Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day to our readers in the United States and Canada! Enjoy a relaxing, rain-free day with family and friends.

Reminder: Tune in to TLC tonight at 9PM EST/8PM CST for two new episodes of United Bates of America.

Sept 3, 9:00 pm
United Bates of America: New Editions
Gil and Kelly Jo have decided to take on some new tenants: chickens! Despite past failed attempts at keeping chickens, they're determined to make their land productive. Will the family finally get the bounty of eggs they've been hoping for?
Sept 3, 9:30 pm
United Bates of America: Bates Plus 12
When you have a family of 21, what's a few more house guests added to the mix? The Bates get a visit from their friends the Paines who are a family of 12. Later, we get a lesson on dating.


  1. this way the great summer i ever had, got to spend more time with my cousin and her two daughters and my cousins that lives down in ohio and my cousin that went down to see come up for labor day weekend on saturday they come for my cousin adriana 6th birthday and we had a cook out yeterday and dont know we going to do for labor day today and tomorrow the sept my cousins and their mom and dad from indian river,Mi are coming down because my one cousin ashley is going have her baby tomorrow and i get a chance to see my aunt and uncle and my cousin that is coming down and getting to see my cousin ava and her mom ashley and getting to see the new baby tomorrow after everyone comes in after it is born so that will close out my summer.


  2. Hi Lily and Ellie!
    Is tonight the very big announcement on 'United Bates of America?

  3. Could someone please record the Bates episodes and upload them to youtube, like with Duggars Down the Aisle? Also if someone recorded or could some how record Duggar and Bates Reunion and upload it I would be glad!



  4. Not rain free central ky. :(

  5. It was a nice Labor day, although we've had rain all day.

  6. Could someone please upload the Bates show? Also is Jim still the sound man?

  7. Labor Day in North Carolina=lots of thunderstorms!

    Happy Labor Day to you, Lilly and Ellie! Thanks for the awesome blog!

  8. I wish I could see it:( I only have internet, I'll have to wait.

  9. Happy Labor day to all!!! Thanks to Lily and Ellie for doing a great job on this blog!! God Bless!
    Don't quit!
    Catherine K

  10. Someone please upload them! I can't watch them right now! :(

  11. @Anonymous

    Hi Alaina,

    There was originally going to be an announcement, but TLC removed the part of the episode summary that mentioned it. If there is an announcement, we will post about it. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  12. I just adore the Bates. They are so unscripted. Gil is a hoot.

  13. i dont know if my cousin had her baby yet she should at 7am so yea i cant to see the little baby mj morris junoir later with the other family memebers congrats to my cousin ashley with the new baby in the family and her 2nd child. you guys can saycongrats to.

  14. @Anonymous

    Congratulations to your cousin, Brittani!

    Thanks for being a loyal reader,
    Lily and Ellie

  15. thanks lily and ellie i just wish my granny was here but she is wathcing down on us family from heaven on this raining day and my cousins new baby boy because my granny was here when my cousin ashely's first baby was born.

  16. I thought the oldest Bates son was in a courtship. Why haven't they said anything about this on the program?

  17. I thought the oldest Bates son was in a courtship. Is he still? Why haven't they mentioned this on the program?

  18. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Jim is still the soundman. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  19. Love your show,your kids are beautiful, Mon. nite show wasnt your last one, sure hope not...

  20. Wonderful show, they didnt cancel it ,did they.....


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