
Friday, November 8, 2013

"Following the Lord is an Exciting Adventure"

The Duggars drew a crowd of over 1,000 attendees at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. The family (everyone but Josh and Anna) performed music and signed books (click here to see photos), and Jim Bob and Michelle shared their testimonies (YouTube video below).


  1. Thank you for that interview, I really needed to hear a few key points that the duggars spoke about :-)

  2. I enjoyed that..God continue to bless them as they bless others..Amen

  3. Hint to the Duggar parents: You need to have a sit-down with the "older children" (whatever "older" is) and tell them both you and them alike need adequate rest, and that all of you need to start gathering for prayer time and discussion at 9:00 p.m., not starting at midnight, and there has to be a 2-hour cap on time shared unless there is an emergency. The 9:00 discussion gives adequate time for the "older children" to put the "younger children" to bed--something the parents don't do. This puts the entire family to bed at just after 11:00. With 8 full hours of sleep for the "older children" and the parents and the adequate 10 full hours of sleep for the "younger children," the family could then arise at 7:00-7:30 a.m., giving adequate time to be on "the rest of the world time" and not just on "Duggar time." Hint to the parents: If you are consistently (and consistently means over and over again) 2 hours late to everything, start preparing 2 hours earlier since there is evidence you need 2 extra hours more than you currently allot to get to something on time. Be respectful. And teach your children well.

  4. So that is why they keep hauling kids from Arkansas to Virginia to Arkansas to Tennessee to Arkansas to Texas to Arkansas, etc.? They are following the Lord?

  5. Michelle sure looks pregnant! And radiant

  6. Very interesting speech. Thank you for posting it. The Duggars are such an inspiration.

  7. Wow, God's love RADIATES through them! What a testimony they are to our world! It's beautiful to see Christ living in them. :)

  8. Alyssa Bates is courting! It's on the Bates family website.

  9. @Anonymous 4---I pray Michelle isn't pregnant. Her poor body can't possibly take another pregnancy. I pray the radiance you see is because she is content with her life and family, as is.

  10. I think this was the best speech I have heard Michelle and JimBob give. They came across as humble and sweet. However, they need to stop misinforming the public about the birth control pill causing her miscarriage (or as JimBob said "aborting" the baby).

  11. Michelle does look radiant; but kind of in a bronzy way! Hew face looks slender and very pretty.

  12. Michelle, it's hard to believe you were anywhere by 7:30 a.m.!!!

  13. Birth control does cause a very early abortion so they are correct in saying that. Most doctors will not tell you

  14. And please you guys (commenters) if you do t have anything nice to say then don't say anything. The Duggars do an absolutely amazing job raising their children. We couldn't do any better!

  15. My BFF has 9 kids. It doesn't matter if you have a schedule and aim for early bedtimes, sometimes, a heavy heart, personal questions, or just needing a reassuring hug and prayer 'AFTER' the little ones are in bed, those are important moments and get dealt with in the late hours of the night. It can't happen during the busy hours of the day when the little ones are running around and other chores are being done.

  16. Wow, I had no idea Michell could sing so nicely. It's a pity we didn't hear her on the shows. :-/


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