
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Duggars: 20 and Counting!

Have you heard the big news? Michelle Duggar is expecting! Baby 20 is due in April 2012.

Watch this video to see what the proud parents have to say about their new addition:

Video no longer available
How did Jim Bob and Michelle break the news to the rest of the Duggar family? Click here to find out!


  1. WOW...I wonder what names are left? Juan?

  2. maybe you have us fans of the duggars put some j names in puts for baby 20.


  3. You all are so very blessed:-) My husband and I have tried for so long to have children. We lost two and they say my tubes are closed. I pray all the time for a child. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!God is so GOOD!!!!! Here is an awesome Duggar "J" name If you are blessed with Girl #10:

    My youngest Grandaughter she is AMAZING!!!

    Love all the Duggars!!!

  5. CONGRATS u guys!! you guys seem like great parents and i wish u all the best!

  6. for boys i will pick jacob and for girls i will have chose julie.


  7. Do you think your insides could handle anymore wear and tear? Come on now we know you have the money to have them all but there are alot of us out here who can barely make ends meet. Sometimes I think the kids do most of the taking care of the little ones. How come Michelle doesn't let the real her show, I know she has some yelling and anger in her but she hides it. It's going to catch up to her one day, no ene can deal with that all the time and be soft spoken it is not normal.

  8. Jobe, Julie, Jackie...that's all I can think of right now. But Jobe is a great name - it's my last name! I can't wait to see the new episodes!

  9. Would like to say Congrat's. to you both, and to your whole family. Please don't let the negativity let you down, people don't have anything else to do. May God Bless You and Help You through the times that are needed.

    Jasmine,or Jamie,Jacqueline some good names

  10. I have suggestions for baby "J" names:

    For a girl: Julia Rose

    For a boy: Judson "Jud" Benjamin

    The reason I choose Julia Rose is because I like that name and they thought that Josie would be their last baby. That baby will definitely be a Rose.

    The reason I choose Judson Benjamin is because that was supposed to be Jackson's name and I like that name. I found that out on "14 Children and Pregnant Again!"
    I like the name Jackson too, but this one is especially dear to me because I found out about an angel in heaven that was named Judson.
    He wasn't even three when he was welcomed into the arms of our Savior, Jesus Chirst. He had a rare disease called Krabbe disease. There are two different onsets of the disease: infantile and late onset. In the infantile form, you usually die before the age of two. You appear fine at birth, but the symptoms show up four to six months after. The later onset usually progresses slower. You usually die before age eight. In the late onset of the disease, symptoms appear after the age of two. Judson (not the Bates youngest), had the late onset form of Krabbe, but he passed away five months after the diagnosis. He lost the abilty to walk or stand, to see, to speak, and the ability to use his critical functions. He had severe leg spasms and irritability, but he never lost his simile and he continued to reveal the presence of God till his passing. He was so loving towards his younger sister, Jessie. Here is the link where you can learn more about who he was:
    This illustrates that all children are a blessing! I am praying that Michelle's pregnancy goes well and the baby is healthy.

    God bless! I hope this brightened your day :)

  11. First and Far most I want to say Congrat's to Michelle And Jim. I am so happy . Please don't let them negative people get you down, they have nothing else better to do. Thats why our world is falling apart to much negativity!!! So keep your chin up, and May God Bless.And May Sh or He be Healthy and Be Strong..


  12. I wish you well considering the problems with the last pregnancy, but I also have concerns which I am sure will not be allowed viewed. In this day and age with so many struggling and over population and over use of resources I think it is irresponsible to have this many children and to profit from this. Kudos to you though for finding someone else to fund your life style.

  13. i just found out from family my babysitter's family that my babysitter grand daughter nicole had her daughter early this moringing her name is Brilynn rae she 7lbs 7oz and she is the 5ht great grand child in my babysitters family so she was born novmber 8,2011.


  14. I love this show and Im only 14! I have watched this show from the time they were just a special on tlc! Now they have there own show!

