
Friday, July 5, 2013

Anna Navigates the Streets of D.C.

This is Josh's second week at his new job in Washington D.C. In the following TLC webisode, Anna attempts to navigate the city on her own. Are you a master navigator?


  1. this video was when josh and Anna visited DC before Marcus was born!

  2. She's smart, I'm sure in no time she'll be a pro. Family looks great.

  3. What did Josh do with his car lot? Did they sell it or keep it just in case they come back?

  4. wow!!! it must be quite the experience to live in D.C.

  5. We thought it was very poor planning for them. She was hugely pregnant and looked exhausted. Any park where you don't see any children is probably not the safest place to take children. Hope they get a little more wise in the future.

    1. Gimme a break! ive taken n 11 hour road trip while heavuily pregnant and 5 kids in the back of the car. pregnnancy isnt a disease and not an excuse to act like a weakling. im doing it the 8 th time around.
      And if she has trained her kids well enough, they should know if mummy cant see you, you've gone too far. children that age should know at that age its fine to run around, so long as mummy or daddy can still see you. what do you expect her to do? lock themselves away and not emerge till baby is born? a perfectly healthy woman like Anna is just fine and a walk wont kill her. get a grip.

  6. geez, she will figure this out. its not a 3rd world county!

  7. That's how my mom is but once she knows where she us going she can navigate pretty well


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