Thursday, January 24, 2013

Duggars at the Capital

Josh and Anna Duggar are in Washington D.C. for the National March for Life. If you are interested in attending, the event begins on Friday, January 25, at the National Mall, between 7th and 9th streets. The rally kicks off at 12:00 PM, and the march starts at 1:30 PM.

On the airplane
Enjoying the sites-and the snow
Dinner at Filomena Ristorante
 Cheering on the Washington Capitals 
(In case you're not into sports, that's D.C.'s hockey team)

*Photos courtesy of Josh and Anna Duggar


  1. If i didn't have an infant I would go out. Its just too cold.

  2. I would never ever attend a pro-life rally! I am staunchly pro-choice and do not understand how anybody can expect a woman not to have a choice over her own body.

    1. Whould you mind telling me why your pro-choice?

      This is just something for you to think about...

      A baby inside its mother is growing therefore it's alive right??

      It's parents are human therefore it must be human, right?

      Aren't living humans like you and I important and valuable??

  3. For someone that owns a business, Josh seems to have a lot of free time to travel. Most people that own and operate their own business put time into it. I guess since Josh was given the business he doesn't have any motivation to actually run it and is living off of TLC money.

  4. God bless Josh & Anna for standing up and Marching for Life!! My husband and 2 of our daughters will be going to the March! God Bless! Brenda H.

  5. My mother taught me many years ago that if you don't have something nice or kind to say to keep your mouth shut! If you don't approve of the Duggar's choices and beliefs then maybe it would be wise not to follow their story and that way you won't get upset or feel jealousy.

  6. @ hello: I totally agree with you!

  7. Poor Anna......I think they only want to.send head shots now so people don't voice their opinion on whether or not they think she is pregnant.

  8. A woman does have a choice before another life is at stake. Why is it okay to murder a baby and not an older person?

  9. What a waste of time and money for them. What do they expect will come out of rally?

  10. I might see them, I am going too!!

  11. You people are cruel to people who are willing to open and share their lives with us. I am sure it isn't easy! Beautiful picture!

  12. If you don't like the show or have any respect for the family's values why follow the blog?

  13. Praise God that there are still some God fearing Bible believing out there who will take a stand!!

  14. Excellent point @ "hello"-Josh does travel an incredible amount for someone who is self-employed! I, also, hope the Duggar "aunties" are not the baby-sitters for Mack and Michael. Those girls seem to have more than enough responsibilities at their own home.

    I truly appreciate everyone who physically supports causes close to their hearts; however "charity begins at home" and I think it's more important to physically be present for your children and business. Or use your "extra" time to enhance your education or your children's horizons.

  15. who's taking care of her children?

  16. I am a fan of The World Over with Raymond Arroyo on EWTN. He's been talking about the National March for Life. I wish that I could attend. It makes me joyful that Anna and Josh are going to be there. I pray the numbers of those in attendance are staggering.

    Abortion is a terrible deception conceived by Satan and his followers. For those who are interested; read about the bull god, Molech, in the Bible. The lie of infanticide has been going on for centuries.


  17. Keep in mind that business owners can take vacation. Perhaps he saved his vacation days for important events like the ones he has been attending. It seems like he has family and friends to help run his business when he is away.

  18. I believe Josh hired someone to help with the business in an episode. I haven't watched in years because I only have my phone and I don't watch videos on it. But I do remember and the wife had a baby that did playdates wit Mackynzie. Who cares who is watching the kids. My sister in law vacations a few months after giving birth kidless. The Duggars have made comments on how to keep the marriage strong is to make dates with each other. What if they are paying the girls? Would that make things different? I have 5 kids. I get 1 night off a year. And haven't had a vacation in 18 years. Josh and Anna look happy. That's what counts.

  19. To the people who are concerned about Josh's business I believe that in one episode he admitted that he now has a couple of people who work with him so they probably covered him while he was gone.

  20. Anonymous, to be pro-life is not a disregard for the mother's choice over her own body. It is a respect for the mother not to kill her child. A woman's choice is whether or not to conceive a child. Once a child occupies her womb, the mother's body is no longer "her own" as she shares it with her child. Her choice was made at conception and nobody should have the right to end another person's life, in this case a precious child.

  21. Who is babysitting the kids? They probably dumped them at the big Duggar house together with the bunch.

    It's a nice trip for John&Anna, especially when she is pregnant and won't have much time for entertainment soon.

  22. Thank you for the photos. As far as yhe aunties babysitting it doesn't appear that Jim bob and Michelle are there and I'm sure they are helping to watch their grandkids. It's wonderful josh and anna are able to have some time away and know that the children are being wonderfully cared for by family members. I have 10 blessings and my family members don't believe they ate blessings and chose not to be involved as they feel they have better ways to spend their time. Josh and Anna are so lucky to be part of a loving family.

