
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pilot John-David Duggar

Early this morning, Josh Duggar headed to Little an airplane piloted by John-David!

*Images courtesy of Josh Duggar


  1. That is so cool! I hope John-David's dream of becoming a pilot comes true.

  2. My husband really wants to fly. Right now he is struggling to provide for us but one day God willing it will happen. Congrats!

  3. My step Dad flies small planes

  4. Oh my goodness! Good for you,John

  5. Wow! When did John-David get his pilot's license?
    Brenda H

  6. since when does John David fly a plane? they never showed him learning to fly a plane. does Josh know how to fly a plane? seems like John David is learning a lot of things. Those little planes make me nervous, there has been many air plane crashes with those planes. a lot of people have died in. hope that they stay safe whenever flying. it's so scary, i dont like air plane rides. :-/

  7. I didnt know that JD had an interest in piloting?!?! I thought he works with construction. Who lives in tbat house that the duggars recently renovated?

  8. When did JD get his pilot's license? I seem to recall his father comments a few years ago that it would be too expensive for JD to take flying lessons. Maybe, he paid for them himself! Good for him! I love to see young people achieve their dreams!

  9. Any news about the Bates family so far they not updated their blog just like to hear about them.

  10. Thats awesome! Um... does he have a license?

  11. Lilly and Ellie.
    There are rumors going around that John David is in a courtship with Erin Bates is this true??

  12. That's awesome. good for you.

  13. @Lauren H.

    Hi Lauren H,

    Nothing has been announced, but when/if it is, we will let you know.

    Enjoy your weekend!
    Lily and Ellie

  14. boy for a large family they sure do get around.

  15. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    We haven't heard any news about the Bates family lately.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  16. Erin and John, I don't know. Michaela seems more suitable. She's more of a housewife. He'll look good with both of them.

  17. @Lauren H. I just went on the Bates website and Erin is in a courtship relationship with Chad Palin. The Bates and Palins are good friends. The Palins was on the Bates show, United Bates of America.

  18. If I recall, don't the Duggard struggle with air sickness?? :P


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