
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Duggars Expecting Baby 20!

Michelle Duggar is expecting her 20th child!

"We really are excited!" Michelle told Ann Curry this morning on the Today Show. "We are expecting our 20th child!" Blessing #20 is due in April.

"I don't know how it happened!" joked Jim Bob. "We just had one that got married, and he has his own family now, so we made room for another one." 

The Duggars are quick to say that "There's always room for one more." 

When asked if she is talking to her doctor about the complications of having a child at age 45, Michelle responded: "Definitely, yes." She and Jim Bob announced in February during our live interview that Michelle received an elliptical for her 44th birthday. She has been working out for 60 minutes, five to six days a week. 

On a scale of one to ten, how excited is the rest of the Duggar clan for this new addition? A ten, for sure!

Are Jim Bob and Michelle going to stop at 20? "I guess we will wait and see," says Michelle. "We would love however many the Lord sees fit to give us."

To hear what the expectant mother is doing to keep herself and the baby healthy, read "Michelle on a Healthy Pregnancy." 

How did Jim Bob and Michelle break the news to the rest of the Duggar family? Click here to find out!


  1. Big congratulations to the Duggars! I'm excited for them!

  2. Congratulations. I so much admire your faith in trusting God in "all circumstances." Praying for good health for Michelle and baby #20. Thanking you for letting your "lights shine before men, so God can be glorified." Blessings to you all.

  3. Congratulations to you! I look forward to hearing about your progress. I'll be praying for a safe and healthy delivery.

  4. Congratulations to you all! I will be praying for a safe and healthy delivery.

  5. AAAAAH!!!!!!! :D lets be sure to be praying for her!

  6. REALLY? I can't wait to see their little one in April. SO EXCITED!!

  7. Congratulations to you both and your entire family!

  8. Congratulations Michelle and Jim-Bob.

  9. I'm sorry, but isn't getting to be a bit scary with your age and how poor josie had such a hard time? Why risk it again, so much could go wrong.

  10. Michelle must be three months pregnant then. I am so happy for them! I hope its another girl to tie it. There wasn't a boy for a while. I mean in the immediate family. The youngest four are all girls.

  11. on the scale 1-10 i wil maybe a 10 because the duggar kids having little brothers or sisters

  12. Many congratulations to the Duggar bunch. I will be spending much time in prayer for Michelle, Jim Bob and baby "J" number 20.

  13. I am SO happy for them! :-) (and a bit jealous, lol!) May God continue to bless them always!

  14. That is soooo awesome!!!! My older brother and his wife are expecting their first baby in May!

    Rock on Duggars!

  15. I want you to know that seeing the faith your family has in every situation, gives me the strength to trust the Lord as I sit here waiting to have a biopsy. Congratulations!! And thank you for your inspiration!!

  16. Trust in God for all things. He has a plan for this child. Congratulations to Michelle and Jim Bob. I will say prayers for the health of mother and child.
    I think it is amazing that there is such a family 'in real life' and we can watch their wonderful life on TV. I thank them for showing us what a God led life can be. Amazing.

  17. There comes a time when you have to take natural measures to stop having children, when you are putting the child/Mom at risk. Look at what happened to Josie. What will happen with Michelle's blood pressure this time. How would Jim ever cope if he had a wife who had a stroke and was severely altered because of it. What if this child isn't as lucky as Josie. I am from a family where my Grammie had 19 children- so I know what it's like. I just pray for the health of both Momma and baby. But I also pray that the Duggars will no longer reproduce !!

  18. Congratulations! I enjoy how you and Jim Bob role model that the Lord knows how many children to bless a couple with.

  19. So disappointed in your news, I thought one of the older children was going to be getting married. I guess they will still be taking care of their siblings. Didn't Josie teach you anything.

  20. WOW!!! Amazing----I am sooooo happy for them!!!! I wonder what his/her name will be? I personally like Jacob or Julia :) How neat!!

  21. I love all of the Duggars! I believe you are the true reflection, in all areas of your lives, of Christ and His love. I would love to meet you all someday. I pray fervent bold prayers for Michelle's & new baby's health. God bless you, show you His favor in all areas of lives.