  23. Josh loves to be on camera, so this trip is so beneficial for them. Also, DC is a great place to visit regardless, no money or time wasted. Maybe even TLC paid for their trip as well.

  24. @ Anonymous@6:59 I am pro-choice, because I simply believe that a woman should have a right to do what she wants with her body. In some cases, women sadly do not choose to get pregnant, as in cases or rape or incest. They should not have to bear that physical and psychological burden.

  25. To everyone who thinks just because Josh hired another employee-maybe to the position of manager-any "young" self-employed business owner will support the standard that it is totally required the owner be on site 99.9% of the time in those early years. Sure, after a few years, the owner may have the luxury to take a week away now and then. Owning your business is just that; YOU are in charge of your salary and success of YOUR business! No one else cares as much as YOU should! Josh has been away from HIS business more than he has been on site! He may believe the TLC pay check will be around forever; but that thinking is quite immature and irresponsible.

  26. Anna is probably about 5-6 months into pregnancy, based on the pic at the Filomena restaurant. Great timing to go to a Pro-Choice march!

  27. Pro-choice is a great concept when two people are married and love each other. However, there are situations when women get pregnant as a result of rape. You can argue that this was God's plan, but I doubt that God would want a particular woman to be unhappy all her life.

  28. Wow here is my 2 cents worth
    I think the people who are negative about them leaving there kids 2 home need to get over themselves, it takes a village to raise a child and they as does anyone need a break. Mac will be 4 this year and this is the first time we have ever seen them go away with out the kids good god anna doesnt even send her to kindy or childcare she has these kids 24/7 good on her and Josh for using there time out to campaing for a cause they are passionate about on there "Holiday"

  29. If Anna is preggo they need to go ahead and confirm it geez u can't Hid a baby bump especially ur third am they fact that she has big babies and get very big carrying them I don't like not knowing lol

  30. I saw Josh and Anna and she definitely looked pregnant. I hope that they will soon announce it on the Today Show or on 19 Kids and Counting.

  31. I met them at the March! They are really nice; Anna is so sweet! :)

  32. God bless you for taking a stand. I'm hard core pro-life! I have 6 kids and I know how precious a baby is whether he/she is an inch long in my belly or 20inches long laying in my arms. Babies are so precious.

  33. They would of gotten criticism if they took their kids with them or left them with the in laws? You can't please everyone but I think leaving them with the I laws was a wise choice.

  34. Man! Anna expectdind. Cool

  35. I am so proud of Anna and Josh. I am sure that any rude comments that are made toward this family doesn't bother them in the least. They have been laughed at and mocked for years because they have chosen to live set apart. Praise God there are true Bible believing Christians in this world who aren't afraid to stand apart from the evil of this world. God has blessed the Duggers for their faithfulness to him.

  36. @Anonymous
    I've never understood why the argument is labeled differently on either side. If you aren't pro-life, you should be anti-life or against life. Choice has nothing to do with it once you have a new human being growing inside of you! I'm politically pretty liberal, but am pro-life. We have no right to kill another human being regardless of what developmental stage they're at!

  37. It's not her own body pro-lifers have a problem with. The baby has no choice...he or she has no opportunity to choose what happens to his/or her body. Mom does that for them. I am staunchly pro-life and do not understand how anybody can think it's okay to destroy a baby's body!

  38. @Anonymous woman have a choice, dont poeple know how babies are made?!

  39. how would anyone know how much any of the Duggar's work or don't work.. because they are on a TV show.. do you really think this is what they do all day is tape the show.. come on besides what they do really is not anyone's business.. if we worry about our lives and not about weather someone else works to little or too much, just saying .

  40. All the oyhers comments kill me on here...almost all of you are speculating on evrrything !!! Thats how rumors start ...does anybody on hrre like the Duggars ??!! Seriously....Josh does work hard...Anna..i hope she IS pregnant again...shes a great mom n if they have some alone time when the girls visit ....then let them babysit....we should be ALL jelious that they have so many that love them!! And who cares who pays for what....its not like their sittin back makin babies so they CAN LIVE ON WELFARE!!! I KNOW peolle that you can tell I LOVE ALL GHE DUGGERS!!! (And the Bates) ....cant wait for new episodes!! ...soon i hope <3

  41. how is what they do, any of your business? seriously, I guess we are all entitled to an opinion, whether that's about pro-life or pro-choice / working or not....but honestly, why comment with such ignorance and assumption? when you are paying their way, then make it your business. until then, relax & enjoy the show. or stop watching.

  42. The Duggars are pro life and there is nothing wrong with that. Abortion might as well be called murder because no matter the age a child is human. If you killed an adult and got caught you would be convicted for murder. What makes killing a baby any different. God bless the Duggers!!!

  43. Why argue about their lives? I mean I am pro life and proud of it. Because like if you murder an adult and get caught you will be convicted for murder. What is the difference if you kill a child. From the second the two cells connect the child is human. God bless the Dugger family!!!


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