Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Recap: Michelle's Birthday Makeover

On tonight's season finale of 19 Kids and Counting, "Michelle's Birthday Makeover"...

  • While Michelle spends the day with John-David, Jim Bob calls a family meeting to plan 24 hours of surprises for his wife's 46th birthday. The kids spend the remainder of the day making cards and writing clues. 
  • When Michelle returns home, the birthday supplies have been hidden. the family is gathered in the living room, pretending to be immersed in Bible time. 
  • The day before Michelle's birthday, the kids prepare activity number one. While she is telling the cameramen that "True character is revealed by what you do in secret," Anna and the older girls are smuggling a balloon target behind Michelle's back.
  • Birthday kickoff: While the family looks on, Michelle shoots at the target until she pops the balloon containing a clue.
  • Surprise #1: Dinner with the man with whom she is smitten. Before dinner, the girls give Jim Bob a new hairstyle. (Friends have compared the back of Jim Bob's head to the back end of a duck.)
  • While Jim Bob and Michelle are enjoying fried chicken at a local restaurant, the boys deliver flowers and Michelle's next clue.
  • Surprise #2 : The happy couple spends a quiet night in a hotel room decorated by the girls.
  • Surprise #3: Room service times nineteen! For breakfast, Jim Bob calls "room service," and the kids show up with Michelle's favorites...and her next clue.
  • Surprise #4: While Michelle enjoys ice cream with Grandma and Amy, Jim Bob accompanies the five youngest (Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, and Josie) to the dentist. Jim Bob admits that he is nervous--taking the kids to the dentist is usually Michelle's job.
  • Michelle is also a little unsure. "Ah, this is going to be quite a sight!" remarks the mother of nineteen. 
  • Surprise #5: Michelle meets Anna, Jessa, and Joy at a boutique to shop for new clothes. The cashier hands Michelle her next clue.
  • Surprise #6: Coffee with Jinger, Jill, and Jana. The next clue is hidden in a picture frame on the shelves of the coffee shop's gift corner.
  • Surprise #7: Birthday makeover! Cindy, Michelle's best friend since grade school, is waiting at the salon. Under Cindy's watchful eye, the stylist gives the Duggar matriarch a new look. Does Michelle like it? She prefers curls but says that she will learn to love her new do. "This is what I look like when I get out of the shower," she jokes.
  • What is Michelle's surprise for the family? Her hair! The family is stunned, but they approve. 
  • The kids line up oldest to youngest, each holding a letter and facing towards the wall. As Michelle correctly answers questions about her family, the children turn around and reveal a message: TRIP TO JAPAN AND CHINA.
  • Michelle hugs and kisses all of her babies, big and small, to thank them for a lovely day.
  • Hours before the big trip, a mild epidemic infects the Duggar clan. Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, Josie, Mackynzie, and Michael all catch the flu.
  • That night, Jim Bob and Michelle give up their bed for Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, and Josie, but the little girls end up joining Mommy and Daddy on the floor.


  1. Please post the video! This sounds AWESOME!

  2. Michelle looks AMAZING with her new hairstyle!

  3. Does anyone know if they were able to make there trip or not ?!

  4. Michelle's hair was awesome! She looked so much younger. Tell her to wear her hair like that more often and Jim Bob could go for the mixed up hairstyle also!

  5. Michelle's hair was awesome. It made her look so much younger. She needs to wear it that way more often. Jim Bob's hair was nice, too. He cold go for that look!

  6. I pray I get yo meet this great family someday. Sounds like Michele had a great time. I live in Fountain Colorado if they ever come close I hope we can meet, would love to take the family to some cherished sightseeing places in Colorado and then treat them to dinner. Would love yo lead them in prayer before shareing the day as meeting them would be a true answer to many prayers so I would be truely thankful tor that chance. Sorry season had ended that is one show I truely never miss! God Bless.......Jessica stanwood

  7. hi there! i just found this great website for my fave tv show, and fave tv family. michelle's new hairdo & makeup made her look 20yrs younger!!!! wish she'd keep both, and jim bob too. i never realized what an attractive couple they really were! btw, TLC took their duggars m-f hour of tv off here in louisville. wish they would have just changed the time until about 2pm m-f, instead. hope you ladies can change their minds??????? thank u if so, and thank u for this beautiful website! bootsie

  8. I'm confused, so are they going to japan and china now or was that just a suggestion from the kids to michelle?

  9. And no one is expecting?!

  10. I was kind of hoping that Michelle's suprise would have been baby number 20... Can't wait to watch the episode on youtube, the show doesn't air around here :(

  11. I agree it sounds awesome and I also want the episode uploaded!!



  12. I love this family!
    Que Dios Los Bendiga!
    Miami, Florida

  13. Oh my!!! I CAN NOT wait to see it!!! I am sooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Please post this video!!

  15. Please post this video! I can't wait to watch it.

  16. Did the family end up going to China and Japan?

  17. are they all going to japan and china?
    Was that Josh's trip a few weeks ago?