  15. Wow. The news is amazing and very exciting!
    Congratulations, i wish you well. What a precious gift the lord has given you and your family

  16. wow!!! I am so excited! I would say either Jenelle, or Jackylynn if its a girl or Jacob or Jasper if its a boy.... I will try to think of more...:)

  17. poor josh and anna especially anna :( its like michelle is making it into a competition... well thats my view anyway... anyway names... jemima? jasmine? jade? jet? jewel? Jed? Jeremy? Julian? April? Ramon? haha lol

  18. Congratulations!!! Another precious gift from God. Can't wait to see him/her on future episodes. Your family is a beautiful faith-filled example for everyone.

  19. I hope they name the next baby Juliet if it's a girl :)

  20. If it's a girl, i really like the name Jayne :).

  21. God Bless You Duggars! That is WONDERFUL news!!! Crystal I too suffered from infertility problems! Keep praying! I prayed 15 novenas! We now have 4 beautiful babies! A 7-year old, 2-year old, 1-year old, and a newborn. Babies are such a blessing! Keep trying and never give up!

  22. god gave my babysitters family blessing this morning my babysitter's grand daughter had her 2nd daughter this morning.


  23. Congratulations!! May God continue to bless your family :) My husband and I also believe all children are a gift from god .. We both come from big families.. I am the oldest of 9 and he is the second youngest of 12.. We are a young family with so far 4 daughters ages 10,9,5 and 3. Which we thank god for each day.. If we will have anymore that is all up to god :) We believe that each child has brought more blessing to our family and god gives us strength to have time for each one ... Your family is definitely an encouragement for our family. Our daugthers love watching your show .. God Bless You

  24. What an awesome God we have! Anyone who has been blessed with children knows that God has to be in control. We are thankful for our children and will be praying for you all!

    Jeremiah 29:11

  25. Congratulations! Best wishes for a wonderful pregnancy and healthy baby. Maybe a Julia or a Jacob this time?

  26. I'm rejoicing with the Duggars over this wonderful news!

    I love the name Jubilee for a girl and Joel for a boy

  27. Congrats I hope there are "J" names left I have a great boy name;Jeffrey

  28. Congratulations!! Praying for a safe pregnancy for you Michelle. The Lord has blessed you guys immensely.

  29. I didn't even realize you guys had a blog, I am now following.
    Was wondering something. I don't know where I read it before, in your book on a site, not sure think at the end of the one book, but you had shared a story about not wanting to miss any of God's blessings for you which is why you don't use Birth control or one of the reasons I guess. Was wondering if you could let me know where I could find that, if you understand what I am asking.

  30. I am delighted with you, Michelle and Jim Bob! You encouage me, and I love to engage others in discussing your special family.

  31. Congratulations. Who better to have so many blessing than such a godly family. I just wish there was a way to teach all the young parents your wonderful gifts in child rearing.

  32. H kewkew!

    We are thrilled to have you as a reader! Our blog is not run by the Duggar family. We, Lily and Ellie, are a mother-daughter team. The purpose of the Duggar Family Blog is to provide factual, encouraging information about Jim Bob and Michelle and their 19 kids and to shed a positive light on their family.

    The Duggars believe that each child is a blessing from God, and they are leaving the size of their family up to Him. You can read more about their decision here:

    Have a blessed day!
    ~Lily and Ellie

  33. Duggars, I am so happy for you all.
    I found out this morning on the computer that you are having another one. We(my mom and 5 of my 7 siblings and I) prayed for you during our school Bible time.(I am home schooled)We prayed that the enemy would not attack you and if he did that you would stand firm in God. I know you probably get a lot of negative comments. But I just pray that you would stand firm in God and never fall away. Blessing to you all, Marylynn age 16

  34. In my last post, I said that Jackson was going to be called Judson Benjamin. He was actually going to be called Judah Benjamin. I like both of those names, but I like Judson Benjamin better.

