
Thursday, June 20, 2013

FRC Radio Recording

Can you believe that Josh starts his new job in Washington D.C. next week?

Visit the Family Research Council website to hear him share the details with the organization's president, Tony Perkins, on Monday's recording of Washington Watch


  1. Family Research Council has been recognized as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center

    Tony Perkins, the head of the FRC, has spoken to white supremacist groups and once paid KKK Grand Wizard David Duke for his mailing list.

  2. I just listened to the whole podcast, and am a little disapointed. I am prolife, but at the same time, I believe it's a womans own choice. In Ireland, woman abortion is illegal, but there are instances such as rape, or when the woman is likely to die that abortion is allowed. But I find the FRC's beliefs too narrow minded. We're all gods children whether straight, gay, bisexual, and god loves us all equally. Everyone has the right to choose their own pathway in life, we shouldn't judge. Love is love! I love the duggars but think this is a bold move for Josh, you're labelling yourself my friend. Still love the show though and the blog is great!

  3. With all due respect to the first post, you make it sound like we are all God's children no matter what we believe. The Bible clearly states that UNTIL we have admitted and confessed our sins to the Lord and ask for Jesus' shed blood to forgive us of our sins and receive Him as Savior, we are children of the devil John 8:44 says, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” God’s Word clearly states that He HATES sin but LOVES the sinner. It is true that God loves us all John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life,” the Bible also says in John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life: NO man cometh unto the Father, but by Me.’” There is only 1 way to get to heaven and that is through Jesus. It is a common misunderstanding for people to think that there are multiple ways to get to heaven. That is a LIE from the pit of hell and the Bible also warns us of many false prophets who will teach this kind of philosophy. You are correct in saying that “everyone has the right to choose their own pathway in life” but my friend, there is ONLY ONE WAY to get to heaven. If you do not choose the one true God’s way, you will spend eternity in hell. God’s Word tells us in the Old and New Testament in multiple places that it is sin to murder unborn babies AND live a homosexual/bi-sexual lifestyle. I would encourage you to search the scriptures for all these passages as time does not permit me to type them all out. Again, God does LOVE all of us but he does HATE the SINS we commit. He is willing and longing to forgive any and all sins, if we just repent from our sins. Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Romans 5:8; Romans 10:9 and Romans 10:13. Also your statement about being “too narrow minded”… Matthew 7:14 says, “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

    1. AMEN!! Preach it!!! Right on!! Yes. And homosexuality is just a sign of the reprobate mind, as is says in Romans 1- a signal that this person has decided for himself what is right or wrong or is an atheist. (Ultimately breaking the 1st and 2nd commandment.)
      Also to the first anonymous comment- saying that God loves us equally, we are all Gods children, etc- is breaking the 2nd commandment. "Thou shalt not make any graven images." Any false images. The God in your mind is all loving and accepts everyone. And he IS that- but he's also Holy, Just, & perfect. And he does accept people- when they have repented of their sins and trusted in God as their only means to heaven. :)

  4. It is not the fault of the child that the mom was raped. Punish the guilth. Plenty of people would adopt the child. How many womens lives are truely in danger just because they are pregnant? I am sure it is a small number.

    1. Most of the time abortions wouldn't work in a life threatening pregnancy. It takes about 3 days to have a 2nd & 3rd trimester abortion, which in a life threatening situation wouldn't work. Most of the time they will induce the child and give life support because its quicker and safer.

  5. I agree with you! Josh may not have researched this organization thoroughly or may have been pressured to take this position.

  6. Kind of a strange interview... "I'm coming there to take over the FRC blah blah blah..."?? Take over. Ouch.

    And I thought it was strange that Perkins was like, "So... what will you be doing in DC?" UH, I'll be working for you. Odd.

  7. If God created me in my mother's womb at the second of conception, then how you can say then that God made a mistake if my mother was raped or if my mother's life is in danger, therefore, you have a right to abort me because God made this mistake? Answer that one, please! Abortion is abortion is abortion, no matter what your human justification for it is. You are either 100% that God created life at conception or you are not. No rape or mother's health to be considered. Either or.

  8. Not that I agree with abortion, but information should be factual. Being the wife of a surgeon, 2nd trimester abortions done between 14-20 weeks take about 30 minutes usually under general. It is not a 2 or 3 day process. It is a D&C or D&E. Rape or incest victims (hopefully) get counseling right away and would be able to make a decision well before the 3rd but usually before the second trimester.

    Deaths and disability from childbirth happen more often then people think. I lost 2 family members in childbirth in the past 15 years due to an genetic issue which caused uterine rupture. Both women held graduate degrees and were at the hospital but were unaware of the disorder which has a 40% maternal death rate(it is a vascular condition that weakens collagen and tissue). I also carry the gene but survived but will have permanent disability. I was actually never able to hold my baby, it took me 10 months to learn to walk again & by that time my baby was no longer a baby but walking! I would not trade my child for the world but will not be having anymore children(sadly). There are many conditions like this Lowes Dietz, vascular EDS, Marfans and many cardiac conditions but unless your family has the gene most people don't know how these conditions wipe out large portions of families via childbirth or early death. They are just as deadly as ALS or MSA but do not get press because people die so quickly they are considered orphan diseases.

    I would have loved more kids and I'm happy Michelle Duggar (and now Anna) can have easy healthy pregnancies but this is not the case for everyone. In an ideal world we would all be born with a label that says what "bad" genes we have and what we should avoid and until tests for these conditions become affordable, most are $5000 or more per test, women will die. I actually come and read the Duggar blog because it has a happy ending, 19 healthy kids (and now 3 grandkids) after I keep up with reading and support of the 40 or so blogs I follow of people who have had a lost a love one or are struggling with collagen-vascular diseases that cause maternal death.
    Surprisngly the US has one of the highest rates of women dying due to childbirth (in developing countries). It is a shame since we have the money and the hospitals to have so many women die or get near death. In addition to high death rates over 90,000 women each year have life changing or near death illness due to childbirth, like strokes, kidney failure,and heart attacks. (I believe I read Kelly Bates had some sort of heart attack or heart failure after giving birth to baby #16 or 17) Some countires like India had over 60,000 deaths last year so it is not "rare". Until 12 years ago when my watched my cousin die and her baby die and her husband go home to an empty house I never gave childbirth death a second thought. I thought it was rare.

  9. The FRC is disgusting!! Anyone who works for it should be ashamed of themselves.

  10. @Anonymous That irresponsible labeling of the FRC as a "hate group" could have resulted in the murder of many people!

    Southern Poverty Law Center linked to FRC shooting

    DC Family Research Council shooting


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