
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Shop 'Til You Drop: Duggar Style

"Buy used and save the difference" has been the Duggars' motto for years, but during their recent mission trip to Central America, their mantra temporarily became "buy new and save the difference." The prices were so cheap that Jim Bob and the kids were able to purchase bags full of souvenirs for a fraction of what they would cost in America. Watch the Duggars pick out gifts for Michelle, Josie, and other family members and friends at a boutique in Honduras.



  1. I absolutely love to buy used, but I need to work on "saving the difference". :)

  2. We check our favorite thrift stores before making purchases at a regular store. We love vintage furniture, gently worn jeans and all the amazing "finds" we make when we really look.

  3. I totally agree with HuetherGirl! LOL! I buy used, I now have on a great Good will outfit. Shirt cost me 29 cents. Yay! But saving the difference, nope.

  4. Honduras is not South but Central America.


    Carla from Buenos Aires

  5. Sorry about that, Carla! The video says "South America" and "Honduras," but we shouldn't have made the same mistake.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  6. Of course I buy used! It's a great way to not only save money, but also help the environment!! :)

  7. Cute Maracas for Josie!!

  8. I love thrift store shopping as well as pawn shops and it would not be summer without garage sale hunting right? I love saving money on great stuff. Besides Thrifts are more fun to shop at then Wal-Mart or the mall. Right?

  9. This is off topic but does anyone know where the Duggars got the time line hanging up in their house. I'm assuming it's world/US history or possibly a Bible time line? Thanks!

  10. I've been tending to find 'new deals' simply because with 2 sets of twins, they were all under 4 years old when they were born, and taking time to sift garage sales and thrift stores is near impossible with 4 little kids.
    It was much easier to shop online to find deals - use coupons I get via mail or email. Or I will shop outlets occasionally when we need clothes, the prices are reasonable and you can usually find what you need without spending hours sifting - plus, since I will have at least 4 kids going through the clothes, I don't mind buying items that are not worn to begin with.
    My mothers of multiples club sale has been great for buying used because it is only 2 times a year and I get to go without the kids and they have EVERYTHING. I usually wait for that to buy big ticket items.

  11. We definitely buy used...we wouldnt have it any other way! One person's trash is another's treasure!

  12. Um...I'd say a little bit of both. I love to shop and find bargains at thrift stores and garage sales and things...but I must confess, every once and awhile I do like to go out and splurge a little on some new things.

  13. I need to go to the Thrift store soon to buy some shoes that are cheap. Really what wrong with buying used things. My DVD player is bust so I will buy that at the pawn shop.


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