  22. I think it's asinine that all of the children need to schedule appointments to talk to their parents. The children coparent. It is the job of the parent to be the parent. It is the job of the child to be a child. We aren't kids for long. I resent my mother for having me take care of my younger brother. My though - if she is going to be the adult, she needs to act like the adult and take care of HER child that SHE created. The children didn't procreate or make this decision; therefore, they should not have to help in any way to take care of this out of control number of children. The ways people become famous anymore.

  23. I am so excited for the Duggars! Congrats Jim Bob and Michelle. Best wishes for a healthy and full term baby!

  24. congrats i love the show i am due in april with my second child

  25. congrats on number 20 i love your show i am on my second child i am due in april to..

  26. Congratulations Duggar family! Michelle-you are an inspiration! I am 42.5 and had my 2nd child one year ago--my husband and I are so hoping to be be blessed with another! I've had two pregnancies, both c-section. First emergency, 2nd planned. I think you will appreciate the planned, though it is strange to 'check-in' to give birth...

    Your successes give me strength! Take care.


  27. you 2 are like teenagers........Congratulations

  28. Congratulations to a beautiful family! We are so thrilled to hear the news!

  29. Congratulations! I pray for a term baby! My daughter was born December 29, 2010 at 29 weeks 1 day. She was 2 pounds 4 ounces. We spent Christmas and the new year in the NICU. Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and say congratulations on your up coming arrival. Children are such a blessing. My daughter is the only child I will ever be blessed with and I am so thankful for this miracle.

  30. i would think after the last birth, with many complications, they would have stopped. enough is enough! it's to the point of insanity..........

  31. so sad when so many adoptable children need homes! Adoption is the Lord's plan too ~ if you are Christian you are adopted!

  32. I love you Duggars for standing on your convictions, and for sharing WOTM tracts. God bless!

  33. Congratulations! I've been hoping for another blessing for you! I pray you have a safe pregnancy and delivery. Michelle, you are such an inspiration as a mother.

    I sort of want to do an "internship" of sorts with you to learn how you keep your faith and raise such an amazing family :-)

  34. I'm dissapointed to hear you're having yet another child ..... All that josie went through clearly taught you nothing ..... It's Gods Will for you to get pregnant yet again but its up to science to save that child from death ..... You should be ashamed to put another child at such a risk

  35. Congrats! Super excited for you!

  36. my babysitter's grand daughter is is going have her baby next week on 14th or 15th i cant wiat.


  37. Jim-bob i can understand being frugal, but do you think it is wise to buy your birth control at the dollar store?Big congratulations to the Duggars! I'm excited for them!

  38. At some point, parents have to use common sense. I don't mean this as a judgment but it seems that there is little in the way of parental responsibility when you are risking your life and the life of another child. Women were not made to have 20 children, that was clearly evident by what happened with your dear baby Josie. If Mother Duggar dies, she leaves 19 children as orphans. God did not intend women to do this to their children when you have a choice to not expose them to that risk. Your older children have had to take on the parenting responsibilities that you have shirked due to your need to have more children. They are not having a chance to be children because they are having to take on the role of parents to the younger children. I am praying that this decision of yours to not lead to disaster as I am worried it will.

  39. I love how God works things out! My understanding is that Josie's immune system would be down until she was 2. And God held off a baby for the Duggars until Josie didn't need quite so much time/ isolation/ attention. Isn't He great?

  40. I really do support them.I think theyre a wonderful family BUT reality check here....does that woman have a death wish.Seriously! You would think after the last one and all of the issues they would stop.I'm a doula and the reality is that a woman of her age is at huge risk of bleeding to death after birth and other major complications.Not to mention their risk of having a seriously deformed or down syndrome increases as well. Whats going to happen to that family if the momma is dead.The children become parents.Not good.! Sorry but Jim bob needs to get snipped.

  41. When I heard that they had a big announcement to make, I knew they were going to announce the baby on it's way. Anyways, congrats to the Duggar family! I really hope the baby will be healthy and happy when it is born! :) Praying for the baby and it's family.

