
Monday, December 13, 2010

If YOU Met the Duggars....

If you had 5 minutes with the Duggars, what would you talk about? Would you ask a question? Tell them how they've impacted your life?


  1. I would probably start crying...Many a week they are my only support outside of our immediate family. : )

    Have a wonderful Christmas, I appreciate your sweet blog here!

  2. 5 minutes would not be enough! I would want to know about how they raise their children(teaching, discipline..) I would probably ask them for some in home training at their house! Their children are so well behaved and smart. They are such a great example for families to look to. I do not have children (yet)but I look to the Duggar family as a great example for how to raise a family. They are such an encouragement to me and my husband!

  3. Like Amelia, I too would probably start crying! I would give Michelle a big hug. I would thank her for her willingness to open her life up to the world, and to endure such hateful criticism. Her openness has blessed me in so many ways! I would rejoice with her that she is storing up treasures in Heaven.

  4. I am a Mother of 4 children and expecting our 5th. My question would most diffently be about organization and household chore's. I have tried many chore list and I can't seem to figure out what is a reasonable chore for their age's. My husband is a disabled stripminer do to brain surgery 2 years ago at the age of 27. How do you make ends meet with a large family? I mean we don't qualify for state programs and we live off a set income. How do you make a dollar stretch a mile? I agree you all set a great example for family's large and small. Love the show!

  5. I agree with Lynsey! But if I had only five minutes, I would ask advice from Michelle in personal areas of having a husband who no longer follows the Lord. Ask about why she feeds her children laying down (except for Josie, now). I am also interested in knowing all about when/how/why they give there girls rings to wear on their ring fingers, and perhaps that would be a great episode, to follow one of them receiving their ring (Joy-Anna). But most importantly, I would love to thank all of the Duggars, and especially Michelle in being a light unto my life of the Lord's perfect love. Through watching the shows I have grown into a deeper relationship with our Lord. And I am forever grateful. And in closing I would LOVE to meet them in person! (So if you hear of them coming to KY again, like the Creation Museum, let me know!)

    God Bless,

  6. My wife and I had the honor of meeting some of the Duggar Children in February. We were on vacation in Little Rock and drove by the House that they were staying in. Outside were Jana, Jill, Jackson, Johannah, and Jennifer. We asked if would take a picture with them, and they were very receptive. We spoke with them for just a few minutes and asked about how Josie was doing. All of them were very polite and gracious. I almost expected them to ask us in for a glass of tea. Jim Bob and Michelle have done a great job in raising very polite children. Again, it was an honor to meet them.

  7. I'm going to guess that the rings are promise rings, a reminder to the girls of staying pure. But, I could be wrong. I would thank them once again for sharing their love and faith with the world. Right around the time Josie was born, we began our own family crisis, and seeing them stay strong in faith and family helped keep me going through this year as well. I would be curious whether Josie is starting to get close to walking and whether she will need any surgery like they once talked about-just to be curious how she was doing now.

  8. You're right. The rings that the Duggar girls wear are promise/purity rings. The Duggars wear them on their left hand, but many girls choose to wear them on their right.


  9. i would ask them how do they 'shield' their children from worldly desires and wants that so many youths today chase after. how do they at the same time, ensure that their kids (esp the older ones) have a balanced view of the world, and keep up to date with current events, such that they are not this isolated family, but one that has their feet planted firmly on the ground despite having a firm Christian upbringing that limits their internet, TV, etc.
    do the children experience 'culture shock' when they do overseas? how do Michelle and Jim Bob reconcile the fact that, you can't protect kids from the world forever, and sooner or later, someone's going to hear or see something undesirable at the wrong time - how do they handle such incidences?
    (gosh so many questions!)

  10. I would ask about how they sleep train! What to do with a one/two year old sleep habits when a newborn enters the picture!

  11. What do the older kids do with their time once they are done with schOol? Do they intend to go to college? Get a job or do something outside the home?

  12. Five minutes would never be enough. I'd love to spend a day with them and get to know each one. Wouldn't it be great to hold Josie, have a tea party for the little girls, play a game with the boys, gossip with the older girls? Meet Josh and Anna, play with Kynzie. Gee, maybe I would need a week instead of a day!! Then I'd be heading for TN to visit the Bates!!

  13. I would tell them that I am in awe of their parenting skills. I would ask how they keep cool in times where other parents would be frustrated.

  14. I would ask them how they felt about how it is to have adult kids around and how it is to raise pre-teens, teenagers,and younger kids towards babies. I would also ask them on advice on thrift store shopping and how to get a Wholesome wear swim suit.

  15. Libby, if you're interested in purchasing a Wholesome Wear swim suit, you can visit their website:


  16. I get up at 5 am every morning to watch! Most of the time I cry, I miss the family feeling! Love you guys!


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