
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Duggars to Back Romney in November

Now that Rick Santorum has stepped down from the presidential race, due to his youngest daughter's health struggles, which candidate will the Duggars support?  

“We will vote for Gov. Romney over our current president,” Jim Bob Duggar tells Politico. “Gov. Romney has stated he is conservative, if elected we will ask voters to hold him accountable for his conservative promises and assurances he made during the campaign." The Duggars will vote for Santorum in the Arkansas primary, as the ballots have already been printed to prepare for the May 22nd election.

Does the family regret the weeks they spent campaigning for Santorum? “The past several months as we have volunteered with Rick's campaign, we have experienced joy in winning as well as the disappointment of coming in behind by a few points," says Jim Bob, adding that they would happily “do it all over again.”

Rick Santorum thanks the Duggars for their devotion to his campaign.

"It is important that we as Americans continue to fight for our freedoms and encourage our republican nominee when elected to stay true to promises made," writes Jim Bob on the Duggar Family website. "Rick would be the first to tell you, this race was not about him, but about advancing the conservative values that our nation was founded upon.”

Thanks to one of our loyal readers for sharing this article. 


  1. Was wondering what they would say to this. Thanks for sharing!! :) It's too bad about Santorum, but hopefully Romney will win over Obama...

  2. I had heard about Rick Santorum on the news last night and wondered what the Duggars would do. Thank-you for keeping us up to date with the information.

  3. Me too. And I'm quite bummed about having to settle for Romney.

  4. wow, i'd rather have obama over romney anytime, i really would have wished that they would have backed up ron paul instead,im am very disappointed...i cant believe they're supporting him after what they stand for, i really like the duggars but this is a mess up imo..

  5. Duggars I can't believe it! Not a very good choice.

  6. This is surprising because awhile back, Jim Bob was asked who he would vote for if Santorum was out and his answer was "I don't know, but it won't be Mitt Romney". Funny how quickly that changes. I'd rather have Obama than Romney though. Personally I hope this helps Ron Paul.

  7. I usually don't get into the whole political debates as to who one prefers over another, but it is rather upsetting that people can become so cruel and say things that are very hurtful all because their views are different from the other person. The GREAT thing about the USA is that we are entitled to follow who we want and not be persecuted for it. I personally do not care for any of the Republican candidates, but will still support the Duggars because I LOVE what they do stand for and the amazing people that we are. So glad we do live in a place where can "agree to disagree"

  8. guess they will be following mitt around now

  9. Man! Why don't the Duggars like Ron Paul!!! Mitt Romney isn't even a Christian! And they like him?? Ron Paul is openly a Christian and he is much much more conservative than Mitt Romney. I just don't get it! Ron Paul need support from an influential family like the Duggars.

    1. Interresting that you say Mormons are not Christian. The name of the church is, and always has been, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints". "Mormon" is a name given by the mobs who killed the early members of the church and pushed them out if their homes. The name came from the Book of Mormon, which is subtitled "Another Testament of Jesus Christ".

  10. Romney was the only canidate left to run against Obama. It would do NO good 2 vote 4 Paul. They had 2 choose between Obama & Romney.

  11. There was an episode when the Duggars were in DC at one of the monuments. The Presidential helicopter flew by. Jim bob and Michelle were asked what they though about the new President. they replied that they were praying for him and something about him having young children. I know some Christians will say I'm praying for you when they do not agree with you and rather criticize or argue, they say I'm praying for you. Michelle might as well said, we did not vote for him. How did they pray for Obama. did they pray to lift him up or pray to put him down.

  12. Why does everyone forget that there is still another better option than Romney? Paul is much closer to Santorum than Romney! And this election isn't over (especially with all the delegates from Santorum that will get to revote...and lots of delegates are Paul supporters). Why not support someone who is also a strong Christian and pro-life? Why throw in the towel to Romney?

    1. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints are in fact Christians who have very strong pro-life convictions.