  42. I'm sorry but all of you praising God for this "miracle" need to go back and read your bibles. God does not manipulate Jim-Bobs sperm and Michelle's eggs. He doesn't make people pregnant or cause infertility. That is all biology. God gave us all free will to make decisions and choose our paths. He does not control every aspect of our lives. Would you tell an infertile couple that God hates them? This couple's poor children have no childhoods. They are being made to become parents for their siblings. No one can honestly parent 19 children, let alone 20. When will these parents be responsible in all ways?

  43. So excited for them! I think that it is awesome that they aren't being selfish about the number of kids they are having! Many people don't want a lot of kids because it could mess up their 'perfect' lives. I see none of that in the Duggar's!

    -Anna Rose

  44. SO excited for you guys. Such great news to know that the Lord continues to bless you all. Being great stewards of what the Lord has given you helps SO many of us. Thank you for sharing your life with us and showing the world that FOLLOWING the Lord can be so rewarding!! Hugs from Sonya from Becoming a Strong Woman of God

  45. Wish I could say congratulations, but you two apparently do not know when to practice self restraint! From a Gynecological perspective, you are too old to continue to have children. I am surprised you have not had a uterine prolapse or perhaps you have and had a Uterine suspension done. You are not ONLY risking the child's life but your own. Think about leaving 19 children without a Mother. What is your roll as a Mother when your older children are raising the younger siblings. Maybe, God was trying to tell you something the last time.....

  46. Do yall stay closely in touch with the Bates family and how often do yall get to see them?

  47. Congratulations to you all! My grandmother, Leona, is the third oldest of 20 children. She is 101 years old and is in perfect health. She lives in Clarinda, IA and would be wonderful to talk with about her experiences growing up in a family of 20 children. My great grandmother Herzberg had her 20 children in 27 years and all lived to adult ages. You would love a conversation with her. Best wishes for your new baby!


  48. Congratulations Duggars!! Prayers for a wonderful and healthy pregnancy. God bless you all; thank you for letting your light shine so brightly.
    Godspeed ~ Melody

  49. Wow, Props to you and your husband for having the patience for that many kids. God has blessed you two to be able to provide for that many kids. Those Kids are so lucky to have good parents like you both. I hope this one is Healthy poor Josie at the begining of her life the hardships she and you all endured. Congrats on #20

  50. Yea!!! Congratulations and thank you, Duggar family, for being a great inspiration.

  51. do the kelly bates or the bates know that michelle duggar is going having her 20th child sholud i let kelly bates know


  52. I love you guys! (i just had my first!...litle girl) you are truly blessed! ...and a beautiful Godly example - thank you! :)

  53. Hi Anonymous (at 12:15 on Nov. 8)!

    The Duggars do keep in touch with the Bates. They visited them in Tennessee this summer.

    Thanks for reading!
    Lily and Ellie

  54. Hi Brittani!

    There's a good chance that the Bates already know. The two families are very close.

    Thanks for reading!
    Lily and Ellie

  55. Congratulations to all the Duggars, I'm so happy for them. It will be fun to see that Mackenzie and little Michael will have an aunt or an uncle younger than them. I hope that the pregancy will be safe for both mommy and baby.

  56. Schwab family, Carlisle, EnglandNovember 8, 2011 at 1:43 PM

    Michelle and Jim Bob, many congratulations on your little blessing!!! Praying for a healthy, full-term pregnancy, God Bless you all!


  58. Congratulations to the Duggar family!

  59. BATES - 19
    DUGGARS - 20
    Congratulations to all the Duggars!!!

  60. To all of you who keep saying Michelle is too old, a woman is not too old until her body goes through menopause and she is no longer fertile. If her body is still releasing eggs and she's having periods, then she's not too old! Congratulations to the Duggars!!

  61. I sincerely pray and hope that everything turns out good for your pregnancy. A child IS a celebration and a joy, ALWAYS. Pre-eclamsia is very serious, and I hope that you don't go through that again. At 45, pregnancies become risky, especially after so many births. Each time you are pregnant, when your placenta attaches to your uterus, after that pregnancy, that area can't be used again. Scar tissue also develops. It's just a huge risk. God be wtih you.

