important for a woman to grow out her hair and keep it long, because that is one of our most important things that define us as a woman in our femininity. "Doth not even nature itself teach you that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?" (1 Cor. 11:14) Plus, the glory of a woman is her hair.

    1. The Old Testament says alot of things we dont practice anymore. Long is beautiful if its healthy and your under forty. Sorry, when your older your not foolin anyone with trying to look youthful, u just look like an old lady with long hair, not very becoming.

    2. Just my opinion but I personally think that long grey hair is beautiful. I hope that my hair is healthy enough to have it long when it turns grey. But that's just my opinion.

  25. long hair always ,the girls have such lovely hair how do they keep it like that?

  26. I prefer long hair. The Bible says that the glory of the women is her long hair... And besides I think long hair is GORGEOUS! And so fun to play with too. -Mary Ebersole

  27. I prefer mine longer because my older sister does it!

  28. I like my hair long as it means that you can do as many styles as you like.

  29. Long hair
    The girls look good with long hair

  30. Definitely long. My hair goes about to my belly button.

  31. I tend to be having a war with my thoughts on this. I like it long--it feels nice! However, I also get tired of it at times, and then I get tempted to cut it. I thought about getting it cut for locks of love, but then decided that it would take oh, so long, to grow it long enough to do it, and my hair is so thin now, plus I dye it to cover the grey, so I'm not sure they would benefit from it.

    When I was younger, I loved keeping it long, and one time my ant talked me into getting it cut in a pixie! I hated it! I grew it back as soon as I was, yeah I would probably vote for long hair! Plus my hubby also likes it long!

  32. I really depends on my mood. I never have had it shorter than my shoulders, but I have had it as long as to my bottom. Usually I leave it longer during winter and cut it a bit during the summer to take off the heat.
    But I like it both ways.

  33. Another thing to remember in regards to this discussion--We need to remember that not everyone has the choice--some just can NOT grow their hair long. Think about those who lose their hair altogether, due to chemo or some other medical contition. We don't want those to feel like they are less feminine, because they don't have hair. (I have been there from chemo...)

  34. Long hair! I look best with long hair. My hair goes down to my waist. It looks beautiful long but when it used to be short it was ugly even though it's the same hair! LOL.

  35. Definitely long hair. All of you girls look fabulous with your hair long as does your mother. Please keep it that way.

  36. Long, my hair is about to my knees! I have never cut it and don't plan to. the bible is clear on that women should never cut their hair it is their covering. 1 Corinthians 11

  37. I like long hair on people who have the right type of hair. My hair is extremely fine and does not grow long without looking terrible - definitely not my "glory". Length of hair is inconsequential to one's faith and commitment as a Christian. I think what this verse is referring to is just that it can be a source of "glory" for a woman who has the ability to have long hair and enjoys having long hair. There are many other forms of "glory" that all women, and all people, are blessed with.

  38. I love my hair long.

  39. I personally wear my hair long, because that is the way my husband likes it. I think most women's hair looks good long. When my mother and mother-in-law had cancer they went through chemo and lost their hair. Once it started to grow back in and covered their scalp they both stopped wearing their wig, and there was a lot of beauty in those hairstyles as well :)

  40. I like long hair in general, but I think tha short hair can have a feminine style that would go along with the spirit if I Cor 11 and Paul's teaching from the Holy Spirit that there is an ordained difference between men and women and that it effects our lives.
    I have nice, thick red hair, and I choose to grow my hair long and then cut it to donate for making wigs for I'll children; therefore, sometimes I have long hair, and sometimes I have short hair, but I always try to keep a very feminine style. Oh, and my husband is supportive of the donation and shorter hair.

  41. I personally like both. I have now grown my hair long and donated it to make wigs for cancer patients 3 times. It is short right now because I donated it at the beginning of the summer but I really couldn't say which I like more.

  42. Agree, women's hair should be long. It is her crown of glory! I am 61 and my hair is down to my waist. When I was younger I would have it cut and then would come home and cry.
    I don't believe a woman should cut her hair like a man or wear clothes that men wear. Just
    my thought.

    1. Women should cut their hair the way that they like it. If she wants it long? Cool, go for it. If she wants it short? Cool, go for it.

  43. I have long hair and I wish I had shorter hair but you can do so many hair styles with long hair like me my hair goes down to my hip.

