
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Video: Anna and Michael Duggar

Anna Duggar and 7-month-old son Michael Duggar at a rally in Iowa:


  1. Is Michael the favorite? On Josh's Instagram and Facebook, he has a ton of photos of Michael, but hardly any of Mac.

  2. he never posts this many pics with his daughter.

  3. Micheal is just growing big before our very eyes! He look like Josh!

  4. Larissa Quimby-MyersJanuary 14, 2012 at 7:43 PM

    Not to be Mean, but does Josh play favourites with his Children? I follow him on Instagram and he always has pictures of Michael, but rarely has pictures of Mackynzie.

  5. I haven't seen Michael for a long time!! GO Tebow!!!

  6. Lily, Ellie ,
    You said there would be new episodes this year? When? Also, why does michelle give all the girls medicine so they all get there period the same week??

  7. What a lovely smiley baby!

  8. where and who took this? poor anna looked uncomfortable it must be hard to mum in the public eye

  9. What a handsome boy! I am not that internet savvy-what is instagram? Is it connected to facebook?

  10. Hi Anonymous,

    TLC hasn't yet announced a start date for the new season, but we will keep you all posted.

    Where did you hear that? It is normal and natural for women who spend a lot of time together to have their periods coincide. No medicine necessary.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  11. Hi wandmagicaustralia!

    The video was taken by a student from Louisiana State University's School for Mass Communication at a caucus night rally in Iowa on January 3rd.

    Thanks for reading!
    Lily and Ellie

  12. Yeah....I don't know about any "medicine" that's used to sink up periods, though I suppose contraceptive pills would allow for that (if they started taking traditional monophasic or triphasic pills at the same time), but considering the Duggar's stance on contraception, that seems highly unlikely. Also, women that live together in close proximity almost always end up with their cycles sinking up, so it's also highly unnecessary!

  13. Hi Lily and Ellie,
    Do you know what town the Duggars were in in Iowa?

  14. Poor Anna...she did look uncomfortable, but she handled it gracefully. It must be tiring to have people oogling you and your kids constantly.

  15. On a video, with michelle. Is where I heard it.

  16. Hi Brenda H!

    The photos can be found here:

    We are honored to have you as a reader,
    Lily and Ellie

  17. When the blog owners don't answer the favortism question, you know it's true. Poor Mac!

  18. Hi Anonymous! (at 4:33 PM)

    The Duggars spent much of their time in Des Moines and the surrounding area.

    Have a great week!
    Lily and Ellie

  19. Hi Anonymous (at 10:35 PM),

    That's not true. We cannot answer every question, and we also like to leave some inquiries open for our readers to respond. (You all have great insight.)

    Josh posts pictures of both his children. Take a look:

    ~Lily and Ellie

  20. Just want to remind everyone that this is a family site. For that reason, we cannot post comments with disrespect or any form or profanity. If you submit a comment that does not show up, please try rephrasing it, and we will happily reconsider posting it.

    Thank you,
    Lily and Ellie

  21. I love how wall the children behave Jim bob and Michelle have done a great job love the family values god blass all of you. Thank you kathie

  22. Michael is the favorite. That's because he is a boy. Anna plays favorites too, ever she was pregnant with mac she wanted a boy.

  23. They are not playing favorites!!! Michelle is there youngest right now and is growing fast and they want to capture the precious moments left of there sweet little baby boy before her turns into a man. Mec is a toddler right now not a baby. Anna is also giving Michael a bit more attention because he is still learning why not to do things that can harm him. Mec is much older and knows how to keep out of trouble. I should know I have a sister the same age and she dosen't need us to carry her, hand feed her, sit her up, open a a toy bin, or tell her not to eat the bug on the floor!

  24. Just leave the duggars alone. Just because the girls spend a lot of time with each other doesn't mean they have their period at the same time. I would love to be on 19 Kids And Counting. It's very rare to have a family with good morals.


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.