  35. Carrie/Sioux City IowaNovember 8, 2011 at 7:42 PM

    I want to say that I am very happy for your whole family. I want you to know that when it comes to those people out there that say mean & hurtful things just pray for them. People don't realize that there is so much hate in the world that really all we need to do is just not judge people & what they do, I just want everyone to be happy. I really hope that one day soon I can experience what it is like to have a baby, I am 33 years old and love kids but have none of my own, I would love nothing more to have at least one baby. So if I can see a family that I know will LOVE this baby like yours it makes me very happy. So Duggar family Congratulations.

  36. Boy name: Jesse
    Girl name: Joyce

  37. Congratulations! I am so happy for y'all!

  38. dear michelle, jim-bob and family. congratulations on your family's big news. wishing health, happiness and full-term to mom and baby! god bless.

  39. I also had some names. Jenel and Jolene. Those are my sisters names. :) And I really like them. Oh! I also like Jocelyn witch is my cousins name and I like Jaalynn witch is a close friend of mines name.


  40. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! MIchelle and Jim Bob you are in my prayers. We watch your show a lot and just want you to know that you are in goods hand form the begging until the end of the pregnancy! You will be in ours prayers!

    I have names for the baby:

    Girl names: Jillian Marie,Jenna Elizabeth,or Jaelyn Paige!

    Boy Names: Jacob Levi,Jonathan Michael,or Jim Bob Robert Jr.!!

    With love,
    Rebecca Snead! :)

  41. Congratulations!!!! #20!!!

    Do any of your children want to attend university. Michelle has done an amazing job raising and educating them.

  42. Congratulations to the Duggar family! Praying for a blessed and healthy pregnancy and delivery for the newest little Duggar :)

    kimB from Alaska

  43. Praying for a healthy little one. Congratulations.

  44. Congrats on the new baby perhaps you will consider Jadon or Julia as baby names. I have a gut feeling this one is a boy!

  45. Isn't it time to let josh and Anna have the limelight and to just enjoy their granchildren?

  46. This is almost becoming cult like! These poor children have been brainwashed into thinking this is the norm ! To take such risks - for both baby & mom- is irrational, irresponsible & insane. I believe there needs to be legal action taken to stop this family from reproducing any longer ! They are knowingly & intentionally bringing a life into this world possibly handicapped in numerous ways from day one ! That in my book is a crime !

  47. I am very excited for your family. Michelle- wishing you a safe, healthy and happy pregnancy. Keep up with that elliptical, you are a superstar!

  48. Yay, so exciting! My prayers will be with them during this special time.

  49. Hi Anonymous! (Nov. 8 at 9:16PM)

    Some of the older Duggar kids are in the process of earning their accredited degrees through CollegePlus! We have written several posts about that, including an exclusive message from Jill about her studies:

    Thanks for reading!
    Lily and Ellie

  50. When are you going to stop having children? You have a grandchild. Your getting to old to keep having children. Give your body a break. And besides you cant give quality time with each one.

  51. Congrats on the new addition to your family! I would like to see one of their kids become a scientist, lawyer, president, congressman/congresswoman, or astronaut someday! It'd be awesome if it was one of the girls!

    God bless!

  52. God bless your family, you two are a Godly example to the world. You show the world how to live life and love each other, with so many neglectful and abusive parents in todays culture your family is letting it's light shine before men to glorify your Father which is in heaven!Congratualtions on the coming baby, Jodi Rose is for a girls name and Jessyn for a boy!

  53. The first thing that popped into my mind: "Justice" Lilly & Ellie, please pass this along to my sister in the Lord-Michelle Dugggar.