  62. My daughter died at 3 weeks old. You're having your 20th, sorry, but it's not fair!

  63. Congratulations! You are all very blessed.

  64. Congratulations to the Duggars! I'm so excited and happy for them.
    I know that they're walking an unpopular path, but I'm so very glad that they're willing to do it and to be in the public eye.
    Not all of us will be blessed to have 20 children, my dh and I have not used any form of artificial control and only have 5 children. Only the Lord opens and closes the womb and folks who believe differently are deceived. Ask any couple who desperately desires children but is unable to conceive in their own power. Also consider those who have chosen to use artificial forms of birth control or even sterilization and yet they end up pregnant once again.
    I was one of those babies. I was born 10 years after my mother was sterilized. I know several others who share similar stories. Only the Lord opens and closes the womb.


  66. Congratulations to the Duggars! God has truly blessed you for your faithfulness. Every pregnancy is different and you can have healthy full-term deliveries well into the late 40's even after a difficult one. Please be encouraged. Keep in mind to eat several extra snacks of protein and salt. Not enough salt and protein can precipitate Pre-eclampsia. If you wake up at night to use the restroom have a snack (ex: hard boiled egg with salt and glass of milk). I have had great success with this in preventing pregnancy difficulties including preterm labor. I feel sorry for the negative comments that you get and wonder at what difficult childhoods people must have had to be so down on your lovely example of great love, frugality, and wholesome family life!

  67. Congratulations to the Duggar Family! Praying God blesses you in every way!

  68. Nicole (I do blog, but not signed in)November 8, 2011 at 4:35 PM

    I don't see why people have to CONSTANTLY disagree with the Duggars!!!! I, personally, am a homeschool mom of twelve--yes, all biological--and I so admire Michelle Duggar and wish I had her patience. I agree with Rachel, personally. CONGRATULATIONS to the Duggars on their 20th!!

  69. I'm praying for a healthy baby and a healthy Michelle!

  70. Congratulations to the Duggars. What exciting news. If they have a girl they would be even, with ten of each, and Josie would be a big sister; I wonder what the majority of the children want?

  71. For all those who are griping about the older children raising the younger, how do you think people learn to raise children?! It's the way it's ALWAYS been done. It's only in this age of the selfish baby-boomers who want perpetual adolescence that a teen or young adult watching a younger sibling is frowned upon. Those elder kids are going to be experienced in taking care of kids. Get a grip.

    Michelle, I'll pray for you and your unborn baby's safety. Please take care of yourself!

  72. Of course every family has the right to as many children as they see fit.

    However, from a practical standpoint, 20 children are simply too many. Michelle's health will be compromised with this pregnancy as it was with Josie. The baby will likely also have compromised health.

    It is my impression that older children parent younger children in this family quite often. This is dangerous because then children are learning how to be parents -- when do they learn all the things children are supposed to learn? How will they thrive in society as adults if their only skill is parenting their younger siblings?

    The world is overpopulated and there is insufficient resources to feed everybody now. It will only get worse in time and advocating against birth control is irresponsible and selfish.

  73. congrats on your 20th baby michelle god blessed you very well and a great husband as well.i like your show alot i watch it as much as i can .i will keep you in my prayers for this new bundle of joy god bless you and the family eileen ramos

  74. Yay Duggars!! Congrats! The next family reunion t-shirt should read "Dozens of Duggars". You could put everyone's pictures in a egg carton pocket. = ) Love the show! So inspirational and uplifting.

  75. I personally think you are selfish to continue to have children when you have 19 others that need their mother as well as at least 1 grandchild. Josie's being unhealhty shold have been your first "sign" to stop having more children. Children are a gift from God, but there is a time to stop so that you are here to raise those gifts.

    I was 35 when my mother passed away and had a very hard time dealing with it, can you imagine how these children will handle it if the lose their mother because she selfishy got pregnant again.

  76. Congratulations! This little one is blessed to be born into this wonderful family! I was really disappointed in the negative comments from the Today Show. You all handled their negative questions with grace, good for you.

