
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Duggars in Texas: Photos

Last Thursday, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and 18 of their children (all but Josh) dropped by the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, to share music and their testimony. Jim Bob ended the presentation with a challenge to SWBTS students: "Follow the Lord wherever He leads you."

“Following the Lord is an exciting adventure," the father of 19 continued, "And I pray that each one of us will follow that still, small voice of the Lord and watch Him work in our lives in a miraculous way.”

Here are a few photos from the event, which included a book-signing:

Photo credits: SWBTS Photo/Neil Williams


  1. This family is losing its credibility for me and seems more and more to be like a cult. Women can wear makeup, curl their hair, wear flip flops and paint their toes, but they can't wear fashionable attire that covers them from neck to knee--they must rely on outdated blue jean shirts and a "uniform" look--layered T's, etc. Wierd is all I can say. I truly hoped the move to Washington would be a breaking factor for Josh to be his own individual, but no; the family reference is still in there all the time. Anna is a Duggar clone now. She lost her idenity alone the way and is now a Duggar clone as well.

    1. How is the way they try to dress like each other any different then the world watching Paris fashion models and copying their styles? I think we all just copy what we see and like.

  2. Replies
    1. Back row between Joy and Jill - a little of her chin is visible between James and Justin

  3. Thank you for this sweet photos!

  4. darn sure i'll meet them hoping

  5. It looks like Josie and Jordyn were feeling a bit rebellious!

    1. From the attention/expressions of most of the family wouldn't it be interesting to know what happened the minute before the photo was taken :-)

  6. wow, I attended seminary with my hubby 1988-1991 and wish that I had been able to meet the Duggars!!!! what a thrill! I now live in VA so it is a little far to hop in the car and drive there!

  7. I was was amazing maevelous fantastic not only because of the duggar family.there were other speakers there that were fabulous also..there was lots of singing praying famous authors of certain religious books lots of one on one counseling .it was awesome!

  8. Whoa its kinda weird seeing everyone's colorful clothes except Jennifer Jordyn and Joise they're in grey and black.

  9. Jana is beside Jill. James is blocking her.

  10. Anonymous..
    It looks like Jana is in between Joy-Anna and Jill. James looks like he may be standing in front of her.

  11. Hows michelle doing with the pregantcy?

    1. I didn't know Michelle was pregnant so happy for her

  12. Awesome photos! I don't really care for Michelle's hair...


  13. Jana is behind James

  14. Thank you for being such great role models ...we all love the show and wish you continued success.

  15. Michelle is pregnant ?

  16. @Elena
    you will! i have met them twice which is very unlikely but i prayed that i would meet them again and God always hears your prayers!

  17. I was there too! I wouldn't miss it. I love their family. And Mrs. Duggar is definitely aware of what's going on around her! My two books that I bought as soon as they were available in stores made it down to the end of the table before me, and I thought I sure do hope they are still there when I get down there. A few seconds later I heard Mrs. Duggar say that these are Mrs. Mitchell's we'll keep these here for her until she makes her way down here. She had never heard of me nor knew what I looked like at that point. She definitely impressed me with her attentiveness!

    Mrs. Mitchell

  18. Thank You for the pictues. Love to view the family at different events as well as at home.
    What a beautiful family.
    Marion M and Family

  19. I think they have done a great job raising their family. Josh and Anna r doing a great job, too. As far as the clothes they wear if no one likes their clothes then turn your heads because as far as my concern I don't wear new clothes and neither do my kids we wear hand me downs and all out dated clothes. I clothes is not what makes the person in Christ it is their hearts and I think they should continue to follow their hearts and live for the Lord.

  20. Most important about this Duggar appearance was Jim Bob's message: "Follow the Lord and hear His still small voice." I pray that everyone will remember THAT more than anything else because that is far more important to remember than what the Duggars wore or how they sounded when they sang or which Duggars were or were not there!

  21. We had the blessing of meeting them that night. Thank you for posting the photos since I didn't have my camera.

    Would you know where we can get copies of the photos the photographer was taking with Jim Bob & Michelle? I heard something about Shutterfly.

  22. I love th Duggar's. Their beliefs and wholesomeness in this day and age is amazing. Wish I could be more like them.

  23. Such a lovely Family


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