  13. I definitely agree with all of you who say no way should the Duggars support Romney!

    Let's face it, Romney says he belongs to the LDS religion. Several LDS doctrinal issues are 180 degrees from what the Duggars believe, and they're supporting him as the leader of the nation? Yes, there is the separation of church and state, and I guess that may be the angle their coming from, but, wow. IMO, they make it look like they're choosing to support him just because at this point, he probably will be the Republican ticket, and they just don't want Obama to be reelected.

    I respected The Duggars because they took fearless stands for God. But now? I feel like they're standing down telling us there's no other choice. There is another choice-I will vote a write-in just for the point of I don't feel I can support Obama OR ROMNEY.

  14. Somewhat disappointing but not too surprising, I wish they would at least state a preference for Dr. Paul over Romney- out of the remaining candidates, the faster we fall in line the sooner this Massachusetts Moderate is going to forget us.

  15. This is such a shame. If they are trying to be a positive role model, picking Romney is not the way to go. Write in Ron Paul, or Mickey Mouse.

  16. I'm Canadian and I heard Mitt Romney for the first time in my life on the radio the other day. Let's just say I couldn't believe my ears. I sure hope Obama wins again...

    Last I checked, the Duggars were calling Romney a lukewarm conservative and whatnot. Who changed, the Duggars or Romney?

  17. Duggars don't do it! Don't sell out to Romney! Don't compromise your faith and the foundational truths you believe in out of fear that the liberals will get to be in office another 4 years. God is bigger. Stand for the truth, not some big money politician who may, or may not, deliver campaign promises. Yes, this is the good ol free USofA, and no, these are not cruel comments-just a disappointed fan hoping for something a little more bold from some awesome Christians.

    Yours truly,
    Fellow Christian, and Ron Paul supporter!

  18. I thought this news was tabloid gossip when I first heard about it on Politico, or a joke. Really! I had no idea the Duggars could endorse Romney. Religion aside, since Romney does profess to be a Mormon, this guy will say anything to get elected. Sorry, I really like the Duggars, but they're way out in left field with this one. Hopefully tomorrow we'll have heard they made a mistake and changed their minds.

  19. If you don't know by now, the Duggar statements change with the weather. Let us all join hands virtually and say great prayers for Mitt Romney and his family. We are to be encouraging as Christians--not judgmental. Isn't that what followers of the Duggars preach about the Duggars? Let's not judge Mitt Romney just yet. I bet most of you that are out here "slamming" him actually know nothing or very little about him.

  20. If it weren't for President Obama, if the Duggar's health insurance company (if they have any) cancelled them tomorrow, WITHOUT OBAMACARE that eliminated pre-existing conditions, Josie would then be without insurance because her conditions would be judged pre-existing. If it weren't for Obama asking that ALL Americans carry health insurance by 2014, the Bates that ADMITTEDLY DON'T CARRY HEALTH INSURANCE ON THEIR CHILDREN -- well, let's just say if Mr. Bates can't pay the bills for a seriously ill child, guess who does pay it? You and me. Obama has done great, great, great, great things for families. It just gets overlooked because people won't look BEYOND what they don't like about him==and I bet if you polled 80% of the people that "don't like him" and you asked them why, they would answer "I really don't know why I don't like him."

  21. The way I read this was that the Duggars figure Romney will be the Republican candidate and will vote for Romney over Obama. I don't think they necessarily endorse Romney over Paul or Gingrich, just that they'd vote for Romney over Obama.

  22. The majority of the comments being left here are neither kind, nor Christian. If this is what putting updates about the Duggar's politics on the blog will result in, let's not do this. It is clearly bringing out the worst in people if these are the kinds of nasty things people are prompted to say. The Duggars most certainly would never say such unkind things about anyone, so why are you saying these things about our candidates, regardless of whether you agree with them or not?

    And two points:

    1.) Religon should have NO BEARING on a candidaacy for presidency. We have the freedom to worship in the country and it is therefore, IRRELEVANT. People flipped out about JFK because he was Catholic and that wasn't "Christian" either.

    2.) The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints is a Christian denomination. To be a Christian means you believe in Christ. They do.

