
Friday, June 3, 2011

This Just in: Duggars at Niagara Falls!

Earlier today, the entire Duggar clan, along with the Bontrager family, toured the majestic Niagara Falls. The day's festivities included a wet but thrilling ride on the Maid of the Mist and an even wetter, but just as fascinating, tour of the Cave of the Winds.

The Duggars enjoy field trips, but there was something extra special about this excursion: Josie joined in on the fun! This memorable day at the falls was Josie's first time traveling with the family.

Have you been to Niagara Falls?


  1. A couple of weeks ago my oldest daughter and her husband went to niagara falls, but I've never been . They live in upstate NY.

  2. I'd love to go someday; it looks beautiful!

  3. Oh, how fun! Thanks for sharing the news with us and posting the video.

    I went to Niagara Falls in 1997 and really enjoyed it!

  4. Its cool that little Josie is proving everyone wrong after being born so young. She is proof that God is real and so is the power of prayer. She is a cute and happy baby. Josie is a fighter!

  5. Okay, sorry... I'm just jealous.. LOL... really I am... I have always wanted to go there... My husband's parents honeymooned there... the video clip was so cute... so glad others are getting on the bandwagon with celebrating families again... I was more than a little shocked to hear Josie talk... she is growing up quick... thanks for the clip...

  6. Well that might explain why I got no response from them when I sent an e-mail earlier last week. LOL I hope they had a wonderful time in Niagara. That's my homeland and it's so beautiful up there :-)

  7. We went a long time ago, the mid 1960's as a family. We went to the park above the falls which was really neat. The stuff it the clip looks like great fun, too.

    When I was in college, the theater technicians would go to the falls late at night after finishing a set removal. They would wait and watch sunrise at the falls and then drive back to school (about 3 hours each way). I never went but I donated to food and gas several times :)

  8. Not the NY Niagara Falls, but I have been to the Niagara Falls in Ontario, Canada. Thanks for showing this clip. I hope their travels over the week are safe, and I pray especially for Josh and Anna as their due date is getting a lot closer

  9. My husand and I were there just yesterday for our anniversary!!! I bet you they were still there. We only live 2 hours from the falls (in Canada)...I've wanted to meet them for so long and I came soooooo close!! Oh well :)

  10. I have never gone to Niagara Falls, But I would like to someday, It looks like a lot of fun!!


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