
Monday, November 21, 2011

Giveaway: Ending Soon!

Have you entered our latest giveaway? Only a few days to go!

Enter to win the complete second season of 18 Kids and Counting on DVD! With over seven hours of family-friendly episodes (including two bonus specials), this three-disc set will provide entertainment for all ages!
Keep reading to find out how to enter...


Post a comment answering the following question: How long have you known about the Duggars?

For optional extra entries, do one or more of the following. (Each option must be submitted as an individual comment in order to count as an additional entry): 
  1. Become a Google Follower of the blog, and leave a comment on the blog letting us know. If you were already a follower, please leave a comment as well.  
  2. "Like" the Duggar Family Blog Facebook page, and leave a comment letting us know. If you were already a fan, please leave a comment as well. 
  3. Write a post about this giveaway on your website or blog, and leave a comment letting us know. Must include the URL of your post that mentions our giveaway. 
  4. Become a follower of DuggarBlog on Twitter, and leave a comment letting us know. If you are already a follower, please leave a comment as well.  
  5. Sign up for email updates, and leave a comment letting us know. If you already receive email updates, please leave a comment as well.    

To qualify for the giveaway, you must include your first name and last initial in each comment.

We need a way to contact the winner, so include your email address in one of your comments, or send your email address to (along with your first name and last initial). If you are the winner, we will shoot you an email asking for your shipping address.

To qualify, all comments must be posted to this blog. They will not be accepted if they are posted to Facebook or Twitter. 
In the event that the prize becomes unavailable, we reserve the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value.
Giveaway ends Friday, November 25th, 2011 at 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST.
Ready, Set, GO!


  1. I've known about the Duggar's since their first TV special!!!

    Melanie C.

  2. I liked the page on FB!

    Melanie C.

  3. I follow you on twitter!!

    Melanie C.

  4. I heard about the Duggars about 7 years ago. My husband found a very negative article about a family with "16" kids. We were appalled by what this guy said and were happy for this family of 16 :)

  5. long have I known about the Duggars? I'd say since their first show they did for Discovery, whenever that was. I have 3 kids of my own so everything kind of runs together nowadays :).

    Amy A.

  6. I have known about the Duggars for a year or two. My mom showed me their website and pictures of their house. I started watching their shows this year. They are so nice!!!!
    Kaitlyn C. (

  7. I started watching the Duggars when it was just a one time show. I think they had 12 children then...maybe 14. I just love them and am so thankful for the encouragement they bring our family. They help me to realize that raising godly children is truly possible. :-)

  8. I have been following the family for a long time now and plan to follow them in years to come. They are an inspiration to me, One day I hope that I will have a big family like that and do all the amazing things they do. Keep up the good work Duggar Family. Congradulations Michelle on the 20th Pregnancy, I am happy for you :)

    P.S. Liked on Facebook & Blog

    Kendra H.

  9. I've known about the Duggar's for about a year. Your family is a great blessing to many. Praise Jesus for the opportunity He has given to you in this hour!

  10. I also like to follow you on FB!

  11. We found out about them last summer.


    Thank you!

  12. I first read about the Duggars in Parents magazine.


  13. I've known about them since they were 18 and counting! =)

    Maria M.

  14. I've known about the duggars from since Johannah was born- I came across a news item about it online so I looked them up. Have followed them ever since.

    I already receive the email updates

    Sarah H

  15. I've known about the duggars since 14 kids and pregnant again was first shown in the UK. Lexie T. email

  16. I signed up for email updates. Lexie T.

  17. I have known about the duggars since their first tv special.

  18. I follow the duggars on the blog.

    Amanda Johnson

  19. I liked the page on facebook.

    Amanda Johnson

  20. I follow on twitter.

    Amanda Johnson

  21. I'd say about since their first show they did for Discovery. About five years.

    Lulu L.

  22. I heard about the Duggars around 2009. Amanda S

  23. My family found out about the Duggars after Josie was born. My parents were at the hospital with my baby brother who was in NICU approximately around the same time Josie was. We started watching their shows on DVD, as we do not watch or own television. The Duggars have been role models in our family. We got to meet them recently and they are a very sweet, kind family. go Duggars!!!

  24. I have known of the Duggars for about 5-6 yrs. We don't have tv/cable so we haven't seen any of their shows just the 2-4 min. segments they show on the TLC/Discovery site.

    Brenda F.

  25. My husband and I started watching you duggars 4 yrs ago. We have been inspired and encouraged in countless ways! What a wonderful thing that your family can be an example of a christian home to others! We have even been inspired to let god choose the size of our family even though others might not understand our decision we know you do!

  26. I have actually known about the duggars since they started their TV career, they are very interesting and I've never missed an episode!

  27. I liked your blogs Facebook page.
    Brenda F.

  28. I first heard of the Duggars when Jennifer was born. Kay S (you have my email address from previous messages)

  29. I have been watching the show for about 7 years ago.I watch the show in the UK,and I never miss an episode.Ever since I watched 14 Children and Pregnant Again!. I was thrilled to hear that baby number 20 is on the way.

  30. I follow the Duggar Family Blog on Google friend connect.
    Alesia H


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