    Please stop the nasty comments, if nothing else, they are NOT Christ-like, and that is NOT what it means to be a Christian, or if that is not your faith, that is not what it means to be a kind and loving person.

    Just stop.

    BTW, no one is backing ROn Paul because he has no chance of winning. Voting for someone who has no chance of winning just takes votes away from the person who has a better shot at the vote. If you divide the Republican votes upon more and more candidates, and there is only one democratic candidate, that just makes it easier for the democrat to win. (Or Vice versa). You have to back the person who you think has a shot, or, you end up sabotaging your own party. Bigger picture.

  23. The Duggars have the freedom to support the man they choose for president just like the rest of us. Obama's track record points to debt, debt and more debt continually extracting money from those he deems "rich" and doling it out to "the poor". His definition of poor is not the same as mine. The bible is clear on not robbing man of that which he has earned and our govt. has reached the point of robbery from citizens who work hard and give up so much of the money to pay for others.

    With current debt and Obama's handling of the White House, I don't see how he could possibly be reelected.

    I support the Duggars to make their choice. They stood for Santorum and now that he is out, they must move on to the next choice in their opinion.

  24. Clearly there are many many people who want to see Obama gone from the White House. His election, his choices and his ideas all raise red flags. No media reported on all of the problems while he ran for office.

    While I am glad the Duggar's supported the man they felt was best, if it came down to election time and it was Santorum vs. Obama, I don't think Santorum would have been able to pull off an election. God can work in the heart of any man. Obama has had his four year chance, it's time for another man and I would support either Romney or RP, but I don't see RP strong enough to win either.

    There's a lot more to voting than whether the person is a Christian. God looks on the heart of men and knows what they will become.

  25. @Anonymous
    To Anonymous from Canada: Obama's decisions havent affected your life so sure you would vote for him again!

  26. LDS is short for "the church of JESUS CHRIST of latter day saints". We believe that Jesus Christ is the savior of this world and it is only through him (due to repentance) that we can be saved and return to live with our Heavenly Father again. Isn't that a Christian? As far as Romney goes, in our country the presidential candidate's religion shouldn't be a factor. Only his ability to lead our country in the directions we see fit. I'm Mormon and I love the Duggars. I actually feel as though we have common beliefs. Maybe there are some doctrinal differences, but Jesus Christ being the Savior is the fundamental foundation of the LDS church as well as the Duggars' church. We absolutely are Christian. If u want to know what we believe, don't read news articles. Go to

  27. @Emily in Wonderland: To be a Christian means not just one who believes in Christ, but rather one who professes belief in the TEACHINGS of Jesus Christ, the LDS professes belief in the teachings of Joseph Smith, that's why they don't refer to themselves simply as "Christians" but instead as LDS and follow The Book of Mormon, using the Bible as a second book for reference and/or history. I don't see "nasty" in these comments, maybe some might think a couple are, but who's to say they are Christians writing them? As for separation of church and state, I do agree, and as posted in my previous comment, I think that's what the Duggars are keeping in mind by now backing Romney.

    I like this blog because different kinds of comments are accepted, from supporters of the Duggars and from some who are obviously not, giving the chance for those who support the Duggars to counter possible rude comments or misinformation. Plus, it gives us a chance to question the Duggars if we hear something we might not have expected from them.

  28. Though I do not agree with the Duggars choice for a candidate I admire how involved they have been with politics. It's the American way and they are find examples.


  29. Mrs. Romney is getting flac from the left for being a "stay at home mom." Does that make you like her any better? It astounds me that people actually vote on whether or not they "like" a person.

  30. Go Duggars!! Mitt Romney is a great second choice!!

    BWT, I agree with everything you said Emily in Wonderland!

  31. @April 12, 2012 8:49 AM:

    Anonymous from Canada here.

    Please realize that the decisions made by the President of the United States affect the whole world. I trust the American people to choose a president who will make wise decisions, and I believe President Obama is a fine choice for such a president.

    I would not "vote for him again," as being a Canadian obviously prevents me from voting for him in the first place.

