
Friday, January 25, 2013

Duggars Introduce

After touring the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. in 2010, the Duggars prayed about their involvement in ending abortion. They made a few calls and joined forces with national pro-life groups and individuals with a common goal. Now, almost three years later, the fruits of their labor can be seen in

" was formed as a coalition to unite the pro-life army to use technology with top quality online pictures, diagrams and videos to educate today's world that each child is a special creation of God," says Michelle Duggar.

To kick off the website, Jim Bob and several of the kids attended the Arkansas March for Life in Little Rock. Josh and Anna Duggar are currently in Washington D.C. for the National March for Life.


  1. Are you sure that is the right website?

  2. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Thanks for bringing that to our attention. One of the links got switched around, but it has been corrected.

    What would we do without loyal readers like you?
    Lily and Ellie

  3. The life united is right, but not the united life.

  4. Wow very very nice video. Is that a movie they are advertising?

  5. praise the Lord that they are doing this. so exciting. and I love that they have the 180 movie up- such an impacting movie.

  6. What does the Holocaust have to do with abortion? There is no comparing the two. Women choose whether or not they want to have abortions, but the 6 million people killed in the Holocaust had no choice. Also, if the Duggars have a problem with abortions, they do not have to have them. They just should not try to take that right away from others, because that is just plain wrong.

    1. Abortion is not a right. It is murder, plain and simple.

    2. I agree. There is no comparing the two. I wonder if the anti choice people would use even half of the money, time and effort to help the children already here on the planet, how many of these children would lead better lives. It just iritated me. It's not pro life, it's pro birth

    3. I was wondering the same? How are they related?

    4. Yes women choose the have an abortion but the babies they abort don't have a choice...just like those killed in the Holocaust...if you haven't seen the 180 movie you should...

    5. Almost 56 million children have been aborted in this country since Roe v Wade. Six million innocent Jews had no voice, and today millions of innocent children have no voice. Praise God for people like the Duggars, who seek to be a voice for the voiceless, and who seek to open the eyes of the many, many women in this country who have been fed the lie of abortion for decades.

    6. If you want to talk about rights, what about the baby's rights? It might be the woman's choice to murderer her child or not, but everything we do in life is a choice. We just have to decide whether or not we are going to honor and obey God or disobey him and provoke his wrath. God chareshes every life as precious, even those who are not fully formed. Just remember that one day you will stand before God and will have to answer to him for what you have done.

    7. Babies that are murdered in the womb have no choice- just like the holocaust victims. is not a "right" to take the life of a child away. She has a choice over her own body, but not the life that is within her. Life should be protected and cherished, and yet today there has been 55 million- million- babies murdered. It is not a "right"- its wrong. That's all there is to it.
      It's so sad that in America today we're worried about the endangered eagles and some dolphins that are running extinct.... When we justify the murder of babies... It's crazy.

  7. What a lovely video. Very well done. Thank you Jim Bob and Michelle for all your work in the ministry.
    Piper in Colorado

  8. Anonymous 1:59 - You are right in that the 6 million people who died in the Holocaust didn't have a choice, neither do the millions of babies who are brutally murdered because someone decided they shouldn't live. The only difference I see between these two holocausts is that the first was killing those who had breathed the air around them, smelled flowers, loved, saw and experienced while the other is killing those tiny children who have never had a chance to experience what the beauty and love of this world!
    Thank God for people like the Duggars who stand for those who have no voice!