  44. I can empathize with those of you who have thin hair. My hair has thinned out a lot over the past several years and I've never been able to grow it past the middle of my back. So my "long" isn't as long as my daughters or most other women, but I do the best I can with what I've got in honor of God and my husband. I find the best ways to deal with it is to keep the ends trimmed and I do the zig-zag style part so it looks fuller on the top. :)

  45. I love both! I really like long hair, but my hair doesn't grow that fast and sometimes I don't have time to take care of it... shorter hair sometimes is more practical, and it is also really cute! I think it really depends on each person's situation. Personally, I think young girls look beautiful with long hair and mature women look better with short hair, but it really depends. I've seen many mature women that look fantastic with long hair!

  46. @Anonymous

    Same here, or I would have grown mine out LONG ago! lol!

  47. Medium length hair for us!! It is easy to maintain and not get so long and stringy looking. I have tried to grow mine out really long but it just doesn't look healthy no matter what I do.

  48. If u have thick, healthy hair then long is beautiful, if its thin and stringy than shorter looks better. Also age appropriate, when you get past a certain age then its just not youthful anymore, but witchey lookin. Lots of things in the old testament are not so literal these days, like we don't sacrifice animals anymore and so on and so on.

    1. The scriptures refering to hair are in the new testament, not the old.

  49. I have a cute pixie haircut. I like to think Heavenly Father doesn't worry so much about whether I wear my hair long or short, but rather how I choose to serve him.

  50. Growing up my family were pentecostals so we were taught long hair and no cutting it. Many conviction vary. I prefer long.

  51. medium. My hair is too thick and curly to wear it long.

  52. I go through phases. I have thick wavy hair. It has been as long as my waist, and very very short... Which I won't do again. Now, usually, I cut it a few times per year. Lop it shorter (shoulder or just longer than chin length) in summer, and grow it out ... And it grows fast.. Fall and winter. My only rule is I have to be able to get the front out of my face.

  53. I love Long Hair

  54. I like long hair on me and in general; but, I know a few women who look amazing with short hair! However, in reference to the Duggars, they keep their hair long (according to the first book) because JimBob prefers their hair long. I don't agree keeping your hair in a certain style to please anyone else, except yourself. Before any Bible experts chime in---I know that long hair is considered a covering to respect God---I do agree with that belief.

  55. In contrast to long hair identifying a woman; Jesus and probably all men of His time wore their air long!

  56. Short hair! I used to have long hair like the four oldest Duggar daughters, but donated eight inches last year. Now, I love my newly short hair and do not let it grow past shoulder length.

  57. What ever length is most becoming is the best length.

  58. I've had my hair down to the middle of my back or 1.5" long with pink spikes and everywhere in between. It depends on my mood. My daughter (17 years old) has an adorable pixie. She has one of those faces that just doesn't look good in long hair. I think it's a personal thing. I am blessed that my husband doesn't care about our hair. The only time he raised an eyebrow was when I colored my daughter's blonde hair, green. Yes, it was permanent but when she was "over" the green we bleached it out. It's only hair.

    1. You remind me of my mother! I've had my hair ever color of the rainbow. When my family would ask her why she let me do it her respose was also "Its only hair" :)

  59. Oh my goodness, I totally thought they were considering getting theirs cut & going to ask what we thought THEY should do. I about fainted. Those ladies all have gorgeous heads of hair. I have had both. Actually growing it out again now so I can wear it up nicely.

  60. Long hair! My mom made me get a super short hair cut when I was in 4th grade & I looked like a boy & was bullied because of it. I will never have short hair again! And I will never make my daughter cut hers if she doesn't want it cut.

  61. Our pastor preached on this subject once. He was explaining that anything that would be short enough to look like a man's haircut is too short for a lady. And even if a man grows his out to his jaw line would be too long since he could be mistaken for a girl from the back. It's all about distinction not a certain length.

  62. I prefer mine long, since it's a woman's natural beauty. :)

  63. Long all the way!


  64. Does it really matter if women have long hair or short hair?? I mean, it's ridiculous, that people get into arguments about whether or not women have long or short hair, if they do or don't wear makeup, if they wear dresses or not, do not be like the Pharasese who judged everyone because they didn't abide by the "rules" when really they were made up by an imperfect man. The only 2 rules we should abide by are the 2 that God told us to abide by, to Love God and to love your neighbor.

  65. Long, but not too long. My hair goes about mid way down my back. Short hair can be cute too as long as it isn't too short. Preferably shoulder length.