    I hope that clears up statements for you.

  32. ROMNEY?????????????? I love the Duggars to pieces but I'm pretty sure they made a mistake. At least Obama dosen't do anything in office. Romney is a Mormon AND he could do more damage than Obama ever will. Why in Creation would they make a choice like that? Groan.

  33. @Anonymous

    The Duggars don't just pray for presidential candidates when they are running for office. They pray for those currently in office. I think that's what Michelle meant.

  34. I'm sure the Duggars would rather not be voting for Romney, but they figure he's the only shot at beating our current president. Our current president has not "done nothing". He has done much to tear down our country and has much more up his sleeve.

  35. The Duggars are not very well versed in politics; they hear one statement that appeals to them and support the person. JimBob forgot about Ron Paul and decided to support the front runner. I doubt they truly understand anything President Obama has or has not accomplished for our country.

  36. @ycfani am all so mormon and i love the duggars too... i wanted to say thank u to anonymous april 12.... there are secten people in the main stream christian faith that a miss lead to believe we are not Christian....we are!!! and there are some prisables of my faith that are right in line with the duggars beliefs ....
    if u have any question ... go to or

  37. Our current president has eliminated "pre-existing conditions" from insurance so if parents with a child with medical needs loses their job, they can go to another insurance plan without penalty. Our current president has raised the age a child can stay on parent's insurance to 26 instead of 21, so children can stay in college and still be insured. Our current president has removed the "lifetime cap limit" from insurance so that children such as Josie will have insurance care all their lives instead of reaching a dollar limit and then being terminated from insurance. I could go on and on and on.

  38. Wow, everyone needs to get educated - members of the LDS faith ARE Christians! Don't get sucked into all the anti-Mormon haters out there!

  39. To anonymous at 9:09 am
    From where (or shall I say from whom) shall the money for all of this free health care come? Our nation enjoys quality care and fairly short wait times. With Obama's plan, care will change to more of a moving cattle type of care. Other nations have done this and it does not work.

    A president can't plan to take almost half of working people's pay and give it to the other half who are not working or paying taxes. Statistics state that as much as 46% of citizens in our nation pay no taxes.

    Small businesses can not succeed with the taxes impossed by Obama and the increase in taxes on those who already give so much. Nothing is free. Our debt has gone up so much there is no longer a gold standard. Our money is really worthless.

    I think Obama is a good person, but greatly deceived into thinking that what he is doing is right and I think he feels he is trying to make everyone equal. It won't happen. He's been too influenced by socialists. IF the media had deeply researched him as they do GOP canidates, he would not be in office. I'm astounded that anyone is satisfied with Obama's "change". Pray for him and pray for our next election. God needs a man whose heart is turned towards Him and you don't know that by watching tv.

  40. Support Ron Paul!! He is the most pro-life candidate in the race, and way better on spending and religious freedom than Romney.

    He's also a devout Christian who states, "I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate."

    How can anyone accept Romney over Ron Paul?

    By the way, the medias reporting is inaccurate and Paul actually has about as many delegates as Santorum had before he dropped out. This is because many states delegations are not bound to the straw polls.

  41. Obama has been a great president. Most Americans are too blind to see the great things he's doing. For one, obama supports education over war. Also why are abortion and contraceptives part of the electoral debates, last time I checked they are not doctors and have not right to say what's right and what's wrong. Also religion and the state should be separate because America is fortunate to have all different people with different backgrounds and religions that make it a beautifully diverse nation. People have the right to believe what they want so the state shouldn't force their beliefs onto people who are not Christian or say who you can or cannot marry. Everyone is part of the human race and is equal. God loves everyone no madder what religion you believe. I think the duggars are great people no matter who they choose.

