How does Anna Duggar make nutritious, preservative-free baby food for Michael? Using her Baby Bullet! Whip up a week's supply of organic baby food in under five minutes, for less than $3. Watch the Baby Bullet in action in the following video.
Have you tried the Baby Bullet? Click here to visit their website.
Yes-my sister uses it all the time! They live on 5 acres and grow a lot of their own vegetables and fruit. She used the original magic bullet until they came out with the baby bullet. The baby bullet comes with all the right things and size containers so perfect for making your own baby food. I also told my sister about the recipe you posted of when Anna made homemade brown rice cereal for Mackynzie, and my nephew ate it all the time!
ReplyDeleteIs that really micheal? He is so big and cute!
ReplyDeleteWow, 5 kids and i have never fed them baby food. Why would anyone need this?
ReplyDeleteYep, that's Michael. :)
Lily and Ellie
Or you could "buy used" and save the difference with a normal blender... http://www.walmart.com/ip/GE-17-Piece-Single-Serve-Rocket-Blender/17780929?findingMethod=rr Don't need to spend $100 for this result, save your money.
ReplyDeleteIt's a blender. They make it sound like oohhh aahhh it makes great organic baby food. WHAT!! All it does is blend up what you put in it.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree. Really necessary?? I have rarely if ever fed my kids baby food. WHY? Cause I nursed them till they were well old enough to eat table food like everyone else. If you eat right and healthy, your breast milk is all your baby needs till they are a year old. I can go beyond that and say I have personally gone well over a year with solely nursing most all of my kids and they are very healthy and have rarely had anything beyond the common cold or bug that they caught and got over it very quickly. While nursing my kids, none of them ever got sick except a stuffy or runny nose.
I believe if we want what is best for our baby, we would be pushing more nursing rather than feeding baby food when it isn't necessary. I am sure there is the very rare exception to that rule for someone who is unable to nurse for some very rare situation.
are they now trying to sell some kind of product.
ReplyDeleteI am the mother of 3 and my youngest is 9 monthes old.I love the Baby Bullet.So easy,so fresh,so cheap!
ReplyDeletewow micheal is soo big now look at those curls aww! MacKenzie and Micheal both look like Anna.
ReplyDeletei'm surprised they bought the actual baby bullet. for a family that prides themselves on buying used or cheap...
ReplyDeleteyou can buy a similar product for half the price that's just as good!
Is Anna being paid to promote this? I thought she just used a regular blender on the episode where she made baby rice cereal.
ReplyDeleteDear Lily and Ellie, I am a little off topic, but I wanted to let everyone know that the 19 Kids Season 5 is now shipping at the Discovery Store. I placed a preorder at $49.95 and was a little shocked to see it selling on sale for $39.95. They did not adjust my bill when the DVD set was shipped today, so I called their customer service and they credited my credit card $10.00. (And they were very nice about it!) Thank you for your great blog!
ReplyDeleteWho knows?, someone may have given it to them, or for a gift, or a promo. Regardless, I'm sure it will get its money worth, and way beyond if they end up having more (or lots more!) babies. BTW, Anonymous: how did you not give your kids baby food? (just curious)-how did they learn to eat/swallow (and taste) textures/solids and different flavors? Did they just eat cereal, applesauce?
ReplyDelete@pretty girl
ReplyDeleteHi pretty girl,
This is simply a product that Anna finds useful, so we decided to share it with our readers.
~Lily and Ellie
Thanks for the link! I'll have to see if my brother has one......my niece is just at that age
ReplyDeleteWhere did you get the picture of Michael? He's getting big! Thanks for doing the blog!
ReplyDeleteI'm not the original commenter but I never fed my child baby food either. She ate regular table food from the beginning. Look up Baby Led Weaning for more information. My daughter is 2 now and is a terrific eater. Pureed food really isn't necessary for babies to learn how to eat and they are more adventurous when they get to feed themselves and have real food from the get-go.
ReplyDeleteThat completely looks like an endorsement photo to me, especially with the happy face cup facing outward and prominently featured in the photo. It sort of makes me not want to purchase one. I do have the regular magic bullet which I got for free and have used for baby food and it's basically the same thing, a mini blender.