  54. Congrats!!! You are a wonderful example to the rest of America.

  55. Dear Duggar family I'm so proud knowing theirs ppl like yu in our world I've got 3 of my owe now a grandmother,here w/ GOD yu r blessed once again.yu proven to the world with GOD all things r possible. Mrs Michelle yu've gave me faith to believe with God,prayers'blessings, everything can change ya all changed me One day I would love to met ya all to thank u for sharing yu life and helping me to see the more faith yu have in GOD the more likely yur life will change I would love to talk to yu,visit to share some of my life with yu and to thank yu all for helping me to improve my life thank yu I wish I could leave my number but I'm sure yud understand why I can't but mayb yu'll leave blog for us to talk and maybe yu'all can come to Aberdeen Maryland we could show yu around and after all Maryland has the best seafood esp the blue crabs waterfronts and proving grounds w/alot of facts from differt arra from ww 1 and ww2 so if There's a way for me to leave number so yu can call let me kn.God Bless and may God watch over all ya best wishes Recie

  56. I just love them. That's awesome! I am so excited for them! :)

  57. Come on people, enough already. Wasn't Michelle's and the baby's health in jeopardy the last time? I know God is watching over you, but I would think he would want you to consider your health and that you would be around to care for the children you already have. Rejoice in the family you have been blessed with and use the common sense God has given you.

  58. I wish you guys the best I really do...but concerned I god. I feel sorry for the kids...

  59. I am was so sad watching the news yesterday at the reaction of folks at your wonderful news. I am due in May with my 5th child and I pray that I am half as wonderful as a parent as you guys are. We too home school and try to raise our kids in a proper way, but it is not always easy.

    Any how, my point here is to offer you my support and to tell you how wonderful I think you all are and how my family and myself look up to you all.

    May God continue to bless you all!

    Katie C

  60. it actually makes me sad that you are bringing more children into this world when you don't have time for the ones you have. You have said the older kids are assigned a younger sibling don't you think that you should be doing the parenting and let your kids be kids. God wouldn't want you to put yourself in harm's way and what about all those people that can't have children? There you are showing off all your kids and wow you get paid to have them too!!shame on you

  61. Congratoulas to Michelle and Jim Bob on God's gift number 20.I am praying for a fullterm pregnacey and a healthy baby.

  62. My chocies for names are:
    Julia Helen
    Jessica Renee
    Jacob Abraham(after 2 bibalic figues
    Joel Anthoney

  63. großartig!!!! Eine Großfamilie ist sowas schönes und ich muss es ja schließlich wissen, denn ich bin auch in einer Großfamilie aufgewachsen.(11 Geschwister)

  64. thanks for presenting the world with godly children and godly parenting, who CAN make a difference. God has made a world big enough for all of them.

  65. omg
    this is so wonderful
    i hope it will be a really cool and awesome "j" name

  66. I hope that the other 19 children don't have to lose their Mom from the risks you are taking having another child. Selfish???
    Have you ever thought about this Michelle?
    I think you recieved a warning with Josie, it was time to stop.
    For a boy's name how about Justdone!!

  67. Hallo!

    Elf Geschwister! Sie wissen es naturlich.

    Grüsse von,
    Lily und Ellie

  68. Congratulations!!! Your kids are wonderful and welcome additions to our world. They are such good citizens who will grow up and make the world a better place. I am so glad that you don't let negative comments deter you from doing what you believe is right. Michelle is a wonderful example to me of finding joy in motherhood with my 8 kids. Here's a girl "j"name for you. It's mine and I secretly hope you use it!! It's Jaydee

  69. Congratulations,The Great Good God,Our heavenly Father has surely been so good to you.I always keep in mind what he told Abraham,that his descendents would be as the sand of the sea.I am the eldest of 10 and our Mother applied many of the ways you do to our upbringing and we have done the same and all have happy families and are still close.I have recently become a greatgrandmother,so our next generation is on the way.may God's lovingkindness continue for all of you Joy Morris Eleebana NSW Australia

  70. Congrats to you all.

    Some baby names I thought of:

    Julie Hope
    Jared Benjamin
    Joel-Paul Malachi

  71. Boys:



  72. Wow what amazing new's I wish you the best of luck to your new baby girl or boy.

    Here are some names

    Hope you like them :) wish you all the best.

  73. Wish you the best here are some names



    Hope you like them good luck threw this pregancy.:)


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