Monday, February 11, 2013

Final Pictures from Central America

Here are the last of the photos from the Duggars' ten-day mission trip. Click here to view the first batch of pictures from their journey, here to see the second batch and here to view the third batch.

 Jana and Jill Duggar
El Salvador, day 9

 Jessa Duggar

 Group devotions

 Jinger Duggar (left) and Jill Duggar (right)

 John-David Duggar

 Jana Duggar (left)

 Jinger Duggar (2nd from left)

 Jim Bob Duggar

 Jana Duggar

 Jinger Duggar

 Josiah Duggar

 Josiah Duggar (left) and Jinger Duggar (middle right)

 Jana Duggar (right)

 Jeremiah Duggar

 View off the porch at La Esperanza Church

 Josiah Duggar

Jinger Duggar

Jill Duggar (right)
El Salvador, day 10

 Jessa Duggar

 Jill Duggar (left)

 Jana Duggar

 Jinger Duggar (left)

 Jessa Duggar

 Jinger Duggar

 Jill Duggar (left) and Jinger Duggar (right)

 Joy-Anna Duggar

 John-David, Josiah, Jedidiah and Jeremiah Duggar

 Jill Duggar (right)

 Jill Duggar

 John-David Duggar

 John-David Duggar

 Jessa Duggar

 Jinger Duggar (second from left)

 Joseph Duggar (left)

 Josiah Duggar (left)

 Jedidiah Duggar (right)

Joseph Duggar

Photos belong to Richard Shoemaker.


  1. To lily and ellie
    As a school project i have to write a letter to someone or an amount people who i look up to, i chose the duggars but i have one problem i dont know the address to post it to if you could help me out that would be great.
    From demi
    P.s I live in australia

  2. I love this family!

  3. Thanks for all the photos of Central America. It was really Heartwarming seeing the difference they made in the lives of the people they met. Especially Jill and Enia. They had a very close relationship. I hope they will keep in touch. Are they penpals?

    I am looking forward to season 11 of 19 kids and counting!

  4. wow! those were a lot of pictures to upload! thanks for taking the time to post them all, I know I would have gone crazy uploading all of again Lily and Ellie

  5. In the 30th picture, you said Jedidiah was Jason.

  6. @Angelina

    Thanks, Angelina. What would we do without loyal readers like you?

    Enjoy your week,
    Lily and Ellie

  7. Are Jill and Enia Pen pals?

  8. In the 21st picture you said that Jill is on the right when she is actually on the left. Not a big deal, especially since she is the only one who is in the picture from that group, just thought you'd like to know. Thanks for the great blog!

  9. It looks lovely, I think they've worked really hard!

  10. When does the new season start?

  11. Lily and Ellie

    Are Jill and her friend still in touch? I have been wondering this since 2010 and I would really like to know if they write or if they have visited each other lately?

    I really appreciate all that you have uploaded. Keep us all updated.

  12. Are Jill and Enia Pen pals?

  13. Does Jill Speak fluent Spanish?

  14. Lily and Ellie,
    I was wondering if there is a specific date that the Duggars are coming back on TLC?

  15. @Anonymous

    Hi Demi,

    The Duggars' mailing address is:
    P.O. Box 1000 Tontitown, AR 72770

    Hope your project goes well!
    ~Lily and Ellie

  16. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    TLC has not announced the date that the Duggars will return, but when they do, we will post it.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  17. @Shelby

    Hi Shelby,

    TLC has not announced the exact date, but you can expect to see new episodes around the last week of March.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  18. If only our children would look to family s like these as television role models instead of the mindless drivle they are exposed too :(


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