
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Michelle Duggar Goes Skydiving!

Imagine looking up into the sky and seeing.....Michelle Duggar?!
What would you do if your daughter asked to go skydiving for her 18th birthday? Would you freak out and tell her "Absolutely NOT," or would you give your consent (as long as you didn't have to be there to watch her jump)? When Jessa Duggar popped the question to her mom, Michelle not only said yes but even agreed to go with. This admirable woman sure has guts!

The plans were made, and Michelle and Jessa were pumped. Adrenaline rushing, the birthday girl took the plunge twenty seconds after her mom.
They had the time of their lives. "You step through the door of the plane, and then your stomach falls," Michelle told People. "When the parachute comes out, it is so peaceful. We are out in the Ozarks, and it is autumn. It is beautiful. It was a wonderful mom-and-daughter moment."

Have you ever been skydiving? If so, how was it? If not, would you ever consider taking the plunge?


  1. I am happy Michelle and Jessa had the chance to go sky diving. I can't believe Jessa is already 18. My brother is turning twenty this year.

  2. Will this be on a later show?

    I'd have liked to see a picture of Michelle doing this. WOW. Never could I do that for my daughter unless it meant saving her from death. I'd be waaaaaaay scared!

  3. GO JESSA!!!!! That's SO awesome!! I've always wanted to go skydiving. I'm 18 already, but don't have anyone to go with me. AND I don't have the guts to ASK. So. I bet it was amazing. :)

  4. Wow!! That sounds wild :) I'm definitely not that brave!

  5. I purchased their book, faithfully watch their television shows and I continue to be in awe of this beautiful and inspirational family.

    Congratulations Michelle and Happy Birthday dear sweet Jessa!


  6. I am twenty three years old and I have never been skydiving.

    I don't have a problem with The Duggar women wearing skirts while doing sports and skydiving. I think they wear shorts under the skirt or that is was I do.

  7. That sounds so exciting! She is a brave person. Blessings!

  8. Micah,

    Did you listen to our recent interview with Michelle Duggar? She talks a lot about their child-rearing ways. Here's the link for the interview:

    Hope you enjoy it!

  9. "Duggar Daddy on Duty" is now on Itunes, but they do not yet have "GrandDuggar First Birthday." And you guessed right! There IS another hour-long "19 Kids and Counting" this Sunday at 7/8PM CST. It's called "Duggars Make a Movie."

    Thanks for reading the blog!

  10. TLC announces each episode just two weeks before it airs, so that's why Wikipedia only lists the shows through November 30th.

    Thanks for the question!

  11. People Magazine did a little blurb about a Duggar Thanksgiving tradition in their recent article about Michelle and Jessa going skydiving.

    Before dinner, every Duggar has to say something that he or she is thankful for.

    "We go around the table, from the youngest to the oldest, to say one thing," explains Michelle. "You can't repeat what someone else has said they are thankful for, so it gets harder the longer it goes around."

    "It's your meal ticket for dinner," adds Jim Bob.

  12. I would love to go skydiving!!! Maybe I can next year when I am turning 18! I REALLY want to go!


  13. I would go skydiving in a heartbeat!


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