
Friday, March 18, 2011

Food for Thought

We have had a lot of readers voice their concern for Michelle's health and the health of her future children. Some comments have said that Josie's premature birth was a sign from God that the Duggars should stop having kids. With all the struggles surrounding the birth of their 19th, it would be easy to assume that God tried to tell them to stop after their 18th.
Could it be possible that Josie's miraculous story had a purpose and was carefully planned by God as a way to demonstrate the power of prayer? Or perhaps to show people that a baby is a baby no matter how far along in the pregnancy? Being born at 25 weeks gestation, the fact that Josie not only survived but is thriving is a miracle in itself.


  1. you are just blessed to have children . I have two children one with ADHD and Autism and the other being ok. My mom had 8 of us but she know she was going to have 8.

  2. Thank you for this post. I think Josie is a living testimony of God's goodness.

    According to the March of Dimes website, having a large number of previous pregnancies is not one of the risk factors for pre-term delivery.

  3. Amen to that, what Michelle and Jim Bob when through is what a lot of women go through with their pregnancies, it doesn't just happen after the 18th, it can and has happened with even the first. Most people who think that they should stop don't understand their beliefs and don't truly see children as a blessing, but a burden. I whole heartildy agree that this was God's way of showing the world that "a person's a person, NO matter HOW small."

  4. I was told that once after I suffered 3 miscarriages in a row... one was at 12 weeks and another was at 16 weeks so I had some trouble with those two and needed to go to the hospital in an ambulance twice for emergency surgery. But in my case, it was said by someone who cares about me and I know that they were just concerned for me. But I KNOW it wasn't a message from God to stop having children because since then we've been blessed with four more sweet and healthy children. Children are a blessing to be welcomed joyfully. God warned Eve that women would struggle to bring children into the world. It is sad for me that I've lost 4 babies in total, but I never blamed God for it... I just consider it the natural consequence of living in a fallen world, along with birth defects (we have a child who was born with a complicated heart defect), diseases, & disabilities. God loves us all and will use everything bad in our life for good. I think the Duggar's heard God's message to them loud and clear: "Trust Me and know that I am your Father who loves you".

  5. I think that God only knows the true answer to this question, and in the end, the Duggars will do absolutely nothing short of His will. Josie's story is absolutely miraculous- she is so special! But even if her struggles made Jim Bob and Michelle rethink having more children, they won't stop until God says so, not doctors.

  6. I agree with you 100%. God has a plan for all of us. And although it can be hard, we shouldn't question God's plan. Everything that happens God allows to happen for a reason (b/c it's part of the plan). We just need to trust in the power and mercy of Christ, and as He's promised, He will lead us through!

    I also agree with you when you said it doesn't matter the size of the baby. Because "A person is a person no matter how small"

    Praise to the Almighty God!!

  7. I agree completely, God had this happen for a reason, there is no way he would put them through all of that for nothing.

  8. I think that if God doesn't want the Duggars to have any more kids, then He simply won't let Michelle get pregnant again! After all, it is absolutely impossible for a couple to have more children than God has decided to give them.

  9. My water broke at 28 weeks, and my baby was born a couple days later. He was a perfectly healthy baby, and now a typical, happy little guy. If I had thought this was a message to stop having children, I would not have had the opportunity to meet my two little girls, who were born perfectly healthy, right on time.

  10. Since Michelle and Jim Bob rely on God so totally, I am sure that if He chooses to bless them with another child, it will be in His plan for their lives. I admire the family greatly, and appreciate the fact that they do not compromise their faith to earn a buck. Josie is a miracle, and the family has been blessed by her birth.

  11. I think their family is amazing. I had the same thought sthat they should just stop now after watching the struggles with Josie.It really is up to them and their convictions. I worry that the family could end up losing Michelle and they all would be left without their wonderful mother. What I would have given to have a mother like her. When I watch the show I learn so much wisdom from Michelle. Wish I had her patience :)

  12. I agree with Leah she is saying quite right that only God`s know very well the answer of this question, but i just want to pray for you.
    Thank you for share with us.

  13. Well, the Bible says that God opens and closes the womb, and if He doesn't want them to have any more children, they won't! The whole story of Josie has been such a witness to God answering many prayers. She was not possibly a mistake!

  14. I believe if God didn't want them to have Josie, He would not have given her to them. Her life and survival are a testimony to everyone that God wanted Josie. And the fact that Jim Bob and Michelle are still willing to leave their fate up to God, is an even greater testimony of their love and trust in Him.

  15. Absolutely!!! God made us to show forth his infinite goodness. Even if the worst had occurred and Josie had died, His Glory would still be evident in their generous openness to life. But she is thriving!!! God opens and closes the womb! He knows when they have enough babies and it's no one's business but His and theirs. God bless the beautiful Duggar Family.