  66. People are ridiculous!!! If a Christian man has long hair it doesn't mean he is sinning or he is any less of a Christian, same with a woman, my mom has short spiky hair and it does not mean she is any less of Christian because of that I definately do not believe God will punish her for a certain hairstyle she wears.

  67. I want long, but after a while I get tired of it. After I cut it, I want it back!

  68. I can't wear my hair long, don't have the face for it, and I have very stubborn hair.

  69. I like long hair but it's a big, big hassle. I'm older, 58, and my hair is now quite gray and white. It takes forever to dry and then I have to flatiron it to get the unattractive waves out of it. It's down to my waist. I don't like it in my face so it's always clipped back somehow or more often, French braided or in a ponytail. It gets caught in my arms, backs of seats, gkids pull it, and my husband is forever rolling over on it and yanking it. However, he's bald and loves to put it on his head at night to keep his head warm! :o) Quite frankly, I have no idea what to do with it so it's just easier to leave it long. Soon tho, I think it will need to be cut because I think I'm too old to have it this long.

  70. I like medium not to long but not too short
    LOL! The girls look perfect with long hair

  71. I prefer long hair, but I think shorter styles can still be complementary. I have long hair myself, but realize that many wonderful ladies simply can't grow theirs very long.
    Also, I am not quite sure that 1st Corinthians 11 is saying that we don't ever need to wear a headcovering because of our long hair, but this is a matter of personal conscience.

  72. Depends on the hair type! I like long hair but short isbetter on certain hair types!

  73. I keep my hair a certain length and heavily layered as my hair is overly thick (viking/scottish genes). I have had my hair short and with the level of thickness I have, it looks wrong, but when I grow it out as long as I did when I was a kid, it's too much to manage.

  74. I have my hair currently super long. I love the look, but it gets in the way, and being a busy college student, I usually don't find the time to do anything with it besides putting it up in a ponytail. I'm getting it cut into a pixie and super excited about it! :)

  75. Our hair doesn't have to be a certain length to be pleasing to God. This isn't old testament times. God wants our hearts not our hair.


  77. I like medium length hair... but long looks great on the girls, I especially like Johannah's even though it is not as long as Jana, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joy Anna or Michelle's hair.

  78. @Irene
    I noticed that Joy had cut her hair. I love long hair!!!!

  79. Whatever works for the person. My hair is wavy but really frizzy if its long (I've tried just about every product out there, some have helped, but none have given me good hair). If I keep it at my jaw line I have awesome curls, which I can easily put clips or flowers in and look very feminine.

  80. To all the posters who say God "created" long hair for a woman's glory or modesty: God made both men and women with hair that grows long if you let it. Yet most Cristian men I know make a point of having very short hair. So it does not make much sense to me that God would bother about the way I have my my hair cot (or not).
    My hair is shoulder length at the moment, but I have worn all sorts of styles over the years, even had a very short crew cut once, when I donated my hair for charity.

  81. Long as they are beautiful and can grow it unlike unlike those of us with baby fine hair.

  82. Long hair is what God wants.

  83. Whatever a woman feels looks best on her is what she should have. I used to have longer hair, and now I prefer a shorter style. I do not think God cares if we have a shorter style or longer. It's only when a woman dresses and wants to "act the part of a man" or a man wants to dress and be like a woman that it's not right. God made men and women differently, but I do not think it's necessary to hold a legalistic "You are only godly if you have long hair" belief.

  84. My hair used to be about half-way down my back (about as long as Jana's is in the picture above), but it eventually got to the point where it wasn't healthy. My hair was constantly in tangles, and I had crazy split ends. A few weeks ago, I cut it to about collarbone-length. I love long hair, but there comes a point where it's just too tangled and ratted and looks pretty trashy. I definitely wouldn't have cut it had my husband disapproved, but he loves the new 'do!

  85. The Bible also says to only wear linen, natural fibers.
    I think long her nicely styled is fine. However when it is just long for the sake of long, it is usually not flaterring a drags a woman's face down. Long hair on older when makes them look older. The Duggar girls hair would look so nice if they cut off about 4 inches. It would still be considered long. I like Joy's cut very much.

    Short is fine on a woman who can carry it off. A boy cut or pixie takes a certain face.

    You can call me


  86. I like long hair. Mine goes to my knees!

  87. I'm going assume most of the women posting are white. As a young black woman with natural hair no chemicals, perms, or straightened my hair is tightly course and are S curls. That being said my hair grows out and not down my back. It takes longer for black women hair to grow if natural. So please don't assume that every women has flowing hair down to her waist some of us have it cut short based on texture and care. Women like this are just as womanly and Godly.

