
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Duggars Stand4Life

Scroll down to hear the speech Michelle Duggar gave Monday evening at the Stand4Life Rally on the steps of the Texas State Capitol:


  1. Great delivery Michelle!! Thank you for speaking out.
    Love and prayers...

  2. Well said,she is amazing. You can see how God is using this family to make change.

    Praise God..

  3. Unborn life is so special and I am so grateful that the Duggars treasure it.

  4. i love the duggars, but this is a democracy, and this website can delete my comment, or it could leave it up to inspire intelligent debate...which is a very american thing. for the record, this bill isn't about whether abortion should be legal. it's about whether or not abortion clinics are as safe as hospitals. All FACTS and TESTIMONY from doctors and hospitals across texas say yes, they are. so, this bill is an instance of legislators manipulating voters. they are advertising the bill as a women's health bill, when everyone who is involved in women's health across texas says this bill does nothing to make women healthier. in fact, it could be harmful.

  5. Michelle is such a good speaker. I am so glad she is using her talent to save lives.

  6. I have never heard Michelle speak as articulate and strong as she did during this speaking engagement!

  7. Michelle is amazing. I just wish she and others would not invoke the holocaust as a metaphor. I understand and support what she is trying to say---but I think such comparisons can be very hurtful and unproductive (they distract attention away from the real issue at hand).

  8. It's a shame the speech got cut in the video! :-( Truer words have never been spoken! Thanks to the Duggars for speaking out for those precious, innocent children who cannot speak for themselves!

  9. God bless the Duggar family!! They live their convictions!! <3

  10. Well nuts, I would have loved to hear the rest!
    That bit was great though.

  11. WOW!! Michelle Duggar you give it to them!!!! AMEN!!!

  12. We should stand together and do something. Michelle and Josie need to be on posters across the capitals in the United States!

  13. Awesome speech Mrs. Duggar!!!

    And to those who object to the use of the word 'holocaust':

    The definition of the word holocaust from the dictionary is 'the mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life'. I'd say 56 million babies murdered by abortion since 1973 is a 'mass slaughter'. I'd also say that any abortion, which ends a child's life, is a 'reckless destruction of life'.

    Abortion causes physical harm to the infant, potential physical harm to the mother, psychological trauma to both mother and father.

    God does not create 'mistakes'. Any child He has created deserves to live the life He has given him/her.

    Praise God for those (like the Duggars) who stand for life.

    They aren't simply 'anti abortion'. They are PRO LIFE. Babies are gifts and blessings from God!

    Mrs P

  14. whats the fascination with this family? someone PLEASE tell me. iam just as good as them and dont need to be on tv and have a media circus follow me around. iwas raised amish left and had 16 kids KNOW eletric etc. make a show about ME!

  15. The 'fascination' with this family is that they have 19 beautiful children and the love of Christ simply SHINES from them. It radiates off them all. They are truly inspiring, lovely people and many of us, especially those of us that have larger families ourselves, appreciate the encouragement we get from watching the Duggar parents.

    I personally find great encouragement and inspiration from watching Michelle speak softly to her children and guide them and disciple them, leading them by example and pointing everything back to Christ.

  16. Anonymous,
    Please feel free to approach TLC about your own show.
    If they like your idea, then you're set.

  17. Wow! Amen!!! We need more people to speak out about this and support PRO LIFE leaders! Praise God for people like the Duggars!

  18. Someones a little bit jealous I'd say...
    Please, let's watch our words.

  19. I think this is great! She speaks the truth in love so well!

  20. i dont feel this woman feels jealous of the duggars . its just there are others out there too. also her words were not hurtful.this is a free country.all should be able to find this , that the duggars believe within thereown self if one is a true believer! .

  21. I ask the following questions sincerely-why do most "Pro-Life" supporters, including JimBob and Michelle, focus on abortion only? At my church (Catholic), we title it "Respect Life" to include DNR orders, death penalty, euthanize options, and abortion. Secondly, I believe Josie was born early to technically save Michelle's life (Pre-emclampsia?); so, if Josie had died, would the Duggars have considered her death an abortion (since, her early birth/death saved her mother's life)? Note-I am very happy she survived :)

  22. Why would anybody be jealous of the Duggars? I feel so sorry for the kids. I bet some of them would have loved going away to college and moving out on their own. I can't imagine being in my 20s and not being able to go for a walk or drive by myself. It is sad that Jim Bob and Michelle do not trust their own children.

  23. Awesome speech Michelle! And I am so glad that passed the Texas house and we are really close to taking back the lives of our unborn children here in the U.S.!!!! That is so exciting! And you and your family have such great faith and a true love for Jesus and what Christ stands for!

  24. And the Duggars already had 14 children and were living debt free with no government assistance before they were ever approached about doing anything for tv. And they were asked to doit, they never sought attention...they are great people!!

  25. know i dont feel the woman is jealous . just sharing HER OWN FEELINGS AND OPINION! THERE are others out there like the duggars LIKE AMISH people who practice the BIBLE where a woman covers her hair and picture taking is a graven image that is in theBIBLE and they follow the BIBLE> just another opinion. that can be published

  26. love your response pga127

  27. Josie was delivered early to save HER life as well as Michelle's. The pre-eclampsia (brought on by Michelle's gall bladder problems) was endangering *Josie's* life as well as Michelle's.

    If she had died it would have been a great tragedy, just as Jubilee's death was. Not the fault of Michelle or the doctor's or anyone else.

    Abortion is when someone chooses willfully to end the life of their little one, i.e., murder the baby. Michelle would never choose her own life over the baby. She has said before that she would lay down her life for her baby.

  28. Great job Michelle! You tell them and you go girl!

  29. I am prolife. That said when abortion for medical reasons happens which statistically is the rare case abortion is preformed if the mother is at risk of dying so is the child. Baby cannot survive without the mother. If it's a choice between losing both mother and baby or saving mom but still losing the baby because he/she wasn't viable it makes sense to me to save mom. There may be times when the pregnancy is considered "risky" and parents either go through with it or end it. That's where it gets murky. In a hospital bed with super high blood pressure delivering a viable baby and doingeverything possible to save baby yet baby still dies doesn't seem like abortion to me.

  30. To anon @ 2:22
    In one of the episodes, the older girls said they were allowed to go out by themselves, but they liked staying at home

  31. Beautiful speech! I love that one of the pics is of them and their oldest and youngest children

  32. Keep abortion safe and legal!!!

  33. The Bible says nothing about pictures being graven images. The words no and know do not mean the same thing. I believe the same person used know incorrectly.

  34. To PGA127... I think the abortion topic is more mentioned because babies can't speak for themselves. Someone needs to speak up to stop the murders. Also, if Josie had died, no that would not have been an abortion. She would not have been killed at the hands of her parents or doctor. (I don't believe you were referring to the possible intentional ending of her life, correct?).


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