  16. Thanks for sharing. Many said after the twins I should not have more. I knew God knew what was best . The twins were 28weeks but one was smaller than a 25 week. That girl was 1pond 2oz and the other twin 2lbs 12oz. They are now 6 and have a 3 year old sister along with older siblings. It is by God's Grace and goodness and much prayer my twins esp. the smaller one every left the NCIU. She may have multiple disabilities but still is a blessing from God. God only gives good gifts.

  17. I think this is such a private decision----one that only Michelle and her family can make. The important thing is that it was Michelle´s choice. I have read blogs written by former adherents of the quiverfull movement (to which the Duggars do not belong) that they felt pressured or coerced into having more children, even when doctors advised against it. That wasn´t the case with Michelle.

  18. It would awful for those kids to be without a mother. I don't think the Bible is an excuse to have as many children as you think "God' sees fit. In those days, children were valued for a different reason. Israel was going through wars and famine. I think many of these large families aren't prepared for unforeseen events which could leave the kids with one parents, no parents, or one of the parents disabled. And just because Josie thrived and survived isn't meaning another will be ok. Fundamentalists follow much of the same principles as Quiverfull. But I think Quiverfull uses children as a holiness gauge. However, the Duggars felt the owed a 'debt' to God' because they believed the birth control caused a miscarriage.
    Jesus had no kids and they forget that. Some of us aren't meant to have children. Even if you don't want them, it does not make you a bad person. Maybe because I had a mother who worked for child services I just see things differently plus my age. It i s dangerous thing to promote the idea of having many babies as 'God' gives you to young couples. You alps have brains to use. Some may not agree but that's my opinion.

  19. "Most people who think that they should stop don't understand their beliefs and don't truly see children as a blessing, but a burden."
    I think the ones who tell them to stop do value children and life in general. They don't want another baby to go through what Josie did or 19 other kids with no mother..

  20. I belive God gave Josie because he wanted the Duggars to have another blessing, not to tell them to stop having kids. I am so happy for Josie's progress.My twin sister and I were born at 28 weeks. We weighed 1 lb 14 oz and stayed in the NICU for 3 months. We are now 13 and are healthy,happy girls getting ready to celbrate our homecoming anniversary on the 13th of May.

  21. Saying that if Michelle gets pregnant again and if that were to result in her death (I hope not!) is "God's will" seem a bit like stepping out into an on-coming bus and saying "if it hits me and kills me, it was God's will."

    If one believes in the Bible then they likely believe God gave man knowledge and the ability to reason and that God expects his followers to use that to better their lives. Did God have people born to this earth who could cure polio or repair damaged hearts just to have people not use that technology and say, "well, if it's God's will, I'll get polio, so I won't get vaccinated" or "I know I can get surgery to repair my heart but I won't because if it's God's will, I'll die."

    It all seems a bit like the story about the man stranded by rising flood waters and three different people come by. He refuses all offers of help and then asks God why he didn't save him. God responds that he gave him three chances to be saved.

    I understand the Duggars not wanting to use a birth control pill but (arguably) God gave man the abilities to track fertility and to abstain from sex during certain times to prevent pregnancy (in as much as is possible). However,I am puzzled as to why they believe that God would have a purpose for her to continue to possibly risk her life with attempting another pregnancy and (possibly) leave her other 19 children (or more) behind with no mother?

    I have great respect for Michelle Duggar because she is kind and non-judgmental but I do not understand nor do I agree with their line of thinking on this.

    Please, Michelle and Jim Bob, consider how much you appreciate the gift of knowledge and reason God gave you and use that to continue to serve your family and the community at large.


  22. Josie's premature birth was not due to numerous prior births but severe pre-eclampsia. The older a mother is the more issues she and the baby may encounter. I think this is why much of the public is questioning her judgment in continuing to have children. As the Duggars know well, just because you can do something, does not mean you necessarily should.

  23. TooMuchNonsense 9:31 PM and Anonymous 7:09 AM-Michelle suffered preeclampsia once before with her first set of twins. Jackson was delivered by C-section because he was transverse. all other births were natural and Jinger and Joseph were born at home

    It's the 2 okdest daughters that concern me both births were late and both gave birth to really large babies. Jill labored for 70 hours and at about the 65 hour mark the baby (Israel) turn on his side) resulting in a C-section anyway.I believe Jill started laboring on time but i am nit sure. Jill has a baby boy due i July and i am all but hopong she has an easier time of it than she did with Israel especially since they are being a little stupid and returning ti Central America but thats another topic and there are multiple reasons there
    Jessa gave birth to baby Spurgeon naturally after laboring for 2 days (larorb started 2 days oast his due date and he was born 4 days late) She has excess bleeding at birth and had to be rushed to the hospital after he was born. This was probably just because he was such a large baby. Jessa was supposed to have another baby February 2nd but that baby is now 3 days late! this is concerning but the baby is set to be later or as late as Spurgeon. I don't know wether to hope shes already laboring or not


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