  9. OK so I think the holocaust ordeal is a grasp at straws to try to find something horrific and connect it to an unrelated point to try to make it stand out. Actually, I think the holocaust is more related to one individual (or government) trying to gain control over a population. Sounds like that is what making abortion illegal would be doing???? Kindof strange how people want less government control, but when their ideals are in jeopardy, then it's a different story and they want MORE government control. Now I am not for abortion and would NEVER have an abortion or support having one, but I am 100% for every individual making their own decisions in life and not being forced to accept someone else's viewpoint or ideal. If the Duggar's want to make a difference with abortion, they should fund the pro life clinics and single mothers, ect. They shouldn't try to force other people by government regulations to believe or have to live according to someone else's beliefs. I mean if you want to march for life, fine, just don't try to make more government regulations for crying out loud. WE WANT LESS GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER INDIVIDUALS and families. Everyone should just keep their own business on their side of the fence. You have your beliefs and ideals and I'll have mine. We don't need to force each other to accept our own.

  10. Abortion is just as bad as the Holocaust. The precious babies who are murdered every day do not have a choice either. Many people say that abortion should be legal because of rape and incest. While my heart breaks for the women who have suffered so greatly, the answer to their pain is not to kill the innocent baby. That baby has done nothing to deserve death. Abortion is not a choice. Abortion is murder.

  11. Just like the 18 million ( 6 million were Jews) people killed in the Holocaust, aborted babies have no choice either.

  12. The connection between the Holocaust and abortion is that both are the murder of innocent human beings. Hiltler killed 6 million innocent Jews, while American parents have killed 55 million innocent babies. Anonymous at 1/25/12 1:59 PM said in their comment that the Jews who were killed "had no choice" about what happened to them. 3,304 babies per day "have no choice" about their life being terminated. It is up to us to speak up for those who cannot do so for themselves. According to the Declaration of Independence, "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" are rights given to all people by God. Killing your child is not a right, it is murder plain and simple. By the way, aren't you glad your mother didn't have an abortion when she conceived you.

  13. I can't seem to open the website from here or the Duggar site either.. any idea why?

  14. It's a bit of a strech to compare the holacaust with anti-abortion.

  15. Hi anonymous said

    You say there is no comparing the two well the six million had no choice and neither did the millions of aborted babies .The people responsible for all these deaths were the ones with choices!!.The whole world was horrified when they realised what had been going on in those camps and the pro life groups and people like the Duggars are trying to bring awareness and give a voice to all the babies whose lives are being terminated in these abortion clinics.

  16. i think that the duggars are a very special family and are very blessed to have each other.i love watching your show

  17. When exactly does life begin? My son had an ultrasound visible heartbeat at 5 weeks gestation. He couldn't live without being inside me, but I didn't make his heart beat. Do you think life begins when they can breathe, eat, and maintain their temperature on their own? My son was born 6 weeks premature. He couldn't eat or maintain his temperature. He was put in an isolette, and needed an iv to "eat". The iv was soon replaced with a feeding tube in his nose. My point is, he still needed me or obviously something else to survive. Did that make him less human? Did he become the isolate since he needed it to live? Did he become a feeding tube because he needed it to live? He didn't need a ventilation, but for the babies that do, did they become a ventilation until they could breathe on their own? How come a tapeworm isn't a part of a persons body? A tapeworm needs an intestine and digested food to survive, but is never considered the hosts body part.

  18. @Patsy: excellent point! Those millions of aborted children had absolutely no choice whether they wanted to live or die and neither did the six million Holocaust victims. I think those that are pro-choice/anti-life have completely forgotten this.

  19. @Amber

    Hi Amber,

    Did you try copying and pasting the link ( directly into your web browser?

    ~Lily and Ellie

    1. I tried everything, even copy and paste, but the site doesn't work.

  20. I could not share this using the FB link, do you know why they think this is spam?

  21. Birth is only the beginning of a life. So, for the aborted babies, how would this life have been? I guess it would not have been easy and nice, their mothers did surely have a reason, why they let do the abortion. Do you really think women choose abortion if there was another good solution? It's easy from a safe life with a job, a home and a loving family to tell others who don't have these securities what they should do. Start giving them a hand, offer better solutions and they'll not kill their children! I'm also pro-life, but important is how they can live, not only that they're born.