  77. Congratulations to the Duggars family!!!! They are a great family as well it was a lot of fun meeting your family in AR at Sams Club. From Matt Boekhout from Carbondale IL. P.S. I would like to have your address to send you my next year cake calendar to your family so my email is. or vist my website at If you want to call me you can as well. At 618-319-3339 thanks

  78. Congratulations!

    I think the baby should be called Jamy for cousin Amy. It works for a boy or a girl!

  79. I no longer have any respect for these two. Almost any child bearing woman can keep reproducing over and over again, it's not a special blessing that God has bestowed on the "Duggars" only. God gives a child to a man and woman to give there full time, attention and guidance to. There is no way that every one of their children get the attention from their parents that God expects them to give. Michelle gives birth to her baby and enjoys the la la land of a newborn then she gives it to an older daughter to raise. It's obvious and sad to watch and see that Michelle doesn't have a normal bond with any of her children. No matter what they say to justify having that many children they cannot erase the obvious that everyone sees when they watch their show. Their children do NOT get enough attention from their parents. You see the older daughters raising the the smaller children and that is wrong. It's not teaching the older daughters responsibility, it's taking away their youth. They are only children for a while then they have the rest of their lives to be responsible adults. Yes, I see very responsible and well behaved children when I watch this show, but I also see an emptiness ( especially with the small children) it's so sad to watch an older sibling run to them when they need something instead of their mother. I won't even go into the sheer ridiculousness of allowing another pregnancy after what happened with the last one. That alone speaks for itself.

  80. Most women if they chose to could have numerous children. Most women chose to give 100% of themselves to raising and caring for their children and that is why they don't have 20. There is no way that a woman with 20 children gives them the attention they truly need.

  81. Congratulations!!! We r praying for a healthy and happy pregnancy and delivery. We can't wait to hear how everything goes. Congrats again!!!

  82. CONGRATS! I'm so happy for the Duggar family! I'm sad that this is the season finale but the family needs their time to be a family so love and prayers from Charleston, South Carolina are sent to yall :)

  83. I read all the comments below. I can tell the "real" Christians. All babies are a gift from God. The one that irritated me the most was the statement insinuating God hates couples who cannot have their own children. God has another plan in store for those people. God did not create Birth Control. God created the Duggar's because they CAN financially afford their children ALL 20 OF THEM. If you think they "would do anything" for fame.... don't watch their show. At least they aren't asking for a handout from the government, like way too many other people do. Yes, it is a huge risk for Michelle and the new baby, simply due to her age. However, GOD does have a plan for them. I wish the Duggar's the best of luck with their newest addition, hoping for a healthy pregnancy and a full term baby. My only question? Are there any other "J" names left? There are hundreds!! Maybe you should start using "M" names- but I think your grandchildren are taking after your tradition with those! Just pick the right one.

  84. Congratulations to the Duggars!I pray that it will be a safe delivery for Michelle!!

    #1 FAN~ Katie

  85. I KNEW IT!!! Well, not really... I thought the news was that Jessa was engaged since I haven't really seen her in the recent episodes... LoL... but this is WONDERFUL NEWS AS WELL!!!

    Your family is amazing and I've been following you all for YEARS. I'm so happy Americans (and the world) have you all as an example to look towards amidst all the craziness that is "reality TV".

    May God continue to bless your ever-growing family. I ask that you also please pray for those of us who are still looking for the right person to marry so that we may start families of our own.


  86. I think you should name the baby Jillan Or Jenna or Jessica And boy name should maybe be Jake or Jeff

  87. Congratulations! I pray all goes well. Look forward to hearing of the new baby's arrival. God Bless.

  88. I heard about it and I am so excited!!Congratulations Duggar Family! Another wonderful blessing:)

  89. I just have to ask...what has to happen for you to believe that God wants you to stop having babies? I mean this in all seriousness. I watched your episodes with Josie being in the NICU...I had twins in the NICU for over 2 months fighting for their lives...every episode had me in tears.
    I have to wonder if maybe that was a sign...maybe God was trying to tell you that it's just not safe anymore. If you don't know what it looks like to be told to stop by God, which apparently you don't, since you haven't stopped...what is it that God would have to do to show you that you've had enough children?
    I have lived the NICU roller coaster, so please know that my question is sincere, and that I am not trying to be hurtful. I genuinely wonder what your belief is.

