
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Duggar Dental Drama

Remember back in 2009 when Jana and Jill had their wisdom teeth removed in "18 Kids and Counting," Duggars Under the Knife? It's now time for four more Duggars to have dental surgery. Watch as Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, and Josh head to the dentist together to have their wisdom teeth pulled! But right at the last minute, Josh and Joseph make a mistake that causes a some dental drama.

Tune in to TLC tonight at 9PM EST/8PM CST for "19 Kids and Counting," Duggar Dental Drama.

Have you had your wisdom teeth removed?


  1. Yes, I have had my wisdom teeth removed. I was 16 years old at the time, and I ended up having them removed just a week and a half before Christmas.

    I had my wisdom teeth out more than 2 years before seeing the episode where Jill and Jana have their wisdom teeth surgery. But I was comforted to know that Jill and I had the same worry with being put to sleep and just not knowing about that hour of our lives.

    I'm interested how it goes for the next four Duggars!

  2. I haven't had mine removed yet, but my brother had his taken out when he was 15.

  3. I had mine out when I was 17. Thankfully, they weren't impacted, so it wasn't a big deal.

  4. I haven't had mine out yet, but I'm sure I will have to at some point. I have a friend who just had hers extracted a few weeks ago; she had six, and they were all impacted! And then I have another friend who genetically has no wisdom teeth.

  5. I got my wisdom teeth taken out after the episode had aired in december of 2009 and I was 17. They did not let me keep my teeth like Jana and Jill got to because they were considered hazardous material since they had blood on them and needed to be disposed in a certain way.

  6. I was 20 when mine had to come out. All 4 were impacted and when I got to the office they said it had to be done at the hospital because I would have to be asleep for too long for the surgeon's office. But I had no insurance so... They gave me a lot of Novocaine and a couple of tranquilizers (on an empty stomach since the plan was that I would be put to sleep).

    Well, I was so loopy I didn't care what they were doing; I could feel the pressure but no pain. I clearly remember trying to spell the letters of the alphabet while they were pulling my teeth and stitching me up. Weird! All went well, but I sure was silly.

  7. i had my wisdom teeth taken out when i was 19 years old. i wanted to be put to sleep but my parents were working and i had to drive myself back home. all four of mine were taken out quickly and for a few days my face was swollen too.

  8. Yes, I have had all four of my wisdom teeth removed, don't worry it isn't to bad

  9. Thankfully I haven't had my wisdom teeth removed. My dentist recently told me that I won't need to get mine removed. Praise God! I am very much like Jill in that I am absolutely terrified of dentists and needles and that sort of thing. I even burst into tears when my mom tells me that I have a regular cleaning appointment. It just terrifies me.

  10. Mine were horizontally impacted with the jawbone affecting removal. I put it off for years until one popped through and broke off. It was so painful, there wasn't time to schedule surgery or sedation. My dentist wouldn't touch them, referred me to an oral surgeon who yanked them right there in his office with novocane. He stitched me up and I drove myself there and back! Used ice and a soft pillow afterword with some swelling and bruising. The worst part of the extraction was the tugging and the sounds. Wasn't as bad as I was expecting but then again, I was RELIEVED of a great deal of pain so they kind of equalled themselves out! Very interested to find out how everyone does on the show tonight!

  11. Haven't yet, I'm 21 and they're still unerupted. I'm a flute player at the University level, so every time I see my dentist I'm always going "WHAT DO MY WISDOM TEETH LOOK LIKE?!!!" because it could mean up to 3-4 weeks of messed up playing, and I have to plan around that. So far though, they're covered in the bony casing, so my dentist keeps telling me to just wait and when they either start erupting or start causing problems ( I have a small jaw) then I'll get them removed. Annoying though because likely they'll decide to erupt in september or something and I will have to live with them causing issues for months. My flute teacher may be able to say that she was back playing her flute the same day, but I wager most of us won't be so lucky!

  12. I just got a wisdom tooth removed today! :P I am still in a bit of pain, but I'm told I did really well... ;)

  13. Yes, I've had mine out too, and my face was black and blue for a week!

  14. I had them out when I was 18, pretty standard removal. Hope the recovery goes well for the Duggars!

  15. I had my wisdom teeth removed when I was twenty. I was so sick when they removed my bottoms that they had to wait a couple of weeks to have my tops removed. I had to have my bottoms removed because they were abscessed. We knew my wisdom teeth needed removed when I was seventeen but we didn't. They just shot me up with a needle. That is my wisdom tooth story.

  16. Yes, I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed in December 2005. It went smoothly, and I had a very uneventful recovery. :)

  17. Anyone notice that jessamine was wearing a star of David necklace in the beginning of the episode? Wonder why.

  18. Yes, I was a teenager and my brother was with me - he was so upset at how I looked and acted afterward that he threatened to beat up the doctor. I was not a pretty site.


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