
Friday, January 4, 2013

Video: John-David Duggar Sworn In

Watch Arkansas Secretary of State Mark Martin swear in a new constable for Washington County...John-David Duggar! John officially began his two-year term on New Year's Day.

Video no longer available


  1. I love the fact that Jana held the Bible while John was being sworn in. She looked beautiful and so proud of him. It's a wonderful privilege to watch John turning into an outstanding man. He'll make a great constable. Good luck, John!

  2. Whoo hoo, Go John-David!!!!!

  3. The video was cut off during the swearing in, but anyways congrats John.

  4. All of the Duggars have such a bright future, and this is just a glimpse at everything to come. They should all be very proud of John- David's accomplishment. God Bless!

  5. Glad Jana got to be the one to hold the bible. Congrats!!

  6. Congrats John! Good luck on all your doings.

  7. We now have one more wonderful Dugger memory to smile about! John are a young man of excellent character evidenced in good choices. We pray GOD's protection and wisdom over your times to come.

  8. WTG John David!! I too agree the Duggars do have a bright future!! Good Luck

  9. Congratulations to John David! I am sure they are all VERY proud of him!!!
    I agree with Anonymous in saying that it was so precious for Jana--his twin-- to hold the Bible for him while he was sworn in.
    What a Godly man to be serving as Constable!

  10. So happy for john David! Anybody else having duggar withdraw? I can't wait for them to be on again. And if what I hear is true about anna it should be any exciting season.

  11. Ha wouldn't. He b funny if had to pull one of family members over for speeding or Somethg lol. Wtg John David y'all r an amazing family and role models so proud of y'all

  12. Are they coming back on TLC? I have been missing the show. It's great about Jon David.

  13. Congratulations John David! Jana holding the Bible for his swearing in was awesome. JD appears to be a hard worker and a genuine good person. He is a solid role-model for his younger siblings.

  14. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    The Duggars will be returning to TLC, although the network has not yet announced the start date. We will post it when we hear.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  15. Is there another site where I can view this video as it doesn't show up on the screen and this happens often when you post videos!

  16. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Do you have the most recent version of Adobe Flashplayer? That could be the cause.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  17. Congratulations John-David. By the way when is the show coming back on? I keep watching TLC in hoping to see a new season starting.

    Congrat's from KY!!

  18. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    The show will return around the last week of March.

    Thanks for reading!
    Lily and Ellie

  19. I'm using my iPad. Is that why I can't watch any videos on your blog?

  20. I am so proud of John-David. What a wonderful job that will be for him, especially after the "boot camp" thing on the show. Did he have his own house as planned after he helped the people with cleaning out the home for last
    Eileen from Phoenix, writing to you again.

  21. For all those nay-sayers who discredit home schooling, I do believe that Josh and JohnDavid have the skills and smarts for government jobs. And its not because of who they are, if they weren't capable then I'm pretty sure they would not get the job.Go -gettum boys!!!


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