
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Interview with Michelle & Anna: Recording

Just finished our third interview with Michelle (and our first time chatting with Anna)! Thanks to all of our readers who tuned in and to those who participated in the live chat. If you couldn't tune in live, click here to listen to the recording. Enjoy, and let us know what you think!


  1. HI Lily and Ellie!! What a great interview...of course it was too short :) Thank you for being such a great resource for accurate Duggar info...its a true blessing. I really want to know where this out of country trip is!!! I'm from Canada, so I hope its here :) Blessings,


  2. It was such a great interview and I learned a lot about The Duggar family that I didn't yet know. Like about the girls PJ's and stuff.

  3. Just finished listening. Gosh Michelle has such wonderful advice for moms and wives. I'd love to just follow her around for a while picking her brain!

  4. Wonderful interview, I could sit and listen to the Duggar women answer questions all day!! I'd also like to that you for asking my question it really made me feel like my participation to your blog counts!! Thanks ladies:)

  5. Great interview! I love how you really got into some of the details with Michelle and Anna.

    Michelle really does point out that parenting is challenging and that we need to keep our eyes on the ultimate goals for our children.

  6. Hi and thanks for picking my question(I am the one from Austria)
    I was so happy about this and boy how I wish they come to Europe!

  7. I just listened to it! Thank you for asking my question! Does anyone know what the PJ's that the girls wear are called? Thanks!

  8. I will listen to the interview. I had a question but forgot to post it. For furture reference, my question is this for Michelle: After so may years of childbearing, how do you approach the time when you will never again have a newborn of your own in the home and never again be pregnant? At this point, it could happen again, but maybe not. Is it hard to face the end of your own childbearing years?

    Thank you so much for this blog. Very interesting.

  9. I FINALLY just listened to the recording of the radio interview, and it was great! It was really neat to actually hear one of the questions I submitted asked! I will be trying Michelle's answer: Quick Chili-Frito pie, for dinner! I did find the recipe in their first book. -Lily & Ellie: Maybe the next time you post a recipe to the blog, it can be Quick Chili-Frito pie :)

  10. I really loved the interview and was thankful that you all and they were able to do it. They are a really encouraging family. One thing that really stands out with them is not only their strong faith but their love for eachother.
    Angel in PA

  11. wonderful interview... what a blessing...
    Angel in PA

  12. Glad you all enjoyed the interview!

    Lily and Ellie


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