ReplyDeleteI am glad such a product is available to mothers if they choose to use it. There are so many new procuts on the market to fill various needs. What one mom may not need or like, another mom loves. I have six children and it's been true for me.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous: Thanks for your info. I don't have any children yet of my own, so I'm always curious to hear moms viewpoints. My sister has 4 kids and I'm always taking mental notes! She has made her own babyfood since her second baby, since she realized it cost so much more to buy it, and they have several big gardens.
ReplyDeleteTo the anonymous who asked why and pushed more nursing:
ReplyDeletewhat if you can't produce enough milk to nurse for x amount of time? Then you'd have to have something for back-up. But you're right, the blender does the same thing.
There are sites (Amazon, Ebay, etc) where you can buy the Baby Bullet for a reduced price, either new or used. Just because Josh and Anna have one does not mean that they paid full price for it.
ReplyDeleteAny good blender will do. Buy used, save the difference.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree w/ breastfeeding until they can eat table foods. Breastfeeding provides all the nutrition baby needs for the whole first year.
I make baby food and really enjoy it (so do my babies). However, this Baby Bullet seems like a major waste of money. I mean, I have a stove that will steam vegetables and a good food processor that will puree them. I got all my girlfriends who use store-bought baby food to save their jars for me: glass has always been BPA free.
ReplyDeleteVoila! A DIY Baby Bullet.
...and it *didn't* cost me $100 plus shipping and processing. :)
I don't mean for my comment to sound snarky. It's just that, being a mom of many myself, I don't see it being practical for the average, American, large family to allocate $100 (or even $50 if they got a deal a deal on it) for a uni-tasker.
ReplyDeleteIt's also certainly not a reflection of Bill Gothard's character quality of resourcefulness: wise use of that which others would normally overlook or discard (Luke 16:10). Nor is it really a reflection of thriftiness: not letting myself or others spend that which is not necessary (Luke 16:11)
My opinions are certainly my own and that said I hope Anna gets a lot of use out it.
I really find it interesting that so many are quick to point fingers or accuse. Even pointing at the character qualities. None of us are perfect, none of us know the whole the story and none of us should judge. We obviously want to hear and read about what and how the duggars are living so lets not shut them down when we see something we might disagree with. Lily and Ellie thank you for showing us a inside view of the family we all feel we know from the TV screen it is appreciated and enjoyed.
ReplyDeleteSince I was the only commenter who was singled out by mentioning the character qualities, I would venture to say that you are saying that I am being judgmental. I clearly am not "judging" anything. Judging would mean that I am stating my beliefs as being the only correct beliefs, based on certain fact. To judge something is not equal to stating an opinion; the latter is what I did.
Many of the Duggar Family Blog readers are large family mothers, as am I. We all glean knowledge from the Duggar family on how to run a large family smoothly, efficiently, and spiritually. And as it says on her show "with this many kids, we do things a little differently than most families." I have truly been blessed with so many wonderful ideas Michelle has been incorporating for years.
I have been reading Lily and Ellie's blog since it was in its infancy. I read their *first* post the day they published it. If I remember correctly, I was their 47th follower. I'm certainly not going to "shut them down" if I've been around this long. We look to Lily and Ellie to provide the latest on the Duggars (and they do a GREAT job!), and this post was very relevant to Duggar family life. I only wanted to state that for most of us large families, the Baby Bullet isn't really practical in value, nor is it a wise use of household space (large family moms know what a commodity space is!), especially when we already possess the means to accomplish our goals. By citing Gothard's material, I was stating my reasons why the purchase would not be a wise one.
I also closed my comments by saying "My opinions are certainly my own and that said I hope Anna gets a lot of use out it." If I am in any way judging, I am judging what is practical for me. If I had commented "Wow, what a way to blow some major dough!" or "no one should buy this product" then you could say I was being judgmental or accusatory.
Taylor, I don't think anyone is shutting anyone down or accusing anyone of anything. I feel it is just a matter of agreeing to disagree and we all have a freedom to state whether we agree or disagree for that matter. People are simply giving their opinions. I think it is nice to know what people think of whatever is posted. We don't all have to agree with everything that the Duggar's do, but that doesn't mean we can't state our opinion. I think it is nice for people to hear both sides of a story when it comes to things that people don't see eye to eye on. :-)
ReplyDeleteI cant believe all the haters on here! Stay of the blog if it hurts your eyes to much to see someone else enjoying something useful that you are jealous you dont have.