  90. Hi Matt Boekhout!

    We are thrilled to have you as a reader! We, Lily and Ellie, are a mother-daughter team. The purpose of the Duggar Family Blog is to provide factual, encouraging information about Jim Bob and Michelle and their 19 kids and to shed a positive light on their family. Our blog is not run by the Duggars, but you can email them at

    Have a great week!
    Lily and Ellie

  91. Congratulations !!!!

  92. Many well wishes coming from the Bakers in Alabama! God has blessed my husband and I with our first little one and s/he is due in April as well. We come from similar faith backgrounds as you seem to and look forward to God blessing yours and ours with as many gifts of life as he wishes.

    Our prayers are with you all,
    Eric and Jennifer Baker

  93. Congratulations Michelle! I pray for your healthy pregnancy and I can't wait to see baby #20 in April!

  94. Is impossible to give the needed atenttion to 20 children. Plus home schooling them! These kids don't know much about the real world the way they are being brought up. The Duggars live in their own bubble away from reality. They don't know society. No interaction at school with other kids, they don't go out to look for employment and deal with bosses and coworkers (they come up with their own business instead). They live in a fantasy world. What will happen when the parents die and the kids have to go out the real word? These kids will certainly struggle.

  95. Abstinence is a 100% effective method of natural family planning.

  96. Congratulations... But with trepidation, I worry how this pregnancy will progress, blood pressure, having a premmie, putting yourself at risk, when there are other children that need that their mother, the older children probably don't want their own children, due to the fact they are already mummy and daddy's to all the little ones. I understand and respect their beliefs for not watching TV, no dancing, but I would like to see the older ones do further education, becoming the midwives that they stated in a past season, dating, movies, all the normal things a young adult should be experiencing

  97. Congratulations Duggars!!

  98. what is it going to take for you to stop having children? If you really want more children why dont you just adopt? There wont be any health risks and you would be giveing a baby a home who might not have one other wise. Wish there was a like button on here for the people who agree with me.

  99. Maybe JimBob should quit being so selfish. If you don't want to use birth control than quit having sex for your own gratification because you are risking your wife's health and the unborn child and your children are having to parent your children because there are too many for you to do so. I saw one of your boys roll his eyes when asked what they thought about having another one. There pat answers don't fool me. I am sure some of them resent it and feel burdened. IF you don't use birth control you get pregnant unless you have a physical problem. God gave us wisdom and modern medicine to use at our discretion. I personally think you are being selfish, self centered and unwise.

  100. Yayy!!! This is so exciting! I really hope and pray this pregnancy will have less complications than the last pregnancy! Hooray!! :D

  101. Congratulations on your new blessing from God. Praying for your family and for everything to be easy this time. I loved your new book and appreciate your inspiration. I found lots of inspiration I could put into practice in my own family. Your kids are amazing. I know that is because their parents are truly following God. Blessings to you and your family. We are excited to hear what the next J name will be. Congratulations!

  102. Many, many congratulations to you all! No doubt this Duggar will be fearfully and wonderfully made. Sending many well wishes and prayers your way!

  103. Amazing - what an irresponsible and selfish attitude in an already too big family and in our overpopulated world! If you want more children, adopt some.


  104. Well I certainly hope this child learns how to dance in life. Dance is a form of self expression. To deny someone of that right is horrible and being a psychology major, I see this as form of abuse.

  105. If Michelle had has a girl the name should be Jeanine Rose, if it is a boy the name should be Jonathan Isaiah.

  106. As we all now know, this new baby did not survive. I am very sorry for the families loss.

    There have been many negative comments posted here....It is JimBob and Michelle's business how many children they have. They consider them blessings and by all standards seem to be doing a fine job of giving all of them the love and guidance they need to become productive and healthy adults.

    We don't have to agree with their choices, I have never heard the Duggar's say anything negative about the choices others make.

    Again, I am sorry for the families loss.


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.