Saturday, September 14, 2013

New Season Sneak Peek

Change is in the air for the Duggar family! Watch this promo video to get a sneak peek of the upcoming season of 19 Kids and Counting (premieres Tuesday at 9pm EST/8pm CST on TLC).


  1. Dont let the previews fool you, I bet the engagement is about Erin not a duggar! I also hope Jim bob and michelle do adopt!

  2. I've watched the sneakpreview several times and my conclusion comes down to the fact that Jana is engaged. It is because a hand with the engagement ring is shown two times and the second time jessa says; 'she is engaged'. So it isnt Jessa and it neither is Jill because her fingers are smallers. I dont think it is Jinger too because she's the youngest.

    But it would be great if Jana is going to marry, looking forward to it already!

    We'll see


  3. looks good, michelle made me cry..but as we've been able to follow through your site, we see that everything has worked out and the Duggars have found their way to Washington too. Few more days..

  4. Oh my goodness!!! Who's getting married????

  5. Woo! Engagement adoption! I may have to watch this season.

  6. Who is engaged??? Erin bates??? Jana????

  7. interesting! I'm assuming they were talking about Erin Bates engagement! while I'm pretty sure Lily and Ellie either don't know or wont confirm, I think Jessa Duggar is in a courtship! someone posted a comment in Amy Duggar's instagram pic saying they were so Happy for Jessa, congratulations to her and that they think Ben is a good guy. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  8. I'm so excited! I've missed them! I'll definitely be watching Tuesday night!

    Lily and Ellie,
    Thank you so much for doing this blog! I know it's a great, reliable source of all Duggar-related information!

    On another note, do you know if with the new season, new family portraits/pictures will be released? The kids have grown so much since the pictures you have on the blog, especially the younger ones!

    God bless!

  9. This is going to be the best season ever! So many sneak peeks! I believe the "She's engaged" refers to Erin Bates and Chad, but you never know! ;)

  10. I'll probably need a box of Kleenex, but I'm excited to watch the opening of the season on Tuesday!


  12. Have you heard anything about Ben and Jessa? Are they in a courtship or ? Can't wait for the new season!!! -Abi

  13. Jessa is engaged to Ben Seewald. If you go to
    Theres a picture of them

  14. Wait wait wait... Whose engaged?

  15. Jana is engaged!! If you look at photos on facebook of Jana, zoom in on her hand and she has a ring :D

  16. Erin bates is engaged. The bates have said so on their blog as well as shown pictures of that ring on her.

  17. Hey Lily and Ellie!

    I don't have cable... is there any other way to watch it???

  18. When this was taped, I bet they were talking about Erin's engagement since Erin has been planning since 2012. It does look like Jessa might be courting or engaged but Ben just turned 18 so I doubt it is her they were talking about when this was filmed. If they continue filming maybe we will hear about Jessa like maybe a season finale:)

  19. The engagement they are referring to in the video is Erin Bates. However, Jessa is in a courtship relationship with a guy named Ben.

  20. The ring in the preview looks like the one Erin Bates is wearing in the pictures on their family blog. Also Erin has her nails done the same as the ones shown in the preview. I doubt Jessa is engaged, maybe courting?

  21. Y'all that's Erin Bates' who is engaged, that's her hand. Her ring looks exactly like that.
    btw where do you go to see the ratings for the shows on TLC?

  22. Are there any other options than renting off of amazon to watch this season when it starts?

  23. Woah! thats crazy! jessa is engaged? that happened quickly! I mean wasnt it just a couple months ago that they said none of the older girls were in relationships..and shes already engaged..that was a short courtship

  24. Jessa is supposedly courting!

  25. Ohh I cannot help but spoil it... If you look at the Bates family website in their updates you can see that Erin's engagement ring matches the one in the video. But I am still SUPER excited for this new season. It sounds as though many exciting developments are happening. Only three more sleeps!!

  26. hopefully somebody puts up the episodes of the new season! or else i am just going to have to watch it on amazon or netfick because i just have to see who is getting engage

  27. It's Erin Bates engagement. If you go to the Bates family website you will see she has the same ring on, and her fingernails have white nail polish on the edge of the fingernail.

  28. Its Erin Bates and Chad Paine that are engaged they got engaged August 5th and plan to marry November 2nd. I cant wait for the new season to start.

  29. I wish it was Jana the one that was engaged, she is such a sweet person! But they were talking about Erin... if you take a look a the Bates Family website, you will see pictures of Erin's hand with the same ring.

  30. I know who is engaged! Here is a is not a Duggar!

  31. It appears Jessa is "courting" Ben; not yet engaged. He's only 18.

  32. The ring in the preview is Erin Bates. You can go on the Bates website and zoom in on pictures with the ring and compare. They're the same

  33. The hand that is shown with the ring is Erin Bates
    But Jessa is in a relationship with Ben Seewald... But not engaged yet.

  34. Erin is engaged to a guy named Chad. I don't know if Jessa is engaged to Ben, but they are definitely courting. look up Ben Seewald on FB and check out the comments on his profile picture (the one with Jessa in it). Even Josh commented. It's definitely 100% clear that they are together. :)

  35. The engagement IS referring to a bates. And FYI courtship is NOT the same as engagement.

  36. Is Jessa seriously courting Ben Seewald?

  37. @Anonymousdimwit, that's called a purity ring.

  38. I don't think they're courting. A lot of the Duggars on fb are random people pretending to be them. And why would a 21 year old girl court an 18 year old boy?

  39. @Rachel

    Hi Rachel

    The episodes are also available on iTunes.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  40. @Brittany

    Hi Brittany,

    The episodes are available on Amazon and iTunes 1-2 days after they air.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  41. How do they raise girls like they have? I would really like to know how they do it. Not many teenage daughters would happily let their parents monitor their relationship, even texting and adhere to things just as side hugs, without being begrudging or bitter or trying to get away with stuff behind their backs. I would love to raise my daughters like they have

  42. Super excited about these shows!!

  43. Wow, Jessa is courting?? And the boy is 18, while she is 20 (and will be 21 in November)? maybe she just really wants to get some freedom. What an 18-year old can provide for the family? Like, they start courtship to get married, so obviously it's going towards marriage. I just can't imagine Jessa doing some preaching at church; she is more business oriented personality, and she needs someone similar.

  44. Congrats to Jessa! I was wondering if she would be one of the first ones to leave the nest because of her independent personality. I wish her all the best!

  45. Love all of the Duggar family and have enjoyed your show from the start! Your family represents love and acceptance to me. That's why I was so disappointed to hear that your oldest son was taking a job with a company that takes an ant-gay marriage stance. My belief is that there is room in the world for every kind of marriage/family. Happy, healthy and full of love are the important issues to me.

  46. This picture tells me that it's not Erin Bates engagement they are hinting at:

    Erin's engagement ring is different than the one shown on the preview for 19 Kids. ;)


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