ReplyDeleteI bet it pays for itself after a while if you don't nurse and factor in the cost of canned baby food. :]
ReplyDeleteHas anyone considered that maybe it was given to her as a gift? or maybe she had saved up for it and bought it? or the company gave it to her to "road test"? There is nothing wrong with the occasional splurge.I'd be more concerned if she splurged on a frequent basis.
ReplyDeleteI personally am all for breastfeeding for as long as one can, And doing what is nutritionally best for baby. I am only able to feed my baby's for 7 months if i am lucky. And they are not just satisfied by expressed breastmilk or formula at that point. I have tried every trick in the trade to try and feed for longer. But nothing works. It also doesnt help that i am usually pregnant by that time. Has anyone considered that MAYBE she's pregnant and Michael is objecting to her milk? Not trying to start a rumour but that is always a slight possibility.
I also have a sister in law who was desperate to breastfeed her first baby. (her first and her only baby so far) but she had NO milk. Lactation consultants and doctors tried to figure out how to get her milk supply up and running but after putting her on medication to help and frequent help from experts of the subject, she couldnt even produce one drop. So her son was formula fed. Each parent decides what is best for their baby. If thats the way Anna chooses to feed Michael, so be it.
I personally wouldnt buy the product, but thasts my choice. I have a perfectly good vitamix instead that i use. ;-)
God bless Anna w their busy traveling schuldule I honestly don't see where she has the time to b making homemade baby food and using cloth daipers I truely admire her
ReplyDeleteI work for a company that takes calls for the Baby Bullet infomercials. Yes, it is super cute, but IMO this falls into the "nice, but not necessary" category, along with white noise machines and baby wipe warmers. My hunch is that they got this one for free...it'd be interesting to find out how many of the products they use on the show fall into the category of "promo freebies"... Apple products are featured so prominently I have a hunch that they got those for free from Apple, too. I would argue that the older "Magic bullet" and other similar knock-off products is also great for making baby food...plus you can use it for other purposes as well. But I don't blame Anna for using the BB...if someone sent me one I would definitely take advantage of it, too!
ReplyDeleteAnna has chosen to make fresh, organic food for her babies, and has found a way to do it efficiently. She has been kind enough to share her method - hopefully, this information will help others. Unfortunately, some people are going to criticize the Duggars, no matter what they do. If Anna's method isn't the choice they made, they see no value in her sharing it. Although this blog post did not mention how Anna obtained her Baby Bullet, she is being criticized for spending too much. If she got it for free, in exchange for giving a review, then she will be criticized for taking advantage of her fame (even though free products are given to bloggers all the time). If she bought it used or at a discount, she would probably be criticized for taking advantage of the seller. What about if it was an unsolicited gift from a relative, or perhaps her baby shower hostesses all purchased it together? Would it be okay if she enjoys it under those conditions?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that this post that I am certain was just meant to give us a glimpse into something Anna finds helpful has turned into such an ordeal. I am certain if The Duggar family read this it would b upsetting to them to know a blight devoted to them had so many unkind comments. Just dying the baby bullet sells at wm at toys r us for 39-49$. I have the original bullet which I split on a special buy one get 2 special with my mother when it first came out and paid around 65$ for. Its an awesome, easy and quick clean up, little machine. It has a superb warranty and my children use it all the time without my help. In the long run I feel it was a very worthwhile investment. Even if Anna purchased it for full price and uses it only for Michael she will surely break even if not save money! Please lets keep this blog positive and Godly!
ReplyDeleteOh and thank you Lily and Nellie for the awesome blog!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Taylor. And yes, people seem to be judjemental saying they did this and its better or that. No problem they have it its a blessing.
ReplyDeleteI love the Duggars and I make my own baby food as well (and nurse for 12-24 months) but unless I was given this product I just couldnt break down and buy it. I have blender and it wouldnt make much since. Even though the product is cute and seems useful, I just couldn't break down and buy it.
ReplyDeleteNo it's not a promotion and they're not getting paid for it. Those photos are from Anna's Instagram. However no one can go on there now as she got fed up with that and made her account private.