  42. I would really like to know why people who claim to follow the teaching of Jesus christ feel that they need to devote time and energy tearing down other people. You guys should really stop and think about exactly what you are saying. You say Romney is Mormon in the same manner you would say Romney has fleas! This is not the way christ would have us talk about others. And yes I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. I love my lord jesus-christ and he is my savior and redeemer. Through His grace I can live forever with God. I do follow and study His teachings. I wish people would believe that, but people never do. I wish people really would take the time to learn about my faith with respect. To really find out what we believe. Not what people say we believe. I love learning about other faiths and have even been to a sikh and muslim temple where I've asked questions in respect and in efforts to understand. Why don't people do that for me? And not just my faith, but others too. Judiasm, Catholicism, baptist,lutheran, etc. I bet you would find a heck of lot more similarities than differences. And of course you don't have to agree to everything you learn, but you should respect the people who do believe. That is exactly what Christ would want you to do. I'm sorry if my post seems like I'm angry. I'm really just more frustrated and sad. I mean, imagine if people were constantly telling you that you weren't christian? When your whole life was centered around His teachings? I bet you would feel pretty insulted and well just broken hearted. And that is how it is with me. Please, go to or talk to mormons that you know about what they really believe.

  43. @ anonymous April 5:49. Exactly all people are created equal including the little people in the mothers womb.

  44. I don't like Mitt Romney but that is just me! Everyone has the right to vote for who they want to thats what makes America a great country! Obama isn't great but Romney is well Mitt Romney!

  45. @Dave: thanks for that info. A lot of people are misled about Ron Paul, and that is probably part of why he doesn't have as much popularity. I myself have decided to see what more comes from The Duggars-although I support Paul, I'm going to see how The Duggars continue to support Romney.

    As for the LDS discussion, I recommend visiting, where questions can, and will, be answered.

  46. Lacey, you must be confused. I said if you want to know about MY faith go to Why would you go to a website that isn't even from my religion to find answers about my religion? why are you afraid to go to the actual source? Do you really think we are evil with horns and will suck away all your sense of choice if you hear actual truth about what I believe? because I assure I do not have horns. (sounds silly but some people have actually believed this about LDS people in the past!!) Oh and I went to the website and it looks really good if you want to find out about your faith. Until, that is, I typed LDS in the search and read the article that discussed my faith. Once again, these ideas on what I believe are not true. I'm sure you will roll your eyes and think I'm trying to trick you, lying to you, or just plain don't know what I believe. Which is the most comical to me. I would never tell a Lutheran that I know more about what they believe than they do because I've listened to sermons on their teaching from non lutheran preachers. sounds ridiculous right? well people say this to me all the time. Again, if you want to judge me for being a mormon that is completely fine by me. I just wish you would take the time to find out what I actually believe before you judge.

  47. @Anonymous: Wow, feels like a war of words. So sorry. However, I HAVE personally visited, and clearly there is a division point with doctrine. There are several LDS beliefs (as stated on that are very different than those of "Christian" beliefs (as stated in The Bible). Unfortunately, yet another point of contention, as The Articles of Faith state belief in The Bible only as it is translated correctly. Who decides how God's Word should be translated "correctly"-LDS?, Baptists, Catholics?...I didn't find anything about that in The Bible.

    I prefer to take The Bible at face value. I definitely don't want to "argue" about beliefs over this blog. Now, I'll keep my comments directed only to all things Duggar!

  48. Only the Holy Spirit can guide you as to what to believe. We are not to condemn other people though ... that is not our place ... judgement belongs solely to God. The hard part people cannot get past about elections is that our country is made up of diverse people with diverse beliefs. The government does not serve one religion, nor is it supposed to. If it did, we wouldn't have the religious freedom so many scream about "being taken away." We DO have religious freedom, whether you are Baptist, Lutheran, Muslim, LDS, Jehovah's Witness, Catholic, etc. Let's not argue doctrine.

  49. Lacy, I am really sorry if you felt attacked by my comment. I did not mean to start a war with you or anyone. I just couldn't sit back and not say something in response. But perhaps I could have done it more gently :) It is just a subject that is so sacred and dear to me and it bothers me when people dismiss it so easily as wrong/bad, or that I am wrong/bad for being a member of it. Anyway, I think it is awesome that you did visit and have read the articles of faith. Thank you so much! That is all that I ask is that people go to the right source to find out what people believe. And as for your opinions on what you found, I fully admit that my church has some differences from the typical christian faith of today. However, we do worship Jesus christ as our savior and therefore the center of both or faiths are the same. I hope in your research you found some similarities. And I fully agree, lets talk about the duggars from here on out :)

  50. Dear Duggars,

    I have always looked up to the values and morals that you present and live by. However, this supporting "Romney" business makes me think that you've lost those morals and values.