  88. I've debated about this for a long time. My hair is mid-back length because if I cut it, I would have to straiten it every day. When it's longer, I can pull it up. If I had hair that was naturally straight, it would be a different story! I really like all different kinds of hair, though. I love long, curly hair, shag cuts, and layers. It's so fun! I've also been debating about highlights! It's the question of, how important is my hair!!! The girls', though, is gorgeous!!!

  89. Where are there pictures of Joy's haircut. I'd love to see it!

  90. I like long hair, but when I had my first baby, the texture of my hair really changed, so now it is very thin and fine, it grows to a certain point and then gets really straggly and gross looking. I keep it as long as possible, without it looking like I don't care.

  91. Long hair. But not all ladies are able to wear their hair long. Sometimes eating a raw,organic diet with less toxins can improve the quality of ones hair. But sometimes it's just sheer genetics. I do not believe that it is a biblical command for a woman to grow her hair long, but I think it's saying what a blessing and a beautiful attribute if she can! (Sort of like a prized possession) to the shoulders is fine, anything shorter looks too butch to me.
    Men however are told it is a shame for them to have long hair. Makes them look like girls, not masculine at all and it's not cute on little boys. Men and women are to be distinctly different, by the way they dress (wether pants or skirts/dresses ) or how they wear their hair. Older ladies sometimes look nicer with shorter hair. And I agree with a commenter above. God wants our heart, not our hair. Doesn't matter how long your hair is, that's not going to be what earns you extra brownie points with God or get you into heaven.

  92. My question is for Lily and Ellie- Why did bring this slightly controversial discussion up? Personally, when y'all don't give any direction to the conversation about what the Bible says or doesn't say, it is pretty much pointless. I have already read 99 comments that have been either judgmental or legalistic (I am not saying that all of them are, just some). Sooo.... what are your thoughts on whether women should have long or short hair?
    Thank you!

    1. I don't believe that they were intending a controversy here. They simply asked people's preferences on how they liked to keep their own hair. It only becomes controversial when people make it so.

  93. Long hair is beautiful on young girls, but as a woman ages, long hair can make a woman look as though they are trying to be younger 'mutton dressed as lamb' as my old mum says. Grandma Duggar's hair length is perfect for her age she looks great, Michelle should follow her lead as she ages.

  94. I LOVE long hair.....that's how I wear mine


  95. I have naturally curly/wavy hair that I keep long. It looks similar to Jana's, only blonde. I keep it long because I like being able to style it & if it's too short, it gets super curly and poofs out. The longer it is, the looser the waves are.

  96. @Anonymous
    I think it could be said that long hair is what God wants for YOU, but the bible does not tell all women to have long hair. Are women who go through chemo ungodly, are women who get shorter haircuts because it looks better on them ungodly? Most certainly not. God does not look on the outward appearance but on the heart, and He does not care if a Christian woman has long hair, short hair, or wears pants.

  97. A woman's hair is God's gift to her and her husband. Long hair (no, does not have to go to waist) is a picture of submission, "as unto the weaker vessel". When a woman cuts her hair shorter than what is modest, it is rebellion against God. Older women, likewise, should not choose to cut off their hair so that it's just on top of their head. Keep it a good length to show submission, modesty, and obedience to God. Yes, even in your old age.

  98. @Anonymous

    I am truly amazed at how many women think that it is rebellious to have "shorter hair than what is modest". I would not want to be the one to tell the hundreds of thousands of short-haired holy Christian women, whom God uses daily to bless others, that they are in rebellion. Why not just focus on serving others, laying hands on the sick, giving, sharing the gospel, and realize that hair is just hair and God sees the hearts. I know some women who hear God's voice so clearly and apparently it's never been a hindrance in marriage or fellowship with God. Enjoy your long hair, or short hair. I refuse to carry the measuring stick on that one- oh, your hair is 12 inches, you pass, but 10 inches, you are in rebellion-LOL.