  22. Dear Lily and Ellie, I was able to get to LifeUnited site on the 24th, I could not yesterday, the 25th. I tried earlier and was able to, now every time I try, the Internet Explorer experiences problems. I do not know how to copy and paste to my web browser, but if there is a real issue with the site, the Duggars should know about it. Thank you and God bless you both!!

  23. Dear Lily and Ellie, I wrote to you regarding my not being able to get to the LifeUnited website. There was no reply and the problem still exists. This website is very important and there must be a real problem with the site... Michelle and Jim Bob should be made aware that you can't get to it, whether it's from their home blog, this blog, or typing in the name in google bar, you see the circle spinning, but the page Internet Explorer cannot open comes up. Please make them aware of this issue. You mentioned to Amber, I believe, about cutting and pasting to web browser. I don't know how to do that, even if it would help. Thank you so much and God bless you both!!

  24. Question for all the anti-abortion people: If a young woman came up to you and said they were going to have an abortion cuz they can't afford children or the baby had Downs would you offer to adopt the baby and pay for their pre-natal care?

    1. Firstly, I would come along side the young lady and set a a support network for her, and someone who can counsel her. And encourage her to keep the baby. Second, if she was adament she wanted to give up the baby, I would offer to take the baby, but on the understanding she would be allowed to be a part of the child's life, if she wished. And yes, per natal care would be paid for. I've go plenty downs people around me and they are so sweet. But this is an issue that my husband would have to be in full agreement to. I'm treating that question as a hypothetical one.

  25. @debbie chapin

    Hi Debbie,

    The website is working fine for us, but we are using Mozilla Firefox. It is not uncommon for Internet Explorer to have trouble opening certain websites.

    Thanks for being a loyal reader,
    Lily and Ellie

  26. @Prince

    Hi Prince,

    It's a glitch in Facebook's system that hasn't been resolved. We're working on a solution. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  27. I am a fan of the Duggars and admire the work that they do to protect and promote life. Yet I am extremely uncomfortable with the Holocaust analogy too. The Holocaust should not be reduced to an analogy...and there is a difference. The people, including children, who died during the Holocaust were subject to ruthless oppression and torture during their lives. They knew what it was to live. They felt love and were love and had the consciousness to watch and know as their loved ones suffered and died alongside them. Life is precious, including life in the womb. But we cheapen life and all that comes with it by suggesting that certain forms of injustice and suffering are equivalent. Give the Holocaust victims their due. Give the unborn their due. Do not cheapen the memory of either by conflating them. Thank you.

    1. The original analogy ca. me from a preacher called Ray Comfort.

  28. I keep hearing about the woman's 'choice'. It's a child, a LIFE, not a choice.
    I am, right now, 34 weeks pregnant. This baby that is inside me right now is a living human being. It's a separate life from mine. It is not my 'right' to take that life.

    The Constitution says that we have the right to life. Therefore abortion is unconstitutional, not to mention sinful.

    And to answer a question someone asked about what if someone was going to abort their child. Yes, I would help them all I could. I would help them find a family that would be thrilled to adopt their baby adn raise it. I would help them find medical care.

    There is no such thing as an 'unwanted' child. There plenty of people in this world that want a child and cannot have one, or another, or any at all. They would take any and all children they could, regardless of medical problems.

    EVery child, no matter what, is a blessing of God. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. There's no grey area here. Abortion is the ending of a life. It is wrong.

    I have great compassion for the women who have gone through this experience, b/c either they do not realize what they have done, or they do and must live with the knowledge that they terminated their child's life. I am so thankful for God and his forgiveness, and I hope that all the women who have had abortions will find God's forgiveness and speak out against this horrific act.