  18. Ya can you post the video please that would be fantasist.

  19. Your hair at the salon was BEAUTIFUL!! Please try it out and don't pull it ba with the hair clips straight hair fits you perfect.

  20. I will be watching this! Happy Birthday Mrs. Duggar!

  21. All the kids who went to the dentist got sick.Isn't that odd?

  22. Your hair should be what makes you comfortable and although I liked the straight hair, Michelle didn't. I do wish she would get rid of the "bird's next poof" on the top of her head though. Other than that, her curly hair is fine and I like the shorter length...it gives her hair more bounce and looks fuller and healthier.

  23. the make over looked so great she looked so young

  24. is there some way of getting the wording for each clue i think this is such a great idea and would love to do that. Better y et be the recipant of that but i don't have that many kids , my kids are still young even pics would be great. This was so touching and breath taking Michelle deserved it and what an example they all are. I pray I can train my kids to do the same

  25. It was a great show! I love Michelle's new hair!

  26. with the kids illnesses were they still able to go on their trip to Japan and China?

  27. Michelle, love your new look, just precious! Was sorry to see the children come down ill just before your trip. Hope all is well and so looking forward to seeing trip photos, God Bless all of you!

  28. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    They were still able to go. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  29. Haircut is much fresher and takes ten years off. The scene where the kids get sick is out of sequence though. Michelle's hair is suddenly long again.

  30. Love her new hair do. Much more flattering and youthful. Although it suddenly grew long for the sick kids scene.

  31. they seriously went to japan and china???? :O


    Totally un-duggar like, in my eyes, anyway! ;) Cool, though! :)

  32. Hi Readers,

    The Duggars did end up making the trip to Asia.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  33. I may be the only one, but I actually like her hair better long and curly! When they cut it and straightened it, she looked too much like a young Grandma Duggar. Grandma Duggar is pretty, too, but I mean who wants to look like their mother in law? :) I think Michelle is most beautiful when she is happy with herself. :)

    I was also pleased to see the show showing Jim Bob helping with the sick kids. They are both often criticized for pawning work off on their older girls, but people tend to forget that there was a time when there were 5 kids under the age of 5 and no older girls to depend on! Who managed just fine then by themselves? That's right! Jim Bob and Michelle! It was fantastic for the world to see them once again just depending on each other and working as a team.

    I am so blessed by this family and hope the show airs for many more years! :)

  34. Michelle looks awesome with her new hair! She looks amazingly youthful to have had 19 kids. Her skin is beautiful.

  35. Michelle~your haircut is refreshing. I'm sure it's a lot of work to keep it that way though! You have a beautiful family! One of your older daughters was very near to us this summer..near Bond Falls. We live in Northern WI. Thanks for sharing a NICE NORMAL family life with the world!

  36. Yes, they did go to China. There have been some pictures out. I really hope Michelle keeps the shorter hair and straightens it. Very flattering on her. It's nice to see all of the family break our and wear more modern yet modest clothing. I know we won't most likely see the girls in pants (except Grandma Duggar), but I think nice looking pants on women is perfectly fine. Everyone must follow their own conscience though. I think Joy Anna really looks like a young woman now. Very pretty.

    So when will the TLC China trip air? I am sure with the next set of shows that there will be a pregnancy announcement.

  37. Absolutely loved Michelle's new look! She's always beautiful, but the new look is more flattering and makes her look several years younger! I know she didn't seem thrilled with it, but I hope she will give herself a chance to get used to it. Beautiful lady, beautiful family!

  38. Michelle's make over was beauitful. She looked lovely. Can't wait to see what the Duggars did in Asia.

  39. Will there be episodes of the trip? is there going to be another season?! Boy,I totally hope there will!!

    thanks for uploading and thanks for everything you do Lilly and Ellie!


  40. Please do not show your kids throwing up on future shows. I never had kids and I have a nervous stomach watching people vomit. Her hairstyle was way too young looking for her age.Strange to see her like that.

  41. I loved her hair. I know she wasn't use to it, but I wish she would have tried it for awhile. It looked so pretty.

  42. The curly hair style is much more flattering to Michelle. (How could anyone ever call it a mullet??) Jim Bob looked great in his updated style.

  43. I love this family ,and have watched every episode,a couple of times,ok I didnt want to addmit that.I missed the very last show,my dvr let me down,there has been no repeets of that one.As you could probable guess this is driving me nuts.

  44. @cynthia

    Hi Cynthia,

    We have posted links to most of the Duggars' shows, including the most recent one, to our Watch Full Episodes page (http://duggarsblog.blogspot.com/p/watch-full-episodes.html).

    Enjoy :)
    Lily and Ellie

  45. I've wanted to watch this episode for a while now, does anyone know when it will be uploaded?

  46. Can you ask Jana to post the recipe for those egg bacon cheese muffin things they were cooking for Michelle's birthday



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