Thursday, August 29, 2013

Delivering Babies

Jill has been spending her days studying midwifery under certified professional midwife Venessa Giron (A Mommy's Butterfly Midwifery). Here are photos of the babies that the 22-year-old Duggar has helped deliver this month:

 Jill Duggar with Anya Grace
August 1st, 2013

 Jill welcomes Darcy Elizabeth
August 5, 2013

 Jill and Mason Hunter
August 26, 2013


  1. God gave Jill a most precious gift by guiding her into midwifery. It is a career that appears perfectly suited to her temperament. You can really see the joy and excitement in her eyes as she's holding those newborns. I hope she finds an amazing husband fully supportive of her midwifery.

  2. Thats awesome!!!!! Looks like a busy month. She looks very happy.

  3., thanks for sharing them. Good luck to Jill with her studies and in her work as a trainee midwife x

  4. Jill looks very happy. Seems to be a perfect job for her. Jill looks a little thinner than I remember. Maybe it's just the camera angle, but I hope she is ok.

  5. I love the Duggars, I do..but honestly, are those girls even legally trained as Midwives? My sister wants to me a MW, and in Canada, it can take up to 4 years to become long is their training? Two years? ANd it is online, to boot:( I know they are under a preceptor, but still....anyway...I DO hope that they are going about this the right way..good for them. They do seem to enjoy it!

    1. Jill's been studying midwifery for a while- more time than when the show began to mention it. She's definitely had enough training to work there- she was helping midwives back in 2010.
      (I know her personally.)

  6. such sweet pictures!! God bless you, Jill.

  7. It's amazing how much Jill looks like her mom now.

  8. why are they putting these pictures here? is this women trying to drum up business? I would think these girls would need to be trained in a hospital setting as if something major would happen to them? is tthe women that owns this company a trained nurse midwife? in the state I live in it takes up to six years to become a trained midwife and they can work in a hospital?

  9. In the UK it takes 3 years to do midwifery degree after which you would be qualified to work in a hospital.

  10. Midwifery training involves hands on experience. Since most women desiring a personal, less restrictive birth experience choose homebirth or birthing centers, a student midwife sees patients in those settings. Midwives in hospitals work under a physician and must obtain hospital privileges there.
    I wouldn't worry about Jill (and Jana is NOT studying midwifery; she will be a doula or birth assistant/coach) With millions of worried folks like some here, she will have every aspect of her training checked and double checked I'm sure! Gee people, do you REALLY think there's no oversight on this important and necessary profession??? I wonder about people like that too. Also, requirements for certification vary from state to state and I'm SURE Canada has different reqs too with their government controlled healthcare.

  11. Every state has different requirements for midwives as they do for many things. We have seen the Duggars kids learning to drive at 14 but in many states it is 15 or 16. I'm glad Jill is able to follow her dreams. 19 kids is a tv show and it is filmed in Arkansas. I'm sure Jill knows the laws in her state. If someone watches the show and lives in one of the other 49 states I would hope they look into their states requirements for midwife programs if they are interested in pursuing it. Arkansas has lower requirements then most states for midwife training, so while Jill is following her state requirements, her requirements are not what 90% of the country would need(most states require a nursing degree). Best advice is enjoy the show but don't take college or legal advice from it!

  12. I really think what it boils down to is that some people are never going to be satisfied when it comes to the Duggars.

    First, they complain that all the older children don't have jobs, further education beyond high school, etc.

    THEN, when they get jobs or start on further education, it's not good enough. Apparently, it's only ok if they all go to a secular college and live away from home. And of course, they have to study things that others feel are right, not things they want to study.

    Ridiculous. Jill *wants* to be a midwife. John David enjoys his towing business and has a pilot's license. Josh has owned a car lot, and is now working for a political action group (regardless of whether you agree with their politics or not, it's a good way to get into the political field, and Josh has been interested in politics since his father was a State Rep.). Jana has stated numerous times she volunteers at a local orphanage, does many volunteer counseling/supervising actitvies for the ATI organization, and is training to be a doula. Joseph has done 9 weeks of training with ALERT (which is a highly utilized emergency response team. ALERT is highly respected as a first response team in emergencies) and is going on to further that training. Jinger and Jessa have photography and are enjoying keeping the 'books' for the family homeschool(good organizational skills!) Josiah is apparently apprenticing with a local accountant.

    REALLY??? Those are some pretty good accomplishments, in my eyes.

    But again, for some, nothing will ever be good enough, b/c conservative christianity, and trying to raise your children in that way, are never acceptable or tolerated.


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