    Mrs P

  29. Random question. Are any bates adopted?

  30. I do support the right to have an abortion and at the same time I value life and would not have an abortion myself. There is a middle ground in this discussion. I have several reasons for this opinion:
    1. there is a difference between the life of an unborn baby and the life of a human being. An unborn baby who is less than 22 weeks old, can not live outside the mother's womb independently: it will die outside the mothers womb even if it got the best medical care provided and the most caring and loving mother on earth. We all sense this difference because we call it a miscarriage when the baby dies in the womb in the first 20 weeks of the pregnancy, and not a stillborn or the death of a baby. It is the time of the pregnancy in which doctors will choose the life of the mother over the life of the unborn baby in the case of a life threatening emergency or complication.
    2. there are more reasons for a woman to have an abortion than the fact that they don't want the child (this to me is not a reason for abortion because the child can be adopted). There can be medical problems and a pregnancy can be a danger to the mother's health. As we have seen in Ireland (a country in which abortions are forbidden) that the right of the life for the unborn was so important that the pregnant woman died due to the complications and the baby died with her.
    3. Because doctors have so many abilities these days, they can help people survive who are in very critical conditions. The big question is whether or not the person who lives this life, is happy, does not have pain. We don't know if a human being who is physically and mentally handicapped and who is not able to function independently or who can not do any activity at all, is happy. It fully depends on the individual situation. A baby who has a disease which will cost terrible pain on a daily basis, is definitely not happy. We can make him or her survive but to what cost? This is the ultimate question that the parents and the doctors have to answer: that to me is their right of choice. This is not an egoistic choice (do I want to take of this baby?) but a loving and caring choice (is the life that this baby is going to live, bearable?)
    4. Every situation is different and needs different care. To say that every abortion is illegal, will also stop the abortions due to medical reasons (the health of the mother, complications during the pregnancy, health complications for the baby which will cause terrible pain or diseases that will make the baby suffer and will end the baby's life slowly bur progressively) To say that every woman has the right to choose, will also end the life of healthy and happy babies. To say that abortion is like the Holocaust, does not do justice to the difficult decision that some parents have to make and does not do justice to the nuanced arguments to make in favour of abortion.

  31. If you ask a mother who has had a child that was taken to heaven in the first 20 weeks or after 20 weeks, trust me, it was a lost LIFE to her. It mattered not that it was 2 days before her 20th week or 2 days after. It hurt her and was just as devastating and as much of a loss at 6 weeks as it is at 30.

    As to the rest of it:
    A life is a life. The mother's life is not more important than the baby's. The Bible says "Greater love hath no man, than to lay down his life for a friend".
    The love shown by being willing to lay down our lives for our children is even greater.

    A child with an illness, painful though it may, was created by God. God put that little life here for a reason and a purpose. His or her little life has value, and they absolutely do not deserve to be murdered b/c someone decided they'd be better off dead. wow. That is just really arrogant to decide that, in the first place. GOD is the giver of life. If He decided that that child should live, then that is the decision we should abide by.

    The parents of all the special needs children are glad and blessed by their beautiful children. Their children have a special name around our home: Trophies of God's Grace.

  32. I love the video, I love the message, I love the background music. Thanks Duggars.

  33. I'm curious if Jim Bob would want Michelle to have an abortion if she were pregnant and experienced medical complications that would unquestionably be fatal if she carried the pregnancy to term.

  34. I, too, think, pro-birth would be more accurate in describing their beliefs. I've given birth to 2 special needs children, and there's no support once they are born. Medical bankruptcy is a real possibility, and I hope when groups such as the DUggars belong to discuss motherhood they bring that up, too. I am married and have insurance, but its very hard to make ends meet. There's hardly any breaks; people say they'll help, but when you ask, they politely decline. Some are outright honest; I can't care for a child like yours.

  35. Just for information, the lady (roe) in the Roe vs Wade case, ( the landmark pro choice court ruling) roe, who was pro choice, has now realised she made a BIG mistake, and is now a prolife advocate. Google: Roe vs Wade and select the wikkipedia result.

  36. @Anonymous @Anonymous 24 -- I love the tapeworm analogy! I'm using that one from now on!!


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