    I will pray heavily that you all can find some peace with this election cycle and hope that you could consider Dr. Ron Paul as the Republican nomination.

    Ron Paul is pro-life, a dedicated Christian and delivered thousands of babies practicing as an OBGYN.

    Please see it in your heart that Ron Paul is the true conservative protecting our liberties and rights.

  51. What I like about the Duggars:

    They love each other and have faith.

    From: a mormon

  52. Mitt Romney is a Christian whether you said so or not. People say the Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints are not Christians,but have they our yourself ever even actually heard the Mormon people,ever been to their Church,or any other thing to get them to say they believe in Jesus Christ. Before you criticize the LDS people about what we believe, remember this. We Mormons don't bad mouth other churches on what they believe,we don't down on other churches. You don't hurt us for what you say. If you want information about the Mormon church go to or

  53. @Livvy Months after this blog date, I have a point to make. The Duggars are an extremely Conservative family, why ANYONE would think they would vote for Obama is silly! After all, Mr. Obama stands for and supports the complete opposite of EVERYTHING the Duggars stand for. NOBAMA 2012

  54. I am a Mormon and we profess great faith in Jesus Christ.He is everything to us.We await his return with excitement,and pray if Romney is elected he will be a great force in forwarding the return of Christian values in our country which has become so unbelieving.Praise the Lord and God bless!

  55. Mitt Romney is as Christian as you can get. He has a strong testimony of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. He lives what he believes and has always tried hard to make the best choices patterned after our what our Savior would do. You can trust Mitt Romney to take care of this country.


  56. The Duggars are as close to Mormon you can get. It amazes me.
    Every time I watch them I think if only they knew how close they are to finding the truth. That family is angelic and almost perfect. They are on the right path. The family's principles of what Christ taught and being lived. I just wish somehow, some way they would just search to find that one way, one gospel, one truth, taught by the Savior Jesus Christ.

  57. I love the show of the Duggars, but I'm so disappointed that they support Romney. Aren't they educated about what he does? He is for the corporations and won't stop at nothing, to send jobs to China; 22% of his companies filed for bankruptcy and people lost their jobs, pension etc. while Romney cashed in; he will be worse than Bush; shrinking middle class; he is all about money. He left the state of Ma in a huge deficit and does NOT balance budget, he LIED som any times in the debates,and flip flops on all arguments, he is a liar. This is for sure not a christian man. Obama however is very honest and has a heart- is not materialistic; he is all for the people and strengening the economy from within the middle class, not from above, which never has worked anyhow.

  58. GO DUGGARS!!!


    Mormons believe that salvation is by works just like many other religions. A truly saved person is someone who trusted Christ as their Savior by faith, knowing that good works will NOT get them to Heaven. They must acknowledge that they are a sinner and without Christ they will go to a very real and burning Hell. They must confess their sins and ask Jesus Christ to save them.They must believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose again 3 days later. Baptism does NOT save us. It is just a step to showing others that you have indeed been saved. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:" "Not of works, lest any man should boast." Also, once we are saved we cannot lose our salvation in any way. We do not have to keep asking God to save us. 1 John 1:9 says,"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." If we mess up after we are saved, all we have to do is ask God to forgive us for that sin. He will do it. It is not a matter of getting saved over and over again. Many people are deceived by the Mormons and Jehovah's Witness. True Salvation is in the verses above found in the 1611 KJV HOLY BIBLE. The reference is Ephesians 2:8-9 if you are interested in looking it up. I am not afraid to say these things.

  59. Also, John 3:16 says. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish and have everlasting life."
    Jesus was God's only Son. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
    Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.