Saturday, September 1, 2012

Duggars' Reunion with Kirk Cameron

In the following video, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar meet up with Growing Pains star Kirk Cameron at President Obama's favorite Washington D.C. restaurant. (More on next week's episode: 19 Kids and Counting, "Duggar Growing Pains.")


  1. Mr. Duggar is like, "we have that in common [with President Obama]" (Probably thinking to himself, at least we have one thing in common!!!) ;) :D

  2. I would love to meet the Duggar's in a restaurant...and Kirk Cameron!! :D

  3. aw poor kirk cameron but at least he had a good attitude about it

  4. That is hilarious!! Must be their generation. Recognize the Duggars, but not Kirk Cameron. Too funny!

  5. I have a feeling Kirk doesn't get recognized all that often any more. He isn't on a popular tv show anymore and not many people in the general public watch what he is in lately. His looks have changed from when he was on tv so it is pretty obvious he is not going to be mainstream media and knowledge. I am sure he acknowledges that and doesn't really care.

  6. Haha! Love Kirk Cameron.

  7. Too bad the Duggars support Obama!

  8. Anonymous 12:43,

    Good point. I've been watching him on Way of the Master for so many years, and now On The Box, Fireproof, and Monumental-- I didn't stop to consider that they're all Christian shows/movies. Duh. :)

  9. I would love to meet the Duggar family and Kirk Cameron one day!! That would be soo cool! I love to watch Kirk Cameron I was just watching Fireproof last night! And can not wait to watch more of the Duggar family! Thanks for posting!
    God Bless!!
    Don't Quit!
    Catherine K

  10. bugnbus

    They didn't say they supported him. Actually, I heard they were supporting Romney. Both unfortunate candidates.

  11. I think its cool that they got to meet up and talk! I loved Growing Pains as a kid! Funny show!

  12. @Hobbieswithtina

    Hi Tina,

    We have included the links to the latest episodes in this post:

    ~Lily and Ellie


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