    1. It would only be rebellious to have short hair if God convicted you to wear your hair long and you disobeyed. Things like hair length dress and other personal lifestyle issues are between you and God. Obedience and disobedience are between you and God. Some women feel very convicted on dress and appearance and others may not. It is not wrong wrong for someone to follow through on their personal convictions or to believe that it would be personally rebellious to go against those convictions. Just because someone says I wear my hair this way because of this passage of scripture doesn't necessarily mean they are telling everyone else to do the same. As a Christian it is my belief that Christianity is centered around personal choice, free will, and a personal relationship with God. What is the right decision for one person, family, or church may not be right for another. We should not be so offended by others' personal decisions and convictions and worry more about our own decisions

  99. Hi all! I like my longer. At least, I have a true appreciation for it now. It was very long when I was younger, but as soon as I got older, I began cutting it, looking for a way to fit in. My hair is very thick by most standards and very curly. I used to relax my hair so much and then a couple of years ago, I noticed it just wasn't the same. It was so thin, and head itched terribly. I prayed and the Lord showed me how much damage I was causing to my scalp and hair. I always had to cut it (very short) because of the damage. Once I saw how thin it had become, I decided to stop abusing my hair. I really learned to appreciate it and as it began to grow longer, I was really happy. A lot of the thickness has returned. I read what the Bible says about a woman's hair and I do understand it is my glory. ( I remember before all the complications that women would stop and tell me a woman's hair is her glory and I had no clue what they were talking about) I can now understand that more and more. I still trim my hair and plan on continuing to grow it, but to cut it off really short (as I have done in the past because of damage) is not something I ever want to do again. I pray for my health and the health of my scalp. A few months ago, I was diagnosed with alopecia areata. I have patches of hair loss. This was truly a blow to my new outlook on my hair. After all the praying, I was so shocked. I was very discouraged to the point that I didn't want to try enjoying my hair anymore because I was afraid I would lose it. However, I have continued to pray and change my diet (had to let go of wreaks havoc on the immune system!!) and my hair started growing back even before I had treatment. (In less than 4 months) All in all, I have a true appreciation for my hair. It is a covering for my and my glory I thank God for it. I know it seems like it's just hair, but when it's threatened to be lost, it certainly doesn't feel that way. Thank you Lord for my hair!!

  100. After reading many of these comments, I think I should mention something; long hair is not right nor wrong, short hair is not right or wrong. We as humans cannot set a standard for anyone. How long someones hair is depends on their fathers/husbands preference, their preference and what they believe God is okay with. That changes for every person. Mine was short, Now it is medium length. I want to grow it out long with curls (actually, like Jana's :) ) but I will probably have it that way for a year and then cut it short again. I like hair of all lengths :)

  101. Short hair it's more manageable.

  102. Long for the most part. My hair is cut funky but it is still long not as long as it was. I feel girly with long hair.

  103. @Anonymous
    I think you need to get a new hairdresser then...

  104. I like my hair longer does my dad...:-) My hair is fine, so I can't do a whole lot with it unless it has a ton of product...but I and growing it out now. I had it short for quite a while at and a-line cut...I liked it, but I like longer better! It is almost to my shoulders now!

  105. This last comment by Anonymous is just silly. I have hardly any hair. Does this make me less of a woman or a Christian? Of course not! It is just hair!

  106. yeah the bible says it but it never says what long is... long could be 3 inches or 3 feet. that said, i like it short... because it is way easier to do!

  107. I love long Hair :D

  108. I think it is a face shape- and personality thing. That said, I have no idea why most men really like long hair. My next door neighbor just cut hers and it looks so cute! Her husband doesn't like it, he misses her long hair. Her long hair wasn't doing anything for her. This cut actually frames her face really well. So I don't quite understand why so many men just love long hair even when it doesn't look that great!

  109. Your heart matters more than your hair. More focus on love, less on hair. I'm pretty sure God would be happy with that.

  110. I made a choice to combat the gender bending in our society by wearing my hair long & always wearing skirts/dresses. I don't argue about it or anything, but I always commend those ladies who do likewise.

  111. Long although my sisters and i have donated over 4 ft of our hair to make wigs for cancer victims

  112. What do you all think Joyce Meyer ministries would say, her hair is razor short,and look at that Womans successful ministries, i love her the most, check her out and maybe some of u will se things a little different, shes on TBN and several other Christian channels, even some non-Christian channels too.

  113. By the way, the Duggars just prefer long hair, its their own convictions. They DO NOT judge people who have shorter hair. Look at Grandma Duggar,Anna,Amy,ann Kelly Bates. I think more bloggers are the ones that hav big opinions about. Theres more comments about this subject than most, wonder why? We are just as guilty for adding our two cents to this post. MerryChristmas everyone!

  114. Long hair is the best !!!!!!!

  115. I love my long hair. Now that I'm older, I can make my own decisions, and am able to keep my long hair. When I was younger, my parents wanted to keep my hair shorter.

  116. I love their long hair. Wish I knew how to easily style mine like that!!! Anyone have tips??

  117. Long hair, for sure!

  118. Long hair is not hard o style. Just keep trimmed and use hair clips, French braids, pony tails, ets. I find short hair harder to style. My hair curls just enough to make short hair difficult.

  119. I know that most women cut their hair when they become older, but I don't think it always, always has to be that way. I know older, grandma-aged women who keep their hair long (and do not color it) and it looks wonderful and exactly their style. Please don't misunderstand me - I think women can look nice with shorter hairstyles as well.

  120. Long! I have semi-thick curly hair. When straight, my hair is to my lower back. But because it is curly, when it is dry it is only to the middle of my back. I am currently trying to grow it out very very long because as my curls grow, they loosen, and aren't so tight. When I was younger I had very short hair, but during my teenage years I realized that my hair is actually MUCH easier to care for if it is longer. Of course, age does matter. I plan to cut it somewhere down the road :) but for now, it will grow. Any girl with some natural curl will understand ;)
    Therefore, llllloooonnnnnggggg


  121. 1 Corinthians 11 tells that a woman is given long hair for glory and as a covering; besides your daughters look pretty with long hair lol!

  122. I had my hair quite long and then cut it this summer. It was a part of me and I miss it. Its a 1/3 of the way it was. All I use is olive oil conditioner and a little shampoo. NOTHING ELSE!
    btw hair spray and washing your hair every day will RUIN your hair sooner or later. A great hair care and long hairdo website is

  123. I prefer short but do both - I started donating and the look sorta grew on me. I grow it out, then lop it off. :)

  124. In 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 it says it is a shame for a women to cut her hair.

  125. Reading all these comments and the person who said there are tons of Old Testament things we don't follow... Corinthians is New Testament... Also it says explicitly that it is a shame for a woman to cut her hair and if she does she might as well shave her head. Read the scripture... And don't interpret it how you see fit bc you want to cut your hair to fit the word.

  126. @Lori Alexander
    I agree, I would love to have it long, but I have not been able to grow it past my shoulders. It just breaks off and it very fine and thin. :(

  127. @Lauren I totally agree with you and people cant go around saying you can never cut your hair or have to have it a certain length! the Bible talks more about not judging than it does about a womans hair length God can be the only judge! personally for me tho I like how long hair look but whatever others perfer for themselves is up to them!

  128. I prefer my hair long when I was younger I used to cut it short but I don't think I'd ever like to do that again. I do trim my hair to keep it healthy. My husband also prefers my hair long and because I like to please him I chose to wear it long and down most of the time. Those are my preferences and choices.
    Having said that, I can see that this has turned controversial. The bible does say our hair is our glory. However the bible also says that god looks on our hearts and not our outer appearance. I think it is perfectly fine for a woman to look at Corinthians and be convicted to wear their hair long as a covering. It is also fine for them to quote the verse while explaining their personal convictions and choices. When someone says I chose to do A because I was led by this bible verse or I do this because the bible says to, that is a personal conviction and not a judgment on anyone else. What I chose to do and why I chose to do it, are not meant to be projected onto others. I know ladies who are more spiritually mature than me who have short hair. I know women who can't grow their hair long and women who have had illnesses where theyve lost their hair god creates them and loves the same as me. But if I chose because of personal conviction to keep long hair it does not mean I am saying everyone else should too. Our hair is our glory no matter the length texture or color. Most all women I know treat their hair as their glory. They take care of it cut, color, condition, and style it. Isn't that treating your hair as your glory?

  129. My hair is in the middle but I wish that I have long hair so much

  130. Definately long!!!!!!!! My hair is at my hip!!!!!

  131. my husband says that longer hair is a womans glory !!!!

  132. I am not fond of hairdos where women cut their hair so short it is like a man's haircut, but see nothing wrong with short hairdos...Feminine...bobs are cute, shoulder length hair, etc. Some women have fine hair and the long hair looks bad.

    Also I seem to remember hearing the Duggar girls talking about giving each other permanents. Their hair is pretty, but I think I'd like straight better. The episode where Michelle got a makeover (Michelle is a lovely woman no doubt), she looked 10 years younger when she ended up with her hair straightened and didn't have the big poufy bangs...but women should fix their hair as they want. If they feel good about themselves they will be happier and better people. Plus, I cannot imagine how hot that long hair might be in summer in the south. And if you keep it up all the time, no sense in having it long ;-D

  133. For everyone quoting cannot take a verse out of context!

  134. I keep mine short. Much easier to deal with!

  135. I've shaved my hair many times!! Why should anyone else's opinion affect your hair? God never struck me down!! ;)

  136. I would pick LONG hair I don't like short hair cause my hair is thick

  137. I'd have to say medium length! Long hair is beautiful (especially the Duggars!), as well as feminine. But, it is almost impossible for me to take care of it. Because I do so much "active" stuff, long hair just isn't practical:) Unless you want our head to be practically pulled off because your tresses got caught in the tractor wheel, I would (and I say this from my own experience ladies!), if your a country gal like myself, and you practically spend your whole life outside, you can still be feminine and Godly with, say shoulder length hair. You don't have to go all out and get a pixie.... Anyway, that's what I've got to say on the matter!

  138. I think a very important thing to be mindful of is that we do not want to be unkind to one another. I read a few comments and was very sad.
    When we use all caps lock, that is yelling, which is never a good way to have a nice, calm discussion. A discussion about hair should *not* ever be an "I'm better than you!" thing!! One of the things I like and appreciate about the Duggar family is that they have strong beliefs and are able to be kind and never make people who don't live just like they do feel badly about it.

    We women can be "covered", aka modest, in more ways now. My hair is long because I like it long, but as I (along with many of you, I'm sure!) age, my once thick hair is starting to get "straggly". So eventually I will need a new 'do. It is also *really* hard for me to wash all of this, i have been disabled my entire adult life, and it's just painful and difficult.

    We who love the Lord need to remember to not "major in the minors", meaning we need to first be about loving God, loving our neighbors as ourselves, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to everyone we can... and build harmony within the Body of Christ! I hope if those things are discussed, we will see 160 positive comments about that and be careful to not be harmful to others. (Some of us also don't have husbands, please remember that as well, ladies. The church often forgets women over college age who are single. I feel forgotten often, but that's another topic!)

    Grace to all of you, and thank you Duggar family for sharing your love of God & family. I imagine it is not always easy, but also that you are in God's will. :)

  139. Long hair usually makes older women look haggard. Long gray hair and long skirts with capped sleeve blouses just make women look dumpy, not "Godly."

  140. I personally like my hair long. I do not feel that hair makes a woman more womanly or makes one more Godly whether long or short. Short hair or long hair or no hair is beautiful. God has created us all different for a reason.

  141. I love long hair and i had really long hair for awhile. But if you dont take care of it or have time Its not the best choice. So right now i have short hair. But i plan to grow it back out again like i had it before but hopfully i can take time for myself and take care of it.

  142. I prefer long hair because I feel that you can do more things with it.

  143. Hair should be whatever you like and looks nice on you. Long hair on a woman is not a requirement to get into heaven.

  144. I've always thought hair length is a personal preference. I've had mine long only a few times in my almost 70 years. I have never felt like less a Christian choosing to have my hair short.

  145. i don't think short hair is bad unless it is like boy short then you need to grow it out some.

  146. I like long hair. My hair is kida long but I wish it was a long as a duggar girl :-)

  147. I have short hair.. Long hair is not for me! by other people its look gorgeous .
    And i don't feel less Christian because I have short hair.. My faith is everywhere and not in my hair most in my heart and soul!

  148. My hair was short. I grew it to a medium length when I was working. Now, after around two and half years it's just at my shoulder blades. It's also naturally curly so for me longer is easier to care for.

  149. Well, interestingly at my age (62) this has been a new issue for me. I had long hair for most of my years in the past and my husband prefers that. But, once I was thoroughly into hot flashes (still!) and thinning hair, it became a major annoyance for me. I always had it down at night, but found that it now stuck to me and increased my discomfort when the flashes came on. So, I then tried a soft braid (my hair was waist length) but as soft as it was I got headaches and tangled in the thing. I googled articles about older Amish women to get ideas on handling this and was distressed to learn that many have receding hairlines from the tension. I can believe this as pulling my hair back gave me headaches.As a farmwife I need to sleep at night and so I finally cut it off myself, to my shoulders last year. I thought my poor husband would faint but after a few hours he told me that honestly he thought it looked nice, tidy,and even "cute" (at our age, giggle!!). It's a simple bob, and now I cut bangs when my thinning hair insisted on falling all over my face in a messy way.It is easier to keep tidy and I now sleep much better. We also must remember that when the Bible teachings were written women did not live nearly as long as most of us. We have old age issues that they did not have the privilege of having. My adult daughter has gorgeous hair to her waist but if she cut it I'd not say a word. Our love for each other goes way beyond a hairstyle, as does the love and respect shared between my husband and myself.

  150. Long, no doubt, I agree with the girls when they said that your hair is your glory, but everytime is of good lenght I get a hair cut and donate it to wigs for kids (they use the hair to make wigs for kids with Cancer) it's not easy but the cause is worth it.

  151. I wear my hair to the middle of my back. I would love it to be down to my waist but it doesn't seem to be growing any longer. I think long hair is beatiful.

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. I love long hair, it's beautiful and the Duggar girls are beautiful. They probably have a lot of help with hairstyling on the show. Right now being older my hair is not short short short but it's not long either. I love my natural curls when my hair is shorter, they really curl nice. If I need a covering, I'll just put a hat on. Short for now! God Bless!

  154. Long, my hair has been long since I was about 4. It's changed a lot since then though. I was blonde until I was about 10, now it's brown like Jana's. It reaches my hips now. I just find it suits my personality better.

  155. Long, my whole life I have always had my hair long. The Bible says to wear hair long so I do. I have also wondered about wearing a head covering? What do you guys think????

  156. it changes as u get older ul want it shorter i like long but im gina donate it

  157. long :) I just like having long hair personally. Nothing against short hair though! ;) Short hair is adorable! Just not for me :)

  158. I believe in the BIble 100%, but I can't understand the long hair issue. Long hair is often overpowering on even younger girls and even detracts from their "countenance," and after a certain age it really starts to look downright unbecoming on many women. I think a Christian woman should go with what is most flattering on herself.

  159. @Anonymous How is long hair for modesty if men say it turns them on?

  160. Both!! But I Like Short- Emily

  161. I love long hair! All three of my sisters and I have medium-long hair. I love the Duggar girl's hair! It looks so feminine and well-kept. I am so glad you posted the tutorial on how they do their hair! I love doing my hair in those waves. The Lord bless!

  162. Shoulder length is great and cute.

  163. I love long hair!!! I always have...ever since I can remember. About half a year ago, I cut my hair to about my shoulder. I have regretted it ever since. It doesn't look bad, I just don't like it nearly as much. It makes me sad when I see someone with long, beautiful hair get it cut short. It reminds me of what I did. I'm always sad when I see Bible verses about long hair...Even though my hair is past my shoulder (it is curly so it takes an extremely long time to grow), it makes me wish I had seen that before cutting my hair. Short hair depression :(

  164. I had waist-length hair 30 years ago. As I aged, I cut it to shoulder length. As a cancer patient who lost hair during chemo, I wore hatts and wigs until my hair started regrowing. I wish the Duggar ladies would donate their hair to Locks of Love or similar group. It would also be a timesaver and help the drains in their homes.

  165. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We are all beautiful in God's eyes. Sad the Duggar clan feels they need uber long hair to be appealing to their men and the world. I have very thick, curly hair that looks better and is more managable short. Does this mean I am disobeying God's Word? I doubt it.

  166. I Know! All of them have pretty hair!

  167. There are enough hair donations now to make wigs for every unfortunate girl and woman in the world. Let the Duggar gals KEEP their glorious hair without laying a guilt trip on them. My wife, by the way, has long hair at 55. I think that almost every woman looks better with long hair. God bless the Duggar family!

  168. The girls have lovely long hair and it doesnt at all look un healthy!

  169. I know a woman who grows her hair as long as she can (past her behind) and then cuts it in a bob to donate it to "Locks for Love". Then starts over again. I think TLC should have an episode where the older Duggar girls, Michele, and Anna get their hair cut together and donate it for a great cause. The woman could see how the program works, and visit some of the young people who benefit from the program. At the end, they get their haircuts together. Just above shoulder length is still considered long, and, let's face it, hair grows back!

  170. Long generally. My hair is trimmed loco yet it is still long not the length of it seemed to be. I feel girly with long hair.

  171. short hair because mine is short:)

  172. Personally, long. My hair is waist-length and I will be the first to acknowledge that it is high-maintenance and requires more care. I like it though. It's more feminine long and while I do consider cutting it at times, I don't like the idea of having to wait for it to grow out again.

  173. I believe that long hair is God honoring, but that is because if how God has convicted me. If God has not convicted you in that area, then you can have short hair without it being a sin. I think we all just need to not be forcing our convictions on others and if God has not convicted you, don't be shoving it